Could Madara REALLY Defeat The Akatsuki?

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what's up everyone it's set the programmer and today we're gonna be talking about the famous threads going round of Akatsuki versus moderate you know swag cog aid Clyde the weeaboo kind of did this already and that's actually the reason I'm doing this is because everyone was upset about the results of that video now I kind of understand because it was kind of like okay the explanations were a little bit more simple you know Susanoo GG slaps cuts down mountains blah blah blah or whatever and everyone's like okay that is not like an in-depth enough answer for me so I came here I came to slap my [ __ ] on the table like a gavel and tell you guys really how it is because moderate for how much I kind of shat on him in my previous videos adult Sasuke he really does [ __ ] the Akatsuki very badly and this is due to power clipping now a lot of people don't believe power clipping exists in Naruto and think like power scaling doesn't really matter in comparison to teamwork or friendship though however Naruto the series has never like welcomed this interpretation at all like there's like literally the first time we see moderate he drops a multi continental ten guys shin Se and solos the entire shinobi platoon that's probably tens of thousands of ninja and that proceeds to destroy all of the COG a while not even trying by himself so where did the teamwork though come in there cuz it didn't seem to do anything and a really interesting thing about the five car game is that they have an Okie with his kekkei Toto which is like the particle style which even made data rush it himself like in fear like you'd be able to fight an Okie at all you just kind of wanted to run away but he was reanimated so I guess you'd have anything to worry about and of course an Okie couldn't fight back and it also an Okie is also the reason that the tank I shouldn't say the first one was even stopped and then moderate just launched the second one and killed everybody but still it just goes to show that power clipping does matter it does matter completely and then there's another feat of you Naruto coming in and when he gets to Kurama he just slaps away all of the other B's you what happened to their teamwork did that does their teamwork not count what about when all of Konoha tried to Rat Pack pain did that not count either where's the teamwork though so yeah teamwork though is not a powerful argument for pow Kliff ik you need feets to compare to moderate now that is not to say there aren't ways the AQAP's can beat moderate it really just depends on moderates demeanor so let's go over some can calc sand some lore of the Akatsuki now the Akatsuki they're all basically jinchuriki level this is confirmed in the data books I believe where all of the accosting need to be rivaling jinchuriki because obviously they need to be strong enough to take him out and jinchuriki are usually the strongest or one of the strongest in their villages so you could basically say that all the Akatsuki are around cog a level if not stronger right because obviously paying is stronger than most of the COG a the only real real one that's debatable is enoki and maybe the right cog a but that's yet to be seen obviously Itachi bolos all of the COG a as well at least in one-on-ones and it's just very clear that right here it's gonna be a lot harder for moderate to take on the nine Akatsuki than the five cog a so and we're also going with the mainstream Akatsuki no Orochimaru or weird old partners that died off in OVA AIDS or something just the main ones well we'll throw a Beto in there just for the [ __ ] of it too so Madara I guess he has numerous multi continental feats like I said before so basically his best one wars most mainstream one is calling in the 10 guys shin Se which is basically he calls in meteors from the atmosphere at ablation speeds which are you know enough to ignite the meteors as they fall down which is around pull three thousand meters per second to 4,000 meters per second which is hypersonic to hypersonic plus in terms of speed and for the lower end of geostationary orbit you would have to have moved the meteor from orbit down to the surface in 28 seconds or so using the time frame from the anime which is around 1 million two hundred seventy eight thousand and seventy one meters per second or massively hypersonic plus basically he's throwing down a meteor like [ __ ] speeds here and for the high end using the minimum distance between Earth in the asteroid belt we get a speed of around five hundred sixteen times faster than light and I wouldn't expect something of that size to be in orbit around the earth so it being from the asteroid belt isn't that unreasonable it's like a couple like kilometers wide it made the entire night like sky seemed like night time because it was such a big ass meet here so it come here from geostationary orbit is actually a really weird low ball I don't know if like the Naruto bursts just has a bunch of [ __ ] likes basically like mini stapes floating around the plan but we'll just lowball it and say they got it from geostationary which