NEVER EVER Grill a Steak again - Skillet Seared Steak

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i really love to grill out and i actually have three grills on my back patio and during the summer in nice weather i grill out almost every night of the week and one of my favorite things to grill is a nice juicy thick steak but i'm going to show you a method today that you've probably heard about once you master this method you may never want to cook a steak on a grill again because it's so so good welcome to all things food with john woods i love to cook but i cook to love so let's talk food so i told you that i love the grill so the other night i took some beautiful steaks home they were about an inch to an inch and a half thick and i wanted to cook those on my grill but a terrible storm came up in our area and it lasted for hours and hours and there i was with a hunger for those beautiful steaks so what did i do well i reverted to one of the great methods of all time to cook a steak a real restaurant quality steak right there in my own home and that was seared steak in a skillet and i'm going to share with you some of the basic principles today to help you really cook a really fine quality steak right there inside your own kitchen so let's go so the first step is we want to select a good quality steak if you're going to spend time cooking the steak and spend the money cooking the steak be sure you buy a really good quality steak don't skimp and buy a cheap steak find one with good marbling if you're not exactly certain how to select a good steak talk to your butcher and they'll be very glad to help you but it starts with a good steak tip number two is temper your steak so many people will take their meat whether it's a steak or a pot roast or whatever it is directly out of the refrigerator at 40 41 degrees and put it in a skillet and try to cook it that's really not a good idea it's always better to temper your steak and bring it up to room temperature now a lot of videos will tell you to put it out for 20 or 30 minutes but i did an experiment today to tell you that that's not near long enough so i took these beautiful new york strips out of the refrigerator temp them at 41 degrees at this point they've been in room temperature 68 to 70 degrees for almost three hours now let's check the temp internal temperature and see what they are at this point it looks like they're not even quite 60 degrees so whenever you temper a steak be sure you put it out at room temperature in a room that's 68 to 70 degrees for an extended period of time two to three hours at the at the very minimum and i think you're going to find you're going to have a much better quality steak by doing so point number three if you want a good seared steak remove any moisture i always take a paper towel and i try to blot it dry as much as possible removing any excess moisture always remember that moisture is an enemy to searing we don't want to steam our steak we want to sear the steak so we're going to remove all the excess moisture as much as possible our fourth step is we want to adequately season the steak and remember that seasoning is going to require more than you actually think when you put this steak in the skillet after you've seasoned it it's going to lose about 30 percent of the seasoning that you put on it into the skillet so how do we season the steak well the simplest thing to do good old salt and pepper and i always like to use kosher salt do not use table salt i have the table salt here this is a no-no you don't want to use table salt on just about anything especially a good steak so get some good kosher salt i like diamond brand it's really good fine coarse salt and i'm going to salt it very generously both sides i'm going to get some good coarse pepper you can use ground pepper but i'm just going to use this already pre-ground pepper here generously season both sides and then i'm not only going to season both sides i'm going to take it and turn it up on this edge and season the edges of the steak we want that seasoning to be permeating the entire steak so there's a good seasoning now there's a good seasoning that i like to use a lot of times if i'm not using salt and pepper i love montreal steak it has garlic and salt and pepper really a really fine steak seasoning and i love to use this whenever i can another good one is weber's chicago steak seasoning so it's whatever your preference but if you're in the bottom you have salt and pepper that's exactly one of the best ways to do it step number five is select the right skillet whenever you're serving a steak you want to use something that's real heavy it will stand up to a lot of heat of course the best option is the good old trusty cast iron skillet one that's well seasoned and so we're going to do two we have a stainless steel skillet over here on my induction burner and we're going to bring those up to temperature get them very very hot and before we add the oil now let's talk about the oil i'd like to use a avocado oil because it has a very high smoke point of 525 degrees a good substitute would be grape seed oil even though it has a smoke point of only about 425 i think avocado oil is always the best choice it's mild it's nutty it's sweet it's just really a good choice whenever you're searing a steak so once these skillets get hot we're going to add the oil don't add the oil first wait until they get hot before you add the oil so it looks like our skillet this cast iron is pretty hot i'm going to go ahead and add a couple tablespoons of oil not too much and we're going to sear the steak there are a couple things you can do here there's one thing called a reverse here where we actually start the steak in the oven probably cook it at 300 degrees and on a preheated sheet pan for maybe 15 minutes 10 minutes depending on the thickness of the steak but i usually cook it almost to about 20 percent shy of the doneness that i'm wanting so so you started in the oven and that's actually what i've already done for you today we pre-seared these in the oven and we're going to finish those in the skillet here and that's what we call a reverse sear now the skill is pretty hot it's not going to take very long to do this maybe about two minutes on each side and then we're going to have a really really nice steak put it in away from you listen for that sizzle press it down to make sure it's getting full coverage there and we're going to let that cook for about two minutes at this point i'm going to add a couple aromatics a little bit of thyme a little bit of rosemary just throw it right in there come over here and add some garlic a couple cloves of garlic and then we're going to put some butter