Boruto: The Honest Truth

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[Music] the age of shinobi shall end is the first thing we learn about this part going in with naruto's lone son boruto still standing as a ninja until the very end going in we anticipate a dark end for every dream and accomplishment many of naruto's fans grew up with and they were fated to be destroyed for fans of naruto to be upset really is understandable but i think this series has more merit than many people give it credit for this is does borto deserve as much hate as it gets but before we get into the video i'd like to announce that this video is proudly brought to you by raid shadow legends raid is taking gaming by storm and has brought a true console level experience to gaming on the move with millions of champion combinations and countless tactics to master rage shadow legends is putting a lot of focus on the awesome dwarfs faction not long ago ciro's demonic orders tried to invade the dwarven kingdom the dwarves won at great cost and their king gathered an army to march to the surface and join common cause with the forces of light against the darkness ending over a 1 000 years of non-alignment what i like about raid's shadow legends is searching through all the different factions to find out who the strongest champion actually is one of my favorite legendary champions at the moment is samar gemkurst of the dwarves he is one of the hardest hitting champions and has a very aesthetic design that looks super detailed with the gem crystals built into his body and this month rage just released a huge new doom tower update there are two huge new bosses to take on astronics the dark fae and female the dreadhorn along with new enemy ballots on tower floors new secret rooms to discover and most importantly new artifact sets to win if that's not enough the whole month is packed with awesome events in tournaments including one very special event with a brand new feature super raids super raids let you double up your rewards from hitting dungeons and massively speed up your progress this is amazing for new players and if there's ever a time to start playing it's now all you have to do is hit the link in the description or scan my qr code and you'll get an epic hero chinoru 200k silver one xp boost one energy refill and one ancient chard so you could summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in game but please listen this will only be available for 30 days if you want to come play with me on raid my username is sethmptp but be quick i'm only accepting the first few players who add me and these bonuses once again only last for 30 days a big thank you to ray chatter legends for making this video possible and i genuinely mean that there are many criticisms of boruto also known as naruto part 3 some of which revolve around power scaling the treatment of the past characters we grew up with strange story decisions the dumbing down of a franchise and so much more i myself was a huge proponent of this mentality that seemed to just write off boruto as a new generation puke that didn't have a lot to offer and was mainly made to sell merchandise and vulture off of the grandiose name of naruto but after really spending time and analyzing the story i think i was wrong and i don't think it was wrong for people to critique me for riding off borto without much thought and to be fair after all i think the main reason i did write it off is just that i didn't give it much thought now is the story perfect absolutely not but it does have some things to offer that i deeply appreciate even as an old gen loving boomer that had blind eyes for only naruto for many years since the release of this series and even the original movie we should preface this video with a few things many bore to fans rider d-link borto from naruto shippuden saying it's a completely different story and should be judged as such this is disingenuous and in fact you can't understand boruto's story nearly as fluidly or appreciate it as much without knowing about naruto part 1 and 2. even on the very backs of the official volume releases by viz these stories are advertised as the legend of naruto continues and there's some koreans though and that is that borto is bored to story for 95 of it but to say it is completely unlinked from naruto's total bs and i'll explain why it being linked to naruto is actually to its benefit in which i feel as though borto fans try to de-link them out of fear of comparison the other thing i want to preface is that while borto is in fact about boruto and borto is the main character and it's about him the first arc is not about boruto they are even stated by boar to himself to be about borto and naruto but once again this is not a bad thing i also want to say that i'll only be analyzing the manga for the majority of this video but i'll add some insights from the anime continuity that i appreciate or think can be hurtful to the boruto franchise that maybe the manga can adapt to its benefit this video is not a critique or wanking off of boruto i genuinely just want to explore what the series is the good and the bad and how to make it even better so it stops getting a bad rap in the future borto starts the series as talented the opposite of naruto for the most part but due to his talent he is rather lazy and doesn't really work hard for anything the shadow clone and elemental jutsus he