$3,000 100-Day Aged Wagyu

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this video is very special and it may be because the beef i'm working with here is probably worth more than me and by that i mean that this is the most astronomically priced piece of beef i have ever seen but not without reason i feel like i shouldn't be allowed to come within 50 feet with this thing let alone cook it yet here we are right here i have a piece of miyazaki a piece of meat that retails at three thousand dollars to get a little more specific this is a miyazaki gyu a5 bone-in wagyu ribeye steak that is a mouthful this thing started at about 22 pounds and will be cut down to 15 or below after losing all that water weight and being trimmed off but let me back up for just a second this is an experiment i'm doing with the wagyu shop this is absolutely not an advertisement it is my go-to place for me and if you follow me on different channels you'll notice i don't do ads that much i use the products that i like and that's it i'm never gonna tell you to get something that i don't already get myself we decided we wanted to do something new something special this right here as far as we know will be the first ever video done in the us on a bone-in a5 dry age wagyu steak that might sound specific but it's actually not that specific bone-in wagyu is really hard to get in the u.s now i'm going to pick this up with a towel because if i touch it too much the fat will start melting off the outside as i said this has been dry edged for 100 days the dry aging process makes the meat more tender also altering the flavor with a combination of bacteria enzyme breakdown and oxidation so we combine two amazing things for this experiment one miyazaki gyu which is one of if not the top brand of japanese wagyu it's produced from black japanese cattle known for its snowflake-like marbling in fact this meat is so good that it actually won the wagyu olympics several times and no i'm not joking that's a real thing now this right here is called the bark listen that's definitely not your regular sound when hitting a spoon against a piece of meat but what's basically happened is that in the fridge over these hundred days this has dried out a ton there's been flavor pumped into the meat but there's a really thick crust called bark on the outside of this piece of beef now when i roll it over you'll also notice there's a ton of fat on the top that's got some really funky smells and colors it's not that the fat has turned rancid but that it's on the way to that and has a new mommy packed smell now if we flip it over again and look on this side this is what will help guide us to slice this into the four portions that we've got here one two three and four there's just definitely something really cool about all that funky flavor that's on the outside of the steak and you definitely don't want to waste all this instead you can render off that fat and use it to sear other steaks down the road you can make a really nice demi with it that's a fancy word for a sauce or be creative with something else i'm starting with an extremely sharp knife taking off this bark is going to be a bit of work to start i'm going to roll the steak over to expose the bones on the bottom then i'm gonna score through the meat to give me a good sense of where exactly i wanna cut i'll do this tracing all the way around the meat once i'm done i'm just gonna start wedging my knife into the meat it's obviously a big fat hunk here but if i do this properly my knife should roll through like butter i've made it to the very last portion where i have to squeeze through those bones at the end so to finish this off i'll lay the meat down and let the knife guide me the rest of the way through while it may not look like this is the perfect center line at first glance always follow the bones they'll guide you in the right direction now let's open it up holy [ __ ] our next step will be to actually trim off the bark obviously they're really pretty but these edge pieces can taste a little bit too funky at least sometimes and can be a little bit too powerful for a steak experience so i'll save all these scraps and use them for later i want us to leave a lot of that flavor just under the bark on there but i definitely don't want this much flavor so i'll just keep going around the meat with my knife to get all these pieces off and again having this really sharp knife here will help a lot with this process it's so incredibly easy to peel all of this off because we're working with complete fat here after all wagyu really is just a lot of fancy fat and i mean that in the best way possible most of my favorite foods in this world are fat once you actually see how much fat i have to cut off this thing you'll realize why people don't do dry aging more often while the flavor and tenderness is ridiculous we are losing so much meat already you can see that our trimming process here is going swimmingly and for a first timer i think i'm doing a pretty good job but keep in mind i don't want to do this for too long because this stuff is going to melt when i touch it and at room temperature now this is the part that i think will be hardest to cut off because it's the thickest and it's been exposed to the outside all along i'm going to try to rip this right off and again you can see that this really thick hard piece of bark had to come off this part's just a little bit tricky but i'm so so close to having this steak complete i may have to cut right around the edges of the bone here and once i've done that it should be able to just kind of ease this off this right here has a ridiculously funky smell almost too much for me if i'm being honest and there's definitely some sort of bacteria growth happening right in this yellow spot i've trimmed this piece down to a point where i think it's pretty good there's definitely a lot of funkiness happening right here but as long as that's okay for me to eat i'm actually okay with trying it i mean how often am i going to get to try and 100 day dry age steak let alone wagyu now i want to cut through here to separate this into two portions i'm going to score all around the edges to give myself a guiding point and once i've done that i'll come straight through the center with my knife trying to sway back and forth as i did before and hopefully this will give me two nice pieces and there you have it i've done really good work here this is a ready to cook piece of dry aged wagyu key word bone in which means flavor and it only took this many scraps to get there i don't want to take any chances with this meat so i'll put it into a large sous-vide bag i've even double sealed it at the bottom for extra protection then i'll add a few sprigs of rosemary one shallot that's been chopped into a few pieces and a whole head of garlic that i'm going to crush all to give it some beautiful flavor then we'll cover it with just a little bit of olive oil to bring those flavors out along with a nice little handful of salt which i'll make sure to put on both sides of the steak normally i will say i wouldn't add a ton of flavor to wagyu beef but what i love about sous vide is that it really only gives a gentle flavor of whatever you put in there it's not like this rosemary is going to really be cooked