Cooperate With the Laws of God | Andrew Wommack | Living Word Christian Center

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so real quickly let me summarize some things that I've been saying for those of you that haven't been here are those of you that were here and weren't paying attention and I'm going to turn over to Romans chapter 1 to start over there but what I started talking about it is how that God has already provided or excuse me it's Romans chapter 3 and how that God has provided everything that we'll ever need before we had the need he created Adam and Eve and didn't wait until they got hungry to think oh you need some food and then he responded to them and oh you need to breathe and then he gave them air and God anticipated every need of Adam and Eve in the entire human race that is a paradigm shift I had one of my students come up and say that's not a paradigm shift that's a pair of quarter shift that's a big shift amen and so this is a huge it changes everything if you understand that God has already done everything and he's seated at the Father's right hand and we aren't waiting on God to move God is waiting on us to reach out and receive and I've tried to balance this because sometimes people will take these truths that I'm talking about and so they just sit down and it's kind of like que sera sera whatever will be will be God's already done it there's no responsibility on me it's not responsibility the way it's taught sometimes that you have to make God do something but it is we have to respond to his ability it's our response to his ability responsibility and we do have to respond and there is a part that we have to play and so I was talking about that yesterday we talked about second Kings chapter four where Elijah refused to accept the responsibility for this widows need and he says what do you have and last night I was really trying to make the point that every one of us God has already created the supply before you had the need and there is something he's put in your hand that will release his power and you know we could just continue to talk about that because there's one two different things for every different person it's not the same thing but the principle holds true that there's nobody who is just totally incapable of overcoming it doesn't matter how bad your sickness is how bad your finances are how bad your emotional problems are doesn't matter how what's happened to you God has anticipated your problem and created the supply before you ever had the need and there is a way for you to turn that situation around it's usually beyond our ability to figure it out but that's the reason that praise God we have to be dependent upon God and that's the reason the Holy Spirit is given to show us these things and if we'll cooperate you can overcome anything that the devil throws at you I don't believe that there is anything too big for God in US and through us to deal with nothing man I was sharing some great great things with the interns today that would really fit right here but I'm not going to share that so what I want to talk about tonight is if all of this is true and if God has anticipated and if he's already created the supply and we just have to respond why is it that we don't see all of the if God's created this supply why don't we see it come to pass and I want to start here in Romans chapter 3 and in verse 27 I'm breaking right into the middle of what he said but I've got other things I want to go to so I'm not going to put it in his context but it says here in Romans 3 27 where is boasting then it is excluded by what law of works nay but by the law of faith and there's a lot in that verse I could make a lot of different applications but what I was willing to point out is he says that law faith is a law faith is governed by law and this is what I want to get across tonight is that people have this concept that God evaluates us on an individual basis based on whether you've been studying enough whether you're holy enough whether you have unforgiveness in your heart if you've done this and this and this and if you if you don't see the manifestation of God's power in your life in whatever area most people just assume it's God that for some reason has released it for instance I've gone to many funerals and heard people just say well their number must have been up it was their time it must not have been God's will for them to die and they just assume that God controls whether a person dies or not they believe that he has a day circled on a calendar in heaven and your numbers up man the scripture doesn't teach that Moses said that the days of a man's life are threescore years and ten and if by reason of strength they'd be forced for 80 years yet is there a day's labour and travail so right there he showed you that if you're strong you can extend your life God doesn't have a certain time when people die it's not because God got their number was up and God was involved in it it says in Hebrews chapter 2 that Jesus came to destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil how clear can you get it God does not control when you died God doesn't do all of this God is not the one that's controlling if people get healed you totally control whether or not you get healed it's a law there are laws of faith and see most people don't see the kingdom of God operating under laws again they think that God is sitting there with a huge desk and all of these requests come across his desk and he reads it and says approved or denied or you hadn't prayed enough you hadn't fasted enough you haven't suffered enough and whatever and they think it's totally up to God that flips the switch and controls whether or not you're receiving God created laws that govern how his kingdom work and you know in the natural realm we've come to recognize this but in the spiritual realm people do not understand that the kingdom of God is run by laws and so because of it they will throw their requests out to God and if they don't see our feel the manifestation that they want immediately they take it my god you must be upset with me I know now why you didn't do it because I haven't been praying the way I should I got mad on the way to church and I know you aren't going to answer my prayer and we fear this is why people make deals with God you know God if you'll do this I promise you I'll go to church I'll serve you I'll do this you know why because you believe that God is responding to you individually and the moment you make it that way then if you don't see a manifestation of what you're believing for immediately you're offended or either feel rejected and condemned by God and I want you to know God is not the one who is evaluating you when you pray in the name of Jesus God moves because of who Jesus is and not because of who you are and you have access to everything that God is and everything that God can do through Jesus holiness and not through yours God is not rejecting you there are people I bet I can guarantee you there are people right here in this room because I've dealt with people for so many years there's people here who have prayed for somebody to be healed and somebody died and you took it personal I've got a very good friend a person who's a minister and ministers with me still to this day but their son died and as a result I've heard them say many times God could have healed him if he'd wanted to it's not true God can't just heal a person people that well he's God didn't do whatever he wants to he says I cannot lie it's impossible for God to life when God gave you power and authority and told you to do things if you don't cooperate and sometimes it's not just you but the person you're praying for has more control over their life than you do and we often forget this and so because we're so strong in faith we just sound believing for this person I refuse to let them die I quoted this the other night have been in mark chapter 6 verse 5 it says Jesus could do no mighty work in his home town save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk and healed for them heal them Jesus who was perfect and who had limitations and was operating 100% in prayer in intercession in faith in anointing he was maximum everything he could do it didn't say he wouldn't do he could not do many mighty works and if you put that together with Matthew 13 58 which is the exact same story but just verbalized a little different it says because of their unbelief it wasn't because of his unbelief it was because of their unbelief if Jesus couldn't overcome other people's unbelief who do you think you are that you can just overwhelm people's unbelief and see people don't understand this and so they stand and they believe and they did everything that they've been taught they add a hundred percent faith in their heart and they prayed and when they don't see the manifestation they immediately think that God chose not to answer this prayer God chose not to heal this person that is not so you do not understand the laws of the kingdom of God you think it's just kind of up to God's whims how he's feeling this day whether or not he's in a good mood it's not true there are laws that govern how work how God works look at this in mark chapter five and let me show this to you from a scriptural example in mark chapter five and in verse 25 it says and a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind him touched His garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes you know the traditions and doctrines of men make the Word of God of none of and we have many traditions and one of them is that God knows everything Jesus of course was God and so this was a rhetorical question jesus knew everything this he was saying this for the woman's benefit but I don't believe that I'm Ling I believe Jesus didn't know who touched his clothes it says in Luke chapter 2 verse 52 that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men does