Watch this video before you build a Barndominium - E207

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my name is Sarah Cortina and Barna mediums are my business so today for a Christmas special I have an episode full of building tips let's go in there and i'ma show you some things that you can do that will make your life a lot easier and make you home a lot better this will help you whether you're doing it yourself or you having a builder do it for you all right so as you guys can see this barn aminium is in the framing stages we're doing the stud framing as you guys already know we use a sip wall system I had somebody asked me on a video why we use the SIP wall system when we're gonna foam it he says you can just use closed cell foam and then you don't have to use this the SIP wall system well the thing about it is there are two different things okay foam and cheating they almost have nothing do with each other okay you're trying to stop the air before it gets to the phone I've heard people say that clothes will foam if you phone with clothes sale if there's a leak it'll stop foam it's not a sealant it's an insulator okay so you do not rely on foam to seal your holes all right that building needs to be leak free before you foam it and you need to check it okay how do you check it spray it take a water hose spray around the windows spray around all the penetrations I mean spray it and you'll find out if there's a leak okay so you need to do that before you foam it okay so yeah do not rely on foam to stop a leak because it won't you don't want to rely on the foam to do everything for you okay if that's the main title you're gonna have then you know you're always gonna be kicking the can down the road don't do that if you're gonna try to make an airtight home do everything you can to make it airtight okay all right let's go inside so as you guys see this barn door have some nice porch this is a 10-foot porch we're gonna have a hardy on this wall and stone up to three feet and then of course they have a parking area out here this is a roof extension the difference between a lean-to and a roof extension is the extension comes off the gable where I lean to would be on this side of course there's a port roof because it comes down and goes out a lead to would come off the eave so anyway this is a roof extension they do not have concrete under here we're gonna do road base and we're just gonna pack it in so that's what they're doing here so anyway let's go inside and take a look so this is a three-bedroom barndominium 1600 square feet so up here what we're going to do is we're going to have drywall follow the curvature of the roof okay so all these trusses are going to be exposed so as you guys can see on this side we're running the wall all the way up and on this side we did our nine-foot ceilings and then we're gonna put a pony wall from there on up another thing you're gonna notice on this barn was we have some big windows a big windows triple window right there and of course there's another one gonna be right here so this living room is gonna get a lot of natural light so if you're doing your own barndominium and you're going to have sealed concrete or stained concrete make sure you get your framers to use blue chalk line most framers are gonna want to use red chalk line if they do that you're gonna have a heck of a time erasing those lines so make sure you let them know that you're gonna seal the floors or you're gonna stain them so blue chalk line also make sure you framer doesn't shoot any nails into your concrete outside the walls for brazing purposes it will ruin your floors see this seal seal this form that goes under the stud that usually only gets done on the perimeter walls okay the reason I have them do it on every wall is because these floors are gonna get stained okay so what ends up happening is when you're staining the floors this all these interior walls soak up water when you clean the floors right so they also couple this water or this moisture and then the floor is gonna dry up but the lumber won't so then you're gonna go to seal your floors and that moisture that's in that lumber is going to ruin your seal floors okay so be very careful have you frame or put seal seal on all the walls if you're gonna stain the floors or seal them okay so there you go there's your Christmas this is the Christmas special I'm gonna give you a lot of tips today all right so this is an important show to watch another tip I've said this before but use 2x8 ceiling joists on everything the reason for that is if you want to stack your attic then everything is gonna be on the same level if you use two by eights and two by sixes then you're gonna have dips everywhere there's a two by six so make them all the same you can see even though there's a very small room we used to buy eight more likely your barndominium is gonna have big door jams okay the reason for that is in our case we used to buy eights so if you do that make sure you get a custom door jam on your door like this one because if not you're gonna have to deal with it with siding on the outside or if it's wings and then you're gonna have to deal with it with drywall okay you're gonna have to return to it alright so be very careful with it if you have big door jams get a special sized door jamb for your door it's gonna save you a lot of headaches alright so we decided you need a custom door jamb what size do you need it well let's do the math for my purpose we have a 7/16 cheating on the outside let's call the half-inch okay then we have a 2 by 8 stud okay so that two eights that is 7 1/4 inches so we have 7 1/4 plus 1/2 inch that's 7 and 3/4 okay we happen to use 5/8 drywall on the inside so 7 and 3/4 plus 5/8 it's 8 and 3/8 okay let's add 1/8 of an inch for drywall texture and so I would order an N and a half jamb for our wall system make sure you add it up for yours and it'll just make your life a lot easier and it'll look a lot better if you're doing a 2 by 8 wall like we do here your headers they don't need to be flush with the inside it's like we did here you can shove them in push them in and that's going to leave your room right here to put fall that's gonna make everything more efficient you can see all of our headers are inset so people always ask me how we attach the stud wall to the metal wall we use this hurricane ties okay okay right here okay that's going to allow these walls to stay together to try to pull it apart but it'll allow them to move in to pay them with each other because this wall and this wall are going to move around differently okay so that's all it takes and of course put them all the way around and put a lot of them we do it about every three feet or so they haven't done it here but they will they're gonna put some here they're gonna put some up there all the way around attic ladders get an aluminum attic ladder they have a higher capacity this one's a 375 pound and then get the extra wide you're gonna appreciate that extra room if you ever having to go up there and take something or whatever so just get the extra wide aluminum more likely you're gonna have to special order it a lot of places don't carry them but trust me it's worth the weight and it's worth the investment you do not want to put a wood ladder on these Barna mediums or in your home at all just get a good attic ladder it's a one-time purchase around your windows see we have vinyl windows double pane so we have the purlin right here okay and then we bring the stud wall to be flush with the purlins okay and then we're gonna come around with drywall and just cool over here okay like this well there's thermal conduction or thermal bridging that's gonna