My CHEAP Shop Build (Cost Breakdown)

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hey guys garrett here and honestly i think everybody needs a shop you're probably going to say well garrett you have a 6 000 square foot house with another thousand square feet of garage it's different come on guys it's totally totally different a shop you can get extra extra dirty you can do whatever the heck you want in it plus my shop i actually used as storage for when i was building my house i put all my icf blocks in it my windows my doors tools everything it was the secure place that i could go to put everything not only that but we were living at my dad's at the time so the vast majority of our belongings were also inside of this shop so it was extremely important and really easy to get by on my wife when i told her hey i think we should build a shop before we build the house so we have a place to put things secretly i just wanted to shop in the end so that i could do the things that i want to do but regardless it was nice to have during the build and it was a place you could get out of the sun nice shady area you could put fans on if you wanted had electricity so just a great place to have during the build of my house so in this video i'm going to show you the outside as well as the inside of the shop and show you some of the unique features about it and then at the end i'm actually going to go line item by line item of the exact costs of my shop it ended up being pretty darn cheap per square foot i started and finished my shop in mid-2016 so i started it in the summertime and actually finished it towards the end of the year but the vast majority of it was done within about two months of my starting really the part that i finished at the end of the year was the electrical so as with any shop starts with lots of rock laid as a foundation and then i put in my footings as well as my peers and then my trusses and then all the wood everything that goes with it as well as brand new uh metal siding that goes on the outside of it so it's a pretty darn good looking shop and i really really like it i can't believe that i ever didn't have a shop this was honestly something that i wanted at 13 years old and i finished it in 2016 so it was like 21 years coming for me dreaming about having this space now i have it and i use it all the time and i couldn't go back otherwise my shop is 35 feet wide and 90 feet long which is a little untraditional but it'll make more sense whenever you see the way that i actually built this shop and here we are inside of the shop you know pretty typical shop nice thing is it the tresses are the scissor type trusses so we have vaulted ceilings but what makes these somewhat unique is they came out of a chicken house actually retired chicken houses and then i made my shop out of them i got each set here for 50 bucks a piece but they actually resided in arkansas before i bought them and as you see these they have this tapered end on here which to be honest if i was to do it again i would have got the trusses that would have had a straight leg going straight up and down would have made building this building a heck of a lot easier but sometimes you just end up what you end up with and this is what i got they were nice and cheap i built the concrete piers underneath them and of course they have 18-inch footings that are down underneath the slab here in the front i've got a nice window here the big giant door over there plus another window over there so lots of natural lighting on this side of the shop plus of course the door has a little window in it as well as a small window over there if you look at this side of the shop i do not have any windows at all and the whole reason is i can't see that side of the shop whenever i am up at the house or even outside it's on a side that's pretty much blind to me so if someone was to break into the shop i'd never know it on that side of the house same deal over there it's on the south side of the house and i really can't see it but you'll also notice there's a garage door on that side of the shop as well and this way is north this way is south so i can open both of those doors and get a really nice cross breeze during the summer and it's just not that bad during the summer months over here i have a side door and of course bring the mower in and out of there as well as vehicles if i need to but my plan in the future is actually right where this cabinet sits to put another door over there and as you can see i just have way too much stuff it's amazing how much stuff a person accumulates over time as well as too darn many vehicles too but regardless i'm a car guy and i enjoy that kind of stuff and if you can't tell i have a lift so i like to work on my own stuff as well as you can see i've got concrete floors they range anywhere from six to eight inches thick i did not do a good job of leveling out the rock underneath and i really could have saved myself probably a thousand dollars in concrete costs had i gotten some sand and actually leveled everything out but this was early on in my building experience and i i really just didn't have either the time or the experience so it is what it is and i spent a little extra money on it but it does not crack it has lots of rebar within it and i love it and if you're wondering what this little room is right over here this is actually where i shoot the vast majority of these videos this is a studio space for where i shoot most of these videos and it was pretty much an afterthought i didn't know i was going to be doing youtube so i just built this room inside of my shop and it turned out really nice the shop does have a 200 amp panel in it and it is a dedicated 200 amp service for this building and as you can see i've insulated all of the walls grant you i'm missing a little piece right there i'll get to that but the roof is actually insulated as well and while that insulation is not pretty it has foil on both sides and it was the original chicken coop insulation so i bought that at the same time that i bought these trusses and installed them and i wouldn't go any other way in my opinion you definitely have to insulate at least the roof of your