has are actually at a level that he pretty much picked up on instantly some people would say this is bad however it's not a bad quality as he can't use them nearly as well as naruto at the beginning of the series who attained them with hard work being able to spawn 1 000 clones in the very first chapter and being able to spawn multiple dozens of them easily in fights while boruto can only use a few at most he is also introduced to ninja tools that basically allow almost anybody to use any jutsu loaded into them and that you don't have to be a ninja to use one this is a very important detail we then go to naruto saying that for peace to be maintained that the proper lessons need to be ingrained in the next generations to prevent things from going crazy from the get-go borto is almost inclined to cheat why wouldn't he simply want to use a ninja tool that could grant him whatever power he wanted he was already lazy and didn't have anything to prove for himself naruto also lecturing about passing out lessons to the next generation is also extremely ironic because he never attempts to do this with boruto one thing you'll notice about the first arc of boruto is that naruto is so blinded by his accomplishments in his dreams that he doesn't even see that he's a father most of the time and is being hypocritical borto is bratty for attention at first which is a turn off for many people raiding but is also a realistic outcome also ironically borto is bratty and does things for attention because his father doesn't give him any naruto is leaving his son feeling almost as lonely as he used to as a kid and doesn't even recognize it whenever borto enters his office he demands to be called hokage and not dad he even sends a shadow clone to his daughter's birthday party would rather have the real version of himself do paperwork alone in an office showing he values being hokage more than being a father to himiwari and boruto this is a pretty interesting detail that is actually potentially a follow-up from part two of naruto that i'll get into later but for now just know he values being hokage more borto is obviously upset and freaks out on naruto any kid would freak out on their parent they value their job more than them borto is then introduced to sasuke sasuke someone who is acknowledged by naruto and is extremely powerful then deals with borto and gave some attention briefly borto figures that sasuke is acknowledged by naruto so maybe he could help him it's a childish jump in logic but it makes sense obviously borto is a child and sasuke probably can help borto so sasuke brings this up to naruto and they have a discussion about whether borto is like them at all in which sasuke thinks he is and naruto disagrees due to this sasuke hopes to teach borto guts to prove naruto wrong borto tries learning the rasengan in hopes of becoming sasuke's student and after hard work not only does he master it but he masters an advanced version accidentally when borto hears sasuke calls for saying gone small he gets upset because most things come to him rather quickly and he hates to fail at anything he hasn't been disciplined much growing up and thus wouldn't be disciplined when he thinks he failed even though he didn't he resorts to cheating the scientific ninja tools from earlier that already aligned with him to begin with are then dangled in front of his face and he accepts which sasuke notes makes boruto different than naruto even though he doesn't want to believe it another funny note is that once the ninja tools are presented to borto he noticed he was dirty from training and quickly cleans up showing he's going back to his roots of not trying hard and looking for an easy way out as the clean clothes represent him not being like naruto as naruto and sasuke discussed in the hokage office two new otsutsuki are introduced the same clan as kaguya that sasuke had to fight in kagyu's dimension who apparently even kagia herself was warning of osutsuki from what we know are almost raw representations of power and disparity kagia was a raw representation of duality and chakra naruto that moderate preached against and wanted a way to defeat not literally kagya but the dualities that spawned from chakra power that she represented etc so for two new otsutsuki who kagi and the original anime said only cared about power to arrive was kind of interesting and i didn't really expect anything deep from them if anything i expected two people even more ruthless and out of their gourd than kagia was kagia being someone who at least spared humanity after her infinite tsukiyomi was clearly a little different and she clearly loved others to some degree we are to expect that the other otsuski don't even have these bare-bone qualities and just as matara said that with power comes the desire to use it power almost in itself breeds conflict and this is that philosophy in its most literal form so these otsutsuki come to earth seeking conflict due to naruto's power and chakra not even out of revenge for kagia or something but literally just due to naruto's power and chakra i think that was pretty fitting and i actually liked it a lot by the way a lot of moderate quotes and lessons actually apply to borto and its characters which people don't notice a lot but not only do they stay in line with moderate warning but they have something that goes even further which for what was supposed to be brutish brain