How Much Does A Barndominium Cost In 2021? | DIY Barndominium | Home Planning

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hi i'm kevin i'm whitney we're the hearts we are the heart and home channel and we are building our own barnum new and today we are going to be going over the cost to build a barnum in 2021 [Music] okay so disclaimer before we get started there are a few things we're not going to include in this price and kevin will go into it a little bit more yeah so we're not going to be including uh the cost of our land and also the preparation like clearing away trees and grounding that stuff the reason that we're not going to be doing that is because it's completely different for every person um based on location and your type of land that you have all of that just varies so much that it's just pointless okay so the first uh section we're going to talk about is making your land habitable so basically three things septic well and grid hookup these are also going to vary a lot but they are good to talk about just so people can have a general idea of what things basically cost um but obviously they're going to be different versus where you purchase the land we're going to give you an idea of what we're roughly spending on ours just so you can kind of have a general idea but like we said yours is probably going to vary wildly based on what you're doing so for septic we've purchased the plans and the original test holes that we had dug that was about a thousand dollars we also had an estimate at the time that but that was also back in 2020 so this may change a little bit but the rest of it was the the total comes out to be about 14 to 16 000. that's how much we're expecting to pay so yeah that could vary a little bit um and the next same thing with our well uh we got all of these estimates uh last year so um the well if you want to go into that a little bit yeah so for the well we already had the main well dug that cost about 12 000 and we still have to get all of the trenching done to it and the pipes laid and all that stuff that's we got an estimate for about fourteen thousand dollars so a total for that twelve what we already paid fourteen and what we're going to pay about twenty six thousand give or take a little bit um and then the next section or the next thing would be the grid for our property we already had electrical wires around the edge of the property so it's not really going to be crazy like some people might if you're building out in the country we're expecting to pay between 12 000 and 15 000 for total for a grid hookup but again this is probably the least useful one just because everybody's situation is gonna is gonna cost a lot different what i will say if you have to run electrical for a mile you're gonna pay a fortune so be very aware of of where your existing yeah where the existing utilities are before you choose your property okay so next we're going to talk about foundation costs um we're going to kind of go into a few different things in this just because it's kind of interesting and we're also going to talk about what we thought it was going to cost versus what we had to pay because we ran into a couple problems so the original price that we were quoted was going to be about 30 32 000 we chose to put our posts on footers and then do a slab after that it's sort of like the traditional way to build a post frame except the posts are out of the ground originally that seemed like the most cost effective way for us to do it but the issue is that when we when the requirements from from the county uh had us that we had to fully insulate the outside of it so and and because of the rock we actually might have paid around the same price for a a stem wall which actually would have been a superior product but we didn't know that going into it so definitely talk with your contractor about your options and price differences and um and they'll be able to help you out now we did run into some major issues where we have like cracked basalt or fractured basalt about a foot sometimes even less than a foot under under the ground that of the build site that we chose so that ended up uh bringing the price up to forty three thousand dollars that was a big bummer the next up is the actual shell of the structure uh for us we're kind of classifying this as the the kit that we got and then also some supporting items like uh chains and extra fasteners stuff like that our total came out to about 58 000 and so to build a barnum minium you don't need to buy a kit um or a pole barn post frame you don't need to buy a kit but we decided to for a few reasons and we'll talk about that a little bit we're going to make a separate video um going more in depth on that but we'll just talk about that briefly yeah kind of why you might want to pick one or the other but generally the reasons that we really wanted to go with the kit for this is that this is i'm not a super experienced builder and so we wanted to have some additional handholding anytime like being able to talk with someone when i run into trouble it has huge value having a construction manual is a huge value for us and then also making sure that the the building is engineered to withstand the specifications outlined by the county and then also be able to resell to to resell the house later if you don't have if you don't have those things the inspections and things and have your house approved for them it can be really tricky to get those to to be sold later on people won't be able to take out a loan to buy your house from you so that would be a bummer if you don't buy a kit and you don't have an engineer you could potentially save up to half yeah um probably probably something yeah so maybe we could have spent around 27 28 yeah um but like kevin said because because this is our first time because we don't have a lot of experience because we just didn't want to have to jump through multiple hoops when inevitably at some point in our life we sell the home we just decided let's pay a bit more and not have the stress of all that so most people we know that are building barnos um are not doing kits um but