Cost To Build Pole Barn House || Cost Estimate

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I've been wanting to make this video for a while I'm trying to give you the cost breakdown kind of what we spend on our pole barn house before I get started if you haven't done so already hit that thumbs up button and subscribe to our channel help us grow on the screen now you see a kind of drawing of the layout of our house just kind of gives you the square footage to break down and I'm gonna give you the prices for the square feet that we have the total square feet of the building is twenty one hundred and sixteen square feet that is everything that's the entire concrete pad the living area is one thousand and eighty square feet and the porches and I was one thousand thirty six square feet so grand total of two thousand one hundred and sixteen square feet of concrete so the price of the building which was the labor and materials and concrete was a little under twelve dollars a square foot that's what it cost us to build the shell of the building and the living area to finish the inside just to do finish work that is a just a little under thirty six dollars a square foot now that price includes everything from wiring insulation framing all the way to carpet appliances door knob I mean everything is included into that price if you took the total price for what we spent and divided it by the total square footage which is 2106 square feet it's gonna have a lower price per square foot because we have a lot of unfinished square footage which would be our porches so if you took the total price and divided by that we'd have about 30 dollars and 25 cents per square foot thirty dollars 25 cents a foot is not bad at all that's about what we've got in our place now like I said the price is more when you just do the living area the pole barns you're you're saving your money on the front end for one you can get it in the dry or you can work on it yourself at your own pace a lot quicker than you could do a conventional built home we did contract out the building and they had a crew of three and a couple days four guys and they had this thing built from start to finish in six days yeah six days we did contract out the dirt work in the driveway you know this particular company we used only they would not do anything electrical or plumbing so we roughed our own plumbing in and once they were done with the building we took it from their own thing else that we contracted out was the heating and cooling we put in a three and a half ton HVAC unit and you'll see later in the video some of the duct work we've done exposed because we left our ceilings vaulted and exposed duct cost a little more it's an insulated duct work which means it's not going to sway it so that cost us a little more and actually that's the only thing we went over budget on was the HVAC but the guy that installed it forced done a great job and he was easy to work with and the only other thing we contracted out was the septic in our area we don't have a lot of stipulations as far as permits and things like that but our septic did have to be installed by certified installer and we had a treatment plant system put in that was what was recommended by the State Health Department you had to come out and do a soil test and that's what they recommended but other than that that's really the only hurdles we have to get go through in our area once it was done we went to work on the inside and we started framing of course I'd I'd done all the we done all the labor ourselves everything on the inside was done ourselves I had some help a few days here and there but for the most part it was myself and then there towards the end had a lot of help for my wife she's pretty good with a paintbrush most of the trailing stuff that you seen painted indoors it was her she's good with a paintbrush me not so much I can stand walls and wire things and hang cabinets but I'm not too good with paint brush but we love our pole barn house we had looked into several different options and this is just kind of what we thought would suit us best as you can see in some of these pictures that white on the wall that is a roll insulation that they used the company used that built it it's not very thick but it does it is are ten insulation fiberglass insulation with the vinyl backing and I came in behind it and put regular fiberglass bad installation that you can buy at a big box store or 13 so that gave me a total r-value r23 all the way around the house I put it in the ceilings and in the walls exterior walls so this this house is very well insulated it is sealed and it heats and cools very easily we just started running our heat and it we're impressed with it so far and we we built this thing with energy efficiency in mind as well and we've done LED can lights all throughout we purchased those off of Amazon and they weren't very expensive at all and I needed something thin because there wasn't going to be a deep space in the ceiling we're we're impressed with those and they are dimmable all the lights in the kitchen living room in the bedrooms they're on dimmers but we wanted to keep the ceiling vaulted and leave those trusses exposed and once we got the white pine tongue and groove on the walls everything just started coming together with the look that we wanted this was the first time we've ever done anything like this we've never built a house before I don't do this for a living so we're not professionals this just goes to show you that it can be done by anybody with a little bit of know-how and right tools and you can do it we've done the white pine tongue and groove on the wall this stuff is very pretty when you get it up it's a little time-consuming to put up because you're not covering a lot of a lot of wall space with one board we put these are one by six by eight boards tongue and groove or v match we bought four bundles of this white pine tongue and groove and used all but about a half a bundle and was able to sell that half a bundle and just love the way it all turned out this whole house concept all started on a sheet of paper we sat down and drew out what we wanted we wanted to open floorplan and we just sat down and discussed what we wanted and this is what we came up with this is our laundry closet that white box that you see on the wall right there is our tankless water heater we got it off Amazon as well I think it cost us like $200 and so far we're impressed with it of course we hadn't really got to the middle of winter yet and I plan on doing a video on it soon just a review of it and showing you how fast that water will heat up I've got it set I think 125 degrees and it heats it very quickly and it's just endless hot water on our floors we wanted to stain them after we cleaned them we really like the look so we just decided to clean them and seal them and we still sealed them with an Eagle Brand I think it was armored seal it's like a 150 bucks for a five-gallon bucket and I think I use maybe half a bucket so we've got some left to reseal it in years to come our cabinets came from Home Depot and like the rest of the house we designed it ourself the cabinet layout a kitchen layout we we designed it all ourselves and just got on Home Depot's website and ordered the cabinet's the uppers they are 36 inch tile uppers those were special order that wasn't anything they had in stock everything else you could just go to the store and pick up when we bought prehung doors from Lowe's those were all in stock except that double door that goes into the laundry closet it was a special order door and then that's our treatment plant as it was being put in and installed I was able to help on that as well our appliances we bought from Lowe's during a fourth of July sale which at the time we bought them we weren't exactly ready for them so Lowe's held them for us for about a month and then they delivered them so that was that was real good keep an eye on sales even if you may not be exactly ready for them keep an eye on the sales you might can get your stuff at a good price and our carpet came from Home Depot and it was installed by them as well do not know how to install a carpet so we contracted that out and our vanity top there it actually came from a discount store and so did our exterior doors and our tub so don't write off those discount billed material places you can find good stuff there just as well as a big-box store shop around on your materials that's where you're gonna save a lot of money by doing this yourself you can shop around and do it at your own pace and I never did get a finished picture of everything clean before we moved in but we'll do a home tour here soon and finally the sod was laid we laid seven pallets the first time and for the second time and this was the end in sight not long thereafter we started moving stuff in but just thought I'd make this video kind of explaining everything and if I didn't cover something and you've got any more questions just leave a comment down below and I'll try to answer it if I can I appreciate everybody watching and hit that subscribe button hit the thumbs up button and we'll see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Life On The Ridge
Views: 1,979,055
Rating: 4.928359 out of 5
Id: nqGzYnn6nN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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