Pole Barn Build Start To Finish

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the first step in the process was to clear the land now I really didn't know anything here in the beginning I mean I I'm literally online searching how to clear forests how to clear land like I didn't even know machines like this existed this is called a bush hog you know I became a lot more familiar with machines and heavy equipment as time went on but I'd never seen anything like this in action this thing here is like a lawnmower for the woods it was unstoppable I mean if you've got overgrown property that you want to be somewhat usable but you don't want to take the trees down you shouldn't contract somebody to come in and do one of these things or if you've got the Machine or access to it you know do it yourself because all of a sudden this property became walkable and usable you know prior to this guy coming in it was all sticks and thorns and bushes and it was crazy back there and then when he was done it was actually a usable space it was incredible [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's some pictures after he was done and you can see just how much cleaner it is I mean here's my truck parked back there you know just kind of trying it out figuring out where the barn might go the guy with the bush hog also had a transit level with him and so this was the beginning of discovering how much of a slope there was on my property now I didn't realize how much of a big deal this was going to be in the beginning but as you'll see this becomes a problem later on so at this point I believe got the neighbors attention and after showing them I'm getting all the proper permits the next step were to take down the trees where we're gonna build the barn now this was a really hard decision because I had to figure out the orientation of the barn how big it's going to be they had to mark the trees that are gonna come down and it's hard to take trees down because they're big and they're beautiful and they make the forest what it is but you know it's a compromise so we negotiated a price for them to remove something like 25 trees in the grind of all the branches it ended up being more work than the guy anticipated so I think I ended up getting a pretty good deal but these guys were here for multiple days and it was a big project [Music] [Applause] [Music] I also got a pretty sweet pile of wood chips out of the deal which you know in hindsight it was kind of more of a pain because I wasn't really ready for the chips and I tried to spread him around as best I can but they really were just in the way and that was unfortunate because it was some nice material and one other thing I would pick up on as time to go on is look at this machine says ABC Reynolds on the side I mean this guy was charging me to come in and do the work but basically he was just going and renting the machine from a local rental place and then bringing it over and probably charging me triple for it so I started to make those connections as time went on and you'll see I ended up buying a machine later on down the road of my own so aside from heavy machinery the other thing you really need on a project like this are some good friends that you can count on my friend Wayne who lived close by had built a similar structure a few years back and you know had a lot of good insight on the project and one of the things he suggested was he takes some of the logs and mill the wood he belong to a tractor club that runs an old sawmill on Wednesdays and they drink coffee and sit around and watch the wood go get milled and so he said hey let's bring logs down there so we loaded up his trailer and we must have done I don't know probably five or six of these loads and you know the guys kept a lot of the wood for themselves which is fine they made like fence boards and stuff out of it but I did get a considerable pile of lumber out of the deal which I'm actually still working through right now so that was a pretty sweet deal and here's a few more pictures of the property after it's been cleared now let me back this project up a little bit when we first moved into this house we moved from my other shop which you know was like a two-car garage and I had a considerable amount of tools in there was I used that space wisely I thought my wife and I decided from the beginning that the two-car garage that was in the house was going to be for our daily drivers only and that it would remain a clean space you know no painting grinding sanding that kind of thing so the first thing we had to do was find a place to keep all the stuff we thought about temporary structures and tents and things like that but we ultimately decided on buying a shed that we would eventually set down on the property now this thing this is a Amish made shed that we just bought outright and had delivered to the house and this guy rode on the trailer had this mule machine and he just dropped it right in the driveway and then eventually we called somebody back later on to have it moved down to the site and my wife and I ended up having to build a pad for it which I'll show you here in a second but check this machine out it's pretty cool the way he's able to just get her right off that deck and then bring it down and set her right down on the space [Music] here's another cool machine this is basically the entire contents of my garage being delivered to my house and I wish I had video with this thing but basically this thing picks that pod right off the truck and then he can four-wheel steer it anywhere he wants to set it down that was pretty impressive all right back to where we were with the project so here's my wife and I building the shed pad that on the shed will eventually sit on and this was a huge pain in the butt this is my first time ever building any kind of retaining wall and it was all out of square and was just kind of catawampus and of course the weather would swing from five degrees one day to 50 degrees the next day so that made for a challenge because the earth would be frozen but then you'd be sweating and it was interesting and also this was my first experience with getting materials delivered now this dump truck here is dropping off what's called rc6 that's recycled concrete there's our c6 