$1 Steak vs. $350 Steak Challenge

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steaks can come in all shapes and sizes beef can be so expensive in fact that whole cows often sell for over thirty thousand dollars i don't even think cameraman manny is worth thirty thousand dollars hey that's why today i wanna see what the differences are between a one dollar steak and a 350 steak and yes you heard me right i actually went out and bought a single state that cost me 350 just for this video and i do stuff like that all the time so go down and smack that subscribe button before you forget also don't forget to toss a like on the video but first do we have any idea what those differences might be well aside from the fact that one is from japan and one probably from somewhere in the us we know they'll probably come from different sections of the cap allow me to demonstrate on man the middle section of the cow is where the middle section of the cow is where all that best marbled meat is all right get off the table so that means our dollar tree steak will likely come from elsewhere probably around the hind legs of the cow where all that muscle is and the meat is tougher and of course there are many other factors think diet where in the world it comes from the actual supply for instance there's only two briskets in an entire cow so we have to think about a little bit of everything here now my steak from japan is already here and i have an entire info packet with all this information about the meat given how expensive it is this is information to validate the fact that this meat is what it says it is and this right here is a kobe ribeye it's essentially the best of the best when it comes to wagyu but since we already have our 350 steak let's head to the dollar store and grab our one dollar steak we are now pulling up and as you can see off to my left we have family dollar where we're gonna be getting our steak today i didn't even think steak could cost a dollar or less for that matter but this apparently manny does car's here so our big priority right now is obviously to find that one dollar steak and i don't know where it is so apparently this is the only steak that we've got right now and it's 1.60 cents for this salisbury steak but we're now also going to head to dollar tree because they said they might actually have better steaks there and we're looking for the best one dollar steak we can get thank you so much as we're leaving family dollar i just want to say that those were probably when you agree many some of the nicest store employees 100 they're so nice all of them came to help us find the cheapest steak in there just a swarm of them around us every worker in the store was helping us right yeah i love that but they suggested we actually go to their competitor dollar tree because apparently they actually have a one dollar steak that's supposedly a little bit better so let's go i actually want a genuine real steak to work with here i know we're probably not gonna get anything crazy with the budget of just one dollar but that store owner in there really seemed to think that dollar tree had a really solid one dollar stake so let's find out if he was right we are approaching the tree i want to know what a one dollar steak looks like in fact i want to know what a good one steak looks like [Music] i feel like we're in luck here man okay so we're coming back with this steak this is less than a dollar and i think the coolest part is that it still has the bone in which has that extra flavor so who knows maybe this has an upper hand on that wagyu you want to be on the video you'll be in the video hell yeah guess what we're doing today we're cooking a one dollar steak and then we're picking it 300 oh nice isn't that cool yeah so you'll see the video and then you'll be in it yes oh my gosh i can't believe this i was like i know him i know him i saw him somewhere i'm like where did i saw him now you know what we're doing which steak do you think's gonna win i think dollar tree one's gonna make yeah one dollar one i love it thank you let me just tell you you enter dollar tree with a couple of bucks you are a king in there not only did i get a steak that actually looks kind of solid i got this it's a lollipop with a face on it i guess my point is we might be doing videos at dollar tree more often because i am telling you right now you go into that place and you're a king i mean it's the best thing ever and everybody in there is so incredibly nice i used to shop there as a kid non-stop and i haven't for a while but this is fantastic and i've had a reawakening by the way we've already got one vote for the one dollar stake winning over the 350 wagyu from japan and we have no votes right now for the wagyu from japan so let's see what happens i'm actually really curious now time to get back home and start cooking manny that's literally gonna be you like next year now that we're back i wanna remind you that we're literally looking at the difference between a one dollar and three hundred fifty dollars steak which means we can have 350 of these as opposed to the one right here but like i said in the store i'm really happy that the bone is still in this cut of meat right here bonin can often cost even more than regular meat given that that bone carries all sorts of flavor then here we have our kobe wagyu ribeye which of course doesn't have a bone so again maybe this will have less flavor than the other piece that we have next to us but i first want to look at those certificates to make sure that this is exactly what it says it is because we spent a lot of money on this so first things first right as i open it up you can see there are all sorts of certificates here i mean evidently this is even showing the actual guy who prepared this meet i don't know if he was the one handling the cow or he was the one that cut it and butchered and killed the cow is he the imposter but right here is the document that i've been looking for this is the traceability to make sure that this is certified genuine wagyu beef from japan and it's got