Cost To Build 25x26 Metal Shop

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I hope everyone out there is a staying safe today we want to cover one of the most asked questions on our channel when we when we do something with our Chevelle or one of our cars is what's the size of your shop what did it cost to build it questions like that so I wanted to do a real quick video just a quick rundown you know I'm not gonna go into a 100% detail but just give you a quick rundown of what the size of the shop is what it costs to build it things like that some advice on do's and don'ts so the first thing you want to start with and I and I wish somebody had told me this earlier I'm not an expert in this but you want to check your easements right you want to check your easements all around your property so in my case there is a 15-foot easement from the fence line from my fence inside the property so I got a stay from the fence in 15 feet seems excessive right but that's what it is I used to own a house about two houses down and we try to build a shop there we didn't we didn't get that information we actually poured the slab and then the city showed up and said hey hey you know you can't do that so they did allow me to finish a carport but they didn't let me build a shop so anyway that's old you know that's in the past but again check your check your easements of here on this property it's 15 feet inside the fence line and then it's 6 feet from our neighbor's property so from from the fence line so it's six feet from the neighbor 15 from the back even though there's nothing behind my property it's there's a road that runs back there again that's that's what they told us so again make sure you check that another thing you want to do is you want to plan your like your electricity and you want to plan your plumbing ahead of time so get that planned know where it's gonna go know where you're gonna run it to and do that before you pour the concrete do not pour any concrete until you get that figured out so what you want to do is if you if you're short on cash do this just run the conduit right at least run the conduit for the electricity and then run the plumbing for the for the for the for the bathroom or whatever you're gonna do and get that out of the way and then that way when you run your your your concrete you don't have to worry about any of that stuff and that's already done so anyway break down on the shop it's 25 by 26 25 wide 26 deep the carport it's a purlin carport it's also 25 by 26 that's about 650 square feet per per piece so that's about 1,300 square feet originally we work in a run a shop that was actually all the way across you know and it was gonna be 1,300 square feet of shop but since I live right in the middle of a neighborhood you know I kind of didn't want to do that it was gonna look kind of weird so we just went ahead and went with the carport gives us a space to work on cars and get some airflow and then of course you know keeps us out of the Sun and then we wait you know we build a shop for storage so again the shop itself is 25 by 26 it's 12 feet at the overhangs at the eaves and then it's 14 feet at the center okay so 25 by 26 14 feet at the center the two roll-up doors are 10 by 10 and then the purlins shop is also the carport is also 10 feet high and you can tell by looking at the level of the doors versus the level of the the height of the of the carport there is a side door roll-up door that roll-up door is I believe it's 8 by 7 and the reason we did that is to allow for some airflow to come through and then we have just your standard man door another thing to think about when you're when you're putting in your shop is where does the Sun Rise where does the Sun rest so in this case our shop is facing south right the Sun of course rises in the east and then settles in the West right so that way we don't have the Sun right on the shop right you know right at the front of the shop so you might want to consider that when you're when you're putting down your shop is how is it going to face to minimize the amount of Sun we are planning in the future to add and I'll back up again we are planning to add an eighth a tenth oh yeah we're planning to add another purlins carport and that one is gonna be in this area here and it's gonna be basically it's gonna follow the a-frame is gonna follow the shop line and then it's gonna come back towards the house and we do plan to do that in the future so when you come into the property as you come in the gate you'll have another carport here on this side as well and that of course allow us to park two more cars under there actually probably three cars and keep them out of the Sun and then when the Sun is you know working through its through its day it'll keep it'll keep the Sun off of us if we're out here and then and then off of the of the cars as well another thing is I'm very important and something that you know again I wish somebody had told me when the guy came to look where he was gonna do the shop and we talked about concrete he said what's the size the shop I said 25 by 26 he said okay give me a foot all the way around the shop me not knowing any better said yeah man that sounds great I gave him a foot all the way around bad mistake don't do that what happened is now since I left him this lip right all the way around see that what happened is now with condensation or when it rains the water comes