which is like a crushed run more like a dust material and then there's our c2 which is like these baseball-sized type rocks and I'm gonna talk more about that in a little bit but basically it's junk I mean it's literally junk it's a bunch of construction material all ground up and used as a base fill I put this down on my driveway and ended up saving a couple bucks I guess but over the period of the next you know year-and-a-half all I do is pick out garbage from it literally like piles of garbage here so here's a pail full of stuff and this is just from like walking up and down the driveway a couple times so think twice about this material I kind of regret it now that I'm a little further down the road but the good news is you can always bury this stuff and our plan is to cover this with asphalt millings and make it look a little bit nicer once the shed passes ready to receive the Amish shed from the driveway we called up another company in camp with a specialized trailer that could articulate left and right and pick the thing up and so put a little bit of work him in as partner we're able to get the shed down to the pad and position it getting some pilot Jack's and sound pipes [Music] [Music] and with the shed being out of the driveway I was finally able to pull my m37 out to see some daylight now this truck you know I'll do another video on this but this is essentially the whole reason for building the barn I've been working on this truck since probably about 2011 and it's been a frame-off restoration I'll have another video on this truck at some point because that's a whole nother project but there she is okay let me talk about how important it is to have a machine that can lift and pick up materials and you know help you along with this project because I was renting that Toro dingo from a friend and it was incredible how much I was able to cover with that it had the Harley raked the buck at the forks and the excavator bucket and that was great but I didn't own the thing and so one day I was driving down the road and I saw this for sale long story short I own it and it's been amazingly helpful now ownership of a machine has its problems as well that is the hose I want of course it's all the way on the bottom with all this stuff on the way and so be prepared to spend a lot of time hoses and changing fluids and learning all about hydraulics but long story short this would not be possible without some kind of piece of heavy equipment and if you're gonna go down this road I would highly recommend investing in something like this or you know a tractor with some kind of three-point attachment on the back because you'll be really happy that you did and if you can train your wife or your partner to run the thing for you so that you can do other work while they're running it that's bonus to here's my wife using the grappler a while I cut stuff with a chainsaw excellent with the weather braking in the ground softening it was time to start with the grading now a lot of this was held up with the permitting process which is a whole I could probably make a whole nother video on that but anyway my buddy Joey and I decided to go for it together I rented this machine probably the same as any contractor would have this I think it was a thirteen thousand pound excavator you know the company delivered it and he would run the excavator and I'd run the Bobcat and we essentially were removing a six-foot slope from my property like I said the grade was way more than we thought it was gonna be and and also in the process we had to tear out a bunch of these stumps and and then we loaded them into this dumpster and then had him hauled away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and here's what the property looked like once it was leveled at this point in the build this pad seems to be level we checked it with a transom level everything seems to be okay and so I call up pioneer pole building and say great let's get the pre inspection the guy comes out and he's got a clipboard and he's all official and he comes down he looks at and he goes this looks great and he doesn't measure anything he just looks around and I say to him hey look you know I know it might be a little out of grade you know he might solve whatever I got to do to be ready for the build day you just let me know and he's like nope everything's good I'm like are you sure he's like yeah yeah I've seen worse this is no problem we'll be fine great shape let's schedule your build date okay so we do that now it's like a 10-week waiting period from that point so I get my day and I wait 10 weeks they finally comes for the delivery of materials that they're gonna use to build a barn so here is the flatbed parked out on the street and then he's got this forklift loader it's pretty neat because he can turn it 90 degrees in either direction so you can go forward and then he can go sideways and first he unloads the materials there on the front and then he unloads the trusses and sets everything down on-site to be built so the crew gets here they unload a couple of things and the first thing they do is pull out a transom level and they shoot a level from one side of the proper to the other and go sorry it's not a great day and I said what do you mean the guy was out here no we can't build it's too out of grade and they start packing it up I get on the phone with the company and here's their response well it's the customers responsibility to provide a level pad now I get that but why did you send your guy out here with a clipboard to tell me that it's level I would have done everything I possibly could have done ahead of time to make sure that we were ready for this but instead I'm just sitting on my thumbs waiting for the day patiently and then the day comes and the guys have to leave and there they go Thank You pioneer I can't even tell you how disgusted I am what that company pioneer pill buildings I should do a whole nother video on how messed up their process is for you know from from the beginning of like just trying to reach out to them being like hey here's my money I want to build a building you know you get somebody to come out here and the guy was nice but I could you know for him his whole goal was to get me to write a deposit check once they have that