I Deep Fried A Lobster

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today we'll be going commercial lobstering off the coast of maine the lobster capital of the world if you didn't know we're trying to catch up to gordon so listen to this lobster and go smack that subscribe button we'll see you on the docks found it how you doing nice to meet you very nice to meet you manny manny how you doing man so what's the typical day in the water how long are you out there so we usually leave around 4 30 in the morning haul till about 2 2 30 in the afternoon get back around three unload our lobsters and call it a day what is the significance of the boat name it is superstitious never to change the name of a boat it's bad juju i changed the name of a boat one time and within two weeks i had flipped it over and almost died this was always my dream boat growing up this style hulk went up to look at it looked beautiful and then i saw the name and i kind of thought oh no i'm not sure if i can pull that off but over time it's grown on me i'm never changing the name of a boat ever again as kurt readied our ship for the seas he had some second thoughts all right see you guys later have fun but fortunately he pulled through before getting started with the lobstering i had to put on the appropriate gear [Music] now that i was all geared up we were ready to start heading out to sea to find our first lobster trap here we go first trap coming up i was excited everybody's got their own buoy color obviously this one needs a new paint job but when i was a kid these were the two buoy colors in my parents garage so that's the science that goes into like choosing blue colors let's see we are getting 32 feet of water so this machine pulls it right up for you yep goes up and over the block into the hauler and then holler does all the work a little different from my joke of a summer lobster operation how many okay so this right here is our first lobster shop and i swear these are actually ours we're not just pulling up random people's traps right now when we were kids we would haul traps by hand like this and just the thought of having to do that that would probably be enough to keep me in bed in the morning what do we got whoa a couple lobsters oh you made it up with fish heads is that what that is yeah so those are red fish heads right there here we have a lobster two claws we always have to check whether it's a male or a female danny any guesses what this one is here female close it's the other one 50 50 so this is a male so we don't have to worry about eggs if it's an egg lobster we have to throw it back but before we throw an egg lobster back we have to put a v-notch in that tail flipper right there and that signifies that she's a proven breeder so that even if she's caught again without edge it goes back into the water one of the ways we protect our resource so this is a male which means we get to measure it so we have both a minimum size which is three and a quarter inches carapace length the carapace is the shell of the lobster before the tail and then we also have a maximum size here too big it's going back same reason those are the breeders you measure from the back of the eye socket and if that touches the shell of the lobster it's a keeper so this one right here is a keeper so we got one so we got one lobster we can check that off the list we're not gonna go hungry later on that was my biggest concern today first thing we do put maine wedding bands on it that's so that it doesn't kill all the lobster so when lobsters are in the close confines of a tank like the one on my boat they tend not to get along very well so we put those bands on right away you always hold them like this so that their arms are crossed that's an easy way to ensure that they can't kind of reach around because it's pretty pretty flexible and if a lobster like this gets a hold of you you'll definitely know it they got two different types of claws this is like a crusher claw that's more for crushing shells so that would break a bone and then this ripper claw here is more for shredding stuff apart so that would probably cut your finger pretty good manny what's this one female very good nailed it so this is a female here she doesn't have any eggs on the underside of her tail but she does have that notch and now she's illegal to keep so she has to go back into the water can i let her free toss her back we didn't catch any lobsters this was gonna be lunch right here so before we push the trap over whenever we're on the boat and i have someone new on there i always tell them rule number one know where your feet are relative to the rope because nothing will pull you overboard faster than that road after pushing the trap back into the sea and managing not to go overboard we headed off to our second track we even put manny to work this time all right manny i see it up there don't miss it manny don't miss it don't minnie miss it don't miss it manny oh my god that's impressive right there there we go grab number two oh we got a few more good questions i've heard that lobsterman can be quite territorial so what happens if someone messes with your trap because that happens right it happens it doesn't happen too often but when it does happen it's kind of a big deal and it needs to be dealt with there are subtle and not so subtle ways of letting people know that they're bad apples and typically those