everything down to the nose print of the cow i wonder what the cow thinks when they put ink all over its nose and make it press its face into this form here but at least we know that this stuff is legit while i'm not using it for this video i also ordered some olive wagyu which is often said to be the best beef in the world and these certificates look totally different but are also just as gorgeous but at this point i think we've proven that this right here is legit so it's time to open our meat up and take a bit of a closer look at first glance on this wagyu i hope you can tell just how gorgeous this is i mean this right here is probably the nicest kind of beef you've probably ever looked at in your entire life and me too for just this piece of meat right here you could instead get a nice used car which one are you gonna pick that brings us over to our other cut of meat it's actually a surprisingly nice cut at least relative to how much we paid for it it's just such a clean cut and you could probably tell me this cost more like 10 and i'd probably believe you you'll notice right away how thin both of these cuts are and that's because of how rich and fatty this kobe beef really is this cut on the other hand is very thin but purely because of the fact that we only paid a dollar for it i'm not going to make you wait anymore let's cook these up and try them out before we cook because i want to keep everything very even i want to trim off our ribeye cap that way this whole piece right here will fit into the pan perfectly so i'll loosely trim all the way around this piece right here and as you can see it cuts like butter then we'll peel off that cap which of course we'll save for later and then we'll hit it with just a little bit of osmo we're only going to put salt on each of these cuts here because with wagyu that's all you ever want to put and i can't be seasoning this other cut of meat here like crazy after we've seasoned both sides we're ready to cook first things first let's add a touch of oil and once that's nice and hot then we go with our low budget steak i'm not gonna lie that smells absolutely horrendous oh my gosh you smell that smells real bad look how great it is at this point our steak is done i'm not gonna lie i'm really happy with that golden brown char we got in the edges but that was one of the most disgusting smells of meat i have ever come across in a kitchen and i'm not just saying that because this thing cost a dollar that was disgusting now for something a bit more exciting our wagyu first let's take a small piece of the fat off the ribeye cap and gently rub this around the pan to get that pan nice and well oiled don't worry i've cleaned it thoroughly from our other piece of meat and once that pan begins to smoke and we go with our wagyu i'll press this down at the start to make sure we get an even crust on the bottom side now that is a good smell and just a few moments later it's time to flip and as you can see we got that nice golden brown crust that we were looking for you can look right away at the massive difference in how much fat has come off this piece of wagyu compared to our other cotton meat but at this point it's time to set it aside since you got to look at the before here's a simple comparison of the after this one over here is much more gray and overall a sadder looking piece of meat i will be totally honest that this right here doesn't exactly look like 350 but i'm hopeful that when we go to actually taste this we'll understand first i'll cut around our one dollar piece of meat and then into a few strips you can see here that there's really not much to it and honestly i'm not very excited to try this one out now let's come over to the wagyu which is just begging to be sliced open it may be hard to see on camera but there's just a very slight amount of pinkness in there the hard part about cooking a piece of wagyu this thin is trying to get that nice perfect crust while also keeping that interior nice and juicy but given all the fat in here keeping it juicy is actually not very difficult because it lost so much salt during the cooking process i'll sprinkle on just a bit more and we are finally ready to taste who will win 1 or 350. the time has come to finally try this i am so so excited but i'm also so so nervous in one corner we have this beautifully cooked piece of wagyu with that nice pink center and that crispy crusty char on the outside in the other corner we have this i was gonna try to use some words to hype it up but there are enough i think it's only fair that we go ahead with our one dollar selection first so down the hatch it goes okay wait hold on i sort of figured i would say it tastes bad but it's funny i was wrong it tastes like absolute it tastes the way it looks bland and gray and a little bit sad and you know me i want to be totally honest with my food reviews so i will say this the shape of the cut was gorgeous the meat itself actually looked okay but when it came down to the smell and the taste i simply could not get past it that brings us over to the wagyu which i am very excited for but it begs the question is every single bite worth 25 that to me is hard to justify so in we go i want to take another bite as you can maybe tell i have no words manny go ahead oh my god it's just next level here's the honest breakdown about our 350 wagon could you eat it every day absolutely not could i even eat that whole piece myself definitely not but does every shiny beautiful piece melt in your mouth 100 yes and it really is something special so with that being said today i think we have crowned a winner the 350 wagyu has officially pounded the one dollar piece of meat into the ground if you like this challenge let me know below and i'll try to think of more don't forget to hit that subscribe button like the video and i'll see you next time
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 4,341,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gkEYazZAUCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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