Chapel with Andrew Wommack - May 6, 2021

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okay time to start [Music] [Applause] just like last week we are recording this for a pilot program on weekend television a one-hour program and so they asked me to teach on finances so these will be things you've already heard but act like you like it and it's good for you you never get too much of the word amen praise god all right so last time we taught about what the real purpose of prosperity was the number one objection that people have against prosperity they see it as selfish they see it as the love of money and they see it as greedy and so there's a lot of christians that will come against prosperity and say that if you have enough that you know you don't need to ask god for any more but actually that is the selfish attitude itself because they think prosperity is just for themselves so as soon as they get enough for themselves forget the rest of the world so that's actually selfish what i shared last time was that prosperity is really not for yourself it's like the lord told abraham genesis chapter 12 verse 3 that i will bless you make your name great and you shall be a blessing the reason that god blesses us financially is primarily to be a blessing to other people we used ephesians 4 28 that the reason you work and labor is so that you can have to give to others not so that you can get your needs met matthew chapter 6 verse 33 seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you you can actually get to a place where your focus is not on your needs your focus is on other people and you want to be a blessing and when you put first god's kingdom and being a blessing god will take over your finances second corinthians chapter 9 verse 10 says that he gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater and he multiplies your seed song god gives seed to sower he gives money to people who will give if you're short of finances it's because god doesn't see you as a giver he sees you as a taker and he loves you and he will meet your need but he's not going to bless you with an abundance if you're just going to build a dam and keep it all for yourself so this is what we talked about last time that really if you understand prosperity properly it's not selfish it's not greedy it's exactly the opposite and that leads to the next thing i want to talk about today about why it's important to give because it's easy to say oh yeah i want to prosper so that i can be a blessing but man you need to prove it you need to act on it james chapter 2 verse 20 says faith without works is dead a person saying oh yeah the reason i want to prosper so that i can be a blessing to other people that's wonderful thing to say but it needs to be more than words it needs to be action and i believe that this is why the lord told us to give it's not that he needs our money it's that we need to act on that attitude people by nature are selfish people by nature just think about themselves everything is about themselves and so you have to resist that you have to overcome it and one of the ways you do it is by giving let me turn over to these passages in psalms chapter 50 let me see where this is it's either psalms chapter 50 or 51. i'll find it here very quickly in psalms chapter 50 the lord is talking about them bringing sacrifices to him and he's the one that commanded the sacrifices so it's not that sacrifices are wrong but what he does is start talking about the motive behind what they were doing they were just going through the motions but their heart wasn't right and so here's what the lord said in psalms chapter 50 and in verse 7 he says hear o my people and i will speak o israel i will testify against thee i am god even thy god so this was not a compliment that he was about to give he was testifying against them i will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings to have been continually before me in other words the problem wasn't that they weren't doing the right thing it was the attitude they were doing it they had been giving these sacrifices continually in verse nine it says i will take no bullock out of thy house nor he goes out of thy foes for every beast of the forest is mine in the cattle upon a thousand hills what he's doing is beginning to show them why he wanted them to offer these sacrifices in the first place it wasn't for his benefit he didn't need the bullock he didn't need the sacrifice he's saying that every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills you could also say that the hills were his too everything is his the lord didn't ask for sacrifices for his need it was for them so that they could constantly be reminded that the wages of sin is death and every time they sin somebody had to die and because of the grace of god he allowed them to offer an animal in its place but it was a graphic reminder that their sins had a penalty that there is a just god and that sin had to be judged and so every time they sinned they had to offer a sacrifice in verse 14 or verse 11 he says i know all the fowls of the mountains and the wild beasts of the field are mine if i were hungry i would not tell thee for the world is mine and the fullness thereof the reason he asked for sacrifices wasn't because he was hungry and you know this is what a lot of pagan people did they actually offered sacrifices to their gods and they thought that somehow or another these gods were eating their sacrifices that's a common thing but the lord is saying i didn't ask for sacrifices because i'm hungry i did it for you to remind you that the wages of sin is death so that you would see this and then he says in verse 12 will i eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats offer unto god thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the most high and call upon me in the day of trouble i will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me and then he begins to rebuke the wicked but i use these verses to show that the lord is saying you were you were going through the motions but your heart is totally wrong in this thing that's what i tried to deal with in the first session that i taught about prosperity that prosperity really isn't