it make Jesus less God because he was born a baby and couldn't control his bowels that was his physical body was a baby but his spirit man was God they the Angels came in worshiped him and said Christ the Lord at his birth he was Lord at his birth he did not grow into being Lord in his spirit man he was perfect the instant he was born but his body was a baby and it had to grow and he had to learn to walk and learn how to talk he did not come out of the womb speaking Hebrew I'm sure that he missed his mouth the first time he tried to feed himself even though he was God and he had to learn iron hand coordination he grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor do you know what the word favorite is in Luke 2:52 it's a Greek word Karras he grew in grace there's a great revelation in that I haven't got time to teach on that one but Jesus had to grow and you know what it said he grew in wisdom he had to learn things he had to learn how to speak Hebrew that doesn't diminish his divinity he was God in the spirit man but his his body was like a spacesuit you know if you want to go out into space you can't exist in space without a spacesuit and this is our earth suit this is what allows us to exist here and he got an earth suit it wasn't sinful it wasn't contaminated the way all of ours have been but nonetheless it was a physical body and he had to grow he did not know everything matter of fact when he prayed in tongues in John chapter 11 or excuse me when he groaned in the spirit in John chapter 11 over Lazarus being raised from the dead the scripture says in Romans chapter 8 verse what is at 26 and 27 that the spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we all but the Spirit Himself with and maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered jesus groaned in the spirit twice you know what he was doing he was interceding and letting the Holy Spirit help his infirmity I didn't talking about sickness the word infirmity means a lack or inadequacy you could lack physical health but you can also lack understanding Jesus physical mind even though it was sinless and pure it is beyond physical thinking to see a person who's been dead for four days in their body has already started decaying come back to life and be well he had to get beyond his physical realm so in that sense his physical body was an infirmity and he groaned in the spirit twice and then when he stood at the grave he says father I thank you that you have heard me when did God hear him when he groaned in the spirit groaning in the spirit is a form of intercession and Jesus had to overcome his lack of thinking it wasn't sinful it was just natural you don't see people that have been dead for four days come back to life and resurrect and he had to get beyond himself so anyway I'm saying all of these things to say that when it says who touched my clothes I believe he meant just exactly what he said he didn't know he didn't see this white woman coming he didn't have eyes in the back of his head and he wasn't being a stating a rhetorical question he was just saying who touched me because he didn't know who touched him and then it says and his disciple said unto Him thou seest the multitude thronging thee and say as thou who touched me and he looked round about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said on her daughter thy faith noticed I faith not my faith your faith hath made thee whole go in peace be hold of that play and the reason I bring this out is to say that this illustrates that the kingdom of God operates by law Jesus did not see this woman coming he didn't size her up he didn't draw on the Holy Spirit to know that she has sincere enough that she was operating in faith that she had been doing everything right and yet that virtue and the power of God flowed through him into this woman and he didn't even approve it you know what this reminds me of is like electricity did you know when God created the heavens and the earth the law of electricity has been here since day one I have heard a scientific thing that in a typical thunderstorm there is enough electricity to power New York City for a year huge amount of electricity and you know you may not have it here but in Colorado we have such a dry climate that in the winter you walk and touch anything metal in it BAM and you get a shock and I mean there's just a static electricity and stuff and you know electricity has been around it's a law that God created people could have been using electricity in Jesus day God didn't just create electricity it's been here all along we discovered how electricity were and we still don't understand everything you know I anyway I don't want to get off on that but Tesla was an awesome guy he had a shop in Colorado Springs and did you know I forget the exact time of this I'd be wrong if I study but I think it was around 1900 or somewhere around there but he shot a bolt of electricity from Colorado Springs to Monument which was 30 miles away and hit a dish this size through the air without anything he did that 1900 he said light bulbs on poles with the wire going down into the ground and he had something like 2,000 of them all over the world China different places in the world and at a certain time he turned on every one of those light bulbs from Colorado Springs without any wires and when he died the United States government confiscated all of his records because he had the idli VAT eight things I've read experiments where you kid levitate furniture and anything in a room and make the thing levitate all using electricity in the United States confiscated all of his experiments and stuff because they saw it as a national security issue and did you know there's things about electricity that we still don't understand there's awesome things that are available we just understood a portion of it and been able to harness it but they could have been using electricity lights thousands of years ago but they didn't know and is that because they were evil people and God didn't want them to know though the laws were here it was our ignorance that kept us from harnessing and utilizing electricity and I know that that's offensive to some people so you're saying those people are ignorant well they were ignorant means you don't know man it doesn't mean they were bad you know Leonardo DaVinci in my estimation was a genius he invented a helicopter that they have actually taken his plans and built it and it flies and he did that in the 1500s Leonardo da Vinci wasn't it was a genius but he didn't know anything about electricity I know more about electricity than Leonardo da Vinci did you know what we we have a cumulative knowledge we learn from each other but there are laws that govern electricity and you know if you were to have this attitude that most Christians have and let's say that we came into this place tonight and somebody called up The Electric Company and said hey we've got thousands of people coming to here Andrew Wommack tonight we need the electricity on we need the air conditioning on would you please turn on the electricity it doesn't work that way they generate the power and it delivered but you have to go flip the switch and turn it on and if it doesn't matter how serious your need was it doesn't matter how desperate you are you could sit there and tell them there's people that could be born again tonight there's people that will be healed a night there's people that this will change their life please please please turn on the electricity the electricity company is not the problem they've delivered it to you but you have control of it you have to turn it on it's the same thing God has already done everything that you'll ever need you aren't waiting on God to heal you to deliver you to give you joy the Bible says in Galatians 5:22 and 23 the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace all of these things I'm going to mention right here you've already got them on the inside of you the power is already generated it's in you if you aren't experiencing them it's because you hadn't flipped the switch this fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith faith is a fruit of the Spirit meekness and temperance you've already got all of these things you don't need God to give you faith you don't need God to give you joy you don't need God to give you peace or love it's all in there you've already got this and the problem is we're saying Oh God I just need to love this person would you please give me love and instead of swip flipping the switch and releasing what you've got you approach God as if you have nothing and you're just begging him that's like the person calling The Electric Company in pleading and trying to you know have pity on us and please do this the electric companies not going to send somebody out here to turn your lights on they generate the power you flip the switch you know I think it's Isaiah chapter 45 verse 11 and it says concerning the works of my hands command ye me I used to struggle with that until I understood this principle that God has already done his part he's already placed these things in us I can't command God and make God do anything he hasn't already done I can't command God to just wait on me and give me all of my selfish things but anything that's been provided for me through God's grace it's now on the inside of me and I can commend that power matter of fact it won't work until I do command it I have to command it in a sense when I go flip the switch I'm commanding this light to come on and that's not because I'm the source I'm not where the power is coming from I could stick a light bulb in my mouth and it'll never come on I am NOT the power source but the power source has been put into this building and you go flip the switch and it'll come on and in that sense you commanded it you made it happen now there's you need to use wisdom because it's not you it's not your power it's the it's those power