so it'll just give a tiny bit of flavor to that fat around the edge of the meat which i'm okay with now let's seal it up and there it is our steak is ready to go into our sous-vide note how i don't have anything against this i don't want anything pressing or imprinting this meat it's so incredibly delicate this water right here is 129 degrees fahrenheit but because wagyu is so delicate i'm gonna put this in the fridge immediately once it's cooked i'll leave this in the water bath for about an hour and a half here goes the plunge i'll remove it from the hot water bath at this point you can obviously see that it looks pretty fully cooked and it is we can eat this just as is right away but we want to do one more thing get a really nice crust and how am i going to do that well we don't want to overcook it and you know how normally you let a steak come to room temperature out of the refrigerator before cooking it so that it cooks evenly i'm going to do the opposite i'll place this in the refrigerator overnight let it get nice and cool inside and then tomorrow we'll give it a really hard sear on either side such that the middle comes to a nice warm temperature and the outside gets that nice golden brown crust that we always want on a steak say goodnight we're gonna let it rest in the fridge now that this has had time to properly rest we'll cut it out of the sous-vide back the smell is incredible it's like a combination between meat and some sort of liver and it's hard to explain but that's an amazing smell couple that with just a little bit of rosemary and garlic and you were talking about unbeatable flavor let's pull this from the bag and see what we got this is genuinely one of the best smells i've ever experienced in the kitchen it's so complex and as a chef it almost confuses me a little bit hits me with this smell i've never experienced before and i don't know how to process it well actually i do let's cook it and eat it now starting with the fat cap which is this area right along here i'll render off some fat this will help to oil up our surface here and it also gets the fat on the edge of the meat really crispy which in my opinion is one of the best parts of meat you can see now that that fat is really nice and golden brown now i'll just roll it slightly up to get the other portion of the meat now i'll lay down the steak to get the nice hard crust i'll press to make sure that the entire thing is touching now we'll flip well i may have had to cut the footage early because this set off the fire alarm huge thanks to my building for having terrible ventilation i set it off every week but can you really blame me now i just wanted to save a piece of this and kind of put these side by side i just don't feel like i've appreciated this enough yet and i almost want to be able to look at it you know to truly take a nice look at the incredible piece of beef that this is once i cut this open and eat it now to cut this open i want to take off some of this fat don't worry none of it's going to go to waste and i can actually eat this as is right now and it'd be amazing but i sort of want to follow the natural curve of the meat with my knife when i cut this from the bone so let's just start right here and gently wrap it around which will give us two nice clean cut pieces this i'll set aside but note that this does have a ton of meat in there as for this let's get slicing holy cow holy cow great name for a steak restaurant any of you can take that if you want i love how clean cut this meat looks once i slice it it's almost too easy to get those perfect cuts and like i think i've talked about before it is like slicing through butter now we can really look at our wagyu compared to our meat that we've just cut all of the smells coming off this whole cutting board right now mind-blowing though we already have quite a lot of seasoning on this meat this would certainly be an appropriate time to drop just a little bit more flaky salt across this meat i mean without a question it's the juiciest meat i've ever seen i always like to kind of reheat my steak just a tiny bit individually piece by piece before i go ahead and eat it so you'll see i added a little extra sear to the edge of this one i think this thing kind of speaks for itself but the last thing we have to do is taste it and that's gonna be the hardest part oh my god [ __ ] before diving into anything i'll say this first of all in part i'm speechless for a lot of different reasons yes this could be the single best bite of meat i've ever had at the same time this isn't the type of meat that you eat every day it's so incredibly fatty so much in fact that your entire mouth is coated in that fat and continues to be coated in fat after eating it this fat is a developed complex amazing flavor this fat has just as much time and energy put into creating the flavor in it as there is in the meat itself they work together in unison in a perfect harmony but where it gets cooler is eating the edges you know where all that funkiness is as you get closer to the edge you see when i'm trimming it i can really do whatever i want i can trim way way in keeping out a lot of that weird funky flavor or i can leave some of those trimmings on which i did so i'm gonna eat a couple different pieces of this from different areas and try to tell you exactly what each one sort of tastes like all right here we go honestly that piece reminds me a little bit of that buttery popcorn flavor let's give this different piece a try okay that piece was a little chewier a little bit less fat i get that kind of robust meatier flavor in that one let's keep going whoa whoa that one's much nuttier a little bit similar to the last piece but it kind of gives off that toasted brown butter flavor too in a weird way now i'm gonna get a little closer to the edge things might get a little funky it's very cheesy like one of those kind of soft brie cheeses wait goldfish it tastes a little bit like goldfish you're telling me right now that this three thousand dollar steak tastes like goldfish one or two more pieces i'm gonna get real funky on you okay now i can't stop thinking of a toasted cheesy snack the best toasted cheesy snack you've ever had that's hot and melts in your mouth when you eat it okay to finish i have one of those edge pieces like really funky pieces as in this probably has a little bit of mold in it or a lot of mold i don't like the smell either it almost smells a little bit like pee but i'm trying this for you okay that's a little weird i want to say it's almost like a little bit leathery a little bit leathery and meaty so in addition to the outside of this meat looking a lot like leather it tastes a little bit like leather too now i'm so happy with the work we did today i hope you love this video as much as i love making it if you like this video please toss it a like and maybe even think about subscribing our subscribers are going up real fast and if you're already part of that gang thank you i will not forget i promise now if you'll excuse me it looks like i've got a bone to pick want a bite
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 2,301,645
Rating: 4.9328213 out of 5
Id: LdLSjteuA90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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