Faith for Healing | Andrew Wommack

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and you know I want to say a special welcome to all of the vets if we could just have people that have served in some branch of the service if you would just stand we'd like to say thanks to you for what you have done man praise God for all of these praise the Lord thank you very much man praise God freedom isn't free it cost a lot of people their life and a lot of people a lot of time overseas and away from their families and we just appreciate all that you've done alright I'm going to be sharing on healing and I'm gonna be teaching as Dwayne said different every single time night so I don't know that what that does to the crowd if you want to stay over for the second I don't know but anyway that's what I'm gonna be doing I'm gonna be building and then tonight we're gonna have a healing service and we're gonna be praying for people and I tell you we have seen some great great miracles we've got a lot of them documented down here the Petersons are on one of them and he was just basic well he he was raised from the dead you weren't dead for a while and so anyway my own son I was telling Dewayne and Jeanie we were talking about our families and I've only got one granddaughter and they've got 19 grandkids but I've got some bragging rights that nobody else has and that is that my granddaughter was born a year after her dad died not many people can say that but my son was dead for five hours and in a morgue in a cooler stripped naked with a toe tag on and they called me and we spoke and God raised him up he started talking and came back from the dead after five hours and no brain damage no more than he had before praise God so anyway I've seen some great things happen saw my wife raised from the dead so I've seen two out of the three family members that I have raised from the dead I told my oldest son I'm tired of this I want him to stay alive but anyway I don't claim that I've got it all figured out I certainly don't but you know what I have seen God do a lot of things and I know that it is God's will for you to be well and I know that Duane and Jeanie teach on this and so a lot of what I'm gonna say today will be repetitious but when I was a pastor I love to have visiting ministers come in and say the same things it you know you just say it from a different perspective and it might reach people or if nothing else it validates that you're pastors aren't weird amen there's other people that believe this so anyway I know that we'll be going through some of the same things but I have seen thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people healed and I know that the same thing will work for you how many of you in here need a healing in your body I think that this would still apply amen seems like we got a lot of people so let me just start over here in first Peter chapter 2 verse 24 and this verse says who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we that being dead to sins might live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed and again this is something that could be developed in a lot more detail but did you know that healing is not an appendage or it's not an add-on to the gospel the church has pretty much I'm talking about as a whole the universal Church has pretty much made healing something that is additional maybe God can do it but you never know what God's gonna do but if you were to look up the word for salvation in the Bible the one that's used over three hundred and something times so though it literally is translated healed like in James chapter 5 where it says if any sick let him call for the elders Church pray over him and the prayer of faith will save the sick it's not talking about forgive the sins it's talking about healing your body Healing is as much a part of the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ as forgiveness of sins is it's not separate you know my dad died when I just turned 12 years old and he was a chairman of the Deacons and he loved God but we didn't have faith for healing because we didn't teach on healing we just taught about forgiveness of sins but healing is a part of the atonement Jesus died for your sickness and your disease just as much as he died for your forgiveness of sins and I'm gonna make a statement here that is radical and some people think that I'm weird but I think you're weird so but I would no more be sick than I would go sin I fight sickness the same as I fight sin I hate sickness I don't embrace sickness I don't say that well it's flu season and I guess I'll have to be sick there's a lot of people that just think sickness is normal it's normal for people that don't know the Lord and it's normal for most Christians who don't know what Jesus has purchased for them but Jesus died to heal you of sickness and disease as much as he died to forgive you of sin and in the same way that you ought to resist adultery and say no I won't do it you ought to resist being sick amen I'm not saying that God hates you I'm not saying you're a bad person if you're sick but I'm saying that you aren't receiving what the Lord has for you and this is one of the important things about healing is that you've got to get to where healing isn't optional there's a lot of people that will sit there and they will embrace headaches they will in break the brace the flu they'll embrace things I'm getting older and so I just have to start having some pains and stuff and you accept it that's the reason that you're sick you know I can I'm saying this bragging on the Lord not on me but it's been 50 years that