Building a Dream Shop! From Dirt To Finished Building

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everybody welcome to a multi-part series where this is gonna be a pretty life-changing event for us here at a glimpse inside so what you see behind me is my backyard I'm not sure if you can see all the children yes they're enjoying it well what we've got here is we've got some markings for a new slab to be poured a concrete apron and then another small slab of concrete over there for storage for utility trailers and whatnot then we're gonna be building a shop a standalone shop that's gonna be 20 by 30 I really hope you guys enjoy this journey with me this is gonna be a long process but through the power of editing we're gonna make this really short for you guys and give you a glimpse inside this process so here it is for now let's get to it they're so cute this should be fun let's go okay so what you see behind me is the actual driveway that's gonna go up into that fence you saw that fence for the previous clip the slab is back there so the idea here is that our house will have a second driveway this is the first right there of course and like a kid in the candy store this is so cool so this is the idea concrete about 20 feet then pavers a paver driveway leading up to the apron that is coming off of a slab at least that's my vision I've got it all contracted out I'm my own general contractor on this and I've got all these trades kind of coordinated to come in here and do this so and I'm still working full time so your mate you may not see the actual process being done on some of these trades but you're gonna see the before and after and it should be a wild ride so without further ado again let's get to it all right another step in the process you can see the slab is behind me or the lack thereof there's a tarp a massive tarp over it that is to hold in all the termite protection there is pest control down there and it's the weekend and I'm actually gonna be around for this pour which is great because I might get some footage of it so here we go let's get it done all right here's a quick tip if you're ever gonna tackle something like this on your own I'm essentially my own general contractor for this I'm contracting all these different you know subcontractors out here to do all these services but if you save yourself a bit of money not only by doing that but by also doing some of the work that they don't have to do now a little-known fact is that electricians don't like to dig did you know that so I've dug a trench from the house essentially to the pad and I've got this electrical conduit that I'm going to install for them here in Florida has to be below 18 inches different counties have different codes just so you know that but save yourself some money and do a little something for the guys who are going to be doing the work and then appreciating it and you will in the long run as well so let's go ahead and get this done so I picked up a few pieces of this great electrical conduit this is one and a quarter inches in thickness reason being I need enough room to run all the wires from the panel in the garage up through the Attic and down the chase that is coming out with the electrical for my air conditioner outside is we're gonna go ahead and use that opening in the house but this is reason being I'm doing this myself is because like I said before electricians do not want to do this kind of stuff I promise you and if they do they're gonna charge you an arm and a leg so it's I spent the better part of an afternoon digging a trench and go ahead and put this in place as you can see here here is the slab I've run the longer piece up into the building and then I've got the smaller piece there you can see but now it is time for concrete this is actually a pretty cool moment by the way if you have nosy neighbors you'll find out who's nosey right now the moment you get service people coming in here and are changing the landscape my goodness i couldnt believe how many people came by and said well what are you doing either way the shops gonna be roughly 200 feet away from the actual street so we needed a concrete pump and that's what we're doing here we're loading up this concrete or a mud as they call it any industry and we're just gonna run it all the way back to the slab they're gonna fill in the footer first essentially working their way back this is a 12 by 12 inch footer around the perimeter of a slab and process is pretty simple although I would not want to do this myself it takes a coordinated effort a really smart team of guys who have done this before to do this right and to see them coordinate and do this all together was a pretty pretty cool sight as this guy degrees right here and that's gonna be for an air conditioner pad off to the side I may or may not use that in the future we'll see the plan is now to put a little split system in there but as you see it's been about I would say maybe thirty minutes and they've already gotten I don't know about 70% of the slab poured and now it is time to go ahead and trowel it smooth this is a two-part process as well where they do it with a broom as you see here for a little bit of reference X Chur or they can do it with a smooth trowel for a smoother texture the rough parts are for the aprons and the smooth parts again are for the actual floor of the shop all right so this is the state of my backyard have to actually my front yard at the moment those as you can see are a ton of pavers that are