SUBMERGED Among Us w/ X33N, LaWhoo, PJONK, Raf, Paullee, and others

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hello guys welcome to some oh we're playing polis oopsies well my bad uh well we're playing some merge so what's up i guess we're just doing this um this one so confused that we did not actually spawn on submerged things might be a little broken if your minor or uh undertaker on this map just an fyi oh i'm gonna write that down all right the body was between uh storage and electrical at the node could you walk by this body first i went to go into uh storage because i just finished my first gas can i went to go get the second and then i saw the report button and i ran back to go see where the report button was pointing me too so yes but no i was doing my node did you guys feel the vibrations what did you do i know where no i was in the lights turning them on um and he did leave woods and there was nobody in there the who probably didn't get this yeah ralph not needed to specimen ahead of me uh and studs just checked on me on medbay scan studs did you douse me by any chance i did not ma'am uh because it looks like a little dowsy but if it's not doused check it out see who is there how did i still get a vote you did it to yourself i'm at just on pull this okay it's just the scuffed wires it won't always be bugged only if you have to get wires happened where's this body as as a wedding gift for the recent nuptials i could be a bro here oh wait oh man now i really want to know who got married so i can congratulate them but now i don't want to own them they tell us later yeah i mean if you think back to the last seven minutes of conversation i have a super short memory span [Music] okay i saw kill rachel uh you know what i'm not an assassin they were more than likely glit where was this sheriff if rachel was one of the imposters uh there's a chance that pyong was sheriff or glitch oh yeah i'm going to assume glitch because i think rachel was innocent thus if the imposters know that none of them got it it would be a glitch if that's the case then isn't there a chance that piano is also the assassin who is fired that's true yeah yes there is that chance um i mean i'm not living in that world no i mean she was literally right behind me not many tasks actually huh um also i'm probably playing this for two hours so i'm already at six hour stream i gotta do stuff i gotta do some work stuff what and i'm done with tasks all right i guess it's time to oh ah red leather yellow mother [Music] i mean i mean that's nice and all but i promise you this is the 30 that is incorrect uh i've literally walked the entire round with studs and we've paulie running away from this body yeah i can confirm they were together when i went into bottom decon right where did you see i actually had to go into specie we didn't see him kill it but he's the last person running at a lab there was three in lab one in electrical 102 and one in specimen that was cara as we were leaving office shadow came in right before then and then paulie's leaving lab and this body's dead on med base scanner oh my i can't confirm all that or raph and stills are both imposters and polly is the glitch a hundred percent that could be a thing but didn't we also see that killed or or so that's true i will also say i remember seeing polly do the lights but i don't know if he would have enough time to get to med bay and get the kill i crossed him and he was going into lab i'm also so sure you're muted what you gotta say um that's i'm being framed the thing is i just what it just sucks like [ __ ] hold on i actually did i can't that was fantastic oops i just heard something bad what's your go-to brand i just get orville redenbacher or whatever the heck it's called we still have an engineer albion wrath okay wait wrap tell me why this isn't you uh where is it at it is right outside office uh i was in weapons liam was i left liam doing download and he when i finished my weapons he wasn't there anymore and i ran right into o2 yeah i think i've heard liam went to yeah liam's been in comms for quite some time i don't think this would have been liam though i'm not saying that it's liam either because it did look like he went towards comms but i i don't know if he was running out was wrap near the body ref yeah he just said he was in weapons so that's the second round yeah that's fine i found i i spent three rounds trying to finish simon says first round where i got three of them done second round where i couldn't get any done because by the time i got on that there was a body report and then the last round where i was with studs the entire round and we saw paulie running away from my body yeah rock wouldn't have got kills the first or second round diamond says there has only been one kill per round though i'm just gonna vote ref [Music] are you kidding me no you just got really bad luck i guess i mean we're almost done with our stuff it could be polly ollie seems like engineer he did vent i don't like this you're gonna come for me shadow oh i got it to work okay good good good shadow why are you hiding in that corner next to my body why are you hiding in gen oh wait i'm not muted yeah commute sounds like someone was trying to go for an end game play trying to kill yes you killed zine and then hid in the corner of the security hoping i wouldn't see you dude i didn't even know you were there i couldn't see your character you're not gonna lie okay did you come from a vent no are you sure yes okay well shadow just killed zine so he seems like a bad guy i haven't heard seen talk a lot i thought he was bad not gonna lie so i am totally willing to vote on that i don't think there are two killers out there are you jester oh wait am i no way you're just bad i was just bad [Music] [Music] glitch i had a feeling paulie was engineer honestly yeah you did i was just going for kills there right after like pian died i was like oh that's uh that's i'm just gonna go wait as well good warm-up good morning wow i mean yeah to be fair i was being stupid apparently so i was like oh [ __ ] oh my bad just pretending to be uh