I've been in ministry and for about the last forty eight years I've learned the truth 47 or 48 years and there's only been twice in 48 years then I'm in sick and both of them were due to my own stupidity because I've met one time I ministered 40 times in one week and then I ministered 41 times the next week and you just can't do stuff like that and so I wore myself out and I got tired and I crawled it I literally had to crawl into bed and laid there for 24 hours trying to recover and I felt pretty good after 24 hours and I went out and split a quart of wood and I did too much too soon and I got a sinus headache and then another time I came back after being awake for 36 hours on an overseas trip and my pond had plugged up and so in the winter in Colorado I got in freezing cold water after 36 hours with no sleep and tried to unplug the drain and I got a cold and those are the only two things I've had in 48 years and that was because of stupidity again you have to learn to cooperate amen but I don't believe in getting sick I don't get sick I will not get sick amen and I know some of you are already like this is weird well you're entitled to your opinion I'm not mad at you God loves you I love you but I'm not gonna agree with your we'd both be wrong I'm telling you God wants you well it is God's will he purchased healing for you don't feel condemned by that but instead feel encouraged that the Lord died to produce healing for you let's turn over to Isaiah chapter 52 and let me just illustrate this with Scripture here Isaiah chapter 52 and in verse 14 and I wish they had time to put this in its context I haven't got time to do that but if you study this this is talking about Jesus Isaiah chapter 53 is the famous scriptures about how he bore our sorrows and carried our griefs and in Chapter 52 verse 14 it says as many were astonished at the his visit was so marred more than any man in his form more than the sons of man the word visages face his face was marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of man the NIV says so that he didn't even look human you know I saw the movie The Passion of the Christ with Mel Gibson that he did that and you know I'm not criticizing what he did at all because he you know he was limited with just video and stuff like this but it was rated R he said that if he would have made it the way he really believed it was it would have been x-rated and they wouldn't have nobody would have come to see it so he had to tone it down but did you know that when Jesus hung on the cross he was still recognizable as a human being but this verse says that his form was marred so that he didn't even look human we don't have a full understanding of what Jesus went through but I don't believe that any Roman beating caused the things that is being described here it was although I'm not minimizing what happened to Jesus being beaten by the Romans and crucified that was terrible but what was really bad is that every sickness every disease that has ever hit the human race entered into the physical body of Jesus the things that you're dealing with your pain anything that you're dealing with it all came into the body of Jesus he bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases you know I had people I had two guys come up to me in Kansas City and one of them had a cancer on his face and he had a towel over his face and he was asking me to pray for him and I couldn't understand him and I said look I'm sorry but you're gonna have to remove the towel I can't understand what you're saying when he took the towel away cancer it eaten his nose off and his lips and and it was terrible looking and in that same meeting I had a man come who cancer had eaten after man's eyeball and it had taken over half of his face and he just had this huge cancer on his face it was terrible looking the Bible says Jesus face was marred more than that more than any man Jesus face had cancers and tumors and and heads that had swollen and and you know I've seen pictures of people with elephantitis how their body swells and all kinds of things happen Jesus had everything that has ever hit the human race happened to his physical body so that when he hung on the cross he didn't even look human he didn't just forgive us of our sins as important as that is I'm not minimizing that but he died to produce physical healing in your body and if you are suffering with sickness and disease you are leaving something a gift that Jesus purchased at great expense for you and you're leaving it on the table you know if for some reason I had loved you enough and if I could have died and borne your sickness and disease and if I went through that suffering and then you just chose not to receive it because after all what was really important was getting your sins forgiven and you were just gonna leave the sickness and disease and live that way that wouldn't please me it would be like I went through this for nothing I did this for you and it's like a gift and you aren't receiving it I'm not saying this to scold anybody I'm saying it that God was as concerned about your physical body and your healing as he was about your forgiveness of sins and yet it's not been presented this way faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God and because it hasn't been presented this way there's a lot of people and I know that Dwayne is a great minister I've known him for a long time but I know that there's people sitting right here that to you healing is optional it's not it is a part of your atonement he wants you well as much as he wants you forgiven of sins in the same way as you wouldn't