How Strong Is True Ultra Instinct Vegito?

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goku and vegeta a rivalry that is honestly more iconic than pretty much just about everything i've seen in fiction only being surpassed by crazy things like god versus the devil or something throughout the entire series they constantly compare each other and vegeta is always finding ways to surpass goku or reach him and the two are on their journey to become the greatest masters in the entire universe well you can tell dragon ball super and beerus they grow so powerful that even gods fear them hate them and can't even comprehend their combat ability most of the time and during the fusion saga toriyama had very little idea how to take them to the next level without some absurd or seemingly unearned transformation and that's when the idea was brought up to have them just fused together into an ultimate super warrior known as vegito vegito ever since his debut or even in video games such as budokai 2 3 and onward has always felt like a next level fighter whether it be in terms of his demeanor his strategy his power his style everything was just different in super we see vegito reappear against the fused god zamasu as vegito blue but in this video i wanted to go over something a bit different just how strong would vegito be if he appeared now as true ultra instinct vegito surely he'd slap up beerus in terms of power as even blue vegito apparently could rival him in the manga and easily the anime as well but how would vegito fare against whis or higher than god level fighters how would he handle black frieza or gohan beast and why am i hyping up his character so much let's get into it first things first vegito is strong really strong like i don't think people really understand how strong he is and super exciting god vegito stated to be the power level of goku multiplied by the power level of vegeta remember power level a times b using power levels it gets very absurd and daisenshu vegito and bass is stated to be stronger than super saiyan 3 goku which is true but most people usually have say super saiyan 3 as only a 400 times multiplier to maybe a couple thousand if you use some super saiyan 2 multipliers differently but blah blah blah blah blah with super exciting guide even on namek vegito would reach a power level of 3 million times stronger than goku this is due to the fact that daisen shoe 7 goku on namik just in base had a power level of 3 million and this is on namek over 7 500 times stronger than the super saiyan 3 goku in base but this is the majin buu saga and eventually goku black ark and even eventually post granola arc in the buu saga at least using the anime which we will be using the anime and manga for this goku and bass during the other world tournament was able to even surprise and make frieza shocked at his strength but then in base he eventually surpasses the south galaxy's ace fighter pycon after growing stronger in the tournament who in the extreme battle collection 2 guide was stated to be able to one-shot cell who was stronger than ever even if you downplay cell to being some hypothetical super saiyan 2 level power up from goku from namek ignoring every increase all the fighters ever had and say cell would have be a 300 million power level which is absurd downplay trust me and use this as goku and vegeta and the buu saga super saiyan 3 goku would hit a 120 billion vegito would be at 90 quadrillion you might be saying seth 90 quadrillion what the are you talking about yeah this is once again absurd low balls and i would actually argue the difference between goku and vegito would be even greater in the anime they make this absurd difference even actually more consistent so you thought i was crazy the anime makes it crazier remember how fighters who rivaled super saiyan 3 goku say like super saiyan 3 go tanks and super boo would use all their power to open up say a small man-sized portal well buhan and vegito are doing that on a scale as big as the entire universe imagine the difference between a person and an entire planet let alone the entire universe and you start to see that vegito strength is probably not an exaggeration with the power level difference but vegito is more than a higher power level this person vegito might unironically be better than goku and vegeta in just literally every single way and i'm not just saying that in the sense that it's them just put together i mean that vegito actually has unique traits that might not only make him a super fighter but even a super genius as well i think the first thing that's unique about vegito people don't realize is that this dude is actually massive yeah remember how super boo towered over gohan in that one scene or how buutenk's kneeling by annealing gohan made him look like a literal adult next to a child buon is just as big as buu tanks and makes goku and vegeta look like midgets and here's vegito just relative in size that means vegito would probably unironically tower over gohan like this super boo and i'm not joking this is mainly only in the original series however and super it's definitely a bit different with vegito fighting a larger fusion zamasu than goku did so it's sort of hard to tell and in the manga he doesn't seem bigger at all so either it was a forgotten detail or really just some buu saga anime only bulk that they just dropped for no reason that's the first difference notably the next is of course vegito's intelligence which i talked about earlier vegito's intelligence and combat ability are also multiplied and magnified to the point he is a perfect fighter greater than just goku and vegeta put together remember when whis was commenting on the weaknesses of goku and vegeta during resurrection f whis would have absolutely zero comment about vegito said maybe he's not using ultra instinct which he would probably master almost immediately upon learning it from whis or hearing it from whis when vegito first appears he also talks about goku and vegeta like they are not him at all and his personality consistently belittles his