bad apples don't last very long in the fisheries or in general look abroad she sleeps with the fishes this one's too small we're letting her go we'll let him go letting him go it's easier than fly can fly oh wow man you see that fine first track up and over under here around this and then it goes so can i take this guy and then for the band so i'm grabbing this sticking it into the bucket of bands around the clock that's why i wear sunglasses does that happen a lot yeah i should be grabbing him more like you with both claws but i can really just go like this right on he almost got me man this is proving to be way more difficult he's fighting you he's gonna ban you before we and then a twist nailed it that's it he's done i got him there's the second one a little twist like a pro this guy's done huh here we go manny high five let's go okay clara i'm gonna circle back around in there when i tell you to okay you give it a big punch one two three go nice job clara nick a high five yeah having caught all the lobsters we needed to get cooking it was time to go back and our high seas adventure had sadly come to an end and home we made it manny been a good run in my lobster and gear but it's time to take it off what are you doing minnie come on you know my feet got wet man just after getting dry kurt offered to give us a tour of the facilities that process the lobsters after they're caught this is where they put all those lobsters to wait and stay alive before they're sent everywhere essentially we've got two olympic sized swimming pools full of chilled sea water so these are all filled with lobsters that they bring in right off the water the water is brisk yeah nice and chilly so before you super lobster you have to hold them in cold water to bring their metabolism down before shipping you got to do it if you want to ship a lobster to paris madrid rome shanghai guangzhou gotta bring their body temperature down before they hop on that plane so they're shipping lobster around the whole world that's why maine is known as the lobster capital of the world people don't come to mandy chicken that's for sure this is one of the ones we caught got a super hard shell it hasn't molted in a very long time you can't even get any movement on the shell there these ones are a little softer shell so if you feel that yeah there's a little div there gonna be a lot easier to crack these ones than these ones so we're gonna take some of these lobsters that we caught go to the processing facility and show you how to break them down most people have no idea how to actually eat a whole lobster out of its shell we need to show them how it's done let's do it all right so we're in the car we're just a few minutes away from the dock we just left from and we're at the lobster processing facility now this place is huge and then here we'll break down a few lobster and see how it's done so now that we're back at the processing facility in the kitchen i'm willing to bet that most of you watching have pretty much no idea how to break down a whole lobster and actually get all the meat out as the resident lobster expert take us through how we do that we got some water heating up almost to a boil once that gets there we'll steam them a lot of chefs will shove something in the tail so it stays straight instead of curling up while cooking all we're doing here is inserting this wooden skewer right in the tail uh we got boiling water so you want to throw two in there so we have a backup before we throw them in the pot we always take the bands off one end don't get bit in the box so we got two pound and a half pound and three quarter lobsters in the pot right now i give those usually about 12 to 14 minutes once the water comes back to a rolling boil these guys are hard shells so we'll go a little closer to 14 minutes sound like a plan yeah well we wait for the lobster to cook apparently i've never had this before by the way if you just fry lobster it's delicious is that right everything fried is delicious what we have here is a unique opportunity for lobster this is called our cold crack raw lobster meat that's 100 raw lobster meat it's really hard to get lobster meat out raw i mean look at the color on there if you see a chef in any restaurant they'll do something called par boiling which is almost like blanching time manny what's blanching uh you're fired you're basically just cooking it for a short period of time to tighten the meat up and actually be able to take it out of the shell so how is kurt able to get us this unusual raw lobster meat the processing plant has a crazy machine called the high pressure processor this machine basically forces over 80 000 psi of water pressure through these lobsters separating the meat from the shells raw so all we do take our raw lobster a little bit of egg wash take it out of the egg wash and dredge it some breading really really simple really standard stuff but because very few people can produce lobster raw and never see fried lobster all right into the fryer just right in i was always taught give it a little sway you know i was never taught anything we figured this out just by trial and error i like this way though i'm going to go with this milk really good oh just wait here we we go wow fried lobster i've been around a lot of lobster and i've never seen lobster like very few people have had the opportunity to try this right here you made a little