going in this gap so that's where they're going this culvert has just been poured today as you see here along with the initial driveway pad that is gonna lead up to the shop so good progress today just got home from work with the board of this all right so the next day about seven o'clock in the morning and the paper bases showed up they're gonna dump it right here well on the front yard oh this is not ideal I guarantee you that but since the concrete is so new and it's only been forward for about 24 hours it's not the best situation to back something up and dump something like that on there so although it's it's cured enough to cut like you see here they've had to cut a little line to fit the pavers in but you know we just didn't want to run that risk and of course these guys I'm back on lunch break and this is already done I've never seen a team of guys work so efficiently then then Ronald and his crew man it is absolutely fantastic to see what they do and see how quickly they do it I've actually got another paver patio as you see this pathway is leading all the way to it I've got a video about that I'll mention that here in a second hey guys what's up yeah so come home on lunch break today and check this out we've got a driveway this is fantastic I can't believe how fast and efficient these guys work it is absolutely incredible as you can see behind me there's gonna be the little walkway to the actual yeah the papers that they did in a previous video if you haven't seen that I'll link that video down below as well this is fan I'm so excited to get this done so back to the front of the driveway where they cut that line in the concrete when you are making cuts in these types of projects you want to finish with solid pavers and that's why they cut the concrete instead of the papers as well and now it's about four o'clock in the afternoon so these guys worked from around 7:30 to 4:00 and this entire project is done roughly 1,300 square feet of pavers to pathways a landing area and then a driveway as well I'm gonna peek over the fence here to give you a glimpse over into what its gonna look like now off to the left there is another 3-foot pathway connected to the actual sidewalk so Lisa the front door that and of itself is the one again valuable to be able to move tools into the shop and of course this is my little daughter and the last thing she did was build a gingerbread yep building a gingerbread house with Grandma was the last thing she did either way now it's time to play these kids absolutely love this concrete slab and run around on it for hours on end figured I'd give you a footage of it before the actual building was built I wonder if they're gonna miss being able to do this I think they will but for the time being I'm glad they're having fun don't make yourself dizzy go so it's like not even 6:30 in the morning yet and these guys are here already this is crazy so I've always heard that a crew of people comes in and builds a building in one day and this is 100% true they get started by laying out the windows and believe this or not on this trailer are three different buildings all on one trailer and I happen to have one of them that's bet be put up so I just dropped off the kid at school and I was gone maybe 30 minutes and that was it this process man you can build the building I don't know not quite all right at this point I am gonna film in little snippets of progress on this building really simply these guys just are operating as one machine here they know what they're doing they don't really talk to each other that much and they just go about their business very quickly and very efficiently and I'll just let you guys enjoy the process of this building being built again I didn't film every single aspect but there you go [Music] and with that the building is done the guys are gone and we are having a bloody bye so the first lumber delivery of the new shop our two-by-fours all right the building's up and now you can see here that it's essentially all made of metal but I want to put some wooden studs with a sister up some two-by-fours up against the metal studs in there to give me a little more tooth something to grab into when I do put I think I'm gonna clad the entire surface at least the first ten feet all the way around in solid wood and plywood so anywhere I want to put something I think this is a good investment instead of drywall it's a shop why not you know all right so the shops coming together nicely you can see here that I'm starting to add some two by fours not quite on this window yet this window on this wall yet sub-panels gonna go there and these are all metal walls but I'm putting the wood on either side we're gonna put some here and then on this side of the stud as well but let me show you something real quick losing self-tapping screws but there's a bit of a problem you're gonna see here the heads of the screws that are using that they're using a holding actual little pieces to make the structure possible they are protruding out so there's a quick way to contend with that and get a nice flush fit and let me show you how we're doing it so I basically line a 2x4 up on the wall and I give it a good whack wherever the self-tapping screw heads are then you can see the leaves a little indentation on where I need to take a brad point bit drill out a little recess where the screw has a thing going to go at this point I'm gonna take another drill bit and I'm gonna drill three holes in the top middle and bottom of the 2x4 and