for you it's to enable you to be a blessing it's to make a giver out of you instead of a taker that is what prosperity is really all about and when you get that heart attitude that is the heart of god god so loved the world that he gave and god is the original giver god is out to bless people he is not there with his arms folded like saying you aren't doing well enough do better or i pray more no it's not god it's like this he's trying to get blessings to us but we have to cooperate with god and when you get that heart of giving when the reason you want to prosper isn't to get your needs meant but to be a blessing to other people if god can get it through you he will get it to you and so that god is after this heart attitude and that's what he's telling these people you've gone through the motions you've offered sacrifices they're continually before me is what he said in verse eight but their heart was all wrong and over in the new testament let me just share this with you out of first corinthians chapter 13. the lord is dealing with hard attitudes and he says in verse 1 though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity i become his sounding brass and a tinkling symbol man speaking in tongues is powerful speaking in tongues is one of the great gifts that god has given us and yet even though speaking in tongues is a godly thing if you do it with the wrong heart attitude if you aren't led by love it profits you nothing and somebody says well how could you speak in tongues without being motivated by love right here in this context paul was talking about that the people would come together and they'd all speak in tongues and they'd just they would speak in tongues to promote themselves to show how spiritual they were you can speak in tongues carnally it's not pure holy spirit if your heart is wrong in it then all you are is sounding brass in a tinkling symbol god is looking at your heart first samuel 16 7 says that man looks on the outward appearance but god looks on the heart god is more concerned about your heart than he is the actions actions are actually a byproduct of the heart and so if your heart is wrong then even speaking in tongues does you no good you're just making noise in verse two and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though i have all faith so that i should remove mount could remove mountains and have not charity i am nothing man faith is powerful god's certainly not speaking against faith here but he's saying even if you have faith and your faith is so strong that you could move a mountain like jesus talked about matthew mark chapter 11 but if you do it with without being motivated by love it profits you nothing the motive behind your actions is more important than your actions and then in verse 3 and though i bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though i give my body to be burned and have not charity it profiteth me nothing your actions are not as important as the heart attitude and so this is what i'm trying to deal with in prosperity and i believe that the reason the lord told us to give isn't because he needs it and it's not because i need it you know this is so wrong this is where many people get an offense at prosperity is because the ministers use these scriptures to actually draw money unto themselves this is how they get their needs meant is by preaching on prosperity and their heart attitude is wrong the reason they're preaching on prosperity is because they need it that's wrong the real motive behind prosperity is to make you a blessing it's so that you can express your faith it's not because god needs your money and it's not because i need your money or any other minister needs your money that's the way it should be but many times ministers will sit there and it's all about their need you'll hear many ministers get up and they'll talk about you know that we've got this program or whatever and we've got to fund it now there's there's a balance here because you know there's nothing wrong with you just telling somebody what the need is but many people are using these scriptures on prosperity just to get their needs meant it's not about the people who are giving you know there was a man who was on my board travis waller and he's now gone to be with jesus but he was on my board and he told me he was in pueblo and there was a man who is receiving an offering and he said i need i forgot how much it was but i need a certain amount of money and so i'm believing that i'm getting this amount of money tonight he received an offer and he says now nobody leave we've got the doors shut nobody can leave we're going to count the offering and see if it's enough and so he counted the offering and he came back and he said it's not enough i need some more and so he took up a second offering and he says don't leave and he he took up the second offer and he counted it and it wasn't enough and he says i'm still a thousand dollars short and anyway this friend of mine who's on my board travis he he gave him a thousand dollars just so to shut the guy up so that everybody could leave and i said travis you just rewarded what this guy had done by doing that i said i wouldn't have done it but there's a lot of people that honestly they they give and they think well it doesn't matter where i give or what their motivation is it's all about me no you know if you plant a seed on this carpet you aren't going to get the same results as if you go plant it in good soil where you give and why you give is just as important as how much you give and when you give and reward negative behavior you in a sense are encouraging that i've had people come to me before and promised me that they could guarantee a million dollars if they would let me uh if they would if i would let them put out a letter and show babies with swollen bellies and flies crawling on them and show that i was doing these things says we'll guarantee you a million dollars and i said i don't have orphanages i don't do that stuff and they said it doesn't matter says we'll get you the money you can do with it what you want to i'm not going to do that i was at a woman's house one time she was a partner of mine and she says i really want to give and be