we know a couple that are so there's pros and cons to both and again we'll make a video about that in the future yeah and if you do decide to go with a kit supplier for your home make sure that you keep your design as simple as possible we had a home that was not terribly uh more complex than this one it was similar size but with two dormers actually maybe maybe three dormers and an extrusion for a back deck area off of the side and that one was about twice the price as as what we're even talking about here so there definitely wasn't that many more materials but uh just the complexity of the project and their pricing structure definitely will get you so make keep it simple if you want to save yourself some money yeah so we uh basically ours will look very simple we won't have any dormers basically a big rectangle it'll look cute but yeah it's um some barn does that i see are really beautiful in the way that they structure them ours is very simple and again maybe if we didn't buy a kit we would have been able to do that but yeah so now uh now we're on to the interior this is the this is the section that we kind of know the least about we did our best to estimate how much everything was going to cost but with the way that things are going right now in 2021 it's kind of hard to exactly know how much things are going to cost when we need to buy them so take everything we say here with a grain of salt and maybe we will do a follow-up video in a year and a half with how much we spent yeah we definitely that'll be fun to compare the two um so yeah interior we'll start with um electric we have to do a little bit of stuff in there yeah so the wires sockets panel light lights that kind of stuff we're estimating between three to five thousand for that and then insulation yeah so this is this will be um on the wall sides interior walls and then the blown-in insulation that will be in the roof we're in climate zone six so we have the highest demands on insulation in america i believe actually there might be a couple places with category seven but generally our insulation is going to be more expensive than most places so we're budgeting looking at my phone um between like 5600 to 8500 for insulation costs okay next is the kitchen um the kitchen is probably going to seem pretty low um we're trying to get creative with um how we're doing some stuff basically when we had the issue with the foundation we had to be like okay so where can we grab from other parts of our home because if you know our story we are using cash to build this home we are not going to borrow a penny so even if that means we have to pick up things off the side of the road this is what we are going to do and that may sound silly but it's just it's a huge goal of ours and we're just chasing after it so um the kitchen we are budgeting between four to seven thousand um for that so we are looking to get some hand-me-down appliances from some people that we know that are upgrading their kitchen they're still in great shape they don't look bad at all they're the colors that we want it's not like they're going to be this patchwork kind of look it's going to look nice we're going to make sure it looks nice um we might do the same with our cabinetry yeah so with cabinets uh we're we may uh pick up some that are from people that are getting rid of their old cabinets and then build more to match those as we as we get going one of the big things that i'm of what we do build i'm gonna try and find an alternative way of building those just because plywood is so expensive right now so trying to find out how we can do that with the minimum amount of sheet goods as possible so between all that yeah i think we should be able to keep it down underneath underneath seven thousand so we'll see oh the last thing too is countertop so we're going to be using butcher's block yep possibly making our own butcher's block yeah we'll see it really just depends on um time and money and all of that as we get towards the end of our project i think we have about a thousand dollars just for the counter tops so i don't know if that's going to be enough to cover all of the countertop space that we have yeah we'll see what how what we're able to do with that yeah and we might use a different product on the island um my parents have a really cool like brushed steel island in their california home so we i don't know we're gonna look into different things like that i'm really looking forward to it actually just uh finding out how we can make something nice on on a very tight budget is actually like a really exciting problem for me yeah definitely so uh yeah as we as we get into that and we um figure out what exactly we'll be using like hand-me-down stuff we will continue to share with you our journey on making our kitchen look nice with basically scrap yeah so yeah wish us luck the next section is interior structure and we have budgeted um around three to four thousand for that and so this is the wood the lumber that's going into the walls and then also the interior doors as well okay the next is hvac we are budgeting five to eight thousand for that yeah and so this one is kind of a little bit nebulous too um i'm not exactly sure if i'm going to be doing ducting or not or finding other creative solutions right now we need to figure out a number of different variables before we really lock that down as to what we need so we will find out okay next is flooring we've budgeted 2100 to 3 thousand dollars for flooring this actually might get mixed if we go over budget some more we were thinking about maybe um keeping the concrete floors for a while that we don't necessarily want to do that but if we have some unexpected costs yeah that will probably be one of the first thing to go off of our list here yep little kids in concrete don't always mix super well we'll see let's see what we use there's no more helmets all the time yeah yeah that'll be our flooring budget it's just helmets for the kids so when you come over to our house we'll give you slippers because slippers and houses and a helmet sub foundation plumbing um kevin will go into a little bit more