we're gonna thread in a two this is two and a quarter inch self tapping screw that's gonna basically go into the actual metal this is not exactly the fastest process in the world it does take a little bit of time to make sure you get a nice bite on that grill on the actual self tapping screw but once you do that thing is rock-solid and you are good to go so we're gonna repeat this process all around the hole job which I just think is something that's going to help not only with the spray foam insulation that's coming but also to help us run electrical and to be able to climb the entire surface of plywood [Music] hey baby hi yeah it's my shop what you think you like hey big stuff you like it buddy you know it's times like these that I will always remember the process in building this of course I want to get this done as fast as possible but you know pushing around my daughter on a lumber cart full of two by fours is something you know I'll remember for the rest of my life really cool moments here [Music] okay well it's a busy day here in the job yeah absolutely I am super excited to get this finished enough said that phrase a lot in this video but here's the deal so a couple things we did yesterday you put up a couple of sconces and I put up a floodlight as well at the top and now I've got my miter saw back there I'm finishing up cladding the walls or putting wooden studs on either side of the metal studs and the reason for that is is I want to be able to climb this entire shop in plywood and I don't want to have to mess with you know drilling in self-tapping screws into the plywood itself I'd rather do that with these studs also it gives me a little bit of room in a leeway to actually run some of the electrical down the face of each metal stud instead of the sides so I've done that it's gonna well I'm gonna lose probably about an inch of space on either side but that's okay quite frankly I think I got enough room also another thing I'm pretty excited about too is the fact that tomorrow spray foam is coming so we're doing a spray foam insulation and I've only seen it done on TV I've never been around it when it's been done apparently it goes pretty quick so I'm gonna film if I can some of that tomorrow but right now we're gonna finish up cladding these walls cladding why am I saying that word so much we're gonna finish finish up studying these walls with wooden studs on the metal studs so let's get that done [Music] so as you can see some of the electrical is run in between those studs on the face of the actual metal stud and spray foam will go in that cavity as well speaking of spray foam I'm gonna help them out by go ahead and you know tape it off some of these outlets form shouldn't be a big deal this process goes really quickly okay well put a little caulk on the floodlight I don't really like being up this huh it's a little precarious just a little bit but you know what you got to do what you got to do [Music] so one thing I realized about people who are experts in their field they do things extremely fast these guys showed up around 8 o'clock and we're done by 11:30 and this was a pretty cool process to see so they went in and they they took some some of that closed self spray foam and they put that in all the nooks and crannies before they did this this is the process in which that you've probably seen on a lot of these design shows or even here on YouTube basically a two-part mixture gets sprayed on roughly 130 degrees and it catalyzes pretty instantly you can see here that as he is going up the liquid goes on and by the time he has gone up 5 feet the very bottom is just about solidified this process was extremely fast again definitely though if you're doing this you need respirators you don't see me in the shot right now but I've got my face covered as well but this this was really cool to see and really really efficient and I'll just let them do their thing and you guys enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man well here it is so far guys so I really appreciate you coming along on this journey with me with us it's been an absolute pleasure to build this thing and I will say this this is not something that YouTube has afforded me this is 20 years my son is messing with the tripod this is 20 years of saving this is an investment and since I have this channel and since I've started this as something really to help us there's quite a few things going on here in the a glimpse inside world and it all started a few years ago long story I'm not going to get into it but I realize that maybe just maybe this platform could help us out and so far because of the viewership that you guys have had with us it really has this was an investment essentially a place to build to make to share with you the knowledge that I know what a little lever that I have but I appreciate every single one of you joining me for this project and again I cannot wait to get in here and dive into so many different shop projects and different techniques it's really gonna expand my knowledge and I hope it expands yours as well thanks again for joining me guys I appreciate each and every one of you my name is Chris and I'll see you guys in this new shop on those next projects thank you again [Music]
Channel: A Glimpse Inside
Views: 1,541,711
Rating: 4.9121685 out of 5
Keywords: woodshop, new shop, woodwork, maker, makerspace, love, wood working
Id: Nm-Jnhaj3g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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