yeah i was only pretending to be stupid i was only pretending to be stupid oh brat yeah he was so bad like i said he was probably might have been just really bad luck and it was hey oh god hi pyonk what you doing there young medical comms well i can't go there anymore and grenadier watch this [Music] never mind too many people saw me [Music] did i just get did i just get sprayed like a skunk i guess i need to i just got sprayed like a skunk yeah what was that oh well well do you guys see what i see oh okay yeah that's cute you are 70 cleared you don't sound salty at all rather think that's good guys think it's really thirty percent wrong again um teacher can i speak um wait am i muted we're hearing everything that's going through your mind right now go ahead which is a whole have you ever heard of dial-up speed uh yes it's my favorite sound i am into himbos sometimes sorry anyway what's up paulie um i lost my chain of thought [Laughter] nope forgot okay well in that case i will mention that i saw rachel and paulie leaving uh decontam from ballast together i wouldn't make my kill that obvious court well you're not giving us a lot to go off of so sorry get me out of here i mean court you're giving it's not supposed to smokers i turned it off but who knows shadow oh please i i don't know what to do i purposely made it so the impossible does not get smoked i thought this was going to be a good thing oh it'd be cool to do the o2 and then smoke bomb while everyone is there i think that'd be oh no i gotta be on the top floor if i want to do that yeah she did notice it i don't know i don't know what's going on [Music] so [Music] [Music] true am goose um liam was killed by top oxygen and it looked like a car i just came up and sliced him in front of everybody akara where though right beside the oxygen to the left of it on second floor so on the top okay yeah um i can believe that where is real cara real cara is down in the lobby or lounge lobby and i remember the name yeah the bottom right room is it where the books are yeah yeah yeah that's the launcher lounge corner is that weeb corner on this map i don't know i wasn't in corner but i was like in that area so there were there were a bunch of us up at that uh oxygen uh raph you were there as well at the right beginning and then i went down the moment because i was having my own personal issues so it only affects one floor i don't think so okay i didn't see any gray or anything so they're not okay so then cortilli is not sorry good because i literally got blinded by this yeah how would cortisone yeah was also there if it's really hard well i was there in the beginning i have reason to believe that cara is either completely clear or extremely evil it's wonderful there is no one there thank you [Music] how would court how would cortelli not see it if you walk in how what it's not like an area of effect i guess it only affects people who are there not people who come back out huh it's not like a smoke screen it's a flash grenade it could be footprints maybe i should have done the uh the other thing done lights the snitch has finished their task oh there's a body there there is how to get there pyong i don't know i'm asking the same thing around in that area so yeah bodies bottom floor uh by filtration elevator wait a minute like right outside of it hmm piank and i fixed lights pyong came well i came down from the elevator and i passed right beside cortilli and so the only person i saw up there was court so that's all i've got pionk you said you saw me on first floor yeah you were like headed up the second floor so that's the right bias i let's see so shadows on first floor no second floor shadow gone too yeah first floor got to elevator i went into the other one cortelli came down from second floor and went to first floor so i was trying to go fix the lights but somebody spammed the elevator and i went right back up and that's when i passed cara getting into elevator on second floor i think uh no i got inside i don't think i was ever on first yeah it was definitely first now is the observatory on first floor like where the whale's not top floor second floor um so real quick i think i i think i know what happened with liam he might have tried to sheriff cortelli oh i don't think that was actually me though okay i was on second floor like the whole round because i saw cortoli get out of the elevator and get on to first floor i did get onto the brief elevator ride but i didn't get out of the elevator all right i gotta kill portilli um [Music] what the [ __ ] just happened i don't know what just happened right so kara and pyonk there's no way you didn't get that report yes i saw the report but i saw the killer going to the elevators i was trying to get into the elevator but someone kept spamming e stop spamming e so the thing is i walk by the two of you and all of a sudden i'm grounded was the bot was the the the the person went into the elevator all right the pyong just came out of the elevator and ran off which elevator yeah somehow into i had the option to go up so court ran into it and i was running towards it when pyong came out of it it was one of the double elevators it was the one on the right side and pionk ran towards uh center area crazy because i got i got grenadiered on the right side of central underneath rose what okay i kind of walked around black at that point in all the areas where people are dying i want to know i actually when the lights were going off i saw uh pyong running and cortilli right as the lights i do think that shadow and pyong might both be bad shadow might have been another kind of bad but nanowrimo i'm not chasing you you might not have been shadow definitely was i had to juke him around the whale shark something bad but i don't know baby between piankara rose in my opinion holy wow i actually only voted you in the first round cortilli it's not even gonna matter when i find out who they are because no one will believe me this is so rough [Music] okay time to kill what's up hey how you doing get the [ __ ] back here don't kill anyone pyong oh is she dead is cortilli dead no god