deposit check good luck becoming any kind of a priority in their book oh yes mr. Morgan the whole way fine yeah Oh everything's gonna be great the day all this happened things were really messy I got into it hard with that company because they wanted to reschedule for a couple weeks out and I said absolutely not I'm like you're gonna be back here tomorrow now granted I think the next day was Thanksgiving or something like that so then it ended up being the next day after but I was like you guys absolutely are happy you have to come back here so really I had no choice but to just get to work call up the quarry luckily it was still a workday and start having dirt delivered I spend the entire rest of that day and into the evening having materials delivered and trying my best to get it to be agreed so that they can build [Music] [Music] this was super annoying because I had waited so long for this day but I had some friends stop by and I had a lot of support and we gotta go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you so the day for the build finally comes I think the next day was Thanksgiving and then then this day happened and so here they are in the morning you know they check the grade everything's good and we're back on track so they're gonna start with this auger attachment on their skit skier and they're gonna drill down I think they're gonna drill down about three feet to make the footer holes for each one of the holes [Music] [Music] so they grow all the holes first and then before they can do anything else I have to get an inspector from the county to look inside and say a nice hole and then once we got the okay on that they were able to put the poles into the holes square everything up or concrete into each one of the holes and then backfill [Music] and just a side note these guys work their tails off but they look like they are about I don't know 15 years old now granted I know I got a baby face and I look young even though I'm pushing 40 but these kinds for like I swear I thought the bunch of hands would be building my building but like I said they the crew themselves knocked it out of the park pioneer PO Berlin's the company that sold me the building and essentially you know took the money and oversaw the project not happy with them at all you know I recommend stay away from them but the crew themselves not actually from Pioneer pull buildings a subcontractor they work really hard and they did a nice job [Music] all right skipping ahead here a little bit some of the footage got lost but once they had the poles in place they just kind of started framing around it and before I knew it they had the headers in place and you could tell where the doors were gonna be and they had the Gertz in place that the metal panels would attach to and once they had that part up they started bringing in the roof trusses they had this pretty cool attachment for their skid steer which was essentially just a really long aluminum pole and one guy would drive the skid steer and the other guy would help guide the hook onto the crust and then walk it inside the structure and then go up to the guy up in the roof and then he would got in place [Music] [Music] yeah here's the executive producer of this project the official Check Writer yeah you think us in 20 years dad what do you think God's thinking it's a long time coming but it's finally here wait how come we didn't have a barn we were younger did you ever think this day would come you had no you mean problems problems then stamp on a piece of paper hold up the whole project come on I think it's come along well yeah this compared to your your building and your your like your bar nearly up this will be up in two days yeah well my took three months yeah that's all good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the structure in place now we could start to focus on some of the other pressing issues the first big issue was the grading now I'd got it enough to build the building but there was still going to be a lot of problems with erosion and so I needed to come up with a plan on how I was gonna keep the dirt from washing away from the building and also there was this hill I had to cut into and I felt if I left it that eventually it would start to erode and some of the tree's roots would become exposed and potentially a tree would fall onto the barn plus it just wouldn't look all that great because we wanted to use this for some kind of an outdoor space and we wanted to get the concrete floor poured while I was trying to figure this out my wife suggested that I send a video of the property to my all-time favorite youtuber Andrew Cammarata I mean the guy is just my hero and we're really what amazes me is the guy works by himself which I can totally identify with because I'm constantly out here hammering away at this stuff usually just myself so I figured what the heck I sent him a video and to my surprise he actually replied back and gave me some advice on what to do hey Jared answer camera out of here just watching your video here so yeah I wrote something for you but I figured it'd be easier just to handle this this way so let's watch this here and talk about the stuff I would do is I would put down like a number-two stone we call it or be like a 3/4 inch gravel with no dust in it that way the water can drain through it and it doesn't need the compaction six the right choice do I just go with filter I probably wouldn't use there I'd probably use gravel you're you so you gotta be deeper down here but that way the water can run all the way from the front of the building or the side of the building we should say all the way through here that's your goal so I thought that was super cool and Andrew thanks again for all your help and advice after deliberating about it for a little while and and debating whether it was something I could tackle we ended up hiring a company because it just was too much work for one person to do and honestly it just was out of my wheelhouse clearly I'm not very good at grading I could barely get this to where it needed to be for them to build the building and I wanted it done right the first time but at least now I could talk intelligently to the contractor about what I wanted done and what makes me feel [Music] [Music] all