down off the ease or runs down the shop it's the concrete and then runs into the shop okay it does not run out it runs in so what you want to do when you're later shot down is when you later concrete you want to make sure that it's exactly the same size as your shop okay and the reason you want to do that is to make sure that when it rains the water comes down it goes read directly to the ground and does not go into the shop in this case here we had some rain earlier so water comes down and it actually flows in not a lot but we do get some water inside the shop okay once the other guy came to do the other concrete he did put a little bit of a slope to it so the water does run this way alright just does run out and then it runs out towards the gate okay but don't don't make the shop don't you know don't make the concrete slab bigger than the shop without at least some kind of a slope otherwise you're gonna get water in the shop we did cure it we did use a sealer so that helped a lot but again you know be careful with that total space we have from the back all the way to the gate is about 50 feet and then from this line here to the back is about another 45 feet so the shop again you know it's built by just one of those you can find these guys on Craigslist you can find them on Facebook you know they just build barns things like that the inside of the shop of course will be metal right and then what I did do is I had two men slate it so the roof is insulated and that helped a lot okay and then we had another guy come in and trim out the inside I paid him found a guy on Craigslist paid him 300 bucks he came in he did all the inside I think we spent like five hundred dollars on material way down to Home Depot bought some more sheet metal some more sheet metal and we bought some more of some wood had him do a nice little trim out that gives us a nice area to hang up you know flags signs things like that so gave us an area to hang up our TV that's an old TV it's a 55 inch but allowed us to hang it up on the wall so so let's talk cost what did it cost to build it so the the first thing that went down was the slab for the shop that's the first thing that went in and again 25 by 26 we went a little bit bigger you know the guy telling me to give him a foot around so we ended a pan I want to say about $2,500 $2,500 I believe it's what I paid for the slab and another thing is when you do the shop slab make sure that they smooth it out I had another friend that recently did a shop and the concrete guy left the the surface of the shop slab left it rough and that was a bad deal so he had to pro have someone else come in and do it and do like some sanding and try to get it smooth so the outside of the shop out there it is rough right for traction the inside of the shop is very very smooth okay and you want to do that so if you're rolling around on a chair or you're rolling around on a creeper you want to make sure that you're able to roll around smoothly you don't want to be catching you know on the on the slats so make sure you do that so again $2,500 is what we paid I believe for the for the slab I'm pretty sure that's what I paid for it and then we had the the shop people come in build a shop with the two 10 by 10 doors with the 8 by 7 side roll-up door with the man door with the insulation no electricity with the insulation we paid $11,000 for the shop and that's out the door we gave the guy half down and then we paid the Bell we paid the balance when he finished it he finished it in about a day and a half they were pretty quick at the end of the video I'll include some pictures of them putting it up as well as some pictures of some of the other work that they did here like the slab and things like that so again 2500 for the slab 2500 for the slab 11,000 for the shop you're already looking at 13 5 you know when you're when you're all said and done you're looking at 13 5 for that what else then the the purlins shop the outside shop or the carport again the carport is actually the same size as I've stated before it's 20 25 by 26 10 foot high with a slope for the rain that was about $4,000 for that ok and it is fully welded the guys that did it were awesome they didn't even charge me anything up front they just came in they knocked it out in one day and then I paid him at the end of the day and it was like four thousand bucks for that and again it is fully welded in you know tied down to the ground bolted down to them so that was pretty cool I really really like the way that turned out and these are the guys that are gonna I'm gonna have come in and do the other a-frame purlins carport as well so 13:5 for the shop in the slab 4000 for the for the carport were at seventeen five and then the biggest project was the concrete the overall concrete that we did out here okay so that came out to be now that all they had to do was they didn't have to do the shop anymore cuz the shop was already done but they did have to go from here all the way over there they did a little curve there and then they went into the where the carport was now the slab all this was poured before we did the carport that we paid about $7,000 for the for the concrete slab with rebar you know with the chairs you know the little area the little plastic pieces where the rebar sits so it doesn't sink to the bottom and reinforces the concrete so that was about 7,000 so you're looking at about twenty four five twenty