Cook a Ribeye Steak in MINUTES with a Secret Cold Sear Trick!

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hi I'm Ralph Welcome to My Kitchen tonight we are talking about steak not just any steak we are talking about rib eye steak definitely my favorite I hope that it's everybody else's favorite as well um if you watched any of my other videos you may have seen my reverse sear steak method it works awesome tonight is going to be just as dramatic only it does not take as long as the reverse sear method this is called the cold sear method cold sear method how can you sear steak with cold you're about to find out let's get started first we have a ribeye steak I'm putting in a probe sticking it deep into the meat [Music] we're going to be petting it down to make sure that it is as dry as possible [Music] you want to have the steak dry otherwise it's not going to get as good of a sear on it as it possibly could we're going to be putting the stake into a cold [Music] pan we're going to be bringing that over to the cooktop but before we do let's talk about ribeye for just a moment first thing to look for in a ribeye steak lots and lots of marbling next thing to look for is this part up here called the cap there's two parts to a ribeye steak there's this body of it and then there is the cap the ribeye steak itself is one of the most tender cuts of meat within the cow this cap is going to be the most tender part of the ribeye so when you're shopping for a ribeye steak look for as big of a cap as possible they cut these things it goes across the back of the cow so at one end that cap is going to be small at the other end it's big you want to look for a ribeye steak that has the biggest cap possible now you'll notice it's a cold pan there's no heat here at this point I am going to turn the flame on all the way up and I'm going to set the timer for two minutes we're going to just let it cook from a cold pan to a hot pan within the next two minutes so let's see how things go oh before I forget that probe that I put in was a thermostat it's a meter thermostat meter is the brand and it will actually send a message to my tablet or to my phone and it will tell us the estimated cooking time to get to our Target internal temperature of 120 degrees for a medium rare so I'm going to set that here and it will let us know how long to keep cooking it and if you want to link to that meter thermometer it is down below in the description that's our first two minutes I'm going to turn it over start the timer now you can tell this nut very seared yet it will get seared we are going to be building that sear with every time we flip it we're going to be flipping it every two minutes until we get up to the correct temperature you can hear it sizzling in its own fat there was nothing on this pan before the steak itself was dry you saw us Pat it pat it down so it's that melting fat that it's cooking in right now okay that's been two minutes for that side now we flip it over again only now we turn the heat down about halfway and we're going to be cooking it on Lower heat about medium heat for the rest of the time and we're going to be flipping it every two minutes [Music] as you can see we're starting to take on some more color here [Music] the steak is starting to look better so we only have about a minute to go at this point let me just say if you're finding this video helpful I'd appreciate it if you click a like down below maybe give me a subscription because your subscription is is your way of telling me that I'm providing the kind of content that you want also if you could leave me a comment especially if you leave me some ideas for future shows that would be fabulous thanks we are almost done it looks like it's ready to remove from the Heat [Music] now the steak is looking really good we're going to let it rest for about five minutes and we will be right back okay we're back while we're waiting I put a little butter on top during the resting period now let's cut it open and see what we've got oh is this super tender now one key here is you notice I did not put salt on this just before cooking I put salt on this several hours ago and left it in the refrigerator because what happens is the salt brings moisture out of the steak and then it puts the moisture back into the steak with the salt look at that nice now if you want it done a little bit more than this a little bit well done as opposed to medium rare or medium I will have a chart of internal temperatures in the description down below but this is cutting so easy it'll make a great dinner tonight any leftovers we'll make a great addition to salads or omelettes let's taste one of this find out just how it is [Music] that is very very good you've got to try this method and as you can see it only took a few minutes with that said I'm good get ready to eat so I will see you next time bye bye
Channel: Ralph Knows Food
Views: 748,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ralph, Food, Ralph Knows Food, Cooking, Cooking shows, easy recipes, recipes, simple recipes, meals, easy meals, simple meals, beginner cooking, beginner meals, beginner recipes, recipes for kids, southern cooking, southern cuisine, comfort food, How to cook steak, how to make steak, keto, cold sear, reverse sear, grilling, steak, ribeye, meater, meater thermometer
Id: gYzCibwTrkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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