5 steel building traps.(1)

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it's been a few days since we shot a video. This morning we're in Gilbert, this is Sentry Builders and we're out this morning talking with Chet about Five Things to Avoid When Purchasing a Steel Building. Chet what are those five things? The First one is the "Deal" Don't do the deal right up front. You know if you call around online somewhere or something You're going to typically find a steel building company that the salesmen will tell you they've got some kind of special deal for you. That if you lock in the steel price today or give them a deposit to lock it in that they're going to get a special thing for you. The problem with that is that you've just called them out of the blue, and all of a sudden they got some special deal. You're not any more special than any other customer. What they're trying to do is push you into something and so just use your common sense; Don't let somebody push you into something too fast and the special part of that deal is probably the commission that that salesman is going to make if he locks you into that price today. The next is code compliance. You know the fact that you own the property in the United States especially in Arizona where we are doesn't always mean that you can build exactly what you want to on your property The building department, regulatory, agencies, flood control, environmental services they all have a part in that and they want to they want to determine what you can build what you can't So the first thing that I would do is take an 8 1/2" by 11" piece of paper just put on there, draw out your property, sketch your property. Put the house on up put your shop on it that you want to build or your building that you want to build If you've got a swimming pool, other sheds or something put that on 81/2" by 11" piece of paper You can draw just as simple as that can be take it down to the building department Find out which building apartment you are first. Take it down to them sit down with somebody down there and see if there's any things that are going to throw up roadblocks to you getting your building done Next is be prepared before you put any kind of a deposit on a building or sign on the dotted line, one of the most important things is for you to decide exactly what you want in your building How tall do you want to be? How deep do you need to be,? What size the door opening needs to be for your RV or for your truck to come into. How many walk doors you want how many windows you want those things if you can decide those in advance and have those ready before you start talking to somebody about a building it will help you to get the best price for your building and lock it in at the best rate you can. Some things that you might want to consider is what that was a height of your fifth whee trailer or your motorhome if you are park something like that inside How deep do you need it to be? We had a guy one time that wanted to use his shop for an archery range and so he needed a 65-foot long building to to fit that archery range in How many windows? How are you gonna ventilate? If you're going to cool the building or heat it, whether you want insulation in it and how thick and heavy that needs to be whether you're going to insulate your doors or those kind of things the next point that you need to think about is what's included and what's not a typical steel building package will include the steel structure and the engineering for that steel structure will probably also include the door openings like the big door opening, roll up door openings What it doesn't include typically is the concrete engineering you may have to have that done locally. It probably, it may not include the windows and made on it put the actual doors themselves or the openings may be there but not the doors it may not include the unloading of the steel If you buy a steel package online you may have to have a forklift there to unload it when the one the truck arrives but if you can list those, if you can get those in writing from your salesman before you ever sign on the dotted line so you know exactly what's included and what's not then you're in a much better position to bargain with your salesman than before that before you sign on the dotted line than you are afterwards The last of these 5 points is to NOT over pay up front some steel building companies will require a sizeable deposit before you order the building and maybe even another deposit after the building's put into production but before it's delivered you need to make sure that the initial deposit that you pay is no more than 25% percent of the building price That's about the industry, thats the high end of the industry average for professionals if you pay more than that what the this steel building company is doing is they're front loading that contract which means they've got their profit they've got most of their commissions and their incentive to perform to make sure that you get what you want is gone and so you become yesterday's deal and they're more focused on today's deal with the next deal if they do then I'm serving you as a customer so if you if you disregard the first four points this please don't let this for this fifth when get by you because this may be the most important don't over pay up front don't pay for things before their delivered make sure the work is done before you get it paid for you'll be happy that you did This has been Chet Wilkins with Sentry Builders doing a video on a building in Gilbert Arizona for Diane's a beautiful building Its a 35' x 35' building has 14' eave Its got a 3:12 pitch on the roof and we're just about done with this we're doing some awnings on the outside of it and its been a really nice project for Diane thanks
Channel: Sentry Builders
Views: 1,410,451
Rating: 4.8427911 out of 5
Id: 1k1TUPsurQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 15 2014
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