dead dragon ball aliens coming to box is pretty interesting and we'll get into that in a bit we'll also get into aliens in boruto and a a little bit later warrior ends up cheating in the tuning exams and thinks he can finally fist bump naruto after winning some fights in which naruto says borto is not a ninja which was foreshadowed beating people in ninja tools does not make you a ninja and this was stated all the way back in chapter one you don't need to be a ninja to use them borton needed to learn what it meant to be a ninja dubois credit here he does see something very true in which he calls out naruto on his hypocrisy if naruto had passed these lessons he had also touted to borto lectured him earlier and even taught him what it meant to keep the peace or any of these things borton would have never cheated and he would have also been a lot stronger this is actually 100 true as when borto finally does learn his lessons from this arc he absolutely despises and resents ninja tools and what they represent seeing them as a spit in the face for shinobi and he values learning techniques on his own but he still hasn't developed there yet momoshiki then arrives this embodied in a power i talked about earlier and he embodies this so much that he doesn't even acknowledge borto exists because he only sees naruto when he arrives similar to how kagi has strolled by and didn't even glance at sakura or kakashi in her introduction it was almost as if borto was a wild animal momoshiki walked by in the woods he had no value for anything except power and conflict which naruto had plenty of and orto had none of funny enough though borto tries to use ninja tools to attack momoshiki which makes momoshiki finally acknowledge his conflict and he uses borta's tool to empower his own attack that would eventually bring down and capture bore to his own father and naruto's sacrifice borto is reminded of sasuke's words from before that he needs to remember who naruto was before not who he is now and this is a message for boruto fans which i'll go into later naruto is captured and being drained of his power in another dimension and now everyone has to save sasuke still has faith in boruto and believes in his redemption as a shinobi just as sasuke once was redeemed and thus takes borto along with the five kage to take down momoshiki and kinshiki during the fight we see the embodiment of guts and hard work fight against its polar opposite one that cheats for results in power the otsuki clan was essentially a clan of power-hungry cheaters they'd take pills for results and didn't even know what hard work meant this was basically the two sides of boards of fighting against each other and a godly physical clash at the end hard work pays off but due to the intervention of another party momoshiki gets the upper hand and borto has to take down momoshiki with his resengan something he acquired with hard work he then creates a giant recent gun made by him and naruto together and while holding it he sees naruto's emotions and struggle he can feel the insane amount of guts and effort it took to create a rising on that powerful and after acknowledging this borto wields this hard work in his hands and literally vaporizes the concept of cheating etc away naruto acknowledges borto and he is allowed to be a ninja again he was redeemed for those that don't really get it yet more to naruto's lessons is almost like the fan bases themselves when they see the series naruto fans are disinterested in boruto and care more about naruto being hokage while borto fans that started out with the series don't really understand why they should even care about naruto's accomplishment or why everyone likes them so much while naruto or the naruto fan base eventually learned that borto was in fact like naruto and sasuke and was worthy of being a ninja and borto the board to fanbase could see into how great naruto really was and saw him for what he was in the past i don't know if that was intentionally crafted by kishimoto when he originally helped write the borta movie or if it was just amplified more in the manga version but all of that in just 10 chapters i don't see the issue and i honestly think that if you can't like that you just didn't really like the naruto series maybe you like some more shallow aspects of it maybe just like the fighting or something because that was very gnar to like that first 10 chapters and there was nothing bad about it but maybe that arc is good and the rest is bad after all this is just a rerun of the movie with the rest of boruto only being supervised by kishimoto sort of like toriyama with dragon ball with it being written by kodachi instead maybe but this seems disingenuous as well as the energy from that first arc doesn't really stop there now that borso's accepted being a shinobi we learned aborto's goal to be a shinobi like sasuke a shinobi that supports the hokage and is acknowledged in the shadows and he has developed and done a 180 as a character since chapter 1 it when it comes to his outlook as a ninja the ark after that he hates ninja tools and eventually has to learn to respect them for their uses again and eventually has to come to terms with the tool theme that was in the land of waves of naruto part 1 where shinobi were seen as emotionless tools that naruto wanted to disprove as a child in a similar case forto has to come to terms with tools and how they're used