Texas Chili Recipe (Won over 30 Cookoffs!)

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hey everyone today we are making the chili recipe that broke the internet we did an authentic texas chili it came from my grandparents cafe and it's gone totally viral on our blog urban cowgirl people have won chili competitions with it they've been commenting and just a few people said hey i wish there was a video on this so i could see a visual representation of everything that you're doing so that's what i'm going to be doing today i'm going to show you guys the visual tips and tricks to get the most out of this texas brisket chili i'm also going to share some things that are going to surprise you like the fact that there's no jalapenos in this recipe and that texas chili powder is very different than the chili powders that are out there if you don't live in texas and why i never make my own chili powder i think that's kind of a shocker so i'm going to share all of that with you today let's get started right now so this recipe starts off with just a regular brisket this is exactly how it comes from the store you guys know that i use prime brisket whenever i smoke a brisket but the brisket chili doesn't really require that at all this is just a choice brisket from walmart a big guy so this is something that i teach my kids it's a little song and i think it really helps to show you guys the difference there's this is the one side of the brisket where you're gonna see most of the fat and then this is where you can kind of visually see the difference between the points and the flats for this recipe i only use the flat and i save the points to smoke to make texas twinkies whatever so we're gonna separate it about right here this is the brisket point it points right up here this is the flat it's flat this is the song we sing to our boys this is the brisket point this is the flat open it up and you'll find all the fat close it up and give it a roast serve it with onions and pickles and toast so the flat is what we're using today let's just cut this in half you don't have to be super precise [Music] okay so this is going to be saved for some other smoking project so here's the flap that we're going to be working with the rest of it we're going to save for another project and i'm going to show you how we're going to dice this up what we want is little cubes and then we'll season all of those and treat them all like a little tiny piece of steak so let me show you how i dice this up i'm just going to take a really sharp knife obviously i have all chef knives because i'm a chef but the one thing that i do recommend is this really nice knife sharpener that we have found i'm going to link it below i have sharpened these right before i made this video so you're going to see how effortless this is okay so i'm going to start here and i'm going to start by making slices i think they'll kind of remind you of like really thick cut bacon so something like this manageable piece to cut into little squares there you go we're gonna do that with all of it [Music] this fat on the fat cap here it's going to render off you could take a little bit off of it if you want to but it's not necessary because you can just pour the fat off after we are done browning it or leave yourself enough fat to flavor the chili and pour the rest of it off [Music] i'm going to take each of these strips and i'm going to cut little cubes i could probably line some of them up and do it all at the same time but what i'm focused on just pretend like you're using the brisket to get little tiny pieces of steak because that's what we're going to treat it like and that's how we're going to get the most flavor so now we just want to cut into half to one inch cubes you're gonna do this to the entire brisket flat and then just transfer it onto a cutting board where we're going to season it next we're gonna get out a couple strips of thick cut bacon now we're going to chop these up and render them down in our chili pot to brown the beef in bacon fat is the secret to all of my gumbos and my chilies it provides the smoky depth of flavor as a foundational part of the dish and a place where most recipes just call for cooking oil so it's like an extra splash of flavor okay now let's season the morsels of beef that are going to become the chili meat we're going to season it just like a perfectly juicy steak so that means starting with kosher salt and good quality black pepper now for two ingredients that beef absolutely loves and of course that's onion powder and garlic powder to me onion and garlic enhance and bring out the flavors of beef while still honoring its space as the most important flavor in the dish so we're gonna give it lots of onion and garlic love since we've done such a good job seasoning the beef you're gonna see that it sears just like a little piece of steak speaking of garlic now we're gonna mince up a little bit of the fresh garlic that's gonna go into the chili i'm just prepping the ingredients for the chili so we're gonna do five fresh garlic cloves and i'm putting them through a garlic press because you'll see that it's just the thinnest little bits and it completely melts into the chili that's what i like about this technique and we'll just slice it off there with a knife and of course if you don't have a garlic press it's okay to go ahead and mince this or you can put it through a tiny food processor now let's prepare a little bit of chopped onion for the base of the chili just by giving it a small dice now we're just going to reserve this in a bowl for when we start the actual chili itself okay over about medium heat in our big chili bowl we're going to go ahead and pour in the bacon and then just start rendering the fat out of it now that we've got a good amount of the bacon fat out of the bacon we're gonna go ahead and put it into a small bowl for later and we're gonna start browning those little bits of chili meat in the baking fat now i cannot stress enough how important this part of making chili is whether you're using this recipe or a recipe of your own what we want to do is to create this golden brown sear on all of the sides of the meat this sear is where all of the flavor in the beef is going to be located and as we make our chili that flavor is going to dissolve into the broth you can help this process happen by not placing too much of your meat in the pot at one time do it in batches because if you do it all at once it tends to gather and the meat steams instead of frying in the fat and browning well once all of that meat is seared perfectly we're going to go in with the onion in the same pan that has all of the brown bits from browning the meat now for extra flavor we're going to hit it with a little bit of that minced garlic [Music] we're going to slowly heat this over low until it's going to turn translucent and then golden brown that's when you know you've dehydrated as much water out of the onions as possible and it's time to start building the chili now we're going to start adding the secret ingredients of which the most important is our texas chili powder texas chili powder is different than new mexico chili powder or any ground dried red chilies it's going to be a blend of a few different spices and i have two very specific brands that i live for that's going to be maxine and gem hearts this is all available on the blog of course in the printable recipe but i just want to make sure to emphasize how different texas chili powder is because it is a blend of several things i don't personally ever make my own chili powder i've tried several times and it's flavorless compared to these classic brands i do like making my own chili paste but that's usually when i do new mexico cooking so i just stick to these classic brands if you do have a good recipe for your own chili powder leave it for me below because i will try again i just have not had good luck okay so after our beef broth or beef stock goes in we're going to add in a little bit of dried thyme i just pinched in my hands to get it all warmed up and then throw it in the pot with everything else now we're going to finish up this chili we're going to add back in the bacon that we reserved from earlier and about a half a cup of strong coffee so i have a can here of really good quality peeled tomatoes what i'm going to do is open them up and then i'm going to take really clean hands and i'm going to just break them up gently into my fingers this keeps things really authentic and rustic and you'll see that they just melt right into your soup okay now we're just gonna place the lid on and walk away for two and a half to four hours you can stir it every once in a while if you want and you are going to be rewarded with this gorgeous beef in this delicious sauce it's flavored with the chili powder it's smoky and velvety and it goes perfect looking cheese onions fritos this is exactly how we do it in texas and this is what you want when you're craving chili so far we've had like 12 readers that have one chili cook-offs with this recipe so i'm sure you're going to have just as much look as them it's available on urban cowgirl life.com and of course i'm always available down below if you have any questions or concerns don't forget to subscribe to our channel so we can cook together again i'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Urban Cowgirl
Views: 1,301,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: authentic texas chili, authentic texas chili recipe, authentic texas recipes, authentic texas red chili, award winning chili recipe, best texas chili recipe, brisket chili recipe, brisket chili recipe no beans, chile con carne recipe, chili cooking, chili no beans, chili recipe, chili texas, chili texas style, chilli recipe, easy recipe, how to make chili, spicy chili recipe, texas chili, texas chili no beans, texas chili recipe, texas red chili recipe
Id: fSbzShDHsDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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