How To Insulate A Metal Building / Double Bubble Foil Insulation

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one thing you might notice is  it may be 90 degrees outside   but it's 120 inside your metal building  because of that heat radiating to the   inside from that sun beating on the  outside of your metal building all day how's it going guys welcome back to the patriot  diy channel today we're going to be insulating our   metal building now there are a lot of different  types of insulation and ways to go about doing   this a lot of times in a metal building it  can be a little bit more challenging since   you don't have the wood framing to attach to but  we're going to talk about what we've decided to   use a couple of the biggest issues you have  to combat with a metal building like this   is one the radiant heat from the sun so if  you've ever been in a warehouse or a metal   building like this in the summertime one thing  you might notice is it may be 90 degrees outside   but it's 120 inside your metal building because  of that heat radiating to the inside from that sun   beating on the outside of your metal building  all day now here where we live there can be   crazy temperature swings and metal buildings are  notorious for condensating on the inside so the   difference in temperature from outside to inside  can cause that condensation on your roof and on   your walls and you're really going to end up  having a lot of moisture issues inside you   even have the condensation from the roof raining  down on you and your tools and everything else   so we really got to make sure we do something to  prevent that now if you like these kind of videos   guys make sure you hit that subscribe button  down below hit that notification bell and please   give us a thumbs up that really helps us out what  we're going to be using is this double bubble foil   insulation now this insulation is made up of two  layers of bubble on the inside sandwich between   either two layers of the foil or you can get  foil on one side and white on the other side   so that you can have a nice clean white look  on the inside of your shop and this is going   to do a couple things for you you know something  like this is going to block 97 of that radiant   heat helping keep your inside temperature  from heating up on those hot days this type   of insulation also does a great job of preventing  that condensation from getting into your building   now a lot of times when we talk about insulation  we talk about r value so something like this by   itself is not going to have a huge r value like  fiberglass or foam insulation or something like   that this is designed more to prevent that radiant  heat and stuff like that if installed correctly   depending on what method you choose to use you  can get an r value of three to seven with this   installation as long as you install it correctly  you may see a lot of people just sticking this   straight onto that siding of the building that is  not the right way to install this you're really   not going to get the benefits out of this if you  put it right up against your siding what you need   is an air gap between your siding and this  double bubble foil insulation now obviously   we are installing this in an existing building  so that is going to come with its own challenges   typically the way this would be installed if it  was installed at the time the building was built   is they would erect the framing of the building  and then they would wrap the entire thing in   this double bubble insulation and then they would  add furring strips on the outside of the studs on   top of the insulation creating that air gap and  then mounting the siding to those furring strips   now obviously we can't do it the way they would  have done it if it had been installed at the   time the building was built but what we're going  to do is we're basically using the same method   we're just going to do it on the inside between  the studs so we have our furring strips here these   are one by twos and what we're gonna do is we're  gonna use a heavy duty construction adhesive to   fix these furring strips into our wall then we're  gonna double side tape our insulation to those   furring strips so we still get full coverage  between the studs and we're also allowing that   air gap that this insulation needs to do its  best job all right guys now we're going to go   ahead and walk you through the process starting  off with these sections of wall and then we'll   move our way up to the ceiling and show you how  we're going to do that now let's get started now the adhesive we're going to be  using to attach our furring strips   is this liquid nails heavy duty construction  adhesive and remember guys i am going to link   to all these things in the description  below so you can get them for yourself all right guys it is a new day and we are  back to install some of this insulation   we've already got our one by twos mounted up on  the wall and we've started installing some of   our double-sided tape on these cross beams on  the ceiling so now we're actually going to get   some of this insulation up on the wall a couple  things you are going to need is a good razor knife   um and you can do this with ladders but let me  tell you it is a lot easier and a lot safer if   you can get some scaffolding that's going  to help you get up there to those heights   without having to come up and down a whole bunch  another thing we found that makes the process a   lot easier is if you can get some of these clamps  to help hold the insulation in place while you're   getting everything positioned and taping it  down now let's climb up here and get started now the ceiling already has some cross beams going  across it so we don't have to use any one by twos   to get that air gap so we can just put our  double-sided tape right onto those cross beams   and we've already got some of that tape installed you can see what i'm doing here to keep it nice  and clean is i'm just cutting on either side   of that post and then i'm tucking  the excess in over top of that beam   and that's going to give  you a nice clean flat look all right guys we are officially done with the  ceiling i think that turned out really nice got the hang of it pretty quick  everything looks nice and flat and clean so all right guys we are officially finished  with the insulation in this metal building   it took a lot longer than i thought it was going  to uh and i do want to show you guys a couple   other things that i ended up doing that really  helped out so let's take a quick look around all right guys as you can see we are completely  finished with the walls the ceiling there's our   back wall there now this wall that's not done  that's an interior wall that's just between these   two rooms here so there's no reason to insulate  that unless you just have the extra material   you can see we did our bathroom in here as well  now this is just a little side room we have off   the shop and you can tell i didn't spend quite  as much time getting everything perfect on the   ceiling and the walls of this one as long as it's  up there because these walls are actually going to   get faced with reclaimed barn wood and the same  thing with this wall going between the two rooms   so that's another project we are going to be doing  on the channel so make sure you stay tuned for   that here's our front wall now that front  wall just because of the windows and the   door did require to cut some smaller pieces but  it actually went up a lot faster than trying to   fight with a big long piece i did want to show  you a couple things that we did end up doing   just to help hold everything up even better  we did put some self-tapping screws here   in the very peak of the ceiling where those two  pieces of insulation meet there can be a lot of   stress and weight bearing down on that trying to  hold everything up so i went ahead and put in some   self-tapping screws that just help with that and  then going down along the walls i did go ahead and   put in some staples every four feet or so going  down that wall and that's just going to help hold   it against those wood spacers and prevent it from  separating from the wall over time if that double   side tape starts to give way you can tell i also  went ahead and put up some flags this is the   patriot diy channel after all so i went ahead and  got that knocked out while i had the scaffolding   but yeah i think it turned out really good all  right guys that's it for this video i hope this   video helped you out if you're insulating a metal  building if you have any questions or anything   please leave them in the comment section below  if you haven't done it yet guys make sure you hit   that subscribe button hit that notification bell  and give us a thumbs up that really helps us out   thanks for watching guys please like share  and subscribe and we'll see you next time you
Channel: PatriotDIY
Views: 738,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diy, do it yourself, how to, thediypatriot, insulation, metal building, metal garage, metal shop, insulate, double bubble, double bubble insulation, foil insulation, radiant barrier, fiberglass insulation, batt insulation, foam inuslation, spray foam insulation, spray foam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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