damn it go in go in i hate this this is so dumb we have to be on separate areas go piano go get her piano get her oh is she dead maybe she's dead hey rose is running away with the body okay what the hell you hadn't i was wondering why you hadn't reported [Laughter] no no no no you guys don't understand i haven't protected her i was trying to protect her this whole time very clearly it opens up on the top floor and cara is there and i just got so scared for my life ah i just opened the elevator and cortelli's dead with you in the elevator i go into the elevator on the bottom floor and i did it didn't fully like occur to me that there was a dead body there so i went up and then the body and the doors opened on the top floor and that's that's what i did did anyone see the body like in there before you got in no there was no one in there i was right behind rose hip and i know that rose hip did not kill cortilli because cortelli's body was already dead in there because i went in saw the body went oh my god a body and had already pressed the button to go up so i had to wait to go but you can't report while you're in the elevator riding i don't know while it's moving no the doors have to be open i didn't know that when it's happening it's been riding in the elevators this whole time so now what happened also we have no vitals thank you i appreciate it no yeah wait why don't we have vitals wait really i gotta kill a who who knows too much oh that was like that should have just been like the the vinnie hill theme right there there are no vitals what the [ __ ] there's no vitals now why is vitals gone that's weird oh someone was in the vent oh cara car i'm gonna die here by the way but uh killed rose because because i watched it where like it almost seems right but it almost seems wrong i mean because this has been going slow and car runs kills at a slow pace cara ran out of an elevator sliced and ran back into an elevator i was in i was looking at vitals in med bay we noticed that it wasn't there exactly i went to go check that there are not vitals and there are not vitals that's what i'm trying to say you saw me come out of the top right elevator did you not nope no not you uh this round yes no i super did not hmm what are you talking about i came out of the top right elevator and you're with rose oh top right i'm sorry yeah i did see you come on because i was top floor to make sure that the vitals were not there and i wanted to see for myself but i didn't do this there's no way i could have done this i wasn't even near this wherever it was because i didn't do it bottom right elevators i was just in elevator looking to see that vitals was missing how long ago did you see her go up through that elevator uh that was at the start of the round rose hip and i ran there immediately whatever you engineer or something raph you're probably engineer okay raph engineer yeah so car is signaling to her impossible for the battery [Laughter] liam did you try to shoot me no no i killed them again no i killed them yeah oh okay okay okay i obviously killed them oh yeah that's the one so was i supposed to be grenade smoked then what yeah you were i don't know why it didn't work on you that's a glitch at all it's kind of shitty that is shitty what uh when when you got the notification that cortelli has almost finished your task i found that hilarious that both mean you ran towards the elevator oh were you a blizzard [Music] did i kill you who killed you no he can't kill me i thought i thought you understand i'm chasing you right there they're gonna have an understanding did you guys see that snitch run though like that was the great escape times five like i survived you shouldn't have even lived you shouldn't have even seen me or anything there's so many bugs with this why i was like hearing the benny hill theme in my head while we were chasing did i when i saw you turn around i was like okay kara's bad i know that because i'm the glitch here we're both going towards the elevators just don't turn around like that oh ow ow okay where is this connected yeah uh z somebody died first recording with casual oh okay yeah so he was only gonna be able to join for the first part oh okay that makes sense but his body didn't show up if it was a dc yeah i think the person i saw was seen earlier but it's been a little bit so i don't know it was like in the beginning yellow or right hmm who's after masks though i think yeah and probably with me at the bottom masks i got masks with pyonk and zine i've been top floor this whole time like if you saw somebody circling around uh like a shadow through the glass that was me oh yeah i wanted to see if anybody was ballsy enough to kill down there no it's just you rock there we go all right no i'm just gonna say it's pure it's not me oh i kind of think it's pianca also just skip vote someone skip says he's gonna vote for herself oh [ __ ] wait studs were you gonna vote for you no yeah yeah i was your lawyer that's why i was like well my sheriff died so now i have to solve the case [Laughter] yeah there's definitely a grenadier bug like i i grenadiered everyone and cortilli still saw me for some reason i think i'm just totally powerful could be the issue with the medic shield medic shield because first round by the way and i also oracled cortelli first round what because the smoke worked on me because i didn't see it yeah and i thought was going to kill you in the smoke that explains it i should have i'm sorry about that i was wondering if like you could see through it can you see through it there's a setting there's a setting where you can like like it can be seen through walls or something like that i don't know if that has anything to i don't know maybe it's just because i was medic shielded that's weird wait wait did the smoke affect you yeah i couldn't see i it was like somebody sprayed me like a skunk and then i was just blind it was all gray completely grayed out so i have the thing off where it says smoke should affect other impostors and it's not checked so that's another glitch interesting what the hell not vitals wait you said smoke should