a blessing to you but she showed me this letter and i won't mention the name of the person many of you know who this is but it says god woke me up at three this morning and gave me your name and it called her name and put her name in there three times in the text of the letter and god told me that if you will give a thousand dollar offering today that all of the people you're praying for will be born again and this is approve me offering and it had her name inserted in there and she was crying and she says man i've been praying for these people and and if i just had a thousand dollars they could be born again but i don't have a thousand dollars what do i do with this and she showed it to me and i took it just tore the thing into pieces and threw it in the trash i said that's what you do with that she says but he woke up at three in the morning and god gave him my name i said that's not true he sent this out to a hundred thousand people and his computer put their name in there you know why people do stuff like that because it works and of course there's nobody in here that has ever given to something like that i bet you there's people sitting right here that you have done that matter of fact when i moved to manitou springs the people who gave us our building in manitou springs they stayed and worked for me for about six months and they would see the way we operated and this is back when we were duplicating cassette tapes and man i would just duplicate cassette tapes as fast as i could go until they ran out and then we'd just sit there praying and saying oh god give us some more money for cassette tapes and then the money had come in and we'd try and catch up all the back orders and he saw the way that our ministry was going he says why don't you tell people what your needs are and stuff he says i gave away 25 000 last year and you were the first person i thought of every time i prayed about where to give that money but you gave everything away and you didn't talk about what your needs were and so i just assumed that you didn't need it and it says i gave it to this other ministry and i just happened to have been to that other ministry where the leader of that group took me into a room and showed me their six-month crisis letters that were written two and three years in advance and i said how can you write a crisis letter three years before you have the crisis and he says they're just all made up he says but that's how we generate our money and guess what this guy gave them 25 000 because of a fabricated crisis that's not the right motivation and yet people give you know how you stop stuff like that the bible says give where you're fed amen where does it say that over there lots of places but in galatians chapter 6. let me show this to you it says in verse 6 galatians 6 6 let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth and all good things this word communicates just old english for you need to give where you're fed you don't eat at mcdonald's and go pay wendy's you give where you're fed if somebody feeds you give to them that's so simple be not deceived god is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap if you only gave where you were fed where people are ministering to you then you know all of the crooks and the charlatans that are just coming up with computer generated letters and motivating people to give that way those people would go out of business or they'd have to get right with god and start ministering the word and feeding people but sad to say the body of christ to a large degree gives where they're begged they give where they're coerced they give where they show pictures of things and it plays on your emotions there's multiple motives for giving you don't only give where you're fit if that was the only way that you gave then people that are missionaries and people that have benevolence giving and minister to like orphans and the poor and third world countries where they don't have the money to be able to support them ministries like that couldn't exist there is benevolence giving where you give and there is no return to you the people aren't feeding you but you are just giving to be a blessing then you give where you see a need the bible says if you see your brother or sister in need and you shut up your bowels of compassion how dwells the love of god in you so yes you give where you see a need but the number one reason to give and again if i had time i could turn over to first corinthians chapter nine and paul could show this to you that if we have sown to use spiritual things it's no big thing for us to read carnal things this is the way that the whole kingdom works he even talks about oxen that in the old testament when they ground out the corn you couldn't muzzle an ox that ox was free to eat as much as he wanted as he was laboring and helping you grind out your corn he said he didn't say this for the oxen's sake he said it for our sake so that we could prosper so that when a person sows spiritual things to you they could reap so the number one reason that you give you give where you're fed not where you're begged not where your emotions are played upon and if we use that for our motivation i guarantee it would radically change the body of christ the people who are feeding people would be so abundantly blessed they wouldn't know what to do with it all the people who are crooks and charlatans and only have techniques to manipulate people we'd go out of business because they aren't feeding anybody it's that simple you know i'm not saying this for selfish reason i'm just using it to illustrate but we minister to a potential of four billion people a day on television i don't know how many people actually watch but if you just go one percent one percent of four billion would be what 40 million people watching and if only one percent of 40 million people got blessed that would be one 100th of one percent of the people that would be 400 000 people a day that get blessed through my ministry and if they got just enough to say well that's worth a dollar that'd be four hundred thousand dollars a day i don't get that much per day not yet not yet i'm moving that direction but what i'm saying is i can guarantee you i am