which he learns that a tool is only as good or bad depending on how you use it he comes to eventually face the ultimate example of this which is ow or the mizukage's old right-hand man who is a shinobi who was turned into a living scientific ninja tool in which by employing ninja tactics hard work and an understanding of the goods of shinobi tools defeats al and in response ao tries to save borto with ninjutsu and chose his true nature as a ninja everything about the owl fight is very nice and even borto catching al off guard with shadow clones is actually foreshadowed and is something he learned to do from naruto where naruto learned how to be tricky with his shadow clones by being a prankster board to learn it directly by fighting naruto himself right before this which is good there isn't any gary stew energy or anything contrived happening at the moment the only thing may be contrived is borto at all putting up a fight against al however al was not using his shinobi attacks or tactics and is actively trying to avoid using them while borto mainly just catches out by surprise rather than overpower him like goku or something he also defeats him with a resengan and a ninja tool both of which amplifies his powers no different than naruto herding kabuto a kakashi level opponent with the rasan gone during the sonic showdown so once again i don't really see the issue here if borton's a gary stew here the naruto is the next arc is their introduction to kawaki who i will honestly say is not only one of the best characters in boruto but possibly one of the best in all of the naruto franchise itself and i'm not even exaggerating he genuinely is pretty good i would honestly say that if you haven't given warto a chance just to do it for almost kawaki alone which i'll explain very soon from the get-go kawaki is established as very powerful but this isn't a garry's do or new generation yucky moment kawaki has earned his power i dare say just as much or i dare even say more than naruto and sasuke didn't part one as crazy as that sounds once again i'm not joking kawaki's whole body is reconstructed and is almost all a ninja tool kawaki is a kid who was taken from his abusive home into the hands of an otsutsuki named ishiki taking the body of a human named jigen once kawaki was sold to ishiki from his father ishiki manipulated his whole body by turning him into a literal tool beat him with training every day and gave him an otsutsuki karma mark that could allow kawaki to utilize otsuski-like abilities such as absorption or etc this karma mark however marks him a target of the otsutsuki and kara and has a vessel of them as well so not only did kawaki have the loneliness of naruto and sasuke which empowered them before but he does train extremely hard and has possibly the strongest mentor in the whole series although it's not very constructive mentoring he is being trained very gruelingly immediately if you knew anything about naruto you know that kawaki has also started to parallel him as naruto is agent cherokee that marked him a target of the akatsuki and a vessel for kurama funny enough and once again don't know if this is intentional karma kind of sounds like kuruma karma kuruma anyway using this karma kawaki is able to defeat one of the cara goons sent to find him and impresses everyone around him naruto eventually meets kawaki and as i said earlier he identifies with kawaki immediately and wants to take care of him naruto is even willing to put the safety of the village aside to protect kawaki and even gara and darwin who was killerby's teammate respect and understand kawaki's struggle and don't want him to be confined like jinchuriki used to be and naruto part ones and two however konoha is suspicious of kawaki just like it used to be of naruto when he was a kid which makes kawaki feel alienated upon his first visit to naruto's home he ends up breaking the kimowari's vase which actually becomes a representation of his characters throughout the ensuing arc kawaki wants to simply steal him you worry a new vase but naruto tells him he should just buy one instead mortar says he hates that koaki thinks he can just replace the vase and it's a sign of his bad character it's also interesting because he's mocking naruto as well kawaki then begins to try and fix the vase piece by piece which is symbolic for him fixing his life piece by piece another detail is that koaki is rather disrespectful to naruto until he sees his power then after seeing his power and calming down he hears naruto's story and pretty much falls in love with him we then see how kawaki obtained karma and many of his ptsd flashbacks and stories in which jigen would literally place children in bags and kill them with injections and by seizures until they could survive his karma mark for him to establish a vessel establishing him as a brutal otsuki and honestly one of the most brutal characters we've ever seen on screen in the whole franchise that didn't really care at all for anything by himself however jigen also known as ishiki is different than any of the other suits can tell now he actually works with humans to achieve his goals and even respects them somewhat he also despite being insanely powerful doesn't desire unnecessary conflict like momoshiki he is almost godlike in the way he functioned even in a scene where delta a cyborg made by a genius named amato spills his dinner everywhere and