of the Holy Spirit but it's in you it's at your disposal and I've used this verse also in Acts chapter 3 where Peter and John said such as I have give I unto thee and they just reach down and grab the man by the hand and immediately he was healed and they said I have it they did have it it wasn't their power but it was at their disposal it's God's power and whether a person gets healed or not is not up to God it's up to us whether we know how to flip the switch and turn it on and you can just take all kinds of physical laws like for instance when a plane takes off did you know that you could have flown from day one Adam and Eve could have been flying in the 747 jet it's not God that just created the laws the laws have existed since day one but men didn't understand what they were and so it was just when the Wright brothers you know begin to experiment and stuff and they've learned and they've added cumulative knowledge to it but when a plane takes off God doesn't say all right I'm going to let this plane fly no he created laws and those laws have been working since day one God didn't create flight he didn't all of a sudden make it so that man could fly those laws have been here we just are learning and tapping into it and I was just reading a thing about new planes that they're developing it is fantastic some of the things coming we we call flight today and if the Lord tarries in another hundred years they're going to look back and talk about how primitive we were I can tell you there are just all kinds of things that we are discovering but it's not all of a sudden that God is doing something new these laws have been here all along and it's our ignorance which if that's offensive to you it's our lack of knowledge that keeps us from doing it and did you know that just as there are physical laws that God does not violate he created gravity that's a law did you know if I drop this Bible it's going to fall because of gravity and I could drop it again and it's going to fall and it'll fall as many times as I drop it because it's a law it doesn't just work sometimes it works every single time and if it only worked in Minneapolis st. Paul but it didn't work in Colorado then it wouldn't be a law to be a phenomenon that means it works everywhere on this planet it is a law is how things work and he says that there is a law of faith and it's because people don't know these laws that they aren't getting healed that they aren't seeing prosperity that they don't have joy and peace it's not because God hasn't given and it's not because God's ticked off and upset with you because you aren't holy enough and good enough God has settled all of that through Jesus and he's wiped away all of your sins past present and even future sins God's not upset at you God's not even in a bad mood but there are laws that govern how things work you know if somebody gave you a hundred seeds you got a choice are you going to plant them or eat them and the right choice would be to eat some for nourishment but plant some and the scripture uses this concerning finances and yet most people aren't cooperating with the laws they aren't taking a portion of what God has given them and planning it but they're praying if they know God if you love me supply my knee he does love you but he gave you your need here it was in seed foreman because you didn't plant it you aren't cooperating with the laws as like a person has got a plane with no wings and you just I don't care I'm not going to follow the laws but if you really love me you'll make this thing fly ask Icarus about that and all of these other people you know what it doesn't work that way you're going to have to cooperate with the laws and it's not personal if you crash and burn these planes that crash and stuff it's not God that all of a sudden suspended the laws of gravity and thrust and dynamics you know they had a plane in Colorado Springs that was banking on its approach and at that thing they don't know exactly what everybody accelerated and went right into the ground and there wasn't anything larger than a foot or two square that was left of that plane it killed every person on board and they brought the ntsc I think it is out there and they spent two years evaluating everything and they finally came to conclusion we don't know what it was it was it was rare but did you know what they didn't say well gravity spiked they didn't even consider it you know why because it's a law it's constant they take that for granted you know that would make a logic if you eliminate everything else if the plane was working if they well I didn't think consider gravity just tripled all of a sudden because it's a law why didn't they say well you know the law of aerodynamics for just that moment it was suspended and that these things didn't work planes couldn't fly they don't ever come up with that there's certain things that are just laws and you don't you don't mess with those they never say well it was the law of aerodynamics quit it was a law of gravity spec know there are laws there are spiritual laws there are laws that govern faith and if you see a person who's saying all the right things and looking like they're doing it right but if it's not working and if they die I guarantee it's not the laws that failed somehow we failed to operate and submit and cooperate with what God said and I know a lot of you don't like that and so puts responsibility on me absolutely you know if you pet a cat the wrong way and their hair stands up you know how you solve that problem you just turn the cat around and keep petting me man and it'll all lay down so if what I said rubbed you the wrong way just repent and turn around and it'll all lay down feel good man I'm telling you this blesses me you know I could give you I could give you all kinds of examples when I was younger I had a lot of tragedy my grandmother raised me she died when I was 8 years old and I was there when that happened and I lost my grandmother I lost my dad when I was 12 years old and I spent six weeks fasting and praying for him as a 12 year old and believing God and he died and they told me it was God's will I was engaged to a girl and she died while I was in Vietnam and I've seen a lot of things happen and at first it's like God don't you care don't you love me why did you let this happen and you know what it has ministered to me and blessed me to find out that God didn't reject me God didn't will these things to happen it was my ignorance it was my dad's ignorance my dad was the chairman of the Deacons he was a good man he led people to the Lord but he didn't know what the Word of God says he was a Baptist and we were taught that miracles passed away with the Apostles and it was it was our ignorance and our unbelief that caused the problem and that doesn't make him a bad person just means we didn't know the word and I guarantee you there is a famine for the true Word of God in our culture even in our churches today and I know that the people that are here on a Tuesday night you're the cream of the crop you aren't the nod to God Sundy crowd you're the fanatics are either a fanatic drug you hear one of the two and so I'm not criticizing you but I'm guarantee you among the people that are right here there is a large number of people that you don't see what God has promised you come into pass you're frustrated when I give an invitation and say if you're struggling with some kind of a physical problem stand up it's not unusual in faith churches spirit-filled faith churches word of faith churches or whatever to see 80 90 percent of the people stand there is you know if the average Christian was arrested for being a Christian there wouldn't be enough evidence to convict you you're as sick as your neighbors you're as fearful as your neighbors you worry about things you when there is a downturn in the economy you scrimp and save and cut back on your giving the same as the people that don't know the Lord and again that's probably not typical of this church because I know practiced errs on prosperity and healing a lot but I'm saying that the average Christian we may believe in the Lord and eternity and stuff but in the practical everyday things of the kingdom of God we are woefully ignorant the sculture is baptized in unbelief and the average Christian is plugged into it and I was talking to the interns today and I talked about a number of different things but one of the points that I made is that the young people today are more plugged into the world than any group of Christians have ever been in this in the existence of the world you have the sewage and the trash of the world flowing through your phone in your devices every single day and you pay big bucks to get it you are exposed to stuff that people in generations past it never known and then we wonder why things aren't working garbage in garbage out faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God unbelief comes by hearing anything contrary to the Word of God and we just listen and I'm telling you we sit here and think well I did everything I was supposed to do give me a break there are laws that govern the kingdom of God and if it's not working for you it's not the laws that are wrong at you or someone around you another thing is that Jesus had to shut the door on the unbelievers Elijah kicked the people out a lie she kicked the people out Peter kicked the people out when he raised people from the dead sometimes it's because we won't separate ourselves from other people and we're afraid we're going to offend somebody so we let them speak their doubt over us you know I've seen a lot of people healed we got some great testimonies and some of the greatest testimonies I've ever seen our people that were I'm sure they were considered crazy by normal people but you know what when they when a tragedy happened and they were in the hospital they would kick family members out they would kick the doctors out they