building mainly to keep it from raining whenever it gets really really humid out it'll condensate on the inside and then just start dripping on everything and mine does not do that because i have this insulation it's an inch thick so in essence it's an r5 up there eventually i would like to add more insulation across the top probably just run some more r13 bat up there but i'll get to that now let's talk about the actual cost that went into building this shop ended up being pretty darn cheap so let's go line item by line item first off was the permit and it was 974 dollars second was the rock it was roughly a thousand dollars third rental fees i had to get a skid steer as well as an auger to be able to do my my footings and i needed a trencher so that i could trench in the electrical over to my pole and that was 346.98 fourth the trusses like i said they were used trusses i bought them in arkansas whenever they were taking down a chicken house and i got them for 500 bucks number five is concrete and rebar and this is one of the big ticket items originally i wasn't even thinking i was going to concrete in this shop but it just kind of made sense as time went on to go ahead and do it just up front so that i didn't have to do it later on ended up costing thousand six hundred seventy dollars and ninety seven cents and to be realistic if i had done a better job of leveling everything out prior to pouring the the slab i probably could have saved about a thousand dollars in concrete fees number six is the lumber and that came out to two thousand eight hundred and eighty five dollars and fifty five cents used a fair amount of lumber in this uh the the roof purlins were all two by sixes and then everything on the walls were two by fours on the long walls and two by six is on the short walls and really i could have gotten away with less lumber had i had tresses that had the straight legs on the side of them but again i had what i had so i made do with it number seven is the metal i did buy all brand new metal i got it from menards it was five thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars and fifteen cents number eight is the doors and the windows and i'll be honest i only bought one of the windows that i put in i have four total windows and i had the foresight on a previous property that i owned whenever i was changing out those windows i kept three of them and so i have two windows that are four foot by four foot those were free because i just kept them another one was four foot by three foot it's on the side of my shop and it was free because i kept that one i only had to buy the one vinyl window and it was only 100 bucks or so so total on doors and windows was 738.52 and i forgot to mention that i used used garage doors on the north and south sides i did end up buying a brand new one for the side door number nine is insulation and i insulated the whole thing part of the insulation was reused from that chicken house so it really didn't cost all that terribly much but total insulation was one thousand two hundred sixty eight dollars and six cents and it's worth every single penny electrical i did all myself of course i did this whole building myself but the electrical was only 646.89 and the 11th thing is just kind of a miscellaneous catch all i couldn't fit everything in and that was another 448.39 so the total that i actually spent for this building was twenty four thousand four hundred and fifty nine dollars and fifty one cents but i also had roughly eight hundred dollars in menards rebates as i was buying stuff and so i'd get a rebate and then i'd just buy more material get a rebate on that buy more material ended up applying it all to this shop and so that knocks off about 800 bucks so that gives me a grand total of twenty three thousand six hundred fifty nine dollars and fifty one cents so when you divide this out by the size of this shop it comes out to seven dollars and fifty nine cents per square foot i think that's pretty darn incredible boat weight don't click off quite yet something happened a couple years after i built the shop i had a hail storm come through and of course i am well insured and they actually totaled out the roof on the shop as well as some of the metal on the sides and the front as well as one of the garage doors so i ended up getting a check from the insurance company for 19 301 dollars and six cents i did go ahead and replace the front garage door on this shop and that was around 1600 bucks to replace it but i love that new garage door eventually i'll probably do the one that is on the south side of my shop but they're kind of expensive so i'll wait on that regardless getting that insurance check just about wiped out all of my expense on this shop so that's pretty amazing regardless not taking that into account i still ended up with a shop at seven dollars and 59 cents per square foot and i just couldn't be happier i don't know how people get away especially if they are very handy like i am how they can get away with small spaces to get stuff done i have too much big equipment as well as a fascination with cars and just how things work so i need a space of my own that is away from the house i don't get anything dirty in the house i don't bother my wife and then my kids can't really bother me too much especially whenever i'm making these videos so having this space out here is just wonderful so let me know if you guys are doing something like this or what you ended up spending on a shop just like this until then i'll see you next time
Channel: Garrett Glaser
Views: 47,332
Rating: 4.8963962 out of 5
Keywords: my cheap shop build, cheap shop build, diy shop build, garrett glaser, pole barn, shop tour, new shop, diy pole barn, diy shop, new pole barn, inexpensive shop build, inexpensive shop, cheap workshop build, cheap workshop, inexpensive workshop, cheap mancave, inexpensive mancave, cheap mancave build, cheap pole barn, inexpensive pole barn, cheap metal building, inexpensive metal building, diy metal building, diy garage, diy garage build, cheap garage, cheap diy garage
Id: xBLXRgm44-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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