right so we're finally done we're in the building everything is great I really love the space like I said the guys who built the building the subcontractor crew was excellent and then the company I hired to do the concrete and the retaining walls and stuff were also really super professional so no complaints there all I could say is if you're gonna do a project like this is be prepared for it to take way longer than you think it's gonna take and obviously cost more than you think it's gonna cost now I could do a whole cost breakdown on this project at some point but to sum it all up this project cost about one hundred and fifty thousand dollars I had originally budgeted seventy-five thousand dollars for this project and it just quickly got out of hand and one thing I really underestimated was how much dirt work costs moving dirt having dirt delivered the machines it takes to move the dirt the maintenance on all of them it's it was just it really caught me by surprise and so you know this whole thing has been a learning process and I'm sure that years down the road I'll say well you know it was all worth it but at the time of doing it it really hurts the wallet so just be prepared for anything like that and also I had said this earlier in the video like if you're gonna tackle something like this alone you have to have some kind of heavy machinery access to it at all time because you never know when like a load of dirt is going to be delivered or you're gonna have to pick something up or move something across the yard and for too long I tried to do this stuff by myself and you just spend hours trying to engineer some way to come up you know to move the thing when really it should take like five minutes so don't underestimate that part of it either just build it into your budget some kind of a tractor or skids dear or whatever you're gonna need it another thing that I was kind of surprised about in the whole process was there was no like general contractor ever I was the general contractor I was the one coordinating everything maybe I was asking the wrong questions and maybe people didn't take me seriously enough but like I kind of figured when you call up these places and they have a picture of a building like this that it's gonna be turnkey like oh yeah well that's the price whatever the price is on the flyer that's what it's gonna be no that's not even close because you still have all the earthwork the concrete the electric et cetera et cetera it's just one of the things I wish these building companies could be a little bit more transparent with to the homeowner up front you know if you want if you want the building as pictured we can provide this general contractor service that will you know do the whole thing of soup to nuts because it's an forget even the Doric got the permit the permitting process I I can't even tell you the red tape I had to go through with the county and a lot of it was just really simple stuff that I just didn't know about and it would hold up the process for months I'll give you an example in this building I wanted the height to be tall enough to accommodate a lift so the county that I live in they have a restriction on height 15 feet tall is the limit fine well what I didn't realize I had to I ended up applying for a variance because this building to the layman which is me is taller than 15 feet at the peak of the roof it ends up being like when we did the math or something it was like 18 feet so I'm a couple feet off but what I don't realize is that the definition of peak of the roof is actually the average between the top of the the header for the garage and then the peak that's the actual defined height of the roof so after months of wasting the county's time trying to file for our variance and having to get a hearing date and all this stuff I finally get somebody on the phone and it was what they're talking about and they're like wait what do you want to do and after I explained it to him they say oh you don't need a you don't need a variance for that you're good to go so I mean it's just like little things like this that I wish and at the very least if they weren't gonna provide any kind of service maybe they could have just had some kind of like education process upfront because a lot of time was wasted just waiting for things to happen that could have been in motion sooner you know same thing with that leveling crap I waited 10 weeks the guy comes out says we're good to go I wait ten weeks only for them to tell me that we're at a level like if I had had a little bit more information I would have been handling that the entire time so that when the data showed up we would have just dope the building but I suppose that's life you know that's like anything you know the first time you do it it's gonna be messy and it's gonna be not what you think it's gonna be and of course it's gonna cost more than you think it's gonna cost and I suppose I could have paid somebody a lot of money up front to handle all of my problems but then I wouldn't have learned anything so I guess it just depends on what kind of person you are like I'm a really stubborn person who wants stuff done and I want it done now and we got it done I mean at the end of the day I'm sitting in this barn on a concrete floor looking around at all the vehicles that I have and thinking about all the projects that I'm gonna do and I will enjoy this space for years to come and I hope this video inspires you guys out there if you are thinking about building a building to get creative and start thinking about you know what your layouts gonna look like and I I just hope that maybe somebody can learn from some of my mistakes really the only way to do is to just get out there and do it so you know good luck to you guys enjoy the process as frustrating as it can be make some friends along the way buy a tractor and get out there and build something all right thanks for checking it out see you around
Channel: Jared Morgan
Views: 185,896
Rating: 4.7783017 out of 5
Keywords: pole, barn, build, pioneer, amish, shed, garage, man cave, dirt, concrete, leveling, level, grading, tractor, heavy, machine, logs, milling
Id: GMc3EM4MTc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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