would tell the nurses if you're going to speak unbelief don't you come in here and they just get fanatical and refuse to allow anything contrary to what God's Word says to be spoken and guess what those people get healed but the ones who they may believe the exact same things but I wouldn't offend anybody they'll think I'm crazy and so we just kind of pray under our breath those are the ones that died most people are afraid to take a stand they're afraid of what people are going to say in the scripture says in John 5 44 jesus said how can you believe which receive honor one from another and seek not the honour that comes from God alone if you are constantly evaluating what are people going to think about me if I say this if you act one way at church but a different way on the job because you're working in a secular position then you know what you haven't tapped into the laws of God yet you're letting the fear of men it says in proverbs 29:25 that the fear of man brings a snare and if you're fearful of people and if they're rejection if somebody rolling their eyes at you and saying something he's going to shut you up you know what your faith is not strong enough to turn on a light there are laws that govern how faith works so let's look back here in mark chapter five and let's just look at a couple of laws you know I don't I've never sat down and counted it but I bet you I could name a hundred things that God has shown me about how the kingdom works laws that have to be governed and there's only four or five right here and I don't know all of the laws yet because I don't see perfect results but I'm I'm confident that it's not God and it's not the kingdom it's not working it's me that hasn't learned everything and I've learned a lot and the more I learn the more I see happen and the better it happens and the quicker it happens and I've come so far that I know I'm on the right track I know what God is showing me is true I don't claim that I've arrived but blessed God I've left and I know I'm headed in the right direction so look at some of these things right here in verse 25 a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus here's one of the first laws faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Romans 10:17 faith comes by hearing you've already got faith in your spirit it's a fruit of the Spirit but one of the ways you get it out and start this flow of faith is to renew your mind through the Word of God and brothers and sisters again you aren't the typical person because you're out here on a Tuesday night but you know what the vast majority of us spend so much more time in the world system thinking the wrong things than we do the Word of God you are going to have to get the Word of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God you need to renew your mind you know you've got this internship here in this church I don't know why everybody isn't taking advantage of now again I know that they go during the day and stuff but you know there's Bible colleges there's online things there's the Word of God is so available today you know the average person I've heard a stat that the average person spends anywhere from four to five hours per day watching television and if you were to add to that how much time you spend on your phone texting and reading things you could come up with an easy six or seven hours a day that you could spend renewing your mind if you wanted to but we just put more importance on hearing that this person had this for lunch and I'm now walking into this room and I think I'm going to go get my nails done today and those things are vitally important I can understand why that's really a struggle for you to get away from that stuff but if you're going to have to renew your mind you're going to have to put a priority on the Word of God you know and I the way that I kind of got started I was thrown into this because I was drafted in sent to Vietnam and in Vietnam sin was so prevalent they would they would take you back for a stand-down ever I forgot what it was 60 or 90 days and the government would pay for all the booze that you could drink every single person could get his drunk as they wanted to there was also free dope and they would bring in showgirls is what they would say but the truth is they were all prostitutes and you could have all the free sex and all the free drugs and the free booze that you wanted for three days and people would get absolutely stoned and I was the only person that I'm aware of out of my company of two hundred people that didn't participate and I just stand there by myself and everybody else is doing all of this and I guarantee was like a magnet drawing me and men to desire the pool to be like everybody else was there and I didn't speak in tongues at that time and I would have to stand there and just scream at the top of my lungs no I won't do this and then I lived in a bunker that was wallpaper with nude pictures on the ceiling the walls everything and so the only way I could keep my mind on the Lord was just like this amen i sat there for 15 hours a day just like this and I wouldn't even put my Bible down and think about it because I'd see something so I just was like this and for 15 hours a day for 14 months I just studied the word day and night and you know what it began to change me it begin to change things and I know some of it while I'm not in that desperate of a situation actually in some ways it's more desperate because it's more subtle it's not as obvious to you but I guarantee you some of you are allowing the sewage of this world to just flow through your mind and then you wonder why it is that you don't seem to be able to operate in faith faith comes by hearing this woman heard if somebody hadn't have told her the truth she had never had faith for this miracle so that's one of the laws of God you've got to hear you got to be in the word if you want to see the kingdom work you need to put a priority on God and put God's Word first and put something else aside hemp in some of you are looking at me like who would do that I wish I could go home with you and follow you around and just be there to tell you hey is this really Kingdom here is this really going to help you grow is this going to help you get healed is this you know and if I was to follow you around I bet you you'd see real quick that there's a lot of things you do that you could do without a man or old me so when she had heard of Jesus she came in the press behind here's another law faith without works is dead James chapter 2 verse 20 it's no good to hear unless you act on it and there's a lot of people that will hear but then they're afraid to act because again they might be criticized somebody might roll their eyes at them somebody might say you're a fanatic just you know all kinds of different reasons there's people that have pain in their body and they're afraid oh I'll feel a pain if I go ahead and act like I'm healed and start doing things man I'm just the opposite when I have a pain I'll get up and do exactly what I do not feel like doing you know back in the very beginning I we lived in a place in siga Villa Texas and I went out to open up the garage door and our garage door would stick and I just jerked it up and that thing stuck and I did something to my back and threw my back out my shoulder blades touched in the back I don't know what happened but I was like this and it was excruciating pain and I fell on the ground and my oldest son Joshua was one year old at the time and all I could do was whisper I said Joshua go get on me and he'd go mommy and he'd just say mommy and he didn't go do it so I was whispering trying to get help and finally after a while Jamie came out and found me laying on the on the ground and she says what's wrong with you and I whispered to her does it need you to pray so she prayed and then she says get up actio and so you know what I did I got up and I spent eight hours doing push-ups sit-ups doing the things that hurt fighting against this thing and I wasn't about to go lay down and act sick because it was in the middle of the day I wouldn't normally go lay down and so I wouldn't go lay down when I felt bad I waited until it was time to go to bed and I laid down went to sleep asked God to bless me I've slept all night long woke up in the morning laid in bed and thought men don't feel any pain I stood up and immediately my shoulder blades back and that pain came back and that was the day I was going to be ordained to the ministry and boy all day long I was having thoughts like oh yeah this is going to be awesome you standing there is a great man of faith and power a man like you and I thought I'd just canceling the whole thing I couldn't go and I thought no if I won if I didn't have something happen I'd go I'm an act like I'm healed and we were actually getting ready and at that time I didn't have a shower I had to sit in the bathtub wash my hair and when I put my head over was when it hurt the most and I started to just not wash my hair I was thinking about asking Jamie to come wash my hair for me and I thought no I wouldn't ask her to wash my hair normally I'm going to wash my hair and I just started praying in tongues and put my head there and somewhere between the first and the second rinse all of the pain left and I've been okay and man I I've been out breaking boulders with the pic this last week and working hard and stuff and I've never had any back problems and I guarantee I had something seriously wrong but you know what faith without works is dead and when you're laying in bed saying in the name of Jesus I'm healed and you're talking sick and acting sick and letting your wife rub your fevered brow your faith is dead there's a balance to this you don't need to do stupid stuff and if you're if you're believing God for your eyes don't throw your glasses away and drive and have a wreck and kill somebody else who wasn't believing here's a balance