Heidi Baker Re-Examined 2019

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so a friend of mine made a comment in regards to my past videos exposing Heidi Baker's ridiculous behavior and strange teachings they said but maybe she's repented and that's fair so I thought it would be worth looking at a more recent video to see if anything really had changed but I think there's about as much chance of that as there was with Benny Hinn so called repentance being genuine and before I get into this I'm not judging whether Heidi is saved or not because only God knows but it is fair to look at her actions and teachings and discern whether she is acting in accordance with the Bible so before we critique this video let's take a quick look at a few things that are unbiblical about Heidi number one she is a woman teaching over a congregation including men when we know this is forbidden according to 1st Timothy 2:12 so right there she's disobeying what God has said through the Apostle Paul number 2 she abuses the gift of tongues by babbling some gibber ish that's obviously not a language and even if it was it goes against 1st corinthians 14 27 to 28 that says there must be an interpreter if someone is speaking in tongues number 3 on many occasions she's being out of control so called drunk in the spirit now there's so many problems with this we know that the fruit of the Spirit one of them at least is self-control not being out of control especially as someone in a leadership position over God's flock in fact the Bible warns us over and over not to get drunk and some people have come back to say well you know what in Acts 213 people thought that they were drunk and this is sort of the same thing well number one they were mocking the Apostles when they said that this was early in the morning and Paul corrected this crazy misunderstanding and maybe the reason they may have seemed drunk to some others was because they were all talking in various unknown languages at the same time yet Heidi seems to think this honors God in some way number four she chants mantras of the same words over and over and over and over again just like the Hindus when in Matthew 6:7 it tells us not to use vain repetitions when we pray like the heathen do number 5 Heidi gives ridiculous prophetic words like strange fish or the headless chicken prophecy I'll leave the links to those below now in my eyes these are all reasons to stay away from Heidi Baker and that's not even revisiting her stories of having Jesus and two angels standing behind her or God bruising her from head to toe so that she couldn't even go to the bathroom show me one Bible verse where God did that to one of his children I don't think there's any charisma magazine calls Heidi a modern-day Mother Teresa and I think that's a suiting name for her because Mother Teresa although she had lots of good works just like Heidi does Mother Teresa did not preach a true gospel she said when interviewed and I quote yes I convert I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant or a better Catholic or a better Parsi or a better Sikh or a better Buddhist and after you have found God it is for you to do what God wants you to do she wanted people to come closer to God however they understood him all those religions have different gods and this can logically not be the same God in all of them Heidi hasn't gone off as bad as this but this is the same eka medical movement we see happening right now with the Catholic Church Rick Warren Bethel Heidi Baker and so many others and here's something that I found shocking this is Heidi's outreach website called iris and this is their core Christian values when reaching out to the lost and needy number one we understand that we can find God and can experience intimacy communication and companionship with him in his presence if we share his love for righteousness number two we are totally dependent on him for everything and we need and expect miracles of all kinds to sustain us and confirm the gospel in our ministry so what without miracles your gospel isn't confirmed number three we look for a revival among the and humble and lowly and start at the bottom with ministry to the poor God chooses the weak and despised things of the world to shame the proud demonstrating his own strength and wisdom our direction is lower still number four we understand the value of suffering in the Christian life learning to love requires willingness to suffer for the sake of righteousness discipline and testing makes saints out of us and produce in us the holiness with which out without which we will not see God's face and shares glory with Paul we rejoice in our weakness and when we are weak we are strong and number five the joy of the Lord is not optional and far outweighs our suffering in Jesus it becomes our motivation reward and spiritual weapon in his presence is fullness of joy and with Paul we testified in it that in all our troubles our joy knows no bounds second Corinthians 7:4 it is our strength and energy without which we die so as usual lots of nice words and Christian ease but shouldn't the mission of such a big outreach be talking about salvation helping other people know that they're sinners and that Jesus paid the price for their sin on the cross what about repentance sadly there's nothing in their core values that reflect any gospel message whatsoever it's all the same buzz words like revival and expecting to see miracles and being in the presence so before we look at one of her recent preachings let me ask what you think is Heidi truly a woman of God is she someone who has saved yet deceived in a lot of areas of her teachings or is she a liar and a fraud that God has given over to darkness 2nd Timothy 2:13 says but evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived in the last couple of videos we saw that miracles are happening inside and outside the church but just because someone says the name of Jesus and sees a miracle does not mean they are really truly serving Jesus so here's some parts from one of her latest sermons on April 10th 2019 at Oral Roberts University and this is actually just her retelling her testimony again but you're gonna see the same false Chaka Baba tongues the repetitive mantras the net twitching whoa she does and there's even an added miracle in this testimony that I don't remember hearing in the original testimony now maybe it's just me forgetting that part but I don't think so and if God did a miracle this big I don't