Cheese-Stuffed Wagyu Burger

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cheese stuffed burgers just picture it in your head for a second slicing into a beautiful fat juicy burger and watching that cheese ooze out of the middle but today we're going to take it a step further in fact we're going to take it a couple steps further in addition to using wagyu to make a beautiful wagyu burger and of course stuffing it with plenty of cheese that'll get soft and melty once we cook that patty we're going to put some amazing caramelized onions right in the middle of that burger i mean just look at this gorgeous piece of wacky right here how could this right here not make the most amazing burger that you've ever had and of course on top of that we're going to be making our very own easy hamburger buns i mean seriously it's actually not that difficult and they are chef's kiss good as well as all those standard toppings you're a good old hamburger but wait wait wait hold on just a second everybody before i cut into this beautiful piece of wagyu i'm going to give you a second and ask that you just quickly go down and smack that like button in all seriousness it helps a lot and it only takes just a second of your time all right now that i've given you a second to do that i'll get back to coming i was about to cut up that beautiful piece of wagyu from the wagyu shop but then i realized something i have tens of thousands of dollars of frozen wagyu all spread across two separate freezers here and i actually have to start using it most of these pieces that i have right here came from a fifteen hundred dollar piece of wagy that we used not long ago i figure why not start and cut all of these up then of course over here we have some slightly leaner beef which will do a really nice job of blending in to make for a better overall patty if you just use a regular piece of super fatty wagyu it's just not gonna hold together properly i'm just gonna carve up a bunch of big chunks of this wagon with the ultimate goal of making them small enough that they'll fit perfectly into that meat grinder once all of our wagyu is nice and cut up we're ready to grind it up quickly cut the camera just grab the camera try to juggle something right here time to put our grinder attachment in our machine and this has been in the freezer for several hours to get it really cold and crisp now slowly pushing in all that beef we'll start grinding it up notice how it's coming out in a fairly stiff manner which is good we don't want all this fat to start melting when we start grinding things up and that's why we keep everything including both the meat and the actual grinder itself very very cold once we finish up grinding take a nice close look at how good this ground beef looks i mean just look at how amazing all that fat is it's a perfect blend between lean and fatty beef now to season our meat we're gonna dump in all that beautiful wagyu and i'm feeling a little bit freaky today nope nope so now we're gonna put a little bit of osmo black truffle salt all over that meat guys i really can't tell you how well this imparts that truffle flavor to finish this off i'll go on with some fresh cracked pepper and just a few panko bread crumbs to help this hold together better since there's so much fat and now in we go looks like i'm gonna get more seasoning minty what did you do what is the hole why is there a giant hole in this oh what did you do once our hamburger meat is all mixed and seasoned and a good tip is to always take a little piece and sear it to make sure that it's properly seasoned before you make all the patties and cook it i'll go ahead and toss this in the fridge so that it remains nice and firm now it's time to make our quick hamburger buns if you can even call this thing a hamburger to start we're gonna go in with about a cup of lukewarm water then one quarter cup of sugar and then while whisking we'll slowly pour in two tablespoons of active dry yeast always make sure you're whisking when doing this because yeast really likes to clump up and it can be a real pain in the hiney now we'll cover this and let it stand for five minutes at this point we're gonna go ahead and crack in one full egg please crack it with one hand you've gotta master the one-handed egg crack have you been practicing or not yeah have you yeah i told you to practice have you been sent you haven't been sending me any updates on it yeah i know then we'll go in with three and a half cups of all-purpose flour and last but not least one-third cup of a neutral oil such as canola or vegetable i know i said last but not least but i was kidding we'll do one last little sprinkle of my new salt osmo then we'll close this bad boy down and let it mix until a nice smooth and elastic dough ball has formed once that soft beautiful dough is complete i'll oil up my bowl form that dough into a nice ball and drop it in rolling it around just a bit so it doesn't stick then i'll cover this with a damp kitchen towel for about one or one and a half hours until this is about doubled in size at this point this thick boy is ready to go it should sort of look like a muffin and you do want to make sure you don't let it sit so long that it overproofs which is essentially when it overexpands and then the weight of it forces it to crush in on itself at this point i'll give it a little smack nothing too crazy just something nice and gentle and playful pull that all the way off the edges of our dough and we'll then place this into the center of our cutting board for now we'll hit it with just a little bit of our flour to make sure nothing sticks and then depending on the size of the buns you want we'll use a bench scraper to divide this into about six to eight equal pieces once that dough is divided into nice balls we'll go into the middle of our board where there's no flour and then begin to pinch in the outsides of each dough ball ultimately right now we're looking to make something that looks somewhat like a soup dumpling so once everything is pinched and looks something like this flip it over and then roll it around on your board until you get a really nice smooth ball that's ultimately going to be your bun once we've done the same thing with the rest of our balls no no we're going to cover this again with a damp towel and leave it for about 15 minutes to rise once again once they've had a few minutes to rest we'll make a quick egg wash using just a bit of water and an egg yolk and then we'll paint over the top of all of our buns with that egg wash to get that nice golden brown exterior that we want on all of them you already know i love painting my buns cut the camera for a second yep painting my bones dude at this point with our oven preheated to 400 fahrenheit we'll toss these in for 10 minutes [Music] while we wait a moment for those buns to cook in the oven because i know everyone loves a good set of my buns i'm going to take a second to tell you about today's sponsor which involves 14 free meals so you're going to want to hear me out for a minute today's sponsor is hellofresh hellofresh is america's number one meal kit as i unpack the box let me tell you a little bit about it to start hellofresh can help you eat more sustainable the packaging they use is almost entirely recyclable and their carbon footprint is 25 lower than meals made from store-bought groceries today i'm gonna make meatballs with bulgogi