not in fact it says smoke should affect other impostors and that is not tipped okay oh carl are we gonna enable vitals or no oh is that something you enable yes i had no idea oh yeah under the general submerged settings this label vitals panel on oh it's on now okay that's not turned on oh my god i wish we could play other roles [Laughter] also uh cara and pyonk sorry love you both but unfortunately it happened right as they were sussing rachel i'm your friend look an l look at the l look at the l kill in front of me rachel do it look an l for lawyer l for lawyer what the [ __ ] why would you do this to us rachel why would you do this [Music] rachel you live on the wild side do it rachel do it kill kill rachel what what i hate the heartbeat task liam why are you chasing how annoying i almost died oxygen nice did you actually yeah i got there and the clock struck zero and i was like oh shoot the shutter speed i don't know what happened there was a body that fell down right next to me it was legitimately as i walked over it so i said that it was a shot oh it was a show leo's scary rachel it is like in the middle at the top bottom you can actually see uh the shadow's body through the glass like looking teeth uh rest in peace sadly not liam oh wow now rose if it just hey that sounds like a grudge no he's just chasing me uh yeah i can confirm that the two of them were upstairs at the very least yeah they can be cleared i mean either either he shot someone or cara or rachel just sliced in front of me it looked like a shot but i wasn't like expecting something to happen so i wasn't looking very closely i really wasn't looking closely we'll just think about the shop right now and maybe children would you kill right in front of me and expect me to turn a blind eye i would yes normally yes i'm not going to lie to you i normally yes why did i get a vote why did i hear though okay jester why did she kill right in front of alvi i can't defend i'm great at arguing rachel but i can't defend against everything is my client about to get sheriff oh god [Music] rachel's there [Music] i just don't know what t is [Music] where's my client rose with stuff all i just want to say was she was faking it wait wait wait no no no no no i'm so sorry and experimentation with your partner honesty is so i just want to say i once again was trying to decide if i was gonna be a bro liam i wasn't even sure that i was gonna throw your name out but i did walk in on you literally like yeah yeah yeah yeah she was faking med-based gun uh-huh i'm glad that you actually finished the statement there but yeah i wish i did though i got that jab okay so so liam 100 killed rose yes yeah no i yes i saw rose's body drop i actually i don't mind voting liam out here so that liam can go google uh how colonel nice always down to teach uh people what they need to do all right rachel where are we going where we go oh oh rachel went this way all right rachel go kill go flourish go kill go go do your thing girl oh was that a uh had a bad day i think that might be a bad day after venting what okay rachel's dead yep rachel is dead where is everybody right now i got stuck in security because i was like oh [ __ ] my task's not in here it's on the other side center elevators so i think i saw this happen on uh the table i was in admin room i saw rachel go into observatory observation deck i went down to the table i saw two in there and immediately one went to cafeteria so i think one vented away the killer vented away into cafeteria where's cafeteria so i think whoever went into cafeteria did this kill not out the wrath was in storage how would you know that cortelling yeah recording the sorting test when i got done with my download and i was like oh hi raph and then yeah now we're here that's how so i think cortelli is evil i actually would be inclined to agree with you on that boo you you protected me round one and i i gave you a present i was following you i was following you oh well i gave you a pretty pill oh my gosh well that's why it was supposed to be a surprise okay what is wrong with you well [ __ ] uh my client's dead that's a bummer well now what i have nothing to live for all i had was my clients guess i'll just chill and read some books holy little frog it's cute flower and tea that's cute got a hatch it was just an acorn and some stuff you flower is that lily i think that's lily's cat lily peach juice hat got a cup i got some books and a cake some other books that stabilize yeah am i just still a lawyer i don't become anything else we got towels a rubber ducky ah that's so cute [Music] oh look at that little cat bug oh cute who the hell is that i was playing snes in the lobby oh i'm so glad that was not um nine seconds old is albie's body nine seconds old oh my god oh the who's good that's pretty young who's good nice sorry i just realized i was deafened uh so i just found alvey uh through the door to storage on the bottom uh who ran past me in the ballet but the bell sat the ballast the ball struck area down there i saw studs and paulie it was either studs or polly that ran past me without doing the task that was like emergency in hand and so oh no it wasn't i didn't see you i only saw cara yes that's and i went in but it was already done when we got in there mm-hmm and then i saw bianca on the like tape desk or the shower or whatever yeah i was trying to tape it and then i went to the right into the lobby and did you know there's a guy playing the nes in the lobby no yeah i was looking at the coffee she's actually a kitty cat mug oh stairs yeah if you go down to the bottom there's a i think it's no glove playing the nes so very quickly i i think we don't have to worry about the swapper anymore cortilli so cortelli oh i would like to mention that i do believe that lahu is not entirely good because there's a chance that liam was the actual sheriff but i'm gonna score are we voting okay well i just oh okay still doing that huh i mean i didn't vote on you somehow i tr i tracked two votes even though i gave you the information on the body oh i change if the other imposter dies okay well that's good to