opponents and attacks them psychologically considering vegito is the perfect fighter this means he actually psychologically attacks his opponent more than likely on purpose outside of just ego because empty ego or boasting is a weakness not a perfect fighting ability which i'll get into later but during boo he calls him out for being nervous the second he appears and picks up on many cues from him to pick on him for even before he's seriously trying to prove he's actually better than him as super vegito he actually bullies buhan's abilities as a fighter and even teaches him things mid-fight he even teaches buon how to compose himself and uses battle power better very discreetly which is actually a detail many people miss at least in the anime the anime is a lot better than the manga when it comes to vegito vegito just kind of comes and goes in the manga yeah vegito actually trains buhan while they are fighting just to beat him up and prove he's better even harder after buhan rampages and almost destroys all of reality by screaming when vegito makes him mad vegito tries to get buhan to hone and concentrate that power into his normal attacks which buhan eventually does and this is all just so vegito can prove he's superior once again even more and further whittle down the confidence of super boo he picks on boo for forgetting how to sense vegeta's movements without his eyes when he is flustered and basically even bullies piccolo and buu for thinking gotenks's techniques even with piccolo and gohan's ingenuity amping it would be effective and calls buhan pretty much a child level fighter while easily dismantling all his techniques doing this to super buhan is more impressive than you'd think as piccolo is a highly experienced fighter arguably almost as good as goku with something piccolo's even better fighter than goku sometimes but it's debatable not only that but he has the book smarts and potential for combat that gohan has yet vegito makes him look absolutely stupid even power levels aside the way he handles majin buu's attacks are basically using techniques or his strategies even when he purposely walks closer to buu expecting to turn into a candy ball which actually anima calls out as a vegeta strategy he actually blasts through buu's mouth and rips his tentacle off very particularly which most people miss most people think he was just trying to beat up buhan here so buhan would turn him back to normal and then continue with his absorption plan but that is actually not necessarily true he rips a bulan tentacle off while a candy ball to set up buu in the future and to manipulate buu to try and then absorb him later even most people watching didn't know that but in the anime it is more apparent after fooling piccolo gohan buu and even everyone in the afterlife at the same time by acting like he's the biggest braggart of all time hell even most spurgs online today think vegito is just a troll character vegito beats up boo and even purposely stretches boo out and holds him phased down over the location of his tentacle so that buu has a higher chance of noticing this was an insane detail i didn't notice until i actually rewatched this but eventually he leads boo to a spot and beats him up so he'll specifically have the tentacle behind him but just in the right position so boob will see it and then try absorbing him later which was vegeta's plan ever since he was just a candy ball this is even crazier when you consider that even super boo himself was able to hatch a strategy capable of tricking go on go tanks and piccolo as well before absorbing anybody by the way that candy ball did you know vegito has a special ability that goku and vegeta also don't have which is the ability to retain all his powers no matter what shape his body is he sort of gets these weird gag-like plot armor powers and could literally be turned into a banana and probably could still solo naruto joking anyway this plan of vegito's impresses even old kai so much that he actually calls vegito a big deal due to his smart and even calls him smart in many translations something he never calls anybody else ever so you might be saying okay seth i can see how vegito maybe uses psychology there to get absorbed but how does it apply to his many other fights like with zamasu he doesn't need to pick on zamasu to get absorbed or anything so why is he picking on him how does this make him different than goku or even vegeta just trash talking people how is it a sign of his fighting prowess i think a good example is to look at someone else most would agree is a highly intelligent super fighter beerus look at the way beerus gaslights and manipulates literally everyone in the universe into thinking he's out for blood against earth to the point he pushes goku to power up numerous times beyond super saiyan god a form he had just obtained and for vegeta and the others to push himself and start croaking over in fear just for him to act like he fell asleep and leave after lying to them that he was exhausted from trying his best this is pretty much what vegito did to super boo in the buu saga and another moment of this is how vegeta acts to manipulate kabe into obtaining super saiyan with his words alone while nowhere near what vegito and beerus did you can see how it's very veteran and specific banter compare how vegito and beerus were mentally dancing around all the characters in the story or even masaroshi in original dragon ball for that matter and compared to goku trying to manipulate ub at the end of z imagine if beerus or vegito were trying to manipulate ube and using his hidden powers or grow stronger they would probably do an insanely better job but what if i told you that this manipulative banter can actually be used to weaken your opponent in an interview with akira toriyama he was asked in the truth about the dragon ball manga toriyama thought of it like this special interview in super exciting guide story volumes about what is the key to winning a battle in where he replies in battle the most important thing is the size of your key and your control