Cooking Wagyu on a 500 Degree Salt Rock

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in this video i'm going to be cooking some of the best wagyu in the entire world and a type of meat that i'm even more excited for kobe beef everybody says wagyu thinking that that's the best of the best but no kobe is actually a level above but as i often like to do we're going to throw a twist in this because we're going to be cooking all of it on a hot himalayan salt rock this thing right here is a giant himalayan pink salt slab it's super super heavy but it doesn't even come close to how heavy this bad boy right here is and frankly i like the pink color on this one a lot better but wait just a second before we get moving i'm going to politely ask that you toss a quick like on the video i cannot tell you how much me and the whole team appreciate it and it really helps more than you could ever know so i'm going to give you just a quick little second if you won't like it for me like it for pesto for now we're going to give you just a quick second to go down and smack that like button if you do pesto might get to try some wagyu later today we'll be cooking with an amazing spread of different proteins because i really want to compare these different things and see how it goes on a hot stove i mean who would go to the market and buy any of these things and then decide to cook them on a giant piece of salt only me that's who first we have some absolutely gorgeous salmon when i choose my salmon i really don't mess around and as you can see i have a perfect portion right here what i look for in salmon is similar to what i look for in a piece of wagyu that amazing marbling of the fat that hasn't been all messed up and butchered by the person that broke down and filled the fish and as you can see this right here is perfect what are you doing you're fired get out next we have some amazing scallops now believe it or not i actually really don't like cooked scallops all that much i prefer them raw and if you haven't had scallop ceviche before i urge you to try it at some point it's a completely different texture and mouth feel and it is absolutely delicious now we have some of the thickest thickest bacon you've ever seen and when i say thick i mean with a bunch of cues at the end almost as thick as me i really wanted to take this bacon and sear it off on our hot stone to see what this would turn out as today let's treat this bacon like we would any other protein and really give it some love and care now is when things get exciting notice that i'm leaving these in the packages right now because i really don't want to start touching this wacky beef with my hands and messing it up but this right here is a miyazaki gyu tenderloin this is the best of the best wagyu all the way from japan and as you probably have guessed my friends at the wagyu shop now this right here although it does look slightly less vibrant is a kobe tenderloin this is japanese wagyu beef but it's the best of the best in terms of wagyu beef and i cannot wait to try this i don't think i've ever tried this before in my life so i'll really try to bring you through what that tastes like speaking of kobe this right here is a japanese wagyu kobe ribeye this bad boy right here is going to run you almost 400 so you don't want to waste even the tiniest bit and last but not least we have a beautifully marbled motobogyu stripline again this is wagyu beef if you haven't figured it out and it's a slightly different cut from a different farm and location i'm super excited to try this one and one last really exciting thing before we begin if you are watching this right now this means that we have officially launched my new salt company osmo i've been working on the salt company behind the scenes for almost a year and what you're looking at right here are some of the best salts that you will ever taste and i promise you that we have black truffle mesquite smoked flaky white this amazing pink himalayan salt rock that you can grate over whatever you'd like and then flaky black and roasted garlic to be honest i can't even really pick out my favorites but these are truly the finest and most delicious salts i have ever worked with click the link in the description or the pin comment to grab some salt before it runs out because trust me all of this is going to sell out and i truly would not be surprised if it's gone by today and in the meantime we're gonna be trying all of these salts and some of the different proteins we're gonna cook today on the hot salt slab just to see how well different pairings work oh and one last thing you know this absolutely beautiful damascus knife that i've used in every single youtube video up to this point we are going to randomly stick my knife that i am holding right here in one of the boxes of the first thousand orders so click below in order and you may just have my exact chef's knife all right let's get cooking now at this point it's time to heat up our salt rock and this is going to take a little bit of time i already have things going over low and it's actually quite warm cut the camp for a quick second you know how they have this in spas you can like lie down it's freaking awesome i'm gonna have this going over quite low heat for about 10 to 15 minutes to let this slowly come up to temperature we don't want to completely shock the salt rock and have it crack trust me it's not fun for anybody when that happens we'll come back to revisit this in about 15 minutes and slowly turn off that heat until we've gotten this thing as hot as we can possibly get it now normally i'd be the first one to tell you not to put anything except for salt on a piece of wagyu but i recently went to a restaurant and had wagyu with some roasted garlic as well as classic old salt it was at a korean barbecue place and it was genuinely one of the best things i remember tasting for quite some time so to start i'm gonna go ahead and put some roasted garlic salt all over this beautiful piece of wacky i have a really good feeling this is gonna be one of the best bites of meat i have ever experienced and if the cameraman here can make it through the video without being fired maybe he'll get to taste it too once we've rolled this all the way around in the salt making sure the entire thing