think she would have neglected to mention it in the earlier recordings you would you join me in welcoming Heidi Baker to the stage dr. Baker bless you yay thank you Jesus we love you with all our hearts God we thank you for our you we thank you for all the students for dr. Wilson for the team we thank you for your glory right now the Holy Spirit we ask that you would come there you would come so let's just stop here for a second we often see Heidi and others in the NAR movement saying things like come Holy Spirit more more MORE or actually praying to the Holy Spirit as we see here but is this biblical well we know that people in the Bible are told to pray to God the Father and others also prayed to Jesus but never once do we see someone praying to the Holy Spirit or being told to pray to the Holy Spirit some say that it's okay because it's part of the same try you nature of God but I'm gonna stick with Scripture and believe what scripture says that the Holy Spirit helps us pray to God the Apostles encouraged believers to pray in the Holy Spirit not to him as we push in and press in for more I asked today there would be an impartation of spiritual intelligence everyone pray with me right now however it is you pray whether you pray in the spirit you pray in your heart language you pray pray for the power the power of radical love to transform your mind pray for oil whole rubbish a God we want to burn Lord we want you to set us on fire God and the world watch us burn Lord we want to burn brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter god I pray that as a spirit of orphaned leaves every son and daughter called by the one who is worthy all rubbish a Abba daddy that all competition and ranking would disappear and love would crash in son to son to son to son today's all rubbish a everywhere we go every day of our lives fully filled Holy Spirit's fully filled with oil face to face in your embrace thank you Jesus oil oil oil oil holy spirit since we first heard about you I'm praying the prayers of Paul over you as a campus and as a people friend we first heard about you I remember I was I was a young girl I really was young once and I was still young in spirit but I was a young girl and I remember I was at Vanguard as sec vanguard hearing about this oh are you and I was hearing about this crazy man named our Oral Roberts who believed to do these crazy things and I remember people kind of snickering I don't think they're snickering now I remember hearing them and thinking what is that guy thinking why does he want to do something so big isn't he just kind of a person who's lost his mind indeed he did lose his mind and I join him in that okay I have a few minutes I'm going to tell you my story do you want to hear my story it's a it's a it's a powerful story I had never heard I'd never heard of gospel message I'm gonna put it like that never heard a gospel message sixteen years old I was raised in Laguna Beach on a private Cove by Ivy League Bohemians they were awesome they were a fantastic tribe of interesting people and I decided that I wanted to learn a little bit more I'd spent a year in Switzerland because they thought that's what you should do study in Europe for a year and I came back to Laguna and I said I want to go somewhere where they're a poor the poor I want to go somewhere so I became an American field service student and I went to a place that was similar to the moon central Mississippi for me central Mississippi was as different from Laguna Beach as the moon was for anyone who went there I looked at them I thought they were very different kind of people I lived on in Indian Reservation I was studying Choctaw and they said there was a revival and I didn't know what a revival was and they said you you must come to revival and be saved I said I don't know what saved is and I don't know where a revival is but they gave me a job of killing roaches so I'm going I'd never even seen a roach so I'm spraying these roaches and asked to go to revival and so pouring rain I go from my dormitory never had been in a situation like that there were eight people in a room and I remember going to this revival and there was a man standing there and I'm obviously not American Indian some people ask me what tribe I'm from I'm thinking are you blind or something happened to your mind so I'm there looking like this only younger and they this man standing there and he's fully Navajo absolutely 100% Navajo claimed to be 100% Navajo I believed him and he got up there and this is the beginning of his message I've always hated white people I thought oh crud oh just this is so bad I think I'm in the wrong place I'm going back to kill roaches this bad and I'm sitting there and I can't hide I can't hide I'm sitting there everybody's American Indian except for somebody on the piano and he's saying I've hated white people he's staring right at me I'm like oh this is bad this is really really bad and then he said but now I love all people and he stared right at me all people I thought thank you God I thanked God who I didn't know thank you God and then he he's talked about the beautiful power of Jesus in the cross I'm thinking this is this is amazing and then somebody on the piano played just as I am nine times I thought why are they doing that why are they doing that and the man kept saying come to the altar come to the altar and no one came I'm thinking I can't come I'm white finally after the ninth time I just could not handle it and I ran forward fell on me news my news not my news my knees my knees hello my knees didn't know what I couldn't could not do in church fell on my knees lifted my hand started screaming and a pastor's wife shush me I said no that was my journey next night I got taken taken yes taken by a tribe called Pentecostal Holiness they said you must have the Holy Ghost I said Holy Ghost now I'd been I'd been to a place where they prayed Father Son Holy Ghost oh this is I don't know they took me in an old ratalie car and locked the door I thought I'm in trouble their church was even more moon like perhaps Mars like then I just anticipated the day before and as I walked in there are these people holy holy holy I'm like oh this is bad the women all head-ons long skirts and long hair I don't know how they kept it up there but and the men all had short hair I'm like whoa this is why and I'm watching in the pastor brother they called him brother row Ark he jumped over pews now I'm from Laguna Beach I believe Bohemians I don't