compromise on that you wouldn't just go live in sin because well I tried I asked God to help me not commit adultery but the desire still came I think I'll go ahead and do it no it's it's a fight and sometimes you have to resist you know what you need to where you resist sickness you need to hate sickness as much as you hate adultery as much as you hate line as much as you hate anything I hate sickness you know I used to come with Dave 2l every year to ResLife any of you old enough to remember Dave 2l and me coming and David well was a crazy man and I remember one time it was over in another auditorium but it was it was high like this and there was a little woman that came up on a walker and she had arthritis and dave was getting ready to pray for her and he was making this exact point you gotta hate sickness I hate sickness I hate arthritis and he saw this woman down there and he says I hate you arthritis and he runs and jumps and in midair he realized he had miscalculated and he landed on top of this woman and she was on a walker and they went rolling and and he says that grandma wound up on his he was on the bottom and she was on top and he was thinking oh by a lawsuit or something like that but God touched her and she got up and ran around the church and God Hill praise God you don't have to jump on people but you gotta hate sickness you gotta hate it and yet somehow you don't hate it you embrace it you talk about my sickness you talk about my pains and my you know the Bible says resist the devil and he'll flee from you the word resist means that actively fight against you gotta hate sickness hate it not hate the person but hey sickness I just had on my television programs I had a woman that whose two sons were healed of autism and this is one of the points that made her sons get healed her son was so autistic he would scream wouldn't wear clothes couldn't leave the house and was totally healed and last week we just had a musical debut and this boy who used to be autistic that he couldn't leave the house and and had just been terrible he was I was the star in our show he was playing God in this show I told him I said man that's pretty awesome coming from where you couldn't sleep do anything to now you're playing God not many people can do that but you know one of the things that made that difference was she was in England and the people were telling her you need to embrace autism if you hate autism you hate your son this is your son he is autistic and you've got to embrace this and recognize this as the way it was and Debra got mad and told them no I will not embrace autism autism is trying to kill my sons and she says I hate autism and she stood up and because of that her two boys have now been totally freed by the English national healthcare service they are just awesome and totally set free because she didn't embrace it she didn't accept it the worst thing you can do is accept your sickness and disease and say well this is just my lot in life and again we could spend time on every one of these things there are people that say this is how God moves in your life this is God teaching you something this is the way he humbles you that's a lie I'd be gentler if I had more time I'm just telling you that's a lie Satan is out to steal kill and destroy god is not the author of sickness and disease it is not God's will God hates sickness and if you would hate sickness and resist it that is one of the very first things to seen healing come to pass in your life you've got to know that this is God's will that there is no way God is using this and put it on you to teach you something this is Satan trying to come to steal to kill and to destroy and so you've got to have an absolute assurance that by the stripes of Jesus I was he'll wish we had time to go through every one of these verses but look in the 53rd chapter the first few verses here or singing who hath believed our report you know there's people that just can't believe what I'm saying they can't believe that God Almighty would come down here and take every sickness every disease every problem of the human race in his body why would God do that and it says that when we see them there's no beauty in him there's nothing in Jesus that we should desire him you know again if for some Howard if I could imagine being God and I love the human race enough to come to the human race and die for them and if I became a man I guarantee you I would upend the greatest specimen of human flesh that you had ever seen I would have been bigger taller I'd have made Hercules look pitiful compared to me and yet this says it Jesus there was no beauty in him there was nothing that we should desire him Jesus was as plain as any person in here I don't believe he was necessarily ugly but there was nothing special about Jesus there is no beauty that we should desire you know Jesus suffered not only on the cross and not only when he got beaten by the Romans but just thinking here you are God Almighty and you're walking by people every day and they don't even notice you you know that's suffering you're the one that created them and nobody even notices you you were so plain that nope there was nothing special about you Jesus bore if any idea feel like you're just plain and like there's nothing special about you I guarantee you Jesus felt all of that people didn't recognize him he suffered the entire time being limited to a physical body and walking around but it says he bought he did this he bore our sorrows and he carried our griefs he didn't bear his sorrows Jesus didn't do anything wrong there was nothing for him to suffer