is fully and evenly coated we are ready to sear this off on our himalayan salt block now normally i wouldn't put any sort of oil on something that i'm about to cook wagyu over but here i'm gonna do it just because we're using a salt block and i want to keep this baby nice and lubed up no as you can see i've already tested out a scallop here which is why we've left that mark and all these proteins will build up a nice patina as we cook more of them on here to start i'll go down with just a little bit of oil right in the middle here and then we sear listen to that amazing hot sizzling that's occurring right away i can already see this wagyu tensing up and i can also smell that absolutely incredible roasted garlic salt one of the best smells you could possibly dream of at this point we've got a really beautiful crust on the bottom of this wagyu and then we'll flip it over and do the exact same thing on the other side now finally once this absolute beauty is done you can see we have a really nice sizzly exterior an amazing perfect crust across the entire thing but last but not least let's hit it with a little bit more of our roasted garlic salt because the most important thing with this piece of meat right here other than the fact that we're trying to cook it perfectly is to make absolutely sure that we nail that roasted garlic flavor it's not easy cleaning off these salt rocks but i'm going to try to spray it and release some of that dark brown patina that's sitting on the bottom as i spray and missed it the smells that are coming off of this are incredible since we're already cooking these filets i'm going to go ahead and take a little bit of my classic white flaky salt then evenly cover our entire kobe filet mignon and once this beauty is evenly coated place it down to sear this is just sizzling uncontrollably right now and i have to say after doing a test with both different salts osmo's white flaky salt really does a great job at coating a nice piece of meat and because it's a little bit smaller than your average flaky salt it sits flush up against the meat and cooks really really evenly and nicely at this point i think this piece of filet mignon is ready to rest i already got a little flaky salt in this bad boy but let's be bougie and finish him off with just a little bit of this black truffle salt this black truffle salt right here will blow your mind look at me right now i'm talking to you talking to you this will rock your world it's time to cut this beautiful filet mignon open and right here is the moment of truth hashtag nailed it let's cut some really really nice slices thick enough that you get a nice bite but not too thick we don't want any steak that's as thick as me now we may have already overdone it with the salt but just theoretically if you want to be super super fancy and grate some salt over literally whatever you want we've made a very small batch of these himalayan pink salt chunks with a little salt grater that you can grate over anything watch but i think it's safe to say that at this point these have more than enough seasoning so i think it's time to try first i want to try a little bite of this beautiful piece right here notice how easily this tears apart here we go the black truffle oh my word it's almost like in this black truffle salt there's truffle butter and that truffle all just melts across the steak once it sits on there and it's literally absurd i feel like i am somehow actually eating a black truffle and steak hybrid right now and of course the wagyu itself is beyond good nothing can be better than what i'm tasting right now let's hang up all the pots and pans all the chefs knives everything we're done here now for this other one because i'm really excited to see whether or not i actually get that roasted garlic flavor so here we go these are both absurd some of the best meat that i have ever ever ever had everybody watching i'll be honest with you sometimes i get a little bit sick of wacky i have so much of it around and i'm lucky to have that because of the amount of wagyu i have given a regular steak and a piece of wagyu i'd normally right now choose a regular steak because that is what i have less up but this right here i could eat a million servings off you want to taste a little bite all right i'm gonna feed you go ahead go ahead try it out mmm you're fired now it's time to cook up the rest of these things and do not worry i have not forgotten about this bacon in fact i'm extremely excited to see how this super thick bacon cooks on top of our salt slab but first we're gonna season it up a little bit more with this mesquite smoked salt think of everything you love about summer barbecuing and grilling that is what this salt tastes like it is the most elegant smoky flavor i've tried to date and we tried hundreds and hundreds of smoked salts to get to this one right here make sure to season the other side of that bacon and then we'll set it aside next our salmon like i said that right there is a nice nice piece of salmon we're gonna go over the whole piece of salmon with some white flaky salt but perhaps most important in my opinion is getting the skin we want to put plenty of salt on that skin so it draws out all the moisture thereby allowing us to get a really nice crispy skin salmon which again i am super curious to see whether or not we can do on the pink salt slab now for our other types of wagyu we're gonna go in and cut out nice strips of it strips as well as squares are my two favorite ways to cook waggy we'll hit this with just some of our regular salt and because we don't want to salt those scallops until the second before we hit them on the heat we're ready to cook the rest it's time for something i've been waiting for this whole day cooking bacon on a big slab of salt i'm gonna layer out about three of these pieces and just let them do their thing just listen to that amazing hot sizzle we'll wait just a few moments let that golden brown crust form on each side but already i'm smelling that incredible smokiness perhaps a tiny touch of maple and of course the classic smell of bacon fat and now it's time we can flip that amazing bacon over and look at that amazing sizzle that we've gotten on it this right here is going to be some flavorful flavorful bacon the fat is dripping