understand I am I'm uninitiated uninitiated I had a short shirt raised my hands that went up too high I didn't know no one told me no one told me and they say the guy spun around donate the Holy Ghost I'm like okay that's frightening and I ran III can't tell you the whole story cuz its 11:48 I ran to the altar and all 30 of these people in the double-wide trailer Church laid hands on my head and a fire hit me black everything was black and then BOOM a bright white light I became a Holy Roller day two they pulled out a bathtub said get in the bathtub you're gonna be baptized I said what baptized is a baptized baptized they kept me under because of the mascara and they let me oh yeah up I came I called my father I said I'm saved in a southern accent I'm sorry shocked I robbed a Honda yeah he said you need to leave immediately I said you said Farrell's don't quit I'm not leaving shook her up a hand out of a shunned I yeah and I stayed God has a sense of humor he can take you anywhere God literally took me from my environment set me there now what all of you probably would know is how I got there was a miracle because I was severely disabled I could not read and I could not write I hid my disability by memorizing I lived in great shame and I didn't want anyone to find out that I could not read I was mocked by anyone who found out if they ask me to spell people I wouldn't have any clue how to do so as I was filled with Holy Spirit something started to happen in my mind something started to happen in my mind and those same beautiful people those Pentecostal people in their rusty car said that I should go to a healing meeting not far from here I didn't know what a healing meetin was but they told me I needed to go to it there was no gas in the car they were good at being people with nothing him I got in that car without gas and I felt at the age of 16 to put my hand on it I put my hand on the tank and I watched the gas just go into the car I said go on what are you doing this is amazing I felt so powerful as if the gas was mine we started to drive in this thing this phenomena I'd never seen called cyclone to know if you call them tornadoes tornadoes I've just come straight from the cyclone in Mozambique check it out come help us so there's um these tornadoes coming and the Lord said what are you gonna do about that that's a strange thing for God to ask I'm thinking you're God I'm not what am I gonna do I don't know what to do he said speak to the street to the tornado I said go in Jesus name and it spun around and I looked out the window and that tornado came down just like this down toward the ground and Ken said I rebuke you in the name of Jesus you get back up there and that tornado with that was cool I spoke to the cyclone that hit central Mozambique and it didn't turn around but hey thousands of us on the ground feeding the hungry caring for the dying rebuilding finding water filters preaching the gospel I don't understand all the ways of God but I know that we are called to have his mind I got to the healing meaning I prayed for my parents to be saved they did a very strange thing I'd never seen either some guys lining up people and knocking them down Bam Bam Bam I'm like oh this is bad I've just they're just like BAM I'm like then they had these two guys in suits picking them up sticking them back picking them up sticking them back what is going on here I don't understand and I thought but never mind he can slap me I'll just I'll take it I get up there ready for the slap BAM slaps me on the head BAM just as I expected they stuck to be two guys in a suit somehow is on the first row they they I don't know how that happened anyway they put me back there God wants to take you and light you on fire and let the world watch you burn but you need oil you need oil some of you all need to hear this I went with my husband we went to lunch once got married that's another experience we don't have time for that ahaha yeah that was something went to the mission field with 30 bucks in a one-way ticket that was almost 40 years ago Shaka Rama thank you Jesus come on Jason but is God by God is God he can do anything through anyone will you be able to stand with me please Chandra Bose I thank you God you need to understand and this is my prayer right now and I don't I don't I don't know your culture here but I know that there is an appropriate response in this one minute and that's run to the altar and ask for the energy of Holy Spirit to transform your mind just run just run just run just run just run run to the altar and ask for the power of Holy Spirit yes run and kneel down lift your hands and cry out god I want the energy of your spirit to transform my mind Holy Spirit come he says prayed that you would have energy the energy with all his explosive power come on Holy Spirit explosive power from the realm of his magnificent glory filling you with great hopes your hearts can soar with joyful gratitude when you think of how God made you worthy to receive the glorious inheritance freely given to us no more orphan no more orphan glorious inheritance I ask right now for the spirit of adoption he rescued you completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness he translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved son for in the Sun all our sins are canceled and we have released the redemption through his blood he's the divine portraits the true likeness of the invisible God and the firstborn heir of all creation for in him we were created he created the universe both in the heavenly realms and on the earth all that is seen and unseen every seat of power realm of government principality and authority it all exists through him and for his purpose dr. Wilson comes I want you to ask God Phil come on ask him fill you with oil give you divine energy Holy Spirit energy fill you with the power of his radical love come on pray take hands across the room take hands across the room start to pray come on God divine intelligence supernatural under standing I will step into my destiny as your daughter as your son
Channel: Revealing Truth
Views: 20,295
Rating: 4.4801764 out of 5
Keywords: heidi baker, heidie baker examined, heidi baker reexamined, heidi baker re-examined, heidi baker exposed, Iris ministries, heidi baker miracles, Heidi baker monzambique, heidi baker testimony, Nar, new apostolic reformation
Id: VrS8_8OhY_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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