flips everything over in a freak out jigen just returns it back to normal and doesn't get angry or emotional while delta freaks out about everything showing he really is almost indifferent to everything around him but at the end of the day ishiki is still in otsutsuki and follows their will and he is also extremely powerful and eventually we'll have to use it many people then go off on kawaki for saying he has a foul temper which is justified he wasn't raised properly he was just beaten abused manipulated tucked down on by everyone in his life but you can see a soft side to him people haven't shown him respect so he doesn't really know how to show it to others even though stronger than him like the kara inners he doesn't show respect for and he often berated them and even insulted ishiki this isn't a bad trait just like borto being bratty at the beginning of the story kawaki is completely justified and it makes sense he acts this way it's something for him to work on and develop past kawaki begins to work on his manners and how to live a normal life as he slowly rebuilds his vase and during this rebuilding period he teaches boards of how to use karma better and they slowly become friends they eventually even agree to destroy each other's karma and borto even eventually calls kawaki his brother those anger problems with delta foreshadow her eventually rampaging into the village and she has to fight naruto who's willing to protect kawaki with his life something not many if any others have ever showed him a lot of people have problems with delta due to her power level but i'll get into that later when i talk about power scaling for now gnar to risk his life defending kawaki and at the end of it all kawaki risked his life for naruto in return and delta is eventually defeated after her defeat kawaki can't seem to find the final piece of the vase he was remaking he couldn't find the last piece of himself to put together or what it was he often argues against people saying a friendship or family can mean anything having such a bad time with it growing up in which even naruto himself saying it is enough and karama the fox demon actually comes out to give kawaki a lecture on naruto's life and how much he understands him and saying that naruto's lectures on friendship and family are true this brings up a dilemma kawaki has with himself is he a tool for jigen who promised to fill the empty void in kawaki's heart or is he something else without jigen was he really whole and if not what could fill that hole in his heart instead kawaki was a tool literally fashioned from top to bottom to be ishiki's vessel he almost wasn't even human anymore and was never treated like one could he just go back to being a normal person after what he's been through and was it even fair to expect that jegan eventually faces off against naruto not once but twice and by naruto sacrificing his powers alongside sasuke borton kawaki and his newly acquired ninju to obtain from working they defeat ishiki for good momoshiki also appears hand and rips out sasuke's renagon anyway kawaki comes home and the base is finally fixed the place in his heart was filled by family and love it's a pretty cute ending for such a tragic story but the story continues this is basically just a basic summary of the story so far and as i said i do think kawaki and even borto are going to be very deserving characters now the next arc isn't over yet so we can get on to the next part of this video what i expect from the future of borton kawaki and more reasons i love where they're going my first assumption about them is that borto is going to be going down the route of sasuke and kawaki is going down the route of naruto but this has a lot of attachments to it for one we know that kawaki will probably become an antagonist or at least it's implied meaning we are getting the good guy sasuke and bad guy naruto route that naruto told sasuke was a possible outcome of their friendship during the five kage summit not only this but borto's goal as sasuke quarto quote might imply that for him to become like sasuke or the shadow kake he'll have to understand what that means what it means to protect the village from the shadows if you've read any hitachi novels or remember any donzo dialogue you know that borto's in for a rude awakening going down this route for him to be like sasuke or maybe even an extension of hitachi vortil might have to lose everything just as sasuke once did to really understand him which is pretty much exactly what's going to happen i think this is a beautiful direction now with kawaki him becoming an antagonist is fine as i outlined with naruto implying he could have easily been the bad guy but there's many reasons why kawaki could turn into an antagonist for one we don't know exactly why but we know that kawaki is obsessed with karma more literally he is obsessed with power otsutsuki representations of power have dominated his life whether it was the power of his father beating him ishiki controlling him or the power of nar to protecting him power is a huge role in kawaki's life and even naruto kawaki's older almost parallel states that power is all that could defeat the otsutsuki not love karma is also what brought kawaki all of his new connections that he loves so much karma is what made jigen interested in him it's what helped him make friends with borto it's what helped him find naruto and now that