happen with this per length so so you run the risk of having moisture issues right here so what we do is we are very careful to foam the inside of this program all this cavity gets filled with foam to keep that from happening okay so this is easy the other side see see as well but the bottom one this is the one that you really have to be careful with the bottom one the foam guy actually has to go from underneath and shoot up and then the one on top same situation but they need to shoot down in there so you need to make sure you specify that you want those / vents full foam if you don't you may have problems in the future so be careful with that another one that gets missed on a regular basis is your tub if you have a tub under the tub behind it you know how its up against the wall a lot of times they miss that make sure they get on their knees and under there and shoot that wall behind the tub because again often timing it's missed nobody catches it and now you have an area right there that you're gonna have air coming in and out so be careful about all those things so remember you're trying to seal this thing are you trying to make it airtight that's the plan okay so everything and anything matters like I said earlier your plan is to make it airtight don't kick the can down the road okay start with the outside make it as airtight as possible then do the foam but then when you do the foam make sure everything gets taken care of like I said those purlins make sure they spray inside around the windows behind the tubs all that be very careful with that the HVAC system is going to be in the attic in this home so all the ductwork is gonna be up there so you have a couple of options see we're gonna have this wall go all the way up to the to the roof okay it's gonna go all the way around like this alright so you have a couple of options you can simply put vents and returns all the way around we'll probably put our return and that hallway right here so you don't see it but and then we can have Vance supply vents all the way around that'll work or you can do an expose duct okay and of course you can do a couple of ducks coming this way or you can do one long one coming right down the center so it's up to you talk to your HVAC contractor he can advise you on which way would work better in your home but in this situation we have options to do it one way or the other because we're having drywall we're probably going to do it on the wall over here it just it just matches better if we're gonna spray this with foam and paint it the exposed ductwork looks really good so that would be a way that we might go before doing that all right here's another tip if you're doing a stud wall like we're doing here you're gonna have to go around your pipes or your columns so what ends up happening is the framer will cut around that pipe like he did here and they'll put their siding and all that good stuff the problem is right here behind that pipe well we got about a quarter inch gap here either way that gap see that siding is off the ground so if I was to remove this black paper I would see daylight right there okay so what you want to do is when they're at this point you can get that pre-mixed concrete from Home Depot or anywhere and fill it in with concrete okay you want to make sure that you keep rodents and bugs and everything out of here go and give them anyway to come in so fill these in before you foam all right so I've told you what to do you know during framing and foaming but at what point do you foam that's the real question I see a lot of people put up their building and foam it right away that is the absolute worst time to foam it all right because you haven't done your framing you haven't done your penetrations after you put up your metal building and you frame it you still have your electricians your plumbers and your HVAC contractors they have to do all their pipes there Vance and their penetrations okay make sure you do all your penetrations before you form your house not only that every time somebody makes a penetration make sure they seal it very critical again we're trying to make an airtight without foam okay if you don't make it airtight or you don't seal your penetrations when you go to spray that foam it's gonna squirt out it's gonna get all over your wall and you're gonna have a mess so building needs to be as airtight as you can get it before you foam it okay so I would advise that you do your foam right before drywall if you're gonna do stained concrete by then the floor should be done and covered okay you do not want to get foam on those floors if you do you're gonna have a nightmare okay so I would advise that you do the floors before you foam it and like I said you're gonna protect the floors anyway so that'll keep foam off the floor so clean out your walls before you phone take a leaf blower and blow them out okay cuz there's dust that's gonna settle on those walls I mean there's people in here cutting boards and and sweeping and all that so all that dirt it's gonna settle on your walls and most people will not do anything about this so before you foam your walls take a leaf blower and just blow out your walls make sure there's no trash no dirt because you do not want to trap any of that dirt between the foam and the metal okay we sprayed directly metal a lot of people don't like that that's fine we do we don't have a problem with it they worry about replacing metal down or sheets down the road we've done it I will explain how it's done on a different episode but for now I don't have a problem spraying directly to the metal okay so either way the point is blood your walls make sure they're clean before you foam all right so our next tip is by temporary doors so as you guys know we use temporary doors then we put a cheap doorknob on here just to keep it closed to keep the wind from swinging it open this is going to prevent your main doors from getting damaged those temporary doors about 40 bucks it's well worth the cost they also come with some cheap hinges those will all get replaced when we do the final door install okay so get you some temporary doors another thing is make sure you designate a door for everybody to come in and out if the door swings out secure it no one's allowed to use it okay what's gonna happen on a windy day somebody's gonna go out the door the winds gonna catch it it's gonna swing around the doorknob is gonna hit your siding it's gonna ruin that it's gonna break your frame it's gonna be a nightmare okay so if the door swings out secure it no one's allowed to use it until the final door comes in and your safety or security measures are put in place so that door doesn't swing completely out all right so there were some few very helpful tips for you guys whether you're building your own or having one built these will help you tremendously they they will help you achieve a better home a tighter home in a more efficient home I hope you guys like those tips Merry Christmas subscribe if you haven't and we'll see you next time we are Texas Barnum idioms [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Texas Barndominiums
Views: 358,787
Rating: 4.9514766 out of 5
Keywords: Texas Barndominiums, Texas Barndos, Tx Barndominiums, Tx Barndos, Erik Cortina, How To, DIY, Custom Metal Homes, Metal Buildings, Texas, Barndominiums, Barndos, Metal Building Homes, barndominium cost, barnominium plans, barn house, building process, barndominium tour, shed, shouse, shause, construction, jobsite, custom home, barn, professional, tips, protip, protips, christmas, special, headache
Id: XkVXGX-zvnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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