for he suffered for us everything that Jesus suffered he suffered for us and so in chapter 53 and in verse 4 surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted if Jesus bore my sorrows and grief then I'm not gonna bear him I refuse to bear them again I know that some people won't understand what I'm saying praise God for pastor Duane he'll straighten all this out when I am gone and explain it but you know when my son died and we were told that he was dead my wife and I prayed and we it took us an hour to get up and drive into town and we didn't have cell phones back in 2001 and so we didn't know what was happening and I started to feel grief and sorrow the way that anybody would if you were told that your son was dead but you know what Jesus bore my griefs and carried my sorrows and I said I'm not gonna do it I refuse to grieve and I started praising God and I tell you that was a key in my son being raised from the dead if I would have embraced sorrow and grief and had started carrying it myself I don't believe my son would have come back from the dead but Jesus bore my sorrows in grief and I'm not saying that you don't miss a person if they've died and gone on but you there's a difference between grieving the way the world grieves where you're just devastated and just loving a person and missing them so this says he bore our sorrows and carried our grief if he did that I'm not going to carry him I refuse to carry him it's quiet miss Presbyterian Church I know some I can't believe you're saying this that's the reason you bear sorrows and grief is because you accepted it to you it's acceptable this is normal this is what you've been taught as you think in your heart that's the way you are and so that's the reason you're experiencing it and in verse five but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed man if my peace if he was bruised and wounded so that I could have peace well then I'm gonna have peace I am NOT gonna go around I it's been now nearly 50 years since I've been depressed I don't get depressed I don't believe in being depressed and some idea well I just don't believe that well that's the reason you're depressed I'm not against you I love you but I'm telling you the truth so that you can be set free it says he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her Shearer's is dumb so he opened not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation contrary to the that movie I forgot what it was Tom Hanks movie about some code where he married Mary Magdalene and had kids here's the scripture thing on this nobody can declare his generation because he didn't have kids any idea they saw that movie and gave to help promote that shame on you and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet it pleased the Lord to bruise it bruised him what a statement it pleased the father to bruise his son it didn't please him in the sense that he enjoyed seeing Jesus suffered but he loved you and me so much that it pleased him to sacrifice his son for us and again not just for the forgiveness of your sins but so that your body could be healed he didn't want you to suffer pain he doesn't want you to suffer with things God loves you so much he doesn't want you to have this he actually was pleased for his son to become so marred that his face looked worse than any person who has ever lived on this planet his body was so brutalized that it didn't even look human you couldn't recognize it was a person hanging on the cross he did that for you because he loves you and he wants you well and yet we tolerate things that Jesus died to forgive us off to set us free of that's not good it pleased the Lord to bruise him he put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied God punished his own son so that you would not have to be punished not only from sin but from sickness and from all of these things you know in the Old Testament when a person's sinned they had to bring in a sacrifice a lamb because the wages of sin is death and so you have to die if you sin if you've sinned even in the smallest thing James chapter 2 verse 10 says if you keep the whole law and yet offend in one point you become guilty of all so if you lived a relatively holy life but if you send that all death is the wage of sin and under the Old Covenant because of the goodness and the mercy of God he allowed us to kill an animal and substitute its death for our death but that was only a picture in a shadow of the true Lamb of God that was to come but when you sin you brought a lamb before the priests and men this is powerful did you know that when you sin in brought a lamb the very fact that you were bringing a lamb was an indication that you had sinned you were confessing that you had sinned you we're not proclaiming your goodness you were proclaiming your sin and when you brought this lamb before the priest the priest didn't examine you they didn't say you sorry thing how could you have done this they examined the lamb the lamb had to be without spot and blemish not you and if the lamb was was without spot God saw the travail of the lambs soul and he credited it to you did you know that we have come before the Lord and every one of us have sinned there's not any of us in here that deserve God's goodness you don't deserve it all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God but God looks at the lamb and he is healing you because of what Jesus has done not because you deserve it there's a lot of people that believe God can heal but they think that healing is tied to their goodness and if they don't feel like they've done everything right well then