sauce we've got a little bang bang sauce right here before we try it in the bang bang sauce we're both gonna try one without it just to get the overall flavor of it all right here we go it's really juicy the moisture content in there and just the overall tenderness i feel like is better than steam wash may well come yeah he has a horrible heat tolerance you want to try another one that doesn't burn your mouth yeah go ahead holy that's good all right so our lobsters here should be all set that was a perfect little treat on the side teach me your ways here way i learned if the lobster is done is if you grab the antenna just like this and give it a yank if it breaks easily like that lobster's good to go i never knew that did you know that many things so let's take these bad boys out this guy is hot as can be first things first let's start with the tail so what i like to do just take the tail separate it from the body just like that remove the wooden skewer or not it's up to you the way i break down the tail is i grab it at the second segment right there snap it there you have that split it like that so you're just kind of cracking down the whole tail and splitting it through so i always have been for some reason taught to do the tail in a different way let's see it just stick a fork kind of upside down into the tail wedge it in there and then pop it right out like that where it kind of curls out in a really neat way i've never seen that way before i've never stuck a fork in it before honestly what i've only broken a tail down one way isn't that cool beautiful it's the same thing and frankly your tail is a lot prettier than mine tail is all in the eye of the beholder i suppose but yes and these are my favorite little morsels of lobster right here and this is one of the ones that i would say everybody missed look at that tail flipper right there look at that chunky smoothies it right out beautiful chunk of lunch so there are four or five of those pieces there that you can take the meat up and you're just basically cracking it off the end and then you have that little piece there and you're just sort of squeezing and pulling that right out of it pinch it right up and there you go now you know so you can already see the lobster starting to come together here i'm wondering now if we do the closet a different way let's find out i'm going to go ahead with the big crusher cloth show me first how do you break down the clock i start by breaking kind of the knuckle or the arm away from the clock this right here yeah you do it right that meat will come out if you don't you got to use a picker for it i start with a cracker and this is a really hard shell lobster so if it doesn't break with the cracker i will move to the butcher knife and if it doesn't work with that we'll see if we get to that you crack right through it yep just gently enough so that i don't want to break the meat oh how many we'll use some superhero so i actually do do it in a different way too i first do break this off i try to possibly leave the meat on there with a hard shell lobster like that that meat is packed in there so tight it's tough to get it off and then i actually do go ahead with the knife and i like to just come right boom it's such an easy way right you just get that big piece and then all you do is shimmy it right out of there so much tough meat with the hard shell so the knuckle meat is actually one of my favorite bites in a lobster it's almost so sweet right so i would say there's two more parts to the lobster first you have kind of that body which you can really dive into i don't think we need to because it gets kind of finesse no i don't bother however there's tons of meat inside there and if you really want to get your fingers and go through there i always love to and that last part is the legs right yep we got eight of them the best way to get the meat out of the leg light it right out from the end all the way back here at the plant we literally have leg rollers and we produce 2 000 pounds of lemon every single day and they're just these tiny little specks of leg but they can have plenty of meat in them i'm going to be blatantly honest with you here with the leg roller i've never rolled a leg myself in my entire life when i get through the claws and the tail i just start over with another lobster most people if you're trying to roll the leg out you can take anything around and you see that pops right out the it's insane beautiful in one piece too now that we've gotten the majority of the meat out of this lobster it's time to lay it all out and see what we've accomplished we've just shown you how to take out every last piece of meat in a lobster which i would argue is very important especially if you're in maine i want to give you a massive thank you for taking us out of the boat i'm sorry manny can be a bit of a liability you did an amazing job on the boat watch out watch out one last reminder to toss a like on the video and with that over and out how fast this thing goes that didn't feel real [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 5,808,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lobster, deep fried, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, TikTok, Salt Bae, Uncle Roger, Jamie Oliver, Knife Throw, Knife Drop
Id: dacsR_yhAyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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