know i guess i'll just continue being safe i will try to be safe do not kill me i will help you you don't change the other imposter dies really oh get the freak out of here polly i don't want the glitch to die either all right we want the glitch to die though y'all just get over here you kind [Music] oh if i no longer have a win condition that is true that's true imposters can technically still win bear that is fair fair fair fare oh i knew it was studs wait studs you're are you the other imposter same with beast that's the other imposter no it was leo when we flipped we [ __ ] up kara we [ __ ] up i'm so sorry no that was me not being prepared to be an imposter i apologize we can still win right do it let's do it hit the ball close all the doors oh wrong button whoa that's the mask button you needed the the hot tub button all right like i did cara nice to meet you no not oxygen [Music] i didn't do it oh i saw wrath come from there earlier well ralph is dead ah [ __ ] this is interesting hmm what is this uh it's in the lower elevator the bot sorry top floor we could win with that lower right-hand elevator if studs kills first and i literally just saw studs walking away from this body so nervous no but i did no it's not working it's not working because the among us services are chances that i would find three bodies in a row what are the chances okay like i would not be sitting here being like check out all the kills that i made guys that's not my style yeah i didn't come from the elevator though so i wouldn't have gotten a report button so you opened the elevator to find it or would you go it was already open because you were coming from cara's dead body that you had just sliced no that's not alrighty well that is correct so i have voted for studs i did i'm just voting for stats too okay it's not right oh is punk gonna swap is bianca swap this is how you do it [Music] this is how you do it [Music] is [Music] tried to get me under the bus and i cleared her so we were hoping for each other yeah no i really i really needed you to not do that though you know what i'm sorry about this i just needed the uno reverse card of know you were missing [Music] good thing i trusted myself yay i get to die sacrifice yourself to save a crewmate well that's not gonna happen i always res and shield the bad guys but it makes it more interesting right so it's fine time to die yay okay let's see what's going on why are we all in here i don't like this studs is evil i can just tell studs evil uh self report no okay self report self report right actually i walked away from the office and leave it on me yeah and so i think i might have tried to share a piano because i was already out of me the way yeah so either people no word they're exposed to me it's a self-report mr mr suds here mr studs this studs i'm thinking self-report i don't know when she says it multiple times with that much conviction do sheriffs exist yes tariffs exist in this model [Music] oh [ __ ] you should have said it sooner [Music] you i'm gonna die anyway what's the point i want to find a body maybe i'll oh that's already done what's looking doing no one's dead hurry up and die oh hilaria mirelia lyrelia liar elia liar leah it's not a self report i actually think it's okay it just made me laugh but i think it is so i was going up an elevator and studs was with me right and then the lights are going out and i'm like i'm not going to get out on the second floor when the lights are out so i go back down the elevator and leave studs on the second floor and then there's a body dead right like i tried to go in the elevator with both of you and i glitched out so just you two are in the elevator and now you're reporting a few seconds later i heard i think it's a selfie i think i heard glitch this is not a selfie and uh honestly i'd be cool voting either studs or cortilli yeah i think that's 100 are you paulie no i'm not my kampu i'm not you know oh you already voted rose don't be a sheep it's just court tilly you're a she's cordelia i'm fine getting voted next but i know this is a self-report oh i bet you are i bet you're fine what if what if you're like what if you're like medic what if i'm innocent oh my god what if you're both just innocent unfortunately now i want to report and say self-report god damn it i hate being altruist now i want to do a self-report bite studs you're being weird why res wins self-report body body oh come on i gotta find a body somewhere right god damn it [Music] get away from me studs get the frick away [Music] no bodies okay it was raph and la hoo and i was gonna say there was a bunch of people in that area wow this 70 is really wrong and there was four of us you don't say it's been wrong many many times awesome right right i grabbed my oxygen mask and then the grenadier struck so i have not seen anything well i can actually clear studs and cortilli then because they're on the bottom floor no okay yeah but you're purple and that's a problem yeah but i'm not actually purple and blue i have a hypothetical question what's up this might get me killed um if one were to hypothetically shield someone and that person were to hypothetically get attacked would one hypothetically see flashes yeah they're hypothetical yes you would yes the medic would see a flash if they got attacked does anyone think that might have happened no one does not think that happens and one is starting to think that the person that they shield is evil do they happen to be purple right now elvie yeah no no no i'm actually not evil not you no swapper swapper swapper hmm i shielded her and she doesn't know i mean that doesn't really mean you're a bad beast [Music] [Music] did you not get blinded by that so i didn't find it yeah i i do have to take off like i said 70 is very low apparently thank y'all for having me you are all absolutely amazing [Music] i was not coming for you i did get blinded paulie do you want to do you want to explain what happened there i wish i could yeah the night game is about to start and there's my lg i saw that body oh wait did you get in yes okay cool i guess i'll shield polly because it's