feeding more people than what they ever give back matter of fact when i go on a meeting i'll have people come up man you have blessed my life and they'll tell me that they got healed their marriage would save their kids something happened and they just it's transformed our life and i say well have you ever written in to us oh no i've never contacted you before but it's just totally changed my life and man i don't say anything out loud but i'm thinking well you you know that's like going and eating some place and you didn't even pay for your meal and i'm glad to do it we give away things but i'm saying the body of christ does not give where they're fed they give where they're begged they give where they feel a responsibility where somebody condemns them and you got to do all of these things that is the wrong motivation for giving the reason god told us to give you need to give to express that god is not about me i'm not praying for finances just so that i can be blessed but i want to be a giver and to prove it i'm going to give it's one thing to say you're a giver faith without works is dead start giving start doing something you know i had a graduate of our school up in the mountains of colorado asked if i'd come minister to his church and he only had 20 or 30 people in his church and so because it was such a small group he got two other churches to go together so there was a total of three churches maybe a hundred people at this thing and they knew that they weren't going to have a real big offering and so he says i want you to take up your own offering and i told him i said it doesn't matter you can just do whatever i don't i didn't come for the offer and he said no i want you to receive the offering and so i got up and i told them i said i just came from charlotte north carolina where the people gave me a 350 000 offering i said i'm not a poor preacher that got in town and that i have to have your money to get out of town i said i don't need your money and when i said that you should have seen this guy on the front row it's just like all the color drained from his face he says now nobody's gonna give because you told them you don't need their money and then i began to tell them i said the reason that you need to give isn't because of me it's for you to show that father i truly trust you not in word only but i'm i'm adding action to it and this gift is a seed i'm planning it and i believe you're my source there's not a single one of us that couldn't use more money every one of us it doesn't matter where you are you could always use more there's always something else you could do and for you to take a portion of what you've got and to give it away is moving you away from this more this abundance that you need and if there wasn't a god who promised that when you give it'll be given back unto you good measure press down shaken together and running over then taking a portion of what you've got and giving it away would move you away from your goal instead of towards it it makes no sense there is zero reason to give when you are in need yourself unless you're operating in faith that's what it's all about it's about faith it's one thing to say god you're my source but it's another thing to believe it enough that god you're my source and i believe your word so i'm gonna give and act on it i've had so many people come to me and say i'd give you a million dollars if i had it and i go look and they don't they've never given me a penny you got a dollar you got a ten dollars you got a hundred dollars and you're saying oh i'd give you a million dollars if i had it but you aren't faithful with what you've got it doesn't work that way your heart's wrong if you aren't faithful in a little you won't be faithful and much so i began to teach these people these things and tell them the reason that you give isn't because i need it you need to trust god and so anyway i held like a three or four day meeting there and i took up offerings twice a day and i don't even remember what they gave me as an offering but the next week that pastor called me and he said i don't even remember what you were teaching on the only thing i remember are those offering talks and he says i knew those things i believed those things but i wouldn't tell my people because we were a small group i thought that they would take it that i wanted their money i didn't want to come across as somebody who was begging or pressuring them for money and so i hadn't told them those things and he said on sunday when they were back to just 20 or 30 people he says the next sunday i got up and he says i began to cry and stood up in front of his church and he apologized and he says forgive me for not telling you the truth about giving because i didn't want anybody to think i was after your money and i have kept back the truth and i was keeping you from prospering and i was not sharing the truth with you and this guy fell on his knees and he begged the people he says please forgive me for not preaching the truth about giving that's what convicted him and he said while he was on his knees asking the people to forgive him these 20 or 30 people came running to the front and said pastor we forgive you and they started throwing money on the stage and they paid off all of the church indebtedness i forgot now what he said it was but it was i think it was either 10 or 20 000 worth of church indebtedness and they just spontaneously paid it off out of 20 people 30 people it changed their church see when you're sitting here thinking about it's all about the minister's need or something it's not ministers have needs i'm not saying that that doesn't exist but it's about you trusting god and if i had so much money that i never had to receive an offering i would still do it in the beginning of my ministry i literally prayed that god would give me so much money i'd never have to receive an offering because i just didn't like doing it and man i thought if i had a million dollars i'd just put it in the bank and live off the interest that's small thinking now i have to have over six million dollars a month just to pay my bills but let's say that i had a billion dollars i think that probably still wouldn't i could spend it amen