that was pastors are for Martin Mack is going to fix all of this when I'm gone he'll get up and he'll tell you the right way to do pop listen I've given him enough preaching material for a month but I'm not gonna take time to put it in balance let Mack do that but I'm saying you know what this is a law God she acted if she would have stayed home said man I know if I could just get to Jesus I'd be you but she never acted on it she wouldn't have ever been healed so you have to here you have to act and then it goes on to say she heard of Jesus she came in the press behind and touched His garment here's a here's another law that is not written here but I think it's obvious you know the disciples said you see the crowd throng in you the word throng means to press on Jesus had already healed a person by them just touching the hem of His garment so this wasn't the first time that had happened word had gotten out and as he was walking through this crowd people were thronging him that means they were touching him wanting this virtue and yet only one person had the virtue flow out and yet lots of people were touching him and his disciple says everybody's touching you why didn't power flow because they didn't put the laws into place it's just like the laws of electricity did you know that a bird can sit on electric wire and they never get shocked you know why because they aren't grounded if you you can grab an electric wire and if you aren't grounded it won't hurt you but you touch a telephone pole you touch something else and it's not personal The Electric Company doesn't say I'll teach them I'm going to make an example I'm going to electrocute this person and show them there's nothing personal about it there's just laws that govern it its laws it's not personal they didn't electrocute you on purpose if you flip the switch and it doesn't work it's not personal an electrical line is down somewhere something has happened there's laws and if it's not working the laws somehow or another aren't working this woman touched him and the power flowed to her and it didn't flow to the others and you know why I think one of the things it's not stated but to me it's obvious this woman I don't know exactly the right terminology might be desperate or fanatic are committed or something but this woman was not passive she wasn't just saying well I'm gonna try this man she was committed and you know she had an issue of blood and according to the law she couldn't go in public anybody who touched her or anybody that she touched was unclean and because of it the custom was that she would have to yell unclean and people would give her a wide berth for her to be in a crowd like this and touching people meant that they could have stoned her to death this woman was putting her life at risk and it says she touched the hem of his garment that's like touching the bottom of my jeans right here you know if I had hundreds of people around me and all of a sudden somebody touched the bottom of my jeans I guarantee you they didn't just walk up in the crowd and then gingerly bend over and touch it for a crowd to be thronging him like this to me it implies that this woman was crawling on her hands and knees through that crowd pushing her way through this woman was desperate this woman wasn't going to take no for an answer this woman was committed all of those things are laws that govern as long as you can live without the power of God flowing through you you will as long as you say all right well I think I'll try this and if the Lord comes through in the next five minutes before my favorite show come well then I'll receive doesn't work that way you got it when you get committed when you get to a place I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired I've had all of this I'm going to take and you just get angry did you know anger is a really really positive good thing if it's not directed at people but if it's directed it's sickness and poverty and mediocrity you need to get mad we've got a command to be angry and sin not visions chapter 4 verse 26 it's a command there is a godly type of anger it says you're supposed to hate that which is evil and cleave to that which is good let your love be without dissimulation abhor that which is evil God gave us all a capacity for hate every person in here sometime another is used to hatred and anger and usually it's wrong it's at people but we aren't wrestling with flesh and blood God gave you the ability to get anger angry so that you won't tolerate poverty and sickness and anger and strife we got too many passive Christians and there's Christians that can just adapt to about anything they don't like the way our nation's going but you know what I'm just going to roll with the punches and stuff you need to get angry you ought to be furious amen so this woman was desperate crawling through the crowd and she touched his garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold here's another great law of God proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it will eat the fruit there up words our powerful words created this physical world everything physical you and I were created by words words are the parent force words are more powerful than an atomic bomb death and life are in the power the tongue and not only your tongue but every tongue every word that you hear is either ministering life or death every word it didn't say death and life and a whole bunch of other stuff every word is either life or death every word every program that you watch every news broadcast everything that you read every word that comes to you is either ministering life or death and if somebody says well I you know I'm just mature enough it doesn't bother me I can watch these programs where people use profanity blaspheme God talk about there being no God they come to all these conclusions that are contrary to what I believe in what the word says but it doesn't bother me first Corinthians 15:33 says be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners if you say oh I can it doesn't bother me you're deceived you're already to see the Bible clearly says don't be deceived evil communications corrupt good manners and it's only either good or evil there is no in-between every word that you hear is either building you up or tearing you down words have formed your opinions words make you receptive or rejecting towards things there's many of us that you just go around and well everybody in my family has always had this problem it's a genetic problem and you just speak it and you say oh I'm not I'm just saying what the facts are Jesus said you know he spoke to the fig tree cursed the fig tree and the fig tree died 24 hours later it was totally dead and his disciples were amazed and he said have faith in God you know we don't have the benefit of hearing the inflection of his voice I'm sure that when the disciples said they didn't say master the fig tree that you cursed is withered away it was more like wow look at that fig tree it's dead you didn't touch it you just spoke to it and it's dead and we don't have the benefit of hearing Jesus response either but I believe it was more instead of saying have faith in God it was more like have faith in God what's wrong with you no wonder they were called disciples how dumb can you get and still breathe man they had seen him walk on the water they had seen him raise the dead they and yet they were shocked to see him speak to a fig tree and so he began to tell him how he did it he says barely I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith will come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said three times when he was explaining to them how he did this it had to do with words words have life and death in it and our society that they doesn't put this importance on words did you know it says you have to believe that what you say what you say comes to pass and yet we all all the time will say things like oh I'll meet you at 7:00 and you don't even leave home until 7:00 you gave your word and you broke it and did you know every time you do that you say why it's not a big thing you just taught your heart that you don't mean what you say and it's going to be impossible for you to speak to the fig tree or to speak to the mountain or to speak to your sickness and your heart does differentiate is this different than when he says he's going to do this and do this and do this and he doesn't do it your heart will just come to realize you know what you don't believe what you say battle says in psalms chapter 15 verse 4 that a godly man will swear to his own hurt and change not you know I'm gonna say something political please give me some grace if you disagree with me but it's a great example of what I'm talking about so just cut me some slack amen but my guy was ted cruz's who i would have voted for probably but i'm going to vote for trump because he's certainly better than the alternative as far as i can stay but here's my point Ted Cruz gave his word that he would support whoever the Republicans nominated and because Trump insulted his father and his mother which I can understand that and I can understand that's offensive he broke his word he put his own ego ahead of what is best for the country and again he may disagree with my conclusions but I don't think he could disagree that he broke his word he promised he would support whoever they chose and he broke his word and did you know anytime you do that a godly man will swear to his own hurt and not change even if it's to your disadvantage when you do stuff like that when you say that you're going to do something don't do it you had just taught your heart that you don't mean what you say and you'll never see the fig tree die you'll never see the mountain cut cast into the sea you violated the laws of faith you say I'll pray for you and you never pray for him you just deceived your own heart your wife said does this dress make me