his last game also man the uh the mod maker for this is super against having the person c shield like i i don't know why they are super against it they say it's like it's an imbalance to the game but i'm like if it's just like something you can turn off and on like who cares then right but no very very staunch does not want to be able to have like does not want them to see their own shield never which is so bizarre to me but then i'm also like well you can make tons of things unbalanced with certain things and they're just like i just didn't address it i don't know so weird so weird like you can make it so engineer has a ref so um are you my lawyer yeah exactly you should as many settings as possible like it's so weird to dictate what is an imbalance and what is not given that like player skills are so variable can i do this can i just have it here like you can have 16 votes on mayor how is that not imbalanced i don't get it like i'm trying i was trying to have a civil discussion but i just think it's very strange and bizarre like there's so many things that you could make unbounced in the in the game it's like why stop there why why is that where you put your foot down oh oh wait that's a lot of bodies where are they i found raffin the observatory but i don't know if if cara is there or it's i am not no morphing i am in electrical right now car is at least bottom floor yeah okay because there's like cara mixed up oh jesus chris that scared me there's okay well there's sakara next to the body but i was like i don't know if this is actually her or a jester move or nope morphling glitch here it's a morphing and or glitch yeah okay hmm whale so i know it's not polly he was on the bottom floor oh you were we were just with rachel right yes yeah yeah and then i'll be at stopped by too so i did either cortelli or the right side i'm going to say not dobie since they saw me so probably studs who are cortelli okay where have you all been [Music] uh i had been up in cafeteria but what studs were you at i was in cafeteria with rose earlier and then i ended lounge area i think i will say i have experienced the who morphing in the car last round yeah it was fun that's cortilli who [Music] i'm not trying to stop fun it's just a weird like hill to die on in my opinion and they their argument was that for public servers they don't want that to imbalance the game for imposters and they think it's hard to fight against and i'm like no not at all because they're easily like the medic is easily sussed out then someone just tried to kill polly like this oh interesting yes quite was this cortelli and or studs and or la who imagine thank you oh my god it was all three of you i promise i'm not a jester this time and i'm not here downstairs well we don't know where the body is yet i am downstairs with paulie is what i was trying to say oh so okay i found rachel's body front of the elevators after having just run into rachel close the cafeteria and then i find her dead body after just running past cortilli so the two people who were in the area was rachel and then cortilli and then i saw two rachels so hopefully pretty sure yeah i think it's lahu and cortelli 100 i am very willing to vote for curtilly well i think one of you is rather i'm very very clear i'm very i'm worried about jester with cortelli i'm not a jester i'm not a killer i think cortelli might be glad who might be uh one of the other imposters nope honestly i don't think he's the other way around i was thinking whichever but i think both of them are bad i have been doing tasks vote with your mother do oh my god okay [Music] no i think lahu is oh yeah i was actually sorry [ __ ] well who is glitch holly we're gonna die holly we have to stay alive we have to stay alive polly olly could be the other impostor though which is bad i think polly is the other imposter and voted for lahu oh this is bad this is bad well oh my god right now i am near security uh that is true i did see i did see cara there when i was done with my wires but i don't think it's the car yeah you just left me on the first floor i literally just left you on the upper floor and or break it thank you yeah no i went to the elevator i saw a car yeah no i think the glitch why one you're why when you're why would you sound guilty two games in a row because that's just how you are here's the important thing to know somebody kept clearly because of last game i'm not voting for you because they turned into cars i'm voting for you because you were near bodies you were unaccounted for no that's fair but again i'm saying like i know i'm getting voted here but i didn't kill cortilli so unless they were lovers somebody else did and i do think there's another one but yeah no oh man i'm gonna skip dobie where were you this round doing wires i did see cara as soon as i was done yeah oh it could be the other one i hacked you earlier paulie while you were fixing camera and a spirit of god i was gonna say yeah i agree azara oh man i didn't see dovey though which is interesting are you gonna kill me now paulie are you gonna kill me i hope i'm wrong about you wonder if polly thinks i'm his lawyer half central comms calf research filtration no one's dying medical central oh engine someone's dead an engine and it was polly oh no oh no one's dead an engine wow i'm actually amazed that no one died an engine i'm actually amazed oh i have not done ah it's not dovey wait where is this i just really was with me in engines it's studs oh where's the body uh it's upstairs uh in front of the elevator and i just saw adobe come from engines so it can't be dovey i'm in electrical i haven't been upstairs this whole time i don't think that's true because i saw dovey and i saw polly was in engine with dovie cause i was on the table i was watching where people were going there's someone in comms hi while they were a ninja and i'm pretty sure that was studs nope that's just not accurate i just i just saw dovey come from engine and there's no way she could have gotten up there in time to kill holly yeah i think it must be a self report then yobe i got all the other bad guys out okay