thing is gone and he feels off it's no surprise that he's going off to looking for a possible way to regain a safer version of it and is constantly dreaming about it karma and power is a part of him now it's how he was raised and it's something he'll have to overcome and as i said earlier power and naruto invites and breeds conflict it is almost like a part of its being kawaki is destined for conflict and i think it's perfect after all as moderato would say hatred is born trying to protect love i also think there will be a good future for naruto and putting his okay duties above his son it seems to be something very foreshadowed now and i asked people to go back and see if borto was ever allowed to call naruto dad in the hokage office after the momoshiki fight and the manga and nobody seems to say he does except the anime which is different continuity naruto also says that if borza becomes an ishiki level threat he'll deal with him like a hokage which is very similar to something that naruto's previous incarnation hashirama said to modera back in their fight to the death so i think this will be a good direction as well what i want from the future and some problems i have with the series right now that can be fixed now i think borto is actually pretty well done so far like i said i think kawaki is one of the best characters in the franchise where there's still some holes in the series that still need to be filled for me for one saruda mitsuki and konohamuru deserve more while i think sarda is coming along nicely in her fight against boro is very well done she needs more development unlike the anime which just rehashed naruto the seventh hokage and the scarlet spring for developing sarita and the numerous canon fillerish episodes to flesh out characters none of these apply to the manga which is a different continuity while scarlet spring is canon to the board to manga the manga itself does not show it again like the anime the manga has pretty much done nothing with her we learned a few things about her basic desires and that's about it the manga doesn't even explain how she completed her sharingan we're supposed to expect she did now by training as a side note or assume she did in the novels i hate this and it makes sarah feel like nothing but a side character that doesn't deserve any screen time likewise with mitsuki him having a backstory chapter in naruto gaiden the road illuminated by the full moon means jackal for the borto manga and the board of manga it's even worse because him being revealed as rochimaru's son is supposed to be a revelation in it while i liked his fight versus boro in the manga he needs more he has sage mode all of these perfect genes though and potential use some of it please anything i think mitsuki has a lot of potential and while i think his sarcastic and guiding quotes of boruto are funny he can have something too the anime does him a lot better but the anime isn't for everyone which i'll get into konohamro deserves more too he basically comes in and gets knocked out all the time the best thing we see is koji acknowledging he's strong before getting knocked out protecting borto again or getting dealt with off-screen konohamaru busted up a pain when he was younger than boruto have him show something he wanted to be the next hokage and had so much potential show it my next problem is absorption every fight even borto fans agreed with me when i said this at first when i was almost completely ignorant of the series absorption needs to go in fact it should have went way earlier the absorption was balanced in the original naruto franchise or series especially when it was first introduced in the paint arc because only one path of pain could absorb chakra then with modera it got a little absurd the point was that mater was ridiculously overpowered and nothing could ever stop him how would you ever like feasibly do it but it didn't really make things exciting but even then he still got hit by jutsu he still got caught off guard and still got hit by lots of things naruto almost chopped him in half of the rosten shuriken etc etc but in borto once again they're using the absorption trait but absorption is so bad because you have an entire series you have naruto part one and two 700 chapters of them establishing their new jutsu their new techniques their new powers just for it to be completely nullified and for them to fight like dragon ball characters if i wanted to watch dragon ball i would watch dragon ball i'm here to watch ninja use ninjutsu and every cool villain i watch does not feel powerful or cooler because they can negate jutsu by absorbing it it's not like they're overpowering it they're just absorbing it they're just basically skidding around the idea it's not cool i've never liked it and literally every character naruto fights has to use it and i i noticed that bortows may be taking some notes from dragon ball a little bit maybe some people have noticed but even dragon ball dropped the absorption thing almost instantly imagine a perfect cell came down and could still absorb attacks he would be way more lay it wouldn't be cool at all so please take it out it is not cool and it's so weird to take out such an interesting side of your series it's actually counterintuitive and i'm pretty sure that's what toriyama realized immediately writing the android art my next problem with the series is the art yes the art is not that