look fat you know I try and deflect stuff like that I've had people before come up and says does this make me look fat and I say you know what I'm not the fashion police you don't want I don't know and I'll try and sidestep it but if they say no I want to know what you think well then you better brace yourself for what I think cuz I'm gonna tell you what I think I'm not going to lie to you I'm not going to sit here and say oh man that really makes you look good I'll say no you fat thing it's fair and you can say what you want to but when I speak what I speak comes to pass cuz I believe what I say I don't say things I don't believe amen you ugly thing hey man you see now again you use a lot more tact in what I do I this is one reason I'm not a pastor man the closer you get to me the probably less you'd like so but I'm telling you you got to get to a place to where you speak what you say I had a guy come to my office and he was going to install a burglar alarm thing and we had an appointment at like 10:30 or something I had a lot of things to do but it was on my schedule so I made us spot and he didn't show up until the nearly 11:00 o'clock he was nearly 30 minutes late and when he walked in I was standing there and he says I'm sorry I'm late but I got caught in traffic and I noticed on his belt he had a holster and he had a phone and I said you had a phone you could have called me said well yeah I guess good hat but you know I'm here now and I said I don't need you and he says but I'm here I was going to give a demonstration I said you said you'd be here at 10:30 and it's nearly 11:00 you didn't keep your word I said if this is where you're going to treat me before you get my business what are you going to do after you get my business I said you aren't a man of integrity I said I don't want what you got to sell and I check the guy out and some people thought wow that's hardcore I thought you were a great guy I am grace I'm grace through and through but I also understand how the kingdom works and a godly person if they tell you that they'll be there at seven o'clock you can have the food sitting on the table at seven o'clock because they'll be there or if they have a wreck they'll call and let you know about it but they are going to keep their word and if you're the kind that just gets there any time around when you said it was time to get you you're an ungodly person I'm not against you God loves you but the word ungodly means not like God God will never tell you he's going to do something and then not do it over in Hebrews chapter one verse 3 it says Jesus is the brightness of his glory the Express image of his person and he up olds all things by the word of his power God spoke the world's the universe into existence and it's held together by the integrity of his word if God ever lied if he ever said he'd be someplace at five and he gets there at five oh five the universe you and I would self-destruct it's held together by the integrity of his word that's the way that God is and if you aren't like that you are ungodly not like God is what the word ungodly means here's another reason I never pastored a big church is because I'd preached on this and I you know if a person came in late I'd say come on in we welcome you you ungodly thing and I'd make a joke out of it never had very many people come to my church but everybody who came was always on time boy with Mike here if you go somewhere with Mike if you aren't 10 minutes early you're late you know what it's important and most of it well that's not that big of a deal but you just continue to be sick you continue to be poor don't you know and then you'll pray and you'll get hold of Mac's teaching about speaking the word and so when it comes to something you want you'll go to confessing the word but then the rest of your life 99% you just say things and not mean it and your heart can't distinguish between those it's a law of God you have to believe that what you say comes to pass so a person comes up how are you Hawk dying I'm done man I got a pain I and there's some people that you're afraid you're you're sorry that you asked because they just go through a list and tell you everything and say honestly I didn't that was too much information he meant I didn't want to know about all of this but and then you wonder why aren't I healed all you doing is speaking death again mark 11:24 23 says whosoever shall say unto this mountain see here's another thing you don't talk to God about your mountain you talk to your mountain about God most Christians are saying oh god I got this problem over here the doctor says this the banker said there's no God and you talk to God about your problem God told you to talk to your problem you're your mountain you talked it insinuated or inferred in there is that you understand God's already done his part he put this power on the inside of you it's at your disposal and now you flip the switch you speak to the problem but most of us are saying oh god I've got this problem would you please take it away God that's God he's not going to violate his word he's not going to come out here and flip the switch for you he's put the power on the inside of you you flip the switch by using your words and talking to the problem you know an example of this is I was in Charlotte North Carolina and a woman it had pain for I think it was is over seven years seven ten years or something like that the doctor said that on a scale to 1 to 10 she was a constant 11 she had terrible pain she was totally in village she had to stay at home couldn't do anything and the only way she existed she'd strapped magnets all over her body and then put magnets solm into a blanket and somehow the electrical fields between these magnets lessened her pain and that's why she lived wrapped in these magnets and my friend I was at this woman's house told her about some of the miracles that I had seen and told her that if she had come over she could be healed so anyway she came over and she was sitting on this couch and I started talking her and she says I know God can heal but you know I believe God has given this to me to glorify Him and so I started countering that belief and then I countered this belief and I spent about 25 minutes just countering all of her wrong thinking and then I sat on the coffee table and I grabbed her hands and I and I said I'm going to pray and we're going to get rid of this pain so I spoke and commanded the pain delete and I didn't talk to God and ask him to heal her I took my authority and I commanded the pain believed commanded the devil to leave and I got mad and rebuked it and when I got through I said how do you feel she says all the pains gone she stood up and took the blanket off and she had no pain she was moving around and she says but I still have a stinging right here in my waist right in the back why didn't the stinging leave I said you didn't tell me you had a stinging I said watch this and then I spoke and I said stinging in the name of Jesus I command you to leave and I got mad and commanded Italy and it was all gone so I took mark chapter 11 verse 23 and taught her the things we just been talking about that you have to talk to the problem you have to take your authority instead of asking God to do it you he told you in Matthew in a you healed the sick cleanse lepers raise the dead he didn't tell you to ask him to heal the sick he said you heal the sick I put this power on the inside of you now take your authority and you command the sick to be healed and I taught her all of these things took about 25 minutes or so so anyway as she was getting ready to leave she put her hand on the doorknob and she stopped and then she looked over at me and she says the stinging is back and I said well I've just been teaching you what to do so I'm gonna let you pray and I joined hands with her and you got to remember that 50 minutes before this this woman was a Presbyterian that thought that God was the one that made her sick that this was glorifying God and so she came a long ways in 50 minutes and and near this is nearly word-for-word what she said she said father I thank you that you are not getting glory out of this you did not make me sick by your stripes I was healed if I was healed I am he'll I clean my healing in the name of Jesus that's not a good prayer some of you what's wrong with that everything that I said was good but that's not what the Lord told you to do and yet that's how most people pray and so I said how are you and she says I did still stinging and I said you know why she said no and I said you didn't do what I just taught you to do and so she said tell me again and I said you're supposed to speak to the problem you talked to God you said all of these great things about God and everything you said was true that you didn't take your authority and you did not speak to your problem and she says you mean I'm supposed to stay say stinging in the name of Jesus and I said yes and she said I'll do it so we joined hands again and she got mad and she said stinging in the name of Jesus and that's as far as she got she says it's gone and that was in 2001 and that woman still healed of those problems amen but see we we aren't saying the right things somebody asked you how you are and you just bless you out all of your unbelief every hurt and pain here's what the doctor said and you say all of these things and then you wonder why aren't I healed because death and life are in the power of the tongue not just life but death and life and we're hung by our own tongue we're snared by the words of our mouth and we've got to start using our words correctly this woman said if I can touch but his clothes I shall be healed you got to start using your words and it says you can have what you say most people say what they have but you can have what you say there's a big difference most people in somebody ask you how you are you say what you have instead of having what