Air Fryer Steak | Juicy and Tender Ribeye Steak

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welcome friends i'm rose oatley with another delicious airfryer recipe you don't want to miss today we're making juicy and flavorful ribeye steaks before you get started it's very important that you preheat your air fryer you want to make sure that when that steak hits that basket it's nice and hot and by the way my air fryer is an emerald brand and it's a 5.2 liter basket all right so we're going to preheat this at 400 degrees and you want to just let it run on empty for at least six minutes another important tip before you get started is to let your steak sit out for at least 20 minutes so they come to room temperature cold meat to a cold pan will cause the meat to become dry and lose all those juicy flavors also when cooking steak on a pan and you start with cold meat it can cool off your pan not allowing it to get that nice sear you want a nice here will help lock in the meat flavors and juices i like to start by adding a little bit of extra virgin olive oil to my steaks you don't need a lot and then i take a brush brush it all on there you want to make sure you do both sides and also run your brush along the sides of the steak add salt and pepper to both sides real quick if you're looking for a video and can't find it on my front page be sure to go up top where it says videos and playlists i've got lots of videos in there for you as well add a1 sauce to a plate you could either use the hardy or original either one will work just fine [Applause] you'll also need montreal steak seasoning which i highly recommend because it adds a really nice flavor to it now if you for some reason can't find it and you wish to use your own seasoning that's perfectly fine as well as you can see i spread my sauce out a little bit now i'm going to be adding a little bit of montreal seasoning in there lay your steak right on it rub it in the sauce and flip it over now add more of your steak seasoning on top yes baby i love to season all right guys so now i'm just gonna flip my steak over and add seasoning to this side as well make sure to get the sights of your stakes you want everything completely coated a brush can also be pretty handy we're going to start with our first batch of two steaks just in time my airfryer is done preheating now when you pull out your basket make sure not to place it directly on your countertop it's pretty hot and you can ruin your countertop i usually just place it on top of my cutting block then i'm going to go in with a little bit of olive oil and spray the bottom of my basket i like using this spritzer that i got through amazon i'll post the link in the description below try and avoid using the aerosol cans because they can damage the coating of your basket if you don't have a spritzer or spray bottle you can just use a brush to brush your olive oil in there the olive oil is just to help food from sticking we're going to be cooking two steaks at a time because that's all my air fryer can fit and you also don't want to overcrowd things your steaks will cook while you work on your site so it's really not a big deal all right let's get these babies in we're going to start by cooking our steaks on one side at 400 degrees for eight minutes they have been cooking for eight minutes now it's important that you come back and flip your steaks over because we're going to continue cooking them let me show you real quick what they look like right now let's flip them over if you wish you can spray them a little bit more with olive oil we're going to continue cooking on this side at 400 degrees fahrenheit for seven minutes in the meantime i'm going to chop up a little bit of fresh parsley just to add as garnish by the way if you're enjoying my video so far be sure and hit the like button and help me out by sharing this with friends it's been seven minutes we want to go ahead and remove these and put them on our cutting board we want to let them rest for at least 5 minutes do not cut right into them allowing them to rest will lock in more flavor and create a succulent piece of meat while they're resting i'm going to add a slice of butter and garnish them with fresh parsley i have already started cooking my second batch and we'll go over that in just a minute all right friends so these have been resting for a while but i want to cut into them so you can see what they look like when i cut in now these are going to be more of a well done to medium well and they are so juicy and tender now stick with me because our second batch is going to be a different cut all right my second batch here has been cooking for eight minutes on one side so we're gonna flip these over and we're gonna continue cooking these at 400 degrees for an additional five minutes all right guys it's been five minutes now take a look at these i smell them so good i'm gonna also let these rest for a while but i'm gonna add my butter and my parsley now if you wanted to you could also melt some butter with some minced garlic a little bit of thyme and rosemary and create your own steak gravy for it instead all right let's go ahead and cut into these oh my gosh wow now this is my cut here this is more of a medium rare to medium cut which i absolutely love now just a quick note that the thickness of your steak and your air fryer can make a difference so if you have to go ahead and just adjust your time accordingly if you haven't already subscribed please be sure to do so below or hit my little picture on the site also don't forget to hit the little bell to get notified of all my new videos and please be sure to check out these links on the site share with your friends thanks for watching and your support
Channel: Rose Oatley
Views: 1,398,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air fryer steak, ribeye steak, how to cook steak in an air fryer, ribeye steak recipe, air fryer, how to cook steak, steak recipe, ribeye in air fryer, air fryer ribeye steak, juicy tender, juicy tender steak, how to, best air fryer steak, perfect air fryer steak, your steak was cooked to perfection, air fryer steak recipe, airfryer steak, airfryer ribeye steak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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