good it gets somewhat better over time and you can tell when given some time ikimoto can draw some cool stuff but otherwise he really shows his stuff as mainly a background artist and the original naruto you can actually point out a lot of background art not by kishimoto and his art looks almost identical to it even back then but it looks like the whole manga is his background art i can tell for sure why this isn't fun to read for many people and at least with dragon ball super which is somewhat like a guaranto counterpart for dragon ball the art genuinely can get really good sometimes in the manga but with borto even at its best it really almost appears average it's definitely a bad and i will not defend it and not only is it bad but now you have series like bleach returning and getting their own borato era or bleach z and it's drawn by the original guy almost better than ever so borto really is not eating in that department my next problem is sarita's betrayal how sad has betrayed and designed in the manga is disgusting and even kishimoto doesn't like it please just stick to kishimoto's design of her and stop this weird high heel glasses sucking my next issue where is kakashi is he dead what kind of crazy vacation is he on he didn't even check up on the gang when ishiki basically murder-stomped naruto and naruto lost karama where is this dude in the manga he's in the anime but surely a smart guy like kakashi should be resourceful i can only assume that they want to keep the other hokage out of the picture to emphasize what hokage means to borto and kawaki more which if so that's fine but it's kind of contrived to just assume that they never get involved really after all these crazy things not realistic or believable at all the anime makes a lot more sense this is kind of a non-criticism but why doesn't naruto wear his headband like i said this is weird and i don't think it's that serious but naruto not wearing a headband after the huge significance it had in the original naruto series is a bit jarring with iruka and how he demanded sasuke where his to respect him being an equal normally you just say he's okay so he doesn't wear it but naruto and tsunade are the only hokage who don't wear their headband and even with tsunade she could have just thrown hers away before she became hokage so i don't understand why naruto doesn't wear it even kakashi wore his and it's a part of naruto's monument design hell it seems like sasuke cares about it more than naruto now so here's some things i think are misconceptions do i feel like naruto and sasuke are nerfed or getting disrespected yes and no well at first i can see how you could think this reading more into it it's not that bad remember this is a continuation of naruto part 2 which as i hinted earlier is a benefit to burton fans we kind of already know what naruto and sasuke can do and we don't need them showing it all the time naruto showing board to what can do against momoshiki was really enough him doing it against delta and ishiki is even just more overkill the whole nerf thing is by the way they feel when fighting however not only is momoshiki one of kagi's clan members she was specifically scared of naruto and sasuke beat him while not even at full power as both were fatigued when facing him and the manga naruto and sasuke pretty much beat him down until he unleashes a weird jutsu on sasuke and then they fuse and essentially one shot him nothing to imply naruto and sasuke are nerfed whatsoever here in the next fight with delta naruto so much struggles with her while going all out and it's implied he's a lot stronger than her and she can only get the upper hand on naruto threatening himiwari not with power even then delta is a cyborg made by amado who is a part of an otsutsuki power group amado has constructed cyborgs in the newest arc that are even stronger than jigen in the past it's no different than dr gero creates cyborgs to take down saiyans and dragon balls that can blow up planets in that sense once again it's not a nerf it's just some op dragon ball-esque android girl and naruto still wins ishiki beating down naruto and sasuke for one ishiki is directly stated to be kagi as superior he can be as strong as he wants narratively he's pretty much confirmed to be stronger than her at least before she ate from the divine tree but even then ishiki seems very confident in his ability and almost nothing of tagia despite having a record of her after she ate from the divide tree he could simply be stronger than her which is why he took down naruto and sasuke so easily even momoshiki who thought very little of kagia thought naruto and sase could never be ishiki despite them beating him with fusion even in the otsuki dimension that holds their tent tails ishiki is placed above all of diotsutsuki he's just a notoriously very overpowered otsuki once again nothing to scream nerf over and also naruto sacrificing his powers to defeat someone it wouldn't make sense if it was someone that was a jobber naruto sacrificing his powers to face the strongest guy they've ever seen makes a lot more sense i will admit though that it does look like sasuke gets the short end of the stick in a lot of these fights but it doesn't make sense especially in the ishiki fight naru does a much better time fighting opponent stronger than himself than sasuke due to his regeneration abilities he can take a hard hit and regenerate