you say you can use your words to create there's creative power in your words you can speak healing into existence you speak finances into existence and again some people think oh yes so you're just going to make God do this you've missed everything I've said God's already done his part you aren't making God do anything you are humbling yourself and saying father I believe it's done I am not waiting on you to heal me I am not waiting on you to prosper me I'm not waiting on you to take depression away I'm not waiting on you you're waiting on me to believe that you've done your part and that you've given me power and authority and so you stand up and agree with God and you enforce what he's already done it's not you that's the source but it's in you and you're the one that has the switch and until you flip it the power is not going to flow it's amazing how people tend to fall out on one side or the other of this but they can't seem to get the balance between it they either get over here to where all right ah it's up to me I'm making everything happen and boy if you do that you're about to crash and burn you'll find out pretty quickly that you can't do it on your own but then the other side there's a ditch on both sides of the road the other ditch is over here well it's just up to God it's by God's grace and so you sit there and do nothing and that won't work either you got to recognize it's not you God's never had anybody qualified working for him yet it's not going to be your goodness it's not going to be your holiness but you do have a part to play and you got to believe and you got to hear the word you got to act on the words you got to get committed where you will not take no for an answer God would never give you no but the devil and the circumstances in the world will sometimes delay the things of God and you have to just get to a place where I'm not putting up with this and then you have to use your words and like I said this is only four things but there's probably a hundred things that I could share with you that are important about receiving from God these are just a few things but God's kingdom operates by law and when this woman connected these things the power of God flowed without Jesus even sizing her up passing a judgment upon her it wasn't a personal decision it's not God that healed one person and didn't heal another it's one person put the laws into effect and another person did and sometimes you put the laws into effect without even realizing it it's just nearly accidental you know Benjamin Franklin we were all taught about him flying a kite with a key on it in a rainstorm and electricity hit that kite and came down this wonder he wasn't killed he stumbled onto some things he made some discoveries and it was nearly by mistake it's not the way you're supposed to do it but you can stumble on to some things like I said last night even a blind squirrel would get a nut every once in a while if he doesn't quit and you get determined you see some things happen but the more you understand and how the kingdom works the more you understand laws then it just it makes it clear I understand now why I saw my grandmother died my father died this girl that I was engaged to died because we violated the laws we were ignorant of the laws it wasn't malicious on anybody's part but just ignorance I saw a bumper sticker once that said ignorance is bliss and that's an absolute lie what you don't know is killing you my people perish for a lack of knowledge and brothers and sisters one of the things that has helped me the most is to recognize that the kingdom of God operates by law and I hadn't even got time to teach on this but when I was pastoring a church this is back in the winter that have been the 70s and when I was pastoring churches and stuff I taught on these things and healing can't man I hate to even say some of this because I don't have time to answer it but healing can be controlled you can make healing anointing flow you can put the anointing into a piece of cloth and send it through the mail and a person can get healed by touching that clause it's tangible acts 1911 Paul did that you can do it I prayed with somebody at our picnic on Sunday and we prayed over cloth and I hadn't heard a report back but I've seen many people heal by putting the anointing in a cloth it's it's not the same as electricity or something like that but it's it's got laws like that electricity can be controlled the anointing can be controlled healing can be controlled you can make healing flow and back when I was pastoring the church I've taught these things and we told people says we're going to pray with you until we see you healed and we had people brought in on their deathbed people brought in in ambulances people brought in who the doctor said had less than 24 hours to live I had people with broken bones and if had a broken bone we would cut their cast off and make them act well I know some of you think I'm extreme IM extreme that's reason i don't pastor yeah I probably have lawsuits out the wazoo if I did all this but that's what we would do and if a person had pain I'd hit them where they had pain I remember one guy he was a Mexican and he came back he says he came back from Paducah today not to feeling real good and his jaw was swelled up cuz he had his teeth removed and it was black and blue and I prayed for him and then slapped him upside that jaw and did you know in seconds it was gone and he was totally normal I prayed with a woman one time that had migraine headaches and she was crying she heard so bad and I I told everybody I was gonna hit him if I prayed for him and so I have it's a little tentative and so after I prayed for I kind of bumped her on the head like that and she said Oh hit me harder brother and true so I just called back wham she was healed and over a two-year period of time we never had a single person come in and I hadn't brought in on stretchers from ambulances we didn't have a single person that didn't manifest there let me rephrase that there was one girl that had an eczema a little 7 or 8 year old girl that we prayed for a number of times and I didn't see her manifest that healing she did get over it in a few months but it didn't happen instantly but with the exception and that I saw burns third-degree burns instantly healed so blindness heal you can make healing manifest and I used when I say that we saw the people healed sometimes I'd stay with them 4 and 5 hours and I'm prayin till we saw it manifest you can make the healing power of God manifest I hesitate to say that because I'm not going to stay around four or five hours and pray with 2,000 people and every time I say this somebody wants to come and just have me pray with them forever and I'm not doing I'm teaching you how to do but I am saying that there are laws that govern healing and you can make healing manifest it's up to you but if you have this mindset oh god I pray and then you just alright father I'm waiting on you you aren't waiting on God God's not the one who stuck you aren't waiting on God to heal you God's waiting on you to renew your mind and to begin to start putting the laws into motion to resist the devil and he will flee from you some things do take a period of time if you're praying for finances sometimes you know God speaks to somebody who's going to be your supply and it may be their unbelief and their hindrance that's slowing you down and you might have to be patient with me my finances come through the people i minister to and did you know I imagine Matt and Lynn who experienced this but when 9/11 happened anytime that the tsunamis happen any time a hurricane happens anytime there's a natural tragedy people turn off my television program and they go to watching the news because they're interested in wanting to find out what happened and out of sideout of mine and my income typically will go down every time there's a natural tragedy not because I'm in unbelief not because I did anything wrong but people aren't seeing my program they're doing something else and because of it they don't give I didn't do anything wrong it's not my fault there's but God uses people and so sometimes my finances can be affected when there's nothing that I'm doing but there's people that are involved in it they aren't my source but God uses people and so when you're doing something like a job when you're doing when you're praying for another person there can be other things that enter in but if you're praying for yourself something that is absolutely 100% God's will for you it's up to you to release the power of God and you can make the power of God manifest amen and I know some of you think this is the strangest thing I've ever heard well let me ask you how's house the way you're believing working you know with the exception I think I mentioned this the other day with the exception of me just being stupid and hurting myself and having to lay in bed because I overdid it I hadn't been sick in 48 years I don't believe in getting sick I don't get sick I get temptations to be sick the same as anybody else I just don't take them I've learned how to release healing until you get better results than what I'm getting maybe you ought to consider there's a better way to pray amen praise God this oughta bless you but there's a lot of people that what this does it's like it it makes you it makes it so that I don't have an excuse anymore and there's a lot of people that would rather just well I'm waiting on God it's in God's hands it's God's timing and everything else and they find comfort in that because you can still watch as the stomach turns on the television and not see God not renew your mind not get angry not get desperate not do anything you can be as carnal as your unsaved neighbor and just keep saying well I'm waiting on God and it just strips all of your excuses so there's a lot of people don't like what I'm saying but for those of you who will