they lose all of their confidence you know I told you about my son being raised from the dead my wife being raised from the dead I've seen many people raised from the dead and most of you believe that that's the reason you come to this church instead of some other Church you believe in the supernatural healing power of God if somebody was to fall over dead here today and I said well I've seen people raised from the dead I'm gonna pray and praise God we'll see them raised from the dead most of you be right with me amen you'd clap amen but you know where I'd lose the majority of you I say all right if you believe it you come up here in pray form and all of a sudden what happened you were excited about seeing somebody raised from the dead as long as I'm the one prayin forum but when I say you come pray form your faith turns to fear your excitement turns to dread what happened did God change all of a sudden no but when you get factored into it you lose your confidence because most of us think that God only moves in our life when we were worthy of it and you know you aren't worthy of it you might look at Dwayne or me or somebody Elson think well you're a preacher and you got your act together if you knew me as well as you know you you wouldn't have any more faith in my prayers than you got in your prayers I have to use the name of Jesus to get my prayers answered hey man I don't deserve anything but see you feel unworthy and like you know God can heal you don't doubt that God raised my son from the dead but would it work for you well you need to recognize God isn't examining you he's examining the lamb it's the lamb that purchased healing for you it's not your goodness if you're the worst Saint in here if you are living the sorriest life you have had the atonement made for your perfect healing and if you could get out of putting faith in yourself and put faith in a Savior you could be healed exactly the same as anybody else one of the reasons people don't get here I've heard people say this before they'll see somebody come down in a drunk off the street comes in and gets totally healed of something miraculously and here's DeRose Saint so-and-so on the first row that has been believing God for the healing of the same thing and they just can't understand why did God heal them and I've been praying and fast I go to church I give ties I give pies to people when they have a death in the family I've done all of this how come God hasn't healed me you just told me because see you didn't point to what Jesus you didn't point to the lamb you pointed to yourself and you were trying to earn God's healing power through your goodness and that's the very thing that stops the power of God if God gave you what you deserved you'd go to hell I'm talking about as a believer and somehow I can't believe you said you don't know who I am well you know what the attitude you got about me right now it that's wrong hey you're sitting I'm your brother whether you like it or not and the things that you're thinking about me are wrong if you've got what you deserved you wouldn't get anything I'm telling you you don't come before God on the basis of your goodness when it comes to salvation we sing just as I am without one plea but that was shed for me Oh Lamb of God I come and we come and put our total faith in Jesus and if I had a word of knowledge and said God shows me that you've committed adultery instead of that keeping you from being born again if you truly heard the gospel you would say that's the reason I need salvation and you would go ahead and believe and receive even though you were caught in the very act of adultery but get born again and come up here and if I had a word of knowledge you didn't study the word today you haven't been doing your daily Bible readings some of you oh man now I know why God isn't answering my prayers so you get born again without looking at yourself putting faith in a savior but when it comes to receiving healing or something we think that somehow neither we've got to be worthy and earn it nobody's ever earned it it's not based on what you've done it's based on what Jesus has done for you Jesus has paid for your healing just as much as he paid for your forgiveness of sins if you have believed for salvation and if you have received salvation you should also be able to receive healing of your body seeing a person raised from the dead physically is inferior to see in a person raised from the dead spiritually the greatest miracle you'll ever have is to see a person born again and if you've received that well then healing is yours it's the children's bread it belongs to you but you gotta fight for it you got to change your attitude you've got to resist the devil before he'll flee from you and I tell you most Christians are where they would like to be healed but you know what they can make it without it we've got the American Disabilities Act and so we now accommodate people with with things and you know what one of the reasons you see so many more people healed in foreign countries is because they don't have a social system that is going to pay them money if they can't work they don't have all of the disability they don't have handicapped access and these people are desperate and because of it they are resisting in fighting Americans have become so that we can accommodate you can take a pill you can deal with things I'm telling you you need to start fighting like Jesus has provided healing for you you can take a pill and overcome a headache I'm not against you you can do that but when is it that you're gonna start exercising your faith when is it