would be multi Continental in the high end give about three point five one to the 27th joules of energy put that in the description as well um and then of course this is just like a toy around moderate not even trying just [ __ ] around um even like during the whole five cog a thing which people used to downplay him that whole time he was just [ __ ] around as well all the damage he took was pimp touring around I'm him getting hit by particle style one time was on purpose to show off Las Ramblas face I'm him getting sealed in a pyramid was a clone just to like actually point and laugh at the COG a about how stupid they were and even like the perfect Susanoo he never really tried his best and there's actually feats that support this so later on Mario gets his fan and he's able to just with his Susanoo aura okay not the ribcage not the perfect body just a little fiery aura that appears when you start up a Susanoo was enough to tank the Antibes you spikes that Obito through and pinned down some of the nine tails and eight tails with Naruto throws them back at moderate like way stronger than Obito could have and they just bounce off of moderate aura not even in Susanoo just as aura just bounces off anti Buju spikes so you could kind of get the idea that there's some power clipping going on because a lot of the Akatsuki members would not even be able to get through that aura alone just based off of that feet so he dogs getting neg caucus who's getting negged and Sasori is probably getting negged as well just from that which is ridiculous to think about and I'll go into some of the Akatsuki speeds as well there's even a really good feat when moderate rise even harder more basically when he's revved up his spirit or his chakra levels to fight by reanimated hoshi rama he tanks a massive Ross and shuriken not a normal Ross in Churkin a massive Ross and Churkin from a much stronger war arc Naruto in base no Susanoo can't absorb the jutsu he's pinned down by hoshi ramblas wood dragon and he takes it point-blank and it does no damage to him at all literally nothing so you think the Akatsuki all of them if they took a Ross and jerk and there's gonna take it no difficulty and that's definitely a lie all of the pains were susceptible to Ross and chickens unless they blocked it like shinra tensei you might be able to argue maybe like Itachi could block with the yacht Amir or something but it kind of just puts in perspective moderate did this without anything just sitting there with his chakra drained he tanked a massive Ross and chicken which kind of confirms that he is on these nine tailed B's you levels even without his Susanoo just kind or like I talked about earlier um madara with his Susana was also able to take the ten tails Cataclysm which is massively massively multi-car mental as well he also scales to the ten tails cuz he scales higher than the full nine tails and the nine tails is a good portion the ten tails chakras and then the Akatsuki their best fee is data a self destructing which apparently left a twenty kilometre crater or something of the sort some people say that's wank whatever will just wank the Akatsuki here it's a twenty kilometer small country level explosion and like basted the tera tons of force range so basically a really really tiny country compared to multiple continents worth of energy you can kind of get into perspective how ridiculous were getting so basically moderate with his Susanoo is able to casually tank data a strongest attack without even flinching it also should be noted that all damage he took versus the five COG I'm just gonna repeat this again because really important any damage he took was him toying around and this is literally shown later on where all of those fees from earlier were contradicting and moderate literally said he was just joking around with children now we could go into some things like oh okay so maybe the Akatsuki now has their teamwork though right they're hacks so they have a few things they can do so one if they get moderate to toy around like you did versus the 5k they stand a really good chance the reason they stand a good chance is because Sasori if he hits moderate with his this magnus style that's poison it could very well paralyze Madra now you might be able to argue that you know if you have hoshi rama cells or something like a roach tomorrow you have poison resistance and then it might not work but if it does and they get him into a similar situation like how moderate was surrounded by gaara's sand and the particle style and like lava dragons and all kinds of [ __ ] if that happens then moderate could very well be paralyzed by sasori's poison but if it doesn't work then he just gets completely neg pain can't really do anything here if Payne uses Universal Pole moderate can easily just counter it with his own Shinra Tensei or Universal Pole as well he's massively more powerful than paying pain basically gets hard countered by moderate it's really bad and pain is a very like brute force kind of fighter and it's not doing anything to moderate cuz he's just so much more powerful pain could barely hold down like half of the nine tails with only eight tails of