receive it I tell you this could change your life to understand that the kingdom of God operates on laws god has already done everything he's anticipated all of your problems the supply was made before you ever had a need and it's not a matter of you praying and just hoping that God is in a good mood today and will answer your prayer he's already done it he's already commanded the blessing upon you you've already got it now it's up to you to release it and to see it come to pass and all I may have done tonight is just stir you up to where man this is a new way of looking at things I may not have given you the keys that you need to be able to do but you know just understanding this principle is worth a lot and then you can get into the Word of God and the Holy Spirit can teach you the things that are specifically your issue and things that you need to do but you need to get this new paradigm that God's already done his part he is seated at the Father's right hand Jesus said it's finished Jesus isn't healing people today he's not saving people today he's already forgiven the sins of the whole world by His stripes you were healed there are people that are discovering their salvation and discovering their healing just the same way that we're discovering the laws of flight and the laws of electricity but they've been here all along and it wasn't God who just created them they've been here it's us that are just discovering them and boy this just blesses me to know that God you aren't the one that's holding out on me if anybody's holding out it's me it's my carnality that's stopping you and man that motivates me to seek more and to learn more and to do more and when I do experience a problem don't see something come to pass I just say father you didn't fail me you know when my son was I close with this believe it or not but when my son died Jamie and I just gotten home at 2:15 in the morning and at 4:15 we got a call from my oldest son and he said dad I'm sorry to tell you but Peter is dead and I said what happened and he told me and he'd been dead at that time for four hours and after four hours they took him to the hospital and anyway they did everything they could to revive him and couldn't revive him and so they pronounced him dead put him in a morgue in a cooler on a slab stripped naked with a toe tag on and then they came out and told my oldest son Joshua that he was dead so Joshua called us and told us and you know why I put these laws into practice and I said don't you let anybody touch him till I get there I said the first reports not the last report and then Jamie and I prayed and agreed this is back before we had cell phones we live way out in the country it's over an hour in the Colorado Springs from where we live and so we had to get up get dressed and we had to go in and so there was an hour period of time that we didn't know what the results was and there was a potential that my son wouldn't come back from the dead and that's not a negative confession because you know my son has a choice in this my son killed himself not intentionally but he overdosed on drugs and he killed himself and on the way in I just started I was feeling fear I was feeling discouragement griefs are the same thing that anybody else had feel and instead of speaking it Jamie and I were smart enough to know that you're snared by the words of your mouth and so we didn't speak our unbelief but I was feeling all of these negative things so strong I started using my words to fight against this and I just started to say father in the name of Jesus you aren't the one that failed me you didn't kill my son you aren't guilty this isn't your fault and I said I'm praising you and I don't care if my son comes back to life or not I'm going to praise you I'm going to worship you I'm going to serve you and I just started speaking my faith and you know when I did that the Lord reminded me of prophecies and I had two prophecies for in California and in Ireland and people that had never seen me had never heard of me walked up to me out of the blue and said you got two boys and the oldest I mean the youngest is going to turn to the Lord before the oldest and they prophesied things to me they didn't know I had children they didn't know that I had boys or girls they didn't know that they weren't seeking the Lord they didn't know any of this it had to be a word from God and as I got to praising God these prophecies came back to my remembrance and it just dawned on me if those were true words from God which I knew that they were my son hadn't turned back to the Lord yet and I said he's got to live and all of a sudden I started laughing I started laughing I said man this is awesome I told Jamie this is gonna be the greatest miracle we've ever seen and she knew enough not to say that she probably thought I had lost it that I just snapped because here I was driving into town to see our dead son who had been dead five hours by the time we got there and she probably thought I'd lost it but she didn't say anything and anyway when we got in my son came out he said dad I don't know what happened but five or 10 minutes after I called you Peter sat up and started talking and he was just totally normal no brain damage no more than he had before praise God and today he's just he's just awesome doing really good and he had a daughter born the next year who's 14 now and she's just awesome and you know all of that happened because of these laws and one of the things that was key I knew that if I didn't see the results that I wanted it's not because God failed me it would have been because I failed him or my son had a part to play in it or something but and I don't get mad at God if the plane crashes and I can't figure out what it is I never blame the law of gravity or the law of aerodynamics for failing those things are constant it's something else I'll have to write it off as pilot error or something and if anything in my life hasn't worked it's not God who's ever failed me if I didn't know enough to do do things properly and there are some people that are so insecure they can't accept that I just couldn't live with myself if I thought that it was my failure that somebody died well you need to find out who you are in Christ and you need to understand how much God loves you and just you know own up to every one of us has failed everyone on us we're fallen human beings and if you can't face the fact that you've ever made a mistake that's a big problem that's a big problem you just need to recognize it man we've all made mistakes we're in varying degrees of making mistakes I've come a long ways but man when something doesn't work for me it doesn't shock me matter of fact I'm somewhat surprised that things work as well as they do for me then I'm just blessed so I encourage you tonight to receive this and to start looking at things differently and recognize God is not the one who's failing us God has never failed there are laws that govern the kingdom of God you may not know what they are but don't sit there and condemn God and justify yourself that's what job did don't be like Joe you may not understand what's going on but man just say that I don't know what the problem is but it's not God God your faithful and go to worshiping and praising God and when you do God will quicken things to you but when you're just sitting there griping and complaining and going against everything he said you probably aren't going to hear much amen praise God I was anticipating winding up a little bit different than I did the night it's kind of somber but you know what there may be somebody I want to do this because it's really important I've known people that have limped through life because they really tried to believe God usually for somebody else not acknowledging that the other person had a part to play in this or possibly that maybe you didn't have it all figured out yet and that maybe you maybe you were sincere you might have been sincere as you could be but you just didn't have it all figured out and I've met people like that that they limp through life bearing a hurt and feeling like God let them down and they'll never again just abandon themselves to believing God and just commit themselves to total victory because they feel like gods let them down once before and they're never going to do it again and there's probably some people in here like this that have seen somebody die or something failed maybe a marriage failed and you just took it as a personal failure you know the other person has a choice it takes two people to make a marriage you could stand in faith 100% and that does not guarantee that your marriage is going to be a success that's another message but you just felt like God lets you down and because I bet you've never been able to just abandon yourself and believe God without any doubt in your heart and I'd like to ask you tonight that you need to let go of that you just need to say father I'm sorry it's not you that failed forgive me for blaming you forgive me for questioning you you didn't fail me I failed you somebody else failed you something I don't even know what the problem is but you didn't fail me you're faithful
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 842,265
Rating: 4.7164373 out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Wommack, Andrew Wommack sermons, Andrew Wommack 2016, Andrew Wommack 2017, Andrew Womack, Laws of God, God's Laws, Andrew Wommack Sermons, Faith, Unbelief, Living Word Christian center, Jesus, Bible Teaching, Charis Bible College, andrew wommack sermons, andrew wommack ministries, andrew wommack 2016, bible, christian sermons, christian preacher, living word, cooperate laws god, christian laws, laws of god, andrew wommack laws of god, god
Id: d8B1mPbIbhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 22sec (5362 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2016
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