you're gonna start believing God are you gonna wait until cancer comes and you got stage 4 cancer and the doctor says you're gonna die and then you're gonna start believing God but you've never believed him for a headache you've never believed him for a pain you've never stood for anything it's not the way that it works you can't just wait until the day of a marathon you start training you need to practice you need to work up to it you need to take these scriptures I'm encouraging you today that you need to see that a healing is not optional I'm not saying that you won't go to heaven if you don't believe in healing but I'm just saying you'll get there quicker if you don't believe in healing you can still go to heaven but you'll get there a lot quicker if you don't believe in healing God wants you well God wants to heal you but he needs some cooperation from you you need to cooperate with God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God I've shared truths with you today that if you will receive it this will plant a seed of healing in your life you may have to let it grow you may have to meditate on this and strengthen it but I guarantee you we planted a seed that could produce healing in your body and you know if there's anybody here today that doesn't know Jesus man it would be a shame for me to have talked about how that Jesus became a man and lived on this earth and died for us and suffered so much not just for the healing of our body but he suffered so that you could know him so that you could be forgiven of your sins it would be a shame for you to hear this message and not respond to it you need to respond you need to make Jesus your personal Savior if you haven't done that and once you get born again you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit you know the baptism the Holy Spirit does a lot of things speaking in tongues is a part of that but also the baptism of the holy spirit he says you would receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you I tell you when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit power began to manifest in my life I wouldn't have seen my son and my wife raised from the dead if I hadn't have had the baptism of the Holy Spirit if you don't have the baptism of the Holy Spirit if you don't speak in tongues it's like charging hell with a water pistol you need power in your life and Jesus said you receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and one of the greatest things that the baptism of the Holy Spirit did in my life it just unveiled the word the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible and it's not written to your head even though you use your head when you read it's really written to your heart it has to come by revelation and when you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit he's the one that wrote the Bible and he reveals it to you the word comes alive if you don't have the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues I guarantee you you need that every person in here needs to be born again you need to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit which includes speaking in tongues so if there's anybody here tonight who this morning who doesn't have one or both of those things I would like to specifically pray for you because that's a starting point you can't go very far without you can't go anywhere without first of all knowing Jesus and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit is there anybody here who wouldn't say man that's me I need prayer I want to receive it that you I want you just to raise your hand wherever you are be bold and we got hands all over the place praise God well I'd like to ask everybody to stand and if you raised your hand or if you were supposed to raise your hand and didn't do it would you just get up out of your seat and come forward and we want to pray with you right here and help you to receive this morning so wherever you are if you're up in the balcony or anywhere please come down and let us pray with you and help you to receive this morning praise God man let's praise God for all of these hallelujah thank you Jesus I believe this is going to change your life you're gonna leave this place stronger than horseradish change my life you know I'm just gonna pray for you quickly and then I'm we've got some people here that will take you and we've got a book that we want to give you we got materials that we want to give you they will explain all of this and people that will pray with you but I believe that God is gonna touch your life today amen they're gonna go that way all right father we just thank you right now for all of these thank you Father for touching these hearts and I know that you love each one of them that you want them saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues and flowing in the power of the Holy Spirit so father we just thank you and right now we pray and agree with them they father this is gonna be a life-changing experience that they will leave this place totally transformed today through the power of God so thank you for touching their hearts and as they go father we believe that you touch everyone and they get exactly what they need here today in the mighty name of Jesus
Channel: ResLife Church
Views: 288,646
Rating: 4.786932 out of 5
Keywords: ResLife, ResLife Church, Resurrection Life Church, Grandville, Grand Rapids, Michigan Church, Michigan, RLC, LINC, RLCI, Sunday Sermon, Andrew Wommack, Christian Healing, Healing
Id: alSMbdMdfzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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