if i just seen you how could i have gotten this was killed i didn't see you so i was like oh wait but i'd say i'm sorry and then i was like oh my god you're good good yeah okay good job everyone um you know you guys you guys can let me know come on just let me kill us cara i so i died twice that round my lawyer shot me and then panicked because i didn't die there was a point where we were in the same room and i almost morphed and like dance over you being like hey be cool let's hang out two cars on this map no i would have gone with it to be honest yeah but the thing that got you was you hacked polly and i shielded him and then you just said you're with paulie no and that's the thing i figured my time was up by the time like when i hacked paulie i had actually tried to kill him first so it wasn't the hacking that you saw unless you were like crazy yeah because i tried numerous times and then was like well he's going to help me or get caught so i have to just glitch him and hope that he can't reach something so uh do we have eleven is that right i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry sorry was that my internet's not good my internet decided to just stop for a second um could not find the game you're looking for oh um try again are you struggling i'm sorry court i thought you were ringing me i'm usually pretty bad so it's a good guess hey hey hey steve journey's message in general oh okay cause that's amazing and i wanna do it same why that i am the undertaker let's just keep undertaker 100 thank you yup thank you if there's a box to check for lahu to just get evil roles i will take it thank you okay there's rose i don't know it's not up to me you'll have to ask cortelli so that was alby's l or it's going to be albie's lg is anybody else calling out oh no no no uh i thought that was good oh i had to do a couple calls et cetera et cetera i should be good for about 30 more minutes okay okay okay awesome sounds very important yeah i thought polly was dipping no all right not yet i love it i'll be still good oh okay this again oh all good scotch i thought he was leaving too and i was like why is he still here what the [ __ ] up i guess i medic shielded him because i thought he was going to leave i didn't want him dying on his last game but now you don't get it you don't get it let's do uh let's do shadow why not shadow seems like a good bean yeah shielding through uh what would it be uh what's it called when you cheat on something or lie uh oh my god noah false pretenses uh what's the other word no no no there was another there's another word [ __ ] it's like a business term like a lawful like business kind of turn term omission no not coercion perjury no no no not perjury slander no fraud fraud i guess fraud rod yeah fraud [Music] i have some very exciting things to tell you guys is a crossword yeah so there's a dead body on the top bottom right room and you know i was walking down that direction yes it gets better i was walking down towards that direction and you know who i see like a freaking mirror i see me you know looking real swag i chased them you see and they kind of glitched through a wall but then i ran into car and studs wait what in in yeah but i didn't see you she said it was upstairs so i saw cara and studs walking together so maybe if you guys just connected one of you was a baddie and then i looped around and went back for the body and liam's right behind me so there's uh there's all that i was doing my upload i did my download in med bay and then i did my heart thingy in med bay and then i went straight to upload and comms i would like to say something very quickly i cannot morph in any way shape or form i do not have a kill button i am not trying to kill as cara i just was hanging out with a bunch of people i went but in my wheelchair though no no i didn't see you in med bay no la who oh you're about to show you when you're cara yes okay i was in med bay i don't know about studs i don't know about liam but initially you were i was admitted [Music] i saw that too [Music] wait she's a dog because why oh the only thing allowed to boot me is my dog oh that was weird damn i thought it had finished little yellow thingies what the hell oh what the like is it i should do last round polly how freaking dare you no i would just let me finish this just let me finish this [Music] but who's gonna feed the fish once cara is gone who is going to feed the fish wait my friend i found it outside the fish tank on the upper floor you could feed the fish oh dude i am scared you're going to feed me i did nothing wrong oh i feed the fish well it's neither obviously i am now because if he was the other person near that last body or leo where did you say you saw the whole time bottom right well not the whole time because you you and paulie left before me when i was up in med bay and that's that's one so i don't know where you guys went because i went to go towards observatory yeah but that's when i met course and we went down and we saw the body hmm paulie's good i can't know here two other people are both dead now so um well so i thought it was stud's last round i'm not gonna lie stud's dead um and it was cars body that i found adobe was found first round um so it was just studs in cara this round there are a couple people that would sheriff studs though no i would not i think you're the first one that would what liam can you just tell them that i'm med base scanned yes you are i thought you were faking scan no i think he's faking scam but i 100 percent scan and he saw the walk also paulie vented paulie back to polygons i know i meant it it is he's right he's not wrong get him raph where's raf no i think the glitch killed um killed dovey round one it oh my god so i'm dead this round by the way you're gonna be fine liam just yeah i'm fine okay you're not fine i'm sorry i lied to you but you know that's what parents do and they don't actually know but they try to tell you that you're going to be okay okay great okay that's fine i'm pretty liam just killed rachel right in front of me like came out of the elevator teleported to her body sliced it