but we have budgeted 3 500 to 5 000 yeah so for this we're going to have one of our family friends over to to help us get this done and um so that's that's probably why it's a little bit cheaper than then it might might actually cost to hire someone i'm planning on doing most of the work myself still but he's going to be here for the glue up and stuff just to make sure i don't really screw anything up too badly so since it's going under the concrete it's kind of important to do well yes definitely uh wall coverings is 3 100 to 4 700. yeah so that's drywall and i don't think i actually had anything budgeted for shiplap yet that might just be the ceiling and the walls okay assuming drywall but i think we're looking at doing ship lap on some of the ceilings so we'll we'll see what that ends up coming out yeah we'll see honestly at this point whatever's cheaper so water conditioning we budgeted 1700 to 2200 and this is for like water softener filtration stuff like that so yeah we have well water so we want to get a good filter and usually well water is uh the water can be pretty hard so it has a lot of these like minerals in it and i grew up on hard water and you can just like get this film in your hair and stuff so it's really good to have a good softener so for um bathrooms we have budgeted three to four thousand again that seems low um we will probably uh look for hand-me-down vanity or they have really inexpensive vanities too um yeah organobuilt one that's what i want yeah um at one of our old flips we uh basically took this old vanity uh changed the top and put like a uh what do you call that a raised sink on it yeah yeah yeah and it looked really crazy yeah so it looked really nice so we'll probably do something similar to that we will see what kind of sales we can find also um with this in mind too if we come into more unexpected costs we won't actually finish our master bathroom yeah we'll just go with the toilet yeah we will put in our toilet and a sink and then we'll wait to do the shower um and all of that until we have the money to pay for that that's not um something we need to move in so we're not super concerned about it i mean we'd like it done of course but yeah we'll see we'll see what we get okay so a couple of these next ones i'm just going to kind of rattle through they don't really need a lot of explanation so plumbing materials between one to two thousand light fixtures we are budgeting um a thousand kev will go into a little bit recessed lighting are we gonna do or some pretty cheap like led can light looking sort of fixtures yeah but they're they're pretty dirt cheap if you buy like a big bag of them we like dirt cheap um also the um a few areas will have actual light fixtures like in our bathrooms and then maybe one hanging one over the island i'm not sure but i like to keep a look out on so much for rattling i'm sorry um i like to keep a lookout on like craigslist or offer up um because you can find good stuff on there old stuff with spray paint is great yeah yeah we actually made a couple cool things like that okay anyways furniture we have only budgeted a thousand dollars i don't even know what that's for yeah i i i keep that's the biggest one i keep kicking out i think it's because i'm in charge of the budget so yeah we're going to use all our old furniture yeah um of course who doesn't want to move into a new house and completely redecorate it that sounds awesome but we're not gonna do that so um might find some cool stuff but yeah that a thousand dollars i don't even know what that's in there for we could we could honestly make a thousand dollars work quite far go quite far for us with like garage sale season i think we could find a lot of yeah so maybe that's what it's for i don't know some bar stools yeah bar stools for the kitchen is really the only furniture that we have oh and maybe supplies for the kitchen table oh okay yeah okay so that's that next we have trim which is only five to seven hundred dollars yeah so i'm i there's a chance that i may be making our trim just because we have quite a lot of it um one thing that you need to account for with barnuminiums is that there is any with any clear span trusses there is lift that happens during uh the low humidity times and so there's there's special trim details that you need to deal you need to deal with that and we'll be making a video about that later on okay so to wrap it all up our project is going to cost somewhere in the range of 183 to 204 000 like we said that's gonna probably change a little bit or we still hope it lands somewhere in there but the prices this year are all over the place so a little bit difficult to tell exactly what things are gonna be thank you guys for watching our video we hope you found this interesting and maybe helpful if you're thinking about building a barn dominium let us know in the comments below if this is what you thought it would cost or would that be cheaper or more expensive if you found this video helpful or entertaining please hit that like button and if you want to follow along on our journey of us building a barn dominion please subscribe to our channel we're going to come out with a lot of fun videos on just the process of building the bumps in the road that we hit and then also how we live um awesome on a frugal budget so if you're interested in any of those things please subscribe and hit that notification bell thanks guys again we hope you guys have a have a great day and thank you for watching [Music] tell me you're a parent without telling me you're a parent you're using this he just grabbed it i think it's actually quite clever
Channel: Hart and Home
Views: 44,337
Rating: 4.9268031 out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, Homesteading, DIY house, Pole Barn, Barndominium, Post Frame, Post Frame Homes, Postframe, Barndominium Homes, Polebarn, Pole Barn Homes, Pole Building Homes, Owner Builder, DIY, Shous, Shopartment, Self Built Home, Self Built, Construction, Debt Free, DIY Barndominium
Id: GliIKjTMax4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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