Cost of Building a Barndominium Home | Texas Best Construction

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel I'm Josh helm and today I want to talk about something that I know is sort of always on your guy's mind how much does it cost to build a barn dominium and so I wanted to sit down because the last couple of videos we put out on some of our tour videos we've kind of been bombarded with questions about cost and you know we've never really done this before but I thought hey let's just get down to the nitty-gritty if you want a barndominium builder somebody who can do a turnkey build I'm going to share with you details today that will help you have an idea of what it would cost to work with Texas best construction first off I want to talk to you about some of the common things that are different about building a barn iminium as opposed to a conventional build say a builder grade home and a subdivision so number one foundation is different in some cases not all cases but sometimes foundation can be different when you're building out in a rural setting or in the suburbs you might need a little more into your foundation that means more prep work more ground work maybe piers you know things like that that you might not need in say a subdivision so this can help dictate cost but in most cases it's either scraping the ground prepping it and getting it ready for foundation and you will get an engineered Foundation as well as grade beams every 12 feet these are some of the main important things that you need for your home and because it is going to be a custom home and so we will do an engineered slab just like you would get in say a city build where you know you have a builder that has to provide engineered foundation to the city to get a permit a lot of times we'll not be building out in the county it's not necessarily required but we do go ahead and get an engineer and a shoe we do use a 3500 psi on all our builds which is a little step up from I think what the normal requirements are secondly from the foundation is the wall system that we we're somewhat known for using the zip system currently on all our builds and that in itself is sort of an upgrade with the way that we do it because we seal the exterior walls and we go a step further beyond just the tape and we also seal off all the penetrations as well as the bottom connection points with a liquid flashing having this air tightness like that helps protect against you know losing air out of the inside as well as having air come in from the outside so that's a big difference that we feel like in our builds number three is we use a two by six studded walls on the exterior walls in old times past people would just have a metal director come build a building and then they would try to finish it out on the inside this is something that we've kind of reworked those steps we feel like it's good for us to have that barrier with the sheathing on the outside between the metal panels or whatever topics tear that you use and the inside framing a lot of times on a typical builder-grade home you're gonna get 2x4 studded walls we're using two by six studded frame walls so that's steps it up a little bit allowing for additional space for the top of insulation that we're going to put put in which is number four we're going to put a spray foam envelope insulation system all around the perimeter of the space of the home including the attic space so all of that interstitial space is a conditioned space as well where your HVAC system is and a lot of your other mechanicals those things are in a conditioned space by doing this it allows for an airtight home and it's something that we feel as a step up in regards to what you can get in common construction on builder-grade homes so we will use the closed cell foam on the roof lines and the roof areas where it meets the metal roof and then on the wall systems it will be closed cell phone completely closing in the 2x6 studded walls from there you look at the finish out areas on the inside and you'll get a completely custom cabinetry granite countertops is a common finish for base grade as well as three and a half inch baseboards throughout also crown molding in the master bedroom and the living area one other thing to add for your custom cabinetry is the specialized work that we do in the same master bathroom as well as the tile surrounds that we'll do in alternate bathrooms and we'll have completely tiled walls as well as the floor base will be tiled as well in the shower area so these are things that we don't cheap out on and you won't see any fiberglass inserts anything like that in any of our bills that's just another thing that you might see is different than say a builder-grade home in a suburb we put a lot of thought into it and a lot of effort into it giving you guys a really great home all that to say this that your cost factor for your living area and this is kind of a basis and I'm gonna just run through three different areas of how you can help know the perimeters for figuring the cost for your barndominium based on common finishes and base grade finishes on the interior of the home normally what I give people as a perimeter and a basis for them to put their pricing together is around 110 to 120 dollars per square foot for finish out on the interior that includes the metal structure and the shell and everything covers the septic system as well as all the electrical foundation everything on the inside so that's not a shell cost and then plus something else that's a finished product turnkey build 110 120 dollars a square foot secondly stepping away from the interior we look at the shop areas so if you're just building say a shop or a and this is including insulation as well as electrical I tell people start around $40 a square foot it's gonna be fully engineered foundation insulated with spray foam as well as you're probably gonna have a couple overhead doors electrical in the shop you know all that has to be taken into consideration when you're trying to put a building together so it's you know you're not gonna want to walk in there without electricity so that's normally a gauge of price that I give our clients to be able to put together pricing then you've got porches most everybody wants to add a porch there's a lot of different ways you can do things but in our base grade finishes on porches we're gonna cover the soffits underneath as well as have the roof on the top it also has all the trims and things like that with painted post and of course your concrete underneath so this I tell folks start out around $40 on that as well now what are ways that you can customize your barndominium and spend more money you can obviously do that in every area of building a home that's why there's so many factors and that's why we're a little reluctant sometimes to share costs because every home is different every situation is different the location the you know the way that the land is laid out whenever we're trying to set it up to build a home there's a lot of things that you can do to add to that you can add masonry you could add special you know finishes on your siding there's a lot of things like that that you can do think about square footage because it's pretty much like I said before it's gonna rule the day 110 120 dollars a square foot that could range up there even higher if you want to go with more customized items what's not included in that price is appliances and we don't typically ever figure appliances because there's really so many options and it's something that we leave to our clients also there's no landscape and irrigation those kind of things on the exterior so that's not included as well I hope that this gives you an idea so that you can put your pricing together and understand a budget more so of what you need to build this is the current state of things this is with a current market where we're at again that could change next month that could change by the end of this year that could change three years from now I can't really predict the future but as it is right now this is where we're at this is not a modular home there's nothing cheap about the way that we build these homes and it's a custom build it's something that's meant to last your family for many years to come so I hope that you'll take the time to really consider the value the efficiencies everything that we're putting into these builds and you'll understand that cheap is not always better there's just so many people that assume that the motivation behind building a barn iminium is so they can be done cheaper and at the current rate and state of things our goal is to build you an efficient custom home there's so many ideas and we're gonna continue to promote those ideas and help find more ideas for you guys on your barndominium x' and i hope you'll stay tuned to this channel for all that it entails but for now that's all we've got I'm Josh helm wishing you all the best thanks for watching Texas best [Music] [Music]
Channel: Texas Best Construction
Views: 1,269,135
Rating: 4.8909392 out of 5
Keywords: Cost of Building a Barndominium Home, Cost of Building a Barndominium, Building a Barndominium Home, Cost of a Barndominium Home, How to Build a Barndominium Home, Texas Barndominium Home, Barndominium Home, Building a Barndominium, Texas Barndo, Barndos, Barndominiums, Texas Best Construction, Texas Best, Texas Construction, Texas Home
Id: eCcAJswUDtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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