but let's say i had an unlimited source of money i'd still be preaching the exact same thing i'm preaching not because of my need but your need to trust god the reason you give isn't because of the need of the other person it's because of your need to express your faith and your dependence upon god that's the reason that you give is is so that god i am not just saying you're my source i believe you're my source faith without works is dead here is my action i trust that scripture that says when i give it's going to be given back unto me and that's the reason that you're giving so if you understand it properly the reason god told us to give isn't because he needs it not because his minister needs it did you know god could have set it up so that every minister would just become filthy stinking dirty rich and never have to take up an offering it could happen but i believe god set it up this way because you need to participate you need to be a part of this it's because he wants you to give and if you understand that correctly this is the motivation for giving giving you don't give so that you can get although it's true that when you give it will be given back unto you you don't deny the return you receive the return because it enables you to be a bigger giver but your motivation isn't to give to get your motivation is to give and you're going to get so you can give the emphasis is always on the giving not the receiving part if you are more excited about the receiving than you are about the giving your heart's not right yet now that doesn't mean that you don't receive because you can't continue to give so you have to learn how to give and receive but the emphasis is always on the giving you're looking for an opportunity to give if you live to give instead of give to live then god will start a supernatural flow of finances towards you man that is awesome and i'm a testimony that man i was so poor i couldn't pay attention and god has blessed me and god has flowed finances through me and i have not used it for myself i don't live in a mansion i don't drive the fanciest cars although i got a really nice car but it was given to me amen i haven't given so that i could get and yet god has blessed me because he sees that i'll give if he can get it through you he'll get it to you let me share these scriptures over in second corinthians chapter nine second corinthians chapter nine in verse six or verse seven it says who goeth a warfare any time that's first corinthians but that's also about finances that's really good that's where he's saying man you don't soldiers don't pay their own way they get paid for what they do ministers should get paid for what they do is what he was talking about but that's good but in second corinthians chapter nine it says in verse 6 but this i say he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully it's amazing how many people are wanting a bountiful harvest and they haven't sold very much people are praying for their ship to come in and they never sent one out amen that's not how it works did you know a farmer determines how much he in how much crops how what his harvest is by how much seed he plants that just makes sense man if you want a thousand bushels of wheat or whatever then you figure out how many seeds you have to plant to get this harvest but most people don't give strategically like that they just give here and there as they feel but did you know you can determine what your income is somebody says man i need fifty thousand dollars next year well plant seed for fifty thousand i need a hundred thousand plant seed for it you can determine what your income is going to be by how much you plant that's really good that's awesome god is speaking to me through that in verse seven every man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver this means not under compulsion not because you've been begged not because somebody locked the doors and said we aren't letting anybody go until we get another thousand dollars you know when i was only 18 years old when i first got turned on to the lord i went to an evangelistic meeting it was in a baptist church it was a famous baptist evangelist and i sat on the front row and this evangelist got up he says tonight i'm receiving an offering i don't want anybody to give twenty dollars or thirty dollars or fifty dollars i want everybody to give just two dollars what you would pay to go to a movie this shows you how long ago this one all i want is two dollars from every person and if you don't have two dollars you borrow it from the person next to you and you hold it up and we're gonna wait until everybody has at least two dollars that's what i believe god told me to do tonight i was sitting on the front row and this guy was coercing me into giving two dollars i'd have given much much more than two dollars if it had been free will but when he demanded it like you have to pay to go there i sat on the front row with my arms folded like this staring that guy down like just pointing me out give draw attention to me give me an opportunity to say something and he had everybody hold it up and he kept saying now i see something that don't have two dollars and he's looking right at me and i said you bet and i just sat there and stared this guy down and finally he backed down and just went on and i didn't give a thing i refused to give like that did you know when you give like that that money's just gone from your life again i go back to first corinthians 13 3 if you give all of your goods to feed the poor or if you give your body to be burned and don't do it motivated by god's kind of love it profits you nothing if all there was is you just give and then immediately it comes back to you 100 fold if that's all that there was it was just like a automatic formula well then every person in here would probably be multi-millionaires a hundred you know if you've got if you've only given a thousand dollars in your life and you get it back a hundred fold in this life then that's a minimum of a hundred thousand dollars if you've given ten thousand dollars and that's a a million dollars if that's all there was just give and boom it's given back to you but the attitude that you give is more important