over it key is a concept of course includes such spiritual powers such as energy courage and right-mindedness no matter how much you train there are limits to physical strength and the only way to overcome that is through key i think gogo was able to approach the mightiest warriors in the universe through strengthening his key and this also is a little bit of a callback to goku's mindset and his training also helping him be stronger than vegeta throughout the whole story which i went over in my last video which you should check out by the way if you haven't this is a philosophy seen in many chinese martial arts specifically but basically these components create the concept of ki and dragon ball if things such as courage and right-mindedness can amplify your key or create it then surely shaking those things would manipulate your key and your ability to make it as well this is best shown a few times but mainly in gohan's fights the first one being super saiyan 2 gohan versus cell where because gohan doubted himself was worried about earth and was focusing on his injuries instead of what he could do now he wasn't able to unleash his full power thus with goku's help and reassurance gohan is able to re-obtain his right-mindedness and courage and therefore regain his full strength and overpower so in gohan versus boo tanks you can see buu tanks further manipulated gohan and trying to reduce his resolve as they fight eventually throwing piccolo quotes and even giving gohan coaching to further show the gap between them until gohan is literally just so stun locked by bootank's words and actions he can't move and boo tanks just combos him for free likewise if vegito is truly the perfect fighter he would understand the concept or subconsciously use it to his advantage and he does this against buu but not as extremely as he wants buu to power up and desire to absorb him after realizing the futility of fighting him blah blah blah but in the zamasu battle he's actively trying to shake zamasu's right mind in this and in the anime zamasu is already having a spiritual split in character confliction through his two halves and vegito specifically keeps nailing him for that and mocking him for it very intentionally he even mocks him for his immortality worsening due to his lack of resolve and fusing with someone he should hate to further break his spirit this eventually causes zamasu to try and become massive while his body and key actually fall apart alongside his mental to the point he actually eventually becomes insane and vegito continues to whittle away at both his spirit and body vegeta likes to trash talk his opponents too but he does it in very different ways while vegito and zamasu are arguably relative vegeta usually trash talks when he is pretty much superior or just blatantly heavily winning and when it's not as needed and even then most of his rants are about his own character or pride but he does do this sometimes just not in the same level or near the same level of success as vegito which would make sense as vegito should logically just be smarter and a better fighter than vegeta anyway vegeta has never stated to be the perfect fighter either so it's not really that big of a deal if he doesn't in the manga vegito blue is shown for like three seconds but the brief moment he actually does talk to zamasu he opens up the dialogue with zamasu by immediately stun locking him with lore bombs over and over again that zamasu never expected and this would be to shake zamasu's right-mindedness and courage and serves no other purpose and he does this right off the bat he even tries to mock him for how his plan will now fail to further shake his spirit and nerf him instinctually right off the bat the second vegito appears he's just completely next level even psychologically in the manga fun fact about that beerus and vegito personality comparison is that vegito blue is actually stated to be equal to beerus and power as well during this time which i thought was strangely fitting bass vegito also now is a multiplier so gargantuan by this point that even in base forms zamasu thinks vegito is actually a further power up transformation and vegito can blow him in half even without blue i've also seen people try to downplay vegito by saying he toys around too much however he only did this versus boo for said particular reasons and versus zamasu he basically immediately went for the kill in the manga and only diffused due to not expecting the time limit to change and batara not being able to handle his power because it was just so insane whereas in the anime the fight versus zamasu only lasted so long because vegito was whittling down his key and as i said before even gogeta is very different than goku and vegeta in this regard as well whereas goku and vegeta would have probably never killed broly vegeta wanting to train and rise up the saiyans even universe 6 enemy saiyans he shouldn't have any link to and goku knowing broly isn't bad gogeta just instantly goes for the kill shot with very little regard at the end of their battle and vegito is different than gogeta and has higher iq feats but vegito was similar in this regard and due to being the perfect fighter and was just super combat optimized to the point he went for victory whenever he could i wouldn't be shocked at all but now goku and vida themselves have ultra instinct and ultra ego as well as new abilities such as spear efficient and susano yeah i don't know so vegito fought boo or zamasu nowadays you could probably just punch them apart which is kind of a cool detail but there's also a scaling connotation so let's get into that the only way to compare vegito to someone stronger than beerus is using the god scale as vegito is the only character to come up other than gods that actually surpasses beerus pretty objectively at least in the manga the god scale was toriyama's old comparison of god goku beerus and whis's power where he said goku was a six beerus was a 10 and whis is a 15. while this is horribly untrue and inaccurate now you can sort of see the initial idea was