four thousand five hundred total and that's concrete slab carport shop concrete slab we're looking at about twenty four five obviously we're not rich we didn't do this all at once we did it over stages we did a little bit at a time we did the shop for a while there we couldn't even get in we had to put some some boards to get to get inside you know over time you know slowly you know we did it a piece at a time one thing I forgot to mention on the concrete slab inside the shop when the guy did it I did have him put some footers for where the lift was gonna sit so we did three by three footers at every edit corner at every post right and then we went eight inches deep with extra rebar we didn't have to do that but we did it just you know just because you know felt a little bit safer so we did do that so where the lift sits there are three by three footers eight inches deep the rest of the slab is your standard four inches that's what that's what your standard is and then of course this is also the outside sliders also four inches deep with rebar so make sure that when you when you're planning this out make sure you get a slope going for the for the rain so here the rain comes down and they sloped it out and then out the gate same thing over here hits slopes and then goes out the gate okay so when it rains the water you know drains out that way if I put a ball out here and lay it down the ball will actually roll down that way and that's what you want to make sure that that you get done to get water when it's raining to get it out of the out of the shop area so again not 24 five that's what we have in the shop everything else again we did overtime well 24 5 late let's just say 25 and we include the if we include the the trim out that we did in here right so if you include the trim here the walls this and then the other sheetmetal you know unless we can round it off so rounded off to about 25,000 bucks everything else of course lift the lift came in later the cabinet's area all that stuff came in later so again that's it that's about it that's the breakdown of the shop that's the best advice I can give you when you're planning your own shop if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment feel free to reach out to me again I'm not an expert at this but I'll help you out as much as I can and I'll answer as many questions as I can for you to help you plan your own your own shop oh one thing I forgot so let me show you we're still not done when we before we did the slab we did plumb it for a bathroom don't mind the mess I've got an LS engine here we're gonna work on some more engines over there but here's our water supply and then we've got the [Music] the drain for the toilet would not and then we have the vent over there and all that is tied back to the house the pipes run all the way back over there towards the house we just haven't gotten around to having anyone come in and build a bathroom for us I did reach out to a couple of guys man it's really hard to find good people I did reach out to a couple of guys said they could come do it and then they never show up or you get the usual guy that you know wants you to pay them upfront be careful with that guys I mean you know we all work really hard for our money be careful with who you get to do the work do your research ask them for references who else have you done work for right and just don't give your money to somebody if they're asking you for money up front for you to pay for the whole job up front just tell them no thank you just walk away now if they're asking you for money to buy a nick material that's normal okay that's that's pretty much standard your concrete guys gonna ask you for a deposit your shop guys gonna ask you for a deposit but if you're done your due diligence and you you you trust the guy you've checked around you've got some references then you have nothing to worry about go ahead and pull the trigger and get it done so again that's it that's a breakdown of our of our little workshop at home you know we put a lot of cars out through here sometimes we help out friends sometimes we have actually customers that bring us their cars and again you know we're not a full-blown shop we're not here making money out of this this is just a hobby but you know we do have some people that do trust us to do the work for them they would rather come to us because if we're a 1:1 car shop so in other words you bring us one car we knock it out and then it goes back out and again that's just a side gig that we do just to help out people with classic cars or you know LS cars and want a little bit of work done so again that's it thanks for watching everyone please stay safe out there if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment shoot me a DM if you have to and again please share subscribe like our video and you know we'll post up more videos as as we go through apparently we're all gonna have a lot of time on our hands here so again thanks for watching appreciate you guys stay safe [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TexasDragRacingVideo
Views: 261,486
Rating: 4.862803 out of 5
Keywords: Shop, Metal Shop, Garage, Hot Rod Garage, Race Shop, Hot Rod Shop, Street Outlaws, Fastest Car, Nitrous, DDE, Stradman, Jalopy, Garage Journal, burnout, Call of Duty
Id: d5i_6CkUJ0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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