than your gift and if you give out of coercion because you are demanded or you go by the old testament mentality which i hadn't got time to teach on this somebody might choke on this but if you give because it's a debt you're robbing god if you don't tithe it profits you nothing the new covenant says god wants you to give as you purpose in your heart not grudgingly or of necessity as if you're robbing god if you don't tithe that's an old covenant mentality we still tithe but now we do it with a different heart it's not a debt that you pay it's something you get to do and if you give with the wrong attitude it voids the return that's the reason that some of you in here have given ten thousand dollars in a lifetime and yet you don't have a million back in this life which is what mark chapter 10 verse 30 says there's no man that has given anything house father mother brother sister land you've given up anything but what you'll receive a hundred fold in this life with persecution in the world to come eternal life god promised you that but the motive behind what you do can void it so if you were giving with the wrong motivation it just totally voids the return on it i've spent a lot of time dealing with a heart attitude towards finances but that's because that's what either makes it good or bad if you're giving out a necessity if you're giving to bribe god if you're giving because he's the godfather instead of god the father and he demands your money or you're gonna get it the church that i grew up in some of you'll think that this is an exaggeration but god's my witness i saw the pastor jump up on this part where you put your bible and stand on this and bend over and get the microphone and just scream and yell if you don't pay your tithes god will take it out in doctor bills what he was saying is you either pay up or god's gonna break your knee and put you in the hospital and take the money from you so you either give it willingly or god will take it that's like the mafia guy that comes by and says there's a lot of arson in this area man but buildings are burning uh you know glass is being broken but if you'll give me 10 i'll protect you and of course he's the one that's burning all the buildings and breaking the glass it's hush money this is what a lot of people see god as is god you know he's not god the father he's the godfather pay up or i'll take it from you if that's your motivation you're giving prophets you nothing i can guarantee there's a lot of people right here in this auditorium that if you had a hundred fold return on everything you've given you would be in a really sweet place right now there's some of you that haven't seen that and a lot of it is because of the motive behind it some of it is because it takes time you know i'm reaping from things that i sowed long long time ago i remember when jamie and i were nearly starving to death and we gave a hundred dollars which back then that would be like giving a hundred thousand dollars now we gave a hundred dollars we needed it badly and we sowed it and we believed god for a return on it and i went to the mailbox the next day expecting to see you know whether that be ten thousand dollars expecting to see ten thousand dollars i didn't see it so i went the next day and and for a while there i thought well i have i'm not getting my return but i'm still getting a return off that hundred dollars that we sowed fifty years ago it's still coming it may not come immediately but it does come so either you are waiting you've planted the seed and you're just waiting on your harvest or many times it's the motive that you gave with that avoided your giving but this is why god tells us to give it's not because he needs it not because i need it you need to give you need to trust god and it needs to be more than just word it needs to be action and so that's why we give god i'm giving and this is not just word but i'm showing you i'm acting on i honestly believe you did you know money has a i don't know it's it's uh i don't know how to express this but money will draw you into a place of dependence where you depend upon that money that money is your source you know creflo dollar a friend of mine he teaches from luke chapter 16 where it says you cannot serve god and mammon and he uses it that mam and i haven't actually studied this out personally but i've heard him say that that mammon there is referring to one of the gods that they had over finances and it's literally referring to the spirit that operates through money and behind money there is a demonic spirit that if you aren't careful it will take possession of you and you get to where you trust that money more than you trust god your trust is in that money that's what happened to the rich young ruler he came to jesus and he ran and fell at his feet it looked good but the lord knew his heart wasn't right he says give take everything you've got and give it to the poor and then come and follow me and he went away sad because he had great possessions he trusted that money more than he trusted god he knew jesus was the christ he wanted to follow him but he would not let go of that security there's so many people today that talk about their retirement in their 401 k or whatever i don't know what all these numbers are but they're trusting in all of these things i'm not saying that you don't have those things i'm not saying it's wrong to have but where is your trust you know we got an inheritance from jamie's dead when he died and so we put it in the stock market so we got a little bit of money it's not a lot but we got a little bit of money in the stock market and stuff but i don't sit there and watch the thing go up and down every day i don't care i've got a guy that's a friend of mine that invested for me and if it prospers hallelujah and if it doesn't that's not my source anyway i'm not going to cry i don't care whether the thing goes up or down i'm praying it goes up but it's not going to keep me up one way or the other that's not where my faith is that's one thing to say boy i'm trusting god but can you trust god enough to let go of that money does lincoln squeal you're holding on so tight as you put it in the man we've got to get to where our hands