in let that melt [Music] and we don't want to move our steaks around a lot just let the skillet do the work don't flip them don't flop them just let them cook we take some of that butter and baste up on the steak here it's been about two minutes we're going to turn those over check them anyway let them cook just another minute or two continue to baste our other skillet over here is getting fairly hot we're going to add some oil to it let it get good and hot remember this is the pre-seared reverse sear method and this one here we're just going to sear right on the skillet we're going to cook this for about three minutes on each side once that gets warm and turn these over another two minutes since we've already pre-cooked these a little bit continue to baste nice and crisp on the outside they're looking absolutely beautiful and hardly wait to try those so these steaks are sizzling hot i'm going to take them out of here and put them on a plate and let them rest for about five minutes or so don't want to cut into them right away take some of our aromatics and throw on top of that set these aside and let them rest in just a few minutes and then we'll enjoy here we have the two steaks that we did not uh reverse sear we're going to put them in this very hot skillet and see what happens again put them away from us and don't overcrowd your mistakes if when you're cooking on a skillet don't put too many steaks in at one time because again it'll steam the steak rather than searing the steak press that down to make sure we have good coverage everywhere i'm gonna throw in my aromatics thyme and rosemary garlic and then we're gonna let that cook a minute or two then we're gonna throw in some butter and baste it okay if it's time to turn these let's let them cook just another minute or two and i always like to let them cook that first three minutes actually before i put my butter in there again that's your preference but that's kind of the way i like to do it really smells wonderful those aromatics really adds a lot of flavor to the steak nice golden brown and crispy go ahead and add my butter in here and then we'll baste these steaks with that butter i'm gonna cook these to about a medium rare that's my preference probably about 130 degrees internal temperature let's talk about checking the temperature of a steak a lot of people are afraid to use a thermometer for some reason they i guess they think it's just the wrong thing to do but if you're going to cook a good steak don't have an aversion to using a thermometer try to get a good digital thermometer and when you check the temperature of the steak be sure to go through the side of the stake right into the very middle and you need to leave the thermometer in there for exactly for about a minimum of 15 seconds for it to register properly we're one of these steaks to be about 130ish or so and let me check over here and see it looks like we're at exactly 129 degrees internal on that steak so that's exactly perfect these are gonna cook three minutes on each side we're gonna pull them out let them read we're gonna check the temperature and let them rest now there's a little trick if you don't have a digital thermometer or a good thermometer you can kind of check the doneness of a steak by touching your the palm of your hand that part of your hand right there your palm where it's real soft that would be the feel of a rare steak if you move your finger up a little higher there maybe put those two fingers together that would be like a medium rare medium well and a well done so so you can just feel the steak like right now that's exactly a rare it feels just like that part of my ham if i wanted it well done it would feel like that part of my palm right there so right now the steak feels rare but it's getting the desired doneness if i want some a medium rare that's we're getting pretty close right about 117. i don't think you can actually get a stake any better than this it'd be hard to so now is the moment of truth this is the steak these are the steaks that we reverse seared we started those in the oven cooked them for about 10 minutes and then finished them in the skillet here and then these these are the ones that we seared in the skillet cook completely in the skillet now we could have actually started these in the skillet searing them in the skillet and then finished them in the oven that's a good method to do as well these here we cook completely in the skillet so let's cut one open and see what we have again i was looking kind of for a rare to medium rare steak exactly what we were looking for nice beautiful meat i'm gonna try a bite of this and see how it is flavor's magnificent texture is really good i give that steak an a plus okay these are the steaks that we actually cooked in the skillet again i'm looking for a rare to medium rare steak that's the way i prefer it texture's good color is good i'll let the thing rest for about five minutes or so and i'll take a bite this one's a little rarer than that one but that's kind of the way i wanted it actually so good so if i had to make a decision between a reverse sear steak and then just searing one and then perhaps finish it off in the oven or finish it in the skillet i think i would go with this method the one that we seared the steak completely in the skillet first rather than the reverse here that's just my preference but give it a try try both methods see which one works better for you so the next time you have that rainy day and you can't get out on your grill but you're just dying for a steak and you want a good crispy juicy restaurant quality steak please use these methods that i discussed today on how to sear a steak in a skillet i think you're going to be very very happy thank you for watching today if you learned one thing that was of value today please hit the subscribe button it's not going to cost you one penny we won't hound you with emails but it'll help our channel to grow and share this with someone hit the like button and i'll see you next week on all things food with john woods
Channel: All Things Food with John Woods
Views: 1,563,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best steak, cast iron steak, cooking, how to cook a steak, how to cook a steak in a cast iron skillet, how to cook a steak in the oven, how to cook steak, how to grill steak, how to make, new york strip cast iron skillet, pan seared ribeye steak, pan seared steak with garlic butter, perfect steak, reverse sear steak, reverse sear steak in oven, seared steak, steak, steak and butter gal, steak recipe, the perfect steak
Id: zZYI4Kji0Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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