like a fruit ninja and uh yeah so that's that's all he probably just tried to assassinate me as glitch which i'm not so get wrecked we're voting out polly right oh good call because he's not probably literally in oh my god all right let's go crew oracle says you're a neutral what could you be i don't guess either parson this lawyer so liam was glitch then no liam liam's adjuster oh liam's a jesser yeah liam's not a jester liam killed liam killed i'm the one who got him out of here liam straight up sliced somebody dressed as lamb did cause liam was in ballast with me and i saw him i was with rap and liam for the whole fake med scan thing i don't think he's a glitch let's get lawyer out okay oh who's next shadow what are you what can you be i'm gonna say that's oracle oh reporter was or anything it would have been incorrect because oracle has to be dead first for a medic or slapper or a mayor yeah too bad you didn't get mayor on anybody uh too bad so i think i know who the mirror is [Music] did he kill you or did you share with him what no i am oracle i ended up oral killing you because you were following me around i was like if i die then cortelli's they're gonna know cortilli is not a baddie or is a baddie we'll see i guess i'm kind of bad but for a good cause i wish i had pride i was like whose lawyer were you shadows [Music] that's fine polly you did a good job oracle helped me wait did liam not actually kill there is that no that was nothing i'm i'm not i'm not on the same level as you guys i'm not there liam was a 50 50 glitch or you're just here from which is a good which is good that's fine i held it to the to the end of it that's like that's why i was like all right i'm dead good comedy and then you're like nah you'll be all right no quarterly [Music] i just have to guess one glitch one swapper one mare but the man i'm sorry paulie rose was chasing me and got me rough oh she's going to remember yeah oh wait oracle yes wait you should go back and report that body oh there is nobody to report oh well no why well there's no button either their name because somebody came and rezzed labou and then the body went away [Music] yeah like i i got ultra spreads and there's nothing i could do so here's what i would uh ask then i'll ask after shout out oh no wait what happened what [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know it's just been really bad all night so i'm going to see like i got i got 10 minutes i don't know if i can wait very long i i honestly thought i was like i was like oh only one person has died we're gonna be fine and then i realized like oh yeah i mean called so that said can we come back in okay can we set it so that the uh the altruist's body stays there is no option i don't think that's a setting on this oh my god is everyone in that needs to play right now yeah um i'm just gonna go because i keep getting disconnected from the server wait wait wait so did i did i report a body that was being interested no no i got altruisted and then there were no i'm just going to start uh i don't i can't i have to be public at night [Applause] [Music] i actually did my job for once he i can i invent in this swooper i can that's cool just gonna have to go away asap okay i can sweat swoop now get out of here rachel how am i finding no one how's no one here i just saw me me kill alvi me run into security me chasey [Laughter] liam reported before me changed back into actual i this was killing cafeteria and they just jumped into a vent la who are you me so no i promise i'm not you literally i'm on the manta ray task right now it's not dovey it's not stunts it's not me so it's rachel or shadow imagine we're wrapped up wait is it not going to wrap what's with us yeah yeah cause this is not me i think it's rachel because she double backed on me and i got into an elevator before she could kill me and then she defaulted to me so now i really think it's rachel could have been transforming yeah right can we can we trust rachel he was trust rachel put trust in the moose just skip one round if you want to vote me out next round you do you boo but trust rachel why do i have three though wait that is weird why do i have three votes don't touch me oh may your wood okay bye rachel goodbye join the land of the i was trying to kill me but me too fast why rachel for me it doesn't matter i'm just trying to get people out but i think rachel could have actually been the glitch so oh wait oh my gosh what the hell what did i just see with liam well liam is dead at lights i fixed lights before reporting the body but the body was already there when i got there who can i leave liam with who was that oh shadow shadow you went to engine and then i saw liam go to engine as well uh i went up to hold on i barely know this map uh to fill up my water bottle like that's where i went up to i think humans highlights i don't know right now i'm up in the cafeteria okay what so is so it studs the mayor or the swapper i don't know neither we could just skip and just kill her yeah we could just you know let's do that yeah it's just good that seems fun though i'm in for it one of us could be dead here we have to pick which one as long as one of us survives that's fine okay all right [Music] is it [Laughter] so if i didn't die then kara wouldn't have been able to die that was a good lg though yeah that was a good algae that i saw we were killers together i was like oh hell yes that was one hell of an ending that was fun see you guys bye [Music] thanks for watching everybody make sure to like comment subscribe and catch it live at records goodbye
Channel: Kara Games
Views: 2,956
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft lets play, vanilla minecraft, funny minecraft, kara corvus, kara games, corvus, streamer, girl, girl gamer, cute girl, callmecarson, captainsparklez, smplive, smp live, antvenom, smpearth, wilbursoot, technoblade, philza, among us, dream, amongus, gumiho, among, tubbo, tommyinnit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 11sec (5711 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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