are open god it's all yours this isn't mine it's yours and if you become a steward i think i talked about that last time then a steward doesn't sit there and control it it's not yours it's god what does he want you to do with it well i can guarantee you he wants you to give a tithe and he wants you to give offerings off of it and so if you truly are trusting in the lord you'll follow his directions instead of leaning under your own understanding it's really that simple so the reason that god wants us to give it's not like you just put money in a slot machine and pull a handle and god comes out it's not an automatic thing it's an attitude of the heart it's so that you can say god you are my source i believe you are the one that prospers me and i'm not just saying it i'm acting on it this is why i'm giving and so you give with that motivation and when you get that right heart i didn't even get to that verse down there in verse 10 but god will give seed to the sower once he finds that kind of an attitude in verse eight let me just end with this second corinth second corinthians chapter nine verse eight for god is able to make all grace abound towards you so that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound unto every good work that's another verification of why god wants to prosper you it's not so that you can just have it for yourself it's so that you can abound to every good work when you get to where the reason you want to prosper is so that you can be a blessing not so that you can be blessed but when you want to be blessed so that you can be a blessing i promise you god will take care of you better accidentally than you ever took care of yourself on purpose before you will have more come in as a byproduct than when you were focused on prosperity so it's really an attitude of the heart you need to give and get this attitude and i tell you it just does something to your heart when you start taking things that could be used for yourself and you start using it to glorify the lord to build the kingdom to bless somebody else that's the way that the kingdom works so we're going to give you an opportunity to give today let me pray over this offering and i'm praying that you receive the things i said and that praise god you give not because of my need and not even because of your need but because of your desire to just say that god you're my source so father we love you and we thank you for these truths that we've talked about and father i know this has to come by revelation so i'm asking the holy spirit to take the things the scriptures we've talked about here today and that father just reveal it to people that people literally would get to a place to where they believe if they put you first that you'll add everything else unto them that they don't have to take care of themself and then give you what's left over but they could give to you first seek first the kingdom of god father i pray this becomes revelation to your people here and as we give today we believe that father this is a seed that is not leaving our life it's just entering into our future it's going to grow it's going to multiply and it's going to come back to us 100 fold in this life so that we can be an even greater blessing so father we thank you for that we agree and receive it in the name of jesus amen if you need an offering envelope we've got some ushers here that'll give those out this is primarily for cash giving there is a place on there that you could give by credit card we don't want you to give money you don't have but if you use a credit card just for convenience there's a place that you can fill that out and if you'll fill out your envelope in english we will get you a receipt praise the lord so we've still got two and a half minutes left if you want to bring your offering forward they're they got the buckets here at the front so you can come forward and bring your offering and please don't leave the auditorium until this the session is over i'm the worst about letting people go early and i hear about it often i'll be criticized by the people that i pay if you leave early so don't leave early but if you want to come forward and put your offering in we'll receive it praise the lord hallelujah thank you jesus do you know i used to have to have other people receive the offering because i i didn't have this revelation that i'm sharing with you and uh i received offerings but it was always poor and then when i got my heart right when i started seeing that it's not about me and it's not about me getting my needs met this is about giving you an opportunity to be blessed and when i change my heart i may not have even changed the words that i said but everything changed you know i used to go hold these meetings and i'd invite charlie and jill leblanc to come do praise and worship and i'd invite another speaker and we would usually go into a church and anyway my expenses were somewhere around ten thousand dollars to put on one of those meetings by the time i gave offerings to these people and paid their food and things like that and i would get ten thousand five dollars or maybe nine thousand nine hundred and ninety eight dollars i mean i'd be within five or ten dollars of break even every time and then the lord showed me these things that i'm sharing with you and i remember going to phoenix just the next month after i got this revelation and i shared with a different heart i didn't share different scriptures it was just my attitude changed and we got 25 000 i mean it was two and a half times what i had ever done before and it was because of an attitude change and now i uh matter of fact some of the people i used to have them come take up my offerings because they did better at it than i did now they asked me to take up their offerings i mean i'm blessed i'm a money magnet because i use it for the glory of god amen and so it's really all about attitude all right bring your offerings forward you're dismissed
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 15,086
Rating: 4.9008265 out of 5
Id: UVtlwB89tKw
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Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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