sauce which brings me to my next point all of hellofresh's recipes are incredibly delicious and hellofresh has more five-star recipes than any meal kit out there that should tell you something and then for my final point hellofresh is committed to giving back and donated over 4 million meals to charity in just 2020. which brings me to my offer for you go to and use code 14 nickd to get 14 free meals plus free shipping again that's code 14 nick d which will get you 14 free meals plus free shipping now that is a pretty good offer i want to offer an enormous thanks to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and i have to say these meatballs look pretty darn good but i think it's time to go check on those butts [Music] at this point in time we're gonna paint these beautiful babes with just a little bit of melted butter or a lot bit of melted butter this is essentially gonna give us that buttery brioche quality since they've just come out of the oven and perhaps more importantly it's gonna allow us to put on some of those sesame seeds that make for a classic looking hamburger bun normally i don't put any sesame seeds but i'm kind of feeling in a sesame mood today i don't know why once all our buns are painted i'm going to very lightly go over with our sesame seeds so that they stick evenly to the buns making sure to spread them evenly and not overload any bun with sesame seeds and ultimately when these are all coated with their seeds we can toss them off to the side to rest these look fantastic next up it's time for some caramelized onions now i've talked about this before and all of you know that as far as i'm concerned onions take a solid hour to fully caramelize so it's important that we get these things started early to make sure that we can finish them once i've cut these all into nice thin strips we're ready to go ahead and caramelize for these caramelized onions we'll go in with just a little bit of oil and when the oil is nice and warm we'll go in with all those onions then immediately hit them with just a little bit of salt i guess if i want to i can use the fancy osmo grater and my personal trick just a little pinch of sugar to help with that caramelization now once those onions are all bubbly and nicely caramelized we're ready to cool these off and stick them inside the burgers with that cheese it is now time to make our burger patties and that's why i have gloves on yet again i'm going to take a nice big chunk of this meat and roll it up into a bowl keep in mind they're going to shrink when cooking so we want to make them pretty large now once that's in a nice ball i'm going to go ahead and make an indent right in the middle no back down and first i'll go in with some of these deeply caramelized onions straight into the center of our patty then i'm going to take a nice big block of cheese and wedge that in as well now the last step here is going to be to close that top making sure everything is nice and well sealed and then there you have it that is our cheese and caramelized stuffed patty let's make a few more at this point these absolute beasts of patties are ready to go so i'm going to toss them in the fridge one last time to let them firm up before cooking the time has finally come to cook our patties into a really nice hot pan with no lubrication on the bottom given that we don't need it i mean this wagyu has plenty of fat i'll place my first patty down once we clearly have a nice crust on this patty i'm gonna come under it and quickly flip it over now check out that crust right there and tell me that is not mind-blowingly beautiful once our patty looks to have reached just before medium rare i'm gonna turn off the heat and put this in the oven for just a few minutes to melt the rest of that cheese and let those caramelized onions and cheese really make out in there then hang tight because we're going to assemble these burgers and cut it open just look at all that sexy bubbly fat on top of that burger at this point it's time to cut open our beautiful buns i have to say normally i mess up the proportions of the buns but this is the first time i'm actually looking at them and feel really confident about how they look additionally i love the sesame seeds on here again i don't normally do them but i'm a big fan now to build this burger first let's put on this crispy bubbly patty i mean at that point i don't even know if you can call it a patty anymore for this burger because of how developed it already is we're gonna keep it simple start with just a little bit of lettuce they're just a few fresh cut slices of tomato and as usual salt those tomatoes i'm gonna be using a little bit of my osmo black flaky salt now to finish just a little bit of sauce which is a simple mixture of mayo ketchup and a little bit of barbecue everybody up to this point i want to thank you for watching but right now is the moment of truth we have this in almost every video where we have something intense happening so let's cut it open this is one of those things that you know i really can't mess up and i don't want to mess it up the knife came out cleanly so here we go this burger is absolutely insane that cheese is oozing out of there and i can see all that caramelized onion right up on the top this right here has to be one of the prettiest burgers we've ever made but the most important part hasn't happened yet we gotta try it well as that cheese continues to drip out of the edge almost like a tongue sticking out of someone's mouth i'm looking at this burger and thinking that it's probably the burger that i'm most excited to eat out of any burger that we've ever ever made in this kitchen and when i squeeze this thing all that cheese just drips right out i mean this burger is seriously next level when it comes to cheese and there's something about those caramelized onions that i think is gonna take it up a whole new level now i think it's time to tear off some of that cheese and eat this bad boy so let's bite into it i know that every time we eat a burger i feel like we kind of just say this is the best burger we've ever made and those words might be losing value over time because you can't say that every time and while i know we don't actually say that every time i want to put this one up in the top three something about having that cheese with those really sweet delicate caramelized onions in the middle is so so amazing i don't normally season wagyu because it has a flavor of its own but putting a little bit of that salt in there brought out new flavors that i couldn't have possibly imagined i mean this burger right here it's a hell of a burger and then some out of all the food i make i don't often sit and finish all of it unless it's really truly good and this i can tell you right now i'm gonna finish now on behalf of my two perfect buns and i want to urge you to try to make this burger at some point you don't necessarily have to use wagyu but just grind up some really nice high quality beef season it up really well and your mind will actually be blown it definitely beats ordering a burger for takeout or delivery or picking it up or eating at a restaurant anywhere anytime this was a good one
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 1,335,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 85bZrlgvByM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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