its cloak with dubaku ten say and his full powered Shinra Tensei isn't mean enough to even damage moderate remotely his strongest beats kalkan around mountain through island level give or take Itachi is definitely one of people's Oh two's for a W for instance like Itachi's Doh jutsu might work on mater but then you could just argue bhatura has superior dough jus soon would counter it you could do the infinite Lisa Nagi he's a Nami argument because mana is the Rena gone and it's kind of implied that the stage of the six paths could spam he's a Nagi Andi tsunami of when he had the Rena gone and it should also be noted that moderate eyesight returned in the eye that he used izanagi in when he awakened them the Rinnegan which kind of supports that theory but even without that he does not need it on the toast Keyblade is definitely something to be intimidated about and if he's toying around it gets hit by it or doesn't know what it is he will get sealed but it should be noted that if he does know what it is it's possible he might be able to absorb it with the Rena Gong so he might actually be able to absorb it because the Tosca blade is an astral spirit weapon and chakra itself is composed of spirit energy so you might be able to argue the Ren de Gong could actually absorb the Totsuka blade as well as the fact that the Rena Gong actually does take out people's souls so it does affect you on a spiritual level was kind of confirmed what I just said earlier even if you don't grandstand that it would just have to be moderate all around even when moderate came back to life and he was like getting clapped around by all the bees you and he got hit by gar ass and he's literally like I just wanted to try out hoshi Rama's healing powers so you kind of get the idea that almost every scene he's taken in Ellen was on purpose I've even seen theories that him losing to reanimated hoshi rama was on purpose so that he could like distract him while Obito got the [ __ ] ten tails ripped out of him or something so he could be reanimated or revived which is why he instantly blew out of the day it gates when he got revived um he saw me he donned kakuzu conan they all get absolutely obliterated even Conan with their billions of paper bombs doesn't have destructive force to do anything zette sue is actually really strong he scales to the mizukage because he was able to take on the music cocky and all of like mini toes old flying rising guards by himself and they'd be saved by KC and Naruto and chojuro but he's still nothing compared to moderate and he's not gonna be able to do the same [ __ ] he did vs 10 tails Madara unfortunately unless he can I don't know if that's just a normal technique of his or if that was unleashing Kaguya that did that but if you could do that maybe that would work like give it to zetsu's that's who might clutch it for real um the cool thing about Obito is that Obito is so powerful that he thought he was actually gonna be able to take on all of the Akatsuki reanimated when Kabuto bucking summoned them and then the second modder appear do you like all right we can negotiate a little bit so he is really scared of modern and modern knows all about his calmly and how to counter it this was shown with ten tails moderate perfectly counter and calmly so even calm we doesn't really do a whole lot and he'd have to catch mater off-guard and like throw him in the comedy mention or something of the sort but other than that there's really nothing the Akatsuki can actually do to a fully trying moderate that could even make him flinch it would just have to be if he's toying around he might get hit by something and that would be GG so I'm not taking it away from the Akatsuki the Akatsuki are very powerful however you shouldn't underestimate moderate either under estimating modder is just ridiculous and the five cog a battle does not at all speak of his ability so other than that guys that's all there is to really say I'll put all those coughs I did earlier in the description moderate also has way higher speed feats as well he's able to keep up with K cm to Naruto whereas Payne was barely able to keep up with Sage Mode Naruto and we all know that KCM one was way faster than Sage Mode Naruto as well so even like the most strongest members of the Akatsuki really aren't doing very well speed wise as well so yeah other than that mater obliterates if he's trying and if he's not maybe he can go in their favor but other than that guys hope you enjoyed it until next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 2,189,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: could madara really defeat the akatsuki, madara vs akatasuki, madara vs the akatasuki, akatasuki vs madara, the akatsuki vs madara, ranking the uchiha from weakest to strongest, could adult sasuke beat madara, pain vs madara, madara uchiha, uchiha madara, itachi vs madara, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, swagkage, clydetheweeaboo, could madara defeat the akatsuki, how strong is madara, how strong is itachi, how strong is obito
Id: h8KDERV2tvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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