everywhere and my kitchen is surely going to be a mess but you know what i don't care as they sizzle let's hit them with a little bit more mesquite smoked salt and now it's time that we take that bacon off and let it rest this bacon is cooked to absolute perfection leaving just enough fat at those edges that will have that nice chewiness but then having that really crispy texture throughout but let's act quickly because we're going to put the scallops on right away the scallops and bacon go together like me and my cameraman for these scallops we're gonna salt them but then very quickly go right onto that salt rock never season your scallops more than just a minute or two before you cook them because it dries them out and it'll make them hard and rubbery now we'll try to get that nice golden brown crust once all those scallops are really nice and sizzly check out that golden brown crust we got in the bottom now we only have to lightly kiss them on the other side just to barely finish up their cooking and then these scallops are done it's fantastic how great of a crust we can get from this himalayan salt rock but keep in mind i'm cooking at an extremely high temperature right now and my whole kitchen is pretty smoked up so if you're gonna do this at home i'd suggest putting it on a grill and maybe doing it outside while this is still piping hot i'm gonna go down right away with my pieces of wagyu getting a really nice crust on each piece now once each of these pieces of wagyu has a nice crust just like this flip those over to get crust on the other side again we want to make sure these are cooked properly and not overcooked of course so make sure you have a really hot stone to start and not searing for too long and now last but not least what i've been waiting for this entire time can we get a perfect crispy skin piece of salmon on a himalayan pink salt hot stone wait just a moment here and you'll find out now after quite some time of the salmon sitting here i can just tell by the sound listen that we've gotten a nice crispy skin but let's check it out and make sure it's not burned boom no this right here is not burned let me show you if you think back to just a few seconds ago this part of the salmon and the scales there are a lot darker this right here is perfect all we need now is just a minute or two on the other side and while the fish may stick it first it will eventually release itself and then we've cooked everything and it's time to try these last few things out if we want to step things up just a tad bit more while the salmon is cooking i'm gonna go around this with just a little bit of lemon juice then really soak that in with the salmon to spread around all that flavor now that right there is going to be a delicious piece of salmon so obviously we have a great big spread of things right here but first i want to cut into this salmon right here because i want to make sure we nailed that we already know we got the crispy skin but is it perfectly cooked that's the real question here one way to find out voila now i have to say the colors in the camera do seem a little bit weird to me but i hope you can see that in the center we have what is essentially some raw salmon which is perfect because immediately outwards from that we have a nice even layer of cooking that goes all the way up to that crispy skin on the top i mean just look at that salmon for now a little bite that's so juicy now time to taste that bacon here we go mmm i'm serious right now those mesquite crystals are what really make it they give this really nice perfect crunch and the salt is such a shape that it holds perfectly almost like a little crystal of sugar i'm gonna call this little guy right here my hero scallop even though he's probably the smallest one this right there is what you want your scallops to look like and while this is still a better sear than what i see most people get this kind of pale very lightly brown interior is what most people's scallops look like if you're gonna buy something this expensive start with a super super super hot pan to get this nice thick beautiful crust the crust on something like a scallop is everything in my opinion but let's take a bite [Music] it's soft it's buttery it's got a perfect perfect texture and i don't know if you can see but it pulls apart almost like nice pulled pork that is a very very tasty scallop last but not least we have to try out this wagyu i'm not gonna make you wait let's dive in just look at that fat that drips off when i squeeze this this wagyu is truly truly special it's an explosion of fat and oil in your mouth when you bite into each piece but oil and fat in the best possible way words that i simply do not possess in my vocabulary would be needed to describe that fight now one last little thing now as promised you all smack that like button so pesto gets to try a piece of kobe beef and look how much he likes it so much in fact that he's using both hands to grab onto it and he will not let it go everybody look how happy you made this little guy now i want to give everyone who watched the video a great big thank you but i want to give everyone one last reminder to not forget to grab some osmo salt i mean we got so much to offer and look at this we even have black flaky salt the point is we got salt for everybody we have so many different types of salt i couldn't even use all of those in that video but i really mean it when i want to say how hard i've worked on this company for so so long to really nail down all of these incredible flavors i'm never going to mess around with food that's not truly incredible in my mind and all these salts other than of course the plain ones are so incredibly complex i mean that roasted garlic salt alone literally tastes like if you put a bunch of garlic cloves in the oven with some olive oil salt and pepper beautifully roasted them till that chewiness and that glaze comes out and then combine that perfectly into little salt granules it's incredible go down and check out our brand new website which just launched today and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 5,903,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6DbsOZU8mBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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