for the difference between whis and beerus to be slightly greater than the difference between goku and beerus and if it took a super saiyan blue vegito fusion in the goku black arc for goku to reach beerus's level what would it take to reach his level well seth if gogeta blue was struggling with a guy maybe stronger than beerus how would vegito ever compete with whis and i hate this for so many reasons and you know what this is a vegito video so let me just drop a nuclear bomb real quick on why vegeta would slam gogeta vegito and patara are stated numerous times and every guide in existence be stronger than fusion from everything to the toriyama approved and super updated shoe and chosen shoe to the db fact files for the anime and even the dragon books batara is always stronger than the fusion dance even vegito's own dialogue in the anime supports this so why do people say gogeta is still vegito's level it's due to some stupid misconceptions the first one being that there is a guy that says gogeta would beat vegito if his time limit didn't run out this guide is referring to fusion reborn gogeta vs buu saga vegito not buu saga gogeta versus buu saga vegeta so this is more of a comment on fusion reborn goku and vegeta being stronger than busag goku and vegeta as movie characters are from a different dimension and have different powers entirely broly is the strongest character in the whole dragon ball anime and he takes place in the cell games of the movies some have gone so far as to say that fusion would simply work better on fatigued fighters than potara but at the end of the day it isn't just some equivalent or same gogeta and vegito being compared buu saga vegito can still slam buu saga gogeta and it would not contradict this guide at all the next one is some dragon ball super broly movie promotional material trying to hype up gogeta as an equal trump card to vegito literally everyone in the dragon ball fandom bullied this quote as it can literally just mean that both vegito and gogeta are far beyond anything goku and vegeta can just throw out individually and infusion is always the highest thing they can do in a fight even herms the translator and many others just agrees with this it was also a statement made to make the movie seem cooler as people always saw gogeta as just bad vegito there he is and it made the gogeta versus broly fight seem less impressive so they tried using some gaslighting rhetoric to make people think gogeta is up there he's not he sucks vegito slaps him but this would also apply to black frieza by the way if black frieza were to train for gogeta and all the sand he knows of it doesn't mean he knows a thing about vegito now to get into vegito versus wheeze you can calculate it this way if goku and vegeta fusing with blue makes them beerus level and gives them a four on this hypothetical god scale then it may be possible to reach least level or beyond with a true instinct fusion this is mainly due to the fact that blue vegeta thought he was stronger than broly in the granola arc who required a blue fusion to face to begin with and even questioned if he could take out mui goku before seeing his full powers using the anime mui goku is stronger than beerus with jiren and mui goku arguably being able to possibly take down broly although it's debatable and considering vegeta would be getting this potara amp on top of a form already stronger than a 10 on the god scale it would then be possible for him to really hit a 14 or 15 pretty logically considering he actually has a form beyond mui now in true ultra instinct and as well as vegeta's possible ego and hawkeye powers which would maybe amp all his abilities on top of that i'd say true ultra instinct vegeta would probably be around whis's level using that consistent god skill if you're very generous to mui goku and ego vegito but at least in the anime they more than likely definitely would box up luis of course they would never kill him or anything as angels have like weird resistance to being killed or removed from existence or something but you get the idea in terms of beast gohan beast gohan is basically only fee is fighting a character who's called cell max who while he did somewhat struggle with orange piccolo who is true ultra instinct goku level he doesn't really show anything beyond that too much and all we know about cell max is that if he's completed he could basically just take out broly however one thing i do want to say about vegito is that if orange piccolo is fighting this cell max and while cell max could get blood lusted and possibly one shot piccolo if he really wanted to uh just like you know kefla would be able to do the omen goku if not on steroids the difference between vegito and goku is still that 300 million to 90 quadrillion you know i don't know anyway hope you guys enjoyed this video uh i do think that true instinct vegito would just be an absolute monster i do think logically he'd probably be least level at this point maybe maybe a little bit weaker or maybe even a little bit stronger if you think that he'd actually just get that giga-amped i would not be surprised remotely if like he was stated to be whis level or as strong as an angel or something like that especially if in the goku black arc he was already god level and beyond really wouldn't be surprised anyways guys i hope you enjoyed the video until next time [Music] you
Channel: Seth
Views: 1,052,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how strong is vegito, how strong is ultra instinct vegito, how strong is true ultra instinct vegito, vegito vs buu, vegito vs zamasu, super vegito, vegito vs beerus, vegito vs gogeta, gogeta vs broly, could vegito beat beerus, vegito vs whis, how strong is gohan beast, how strong is black frieza, ultra instinct goku, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, anime, manga, analysis, seththeprogrammer goku, dragonball super, dragon ball super, dragon ball super hero, gohan beast
Id: 2oTNqyNFOtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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