sasuke just can't really do that so while i don't like it it makes sense although sasuke getting caught by momoshiki's dragon jutsu was kind of overkill should have just had sasuke chop away the technique with his susano rather than naruto help him however i do have some gripes with the portrayal of power with the story and i wish they would show more effects of their god-like clashes i don't like how three-tails naruto fighting orochimaru destroys forests and launches high-level shinobi away just from their presence then naruto with his god amps and full nine tails fights an odsuzuki level cyborg and creates only a fart cloud from their clashes if you want to point out examples of narcissisputin doing this as well after the rochimaru fight go ahead and i'll simply say i don't like it either i'm not asking for a planet busting explosions every fight but naruto only fights really three times habits fights look more intense than the others show a clear difference in the scale anything there's so many ways to go about it and since there are characters even stronger than them appearing in the future please find a way to make their fights scale higher as well and intense if two really overpowered characters fight show it period bernardo fighting delta i can at least attest that naruto wanted to at least be on the smallest scale as possible because he wanted to protect the children in the background but with the ishiki and momoshiki fights i really see very little excuse for instance momoshiki first attacks naruto is not allowed to attack it back due to the scale of the explosion that will detonate in the village then when we see naruto and sasuke fight momoshiki in an alternate dimension where they can go really all out except maybe use ninjutsu that momoshiki can't absorb there's almost nothing in terms of scale naruto versus rochimaru did it better once again versus ishiki they go all out in an altered dimension again but once again no scale and they can even somewhat use jutsu here disappointing they're using the nine tails cloak the nine tails in legend leveling mountains just by swinging his tails an accident and sasuke using the susano who moderate cut mountains away with on accident yet once again here they are doing almost nothing while having these fights and goddamned it just looks and feels unoppressive it just feels like they are fighting now i will admit that even toriyama struggled with increasing scale in his series but there's many ways to go about it and you could say naruto and sasuke are just good at you know hiding their scale or whatever but in situations where they're in alternate dimensions and it doesn't matter just feels a little unrealistic and disappointing especially for naruto's final battle i'll even say this forza's fights throughout the whole series are almost all better than naruto's fights his fight versus owls fight versus boro etc naruto looks like bad dragon ball fights which is due to another riding issue absorption the grit of naruto versus the grit of borto i feel as though many people are turned off by boards due to the anime the enemy makes borto to be a very colorful and childish slice of life adventure that is very different than the original naruto now this is actually a good thing and good writing in all honesty as boruto is enjoying the piece that naruto created and doesn't have to be a child soldier however the manga is not at all childish or colorful like the anime actually not at all it gets pretty dark before chapter 20 and just continuously gets darker and more like og naruto like i said before give the series a chance especially for kawaki and you'll see the same flavor naruto used to have well except for the art i mean literally ichiki is shown putting children in bags and just having them explode like it's it's not that childish the final thing is aliens in boruto people have a problem with aliens in boruto it's a show about ninja i don't want to hear it i i don't want to hear it i really don't like naruto's power is derived from a mountain-sized fox demon that can shoot dragon ball like key attacks i don't want to hear it there there is no there's nothing like ninja-y about it it's honestly it's more like a wizard show where they act like ninja like if i'm gonna be honest anyway i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you have any critiques on boruto or you have anything good to say let me know i had to briefly go over look how long this video is i only briefly went over things obviously there's a lot more to say about the series a lot more you know things to critique or they're good but just too long of a video also download rage shadow legends now goodbye [Music] you
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 836,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, boruto the honest truth, boruto review, is boruto worth watching, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, seth the programmer naruto, seth the programmer boruto, boruto vs naruto, boruto naruto, naruto and sasuke vs momoshiki, kawaki, naruto and sasuke vs isshiki, boruto vs momoshiki, boruto and kawaki, naruto, boruto vs kawaki, momoshiki, naruto and sasuke, boruto jigen, boruto naruto next generations, boruto anime, why is naruto weak, why is sasuke weak, nerfed, analysis
Id: shUC095NE-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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