CONFUSING WORDS IN ENGLISH πŸ“ | Vocabulary Quiz Lesson

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hey everyone welcome to today's lesson my name is wes this channel is called interactive english and it's really just all about helping you practice and improve your english skills we try to do a little bit of everything and if this is your first time please write to me in the comments tell me your name tell me where you're from love hearing from new people and even now if you're joining me live you can write your name uh where you're from in the chat it's also great to see so many familiar faces um today uh because i will give some shout outs as we go through the lesson today is more of a vocabulary lesson because what we're going to talk about uh we're going to talk about confusing words in english and as you can see it says it is a quiz lesson so i'm going to give you some different sentences um with some confusing words and i'm just going to have you choose which word best completes the sentence so it's really testing your knowledge on the vocabulary that you may already know which is great practice but before we jump in uh and begin just want to say quick hello angela yes sir uh welcome lali great to see you again takayo hi how are you um suhana amit uh nun kushnik hello from india excellent maria teresa good to see you again excellent um and i keep saying it excellent excellent i'm so happy uh to see all of you guys today so we're gonna go through this and i'll give you an opportunity to practice and tell me which word you think uh best completes the sentence of course i will then tell you what the answer is and talk to you about a little bit about the difference between these words so this is it's a good way to build your vocabulary but also your overall fluency because these are words that learners may confuse from time to time to be quite honest i think there are even native speakers that confuse these words as well so let's go ahead and begin with the first question that i have for you we're talking about these two words borrow and lend and if you are an avid fan of interactive english you should recognize many of these words because i've actually done lessons in the past talking about some of these words i actually did an entire lesson i think on borrow and lent a long time ago so the sentence he refused to um me some money because i didn't pay him back last time which of those words would you use to complete that sentence uh trying to think about the difference between borrow and lend excellent uh yes uh jerry from uh amitakayo sarah lolly great job jahaan the correct answer is lend so a quick way just to think about the difference when you borrow something you're taking it when you lend it you're giving it and notice those actions i try to associate it with borrow your taking lending you are giving so in this case we're talking about somebody else refused to give me lend me some money because i didn't pay him back last time and yes if uh if if you don't pay somebody back probably that person may not lend you money in the future that is true so hopefully that one uh probably was a little easier i think difference between borrow and lend but great job so many correct answers uh excellent gustav good to see you good to see you welcome let's look at the next one all right so some of them will be easier some of them will be a little more difficult so here we're talking about the phrase every day two words versus the single word every day so again the pronunciation is exactly the same the only difference is that uh one is the phrase two words every day and then the other one every day and this is something that i think people will really confuse mostly with writing because the pronunciation's the same if you are saying it you're speaking no you're not going to know whether you're talking about the one with two words or just the one word so this is really useful i think for your writing if you're writing an email or even something for work or school this is something i always say to you guys try to study english a little bit each and what do you think uh which which one would you use to complete the the sentence uh awesome excellent so many answers you guys are boom just on this today right very quick uh yes uh sevde yasher adriana um lolly angela lavinia we're we're talking uh gustav perfect we're talking about the phrase every day two words try to study english a little bit each and every day so hopefully it makes sense the phrase every day two words it really just means each day it's something that's going to happen every day every day is one word it's an adjective and typically it's going to come before um a noun like um we have to do some everyday chores all right those are chores you have to do every day but when we put it in front of the noun everyday chores then and use it as an adjective then we're going to use every day one word most of the time i think people use it they're talking about the phrase every day and notice each and every that is a binomial pair those are phrases that um are used informally but they're connected with that conjunction like short and sweet um something is wine and dine each and every is another binomial pair in this case each and every day so i think hopefully i think you guys rocked that one so maybe that was a little easier this one i suspect may be a little more difficult because well first off because i think these words are something they're used interchangeably there is a slight difference between them but they you they may be used interchangeably a lot of times i think people will use sympathize i think that word is more commonly used so in the example sentence that i gave you she couldn't um with my situation because she had never been in my shoes before okay which word best completes that sentence sympathize or empathize and again i will tell you the the difference between these even though i think um they they are often sometimes used interchangeably if you're just joining us we are doing it's kind of a vocabulary quiz with these confusing words so she couldn't um with my situation because she had never been in my shoes i tried to kind of give you a hint with that last part which is an idiom to to be in one's shoes it's almost like then you're saying that you understand what their situation is like what their what their life is like um and people might say something like well try to put yourself in in my shoes and then they're telling somebody like look try to understand my situation so i wow you guys really did well uh musa raha maria teresa excellent angela sajad diana rita we're talking about the empathize all right and that's really the last part of that was the the clue she couldn't empathize with my situation because she had never been in my shoes so i told you that i think some people will use them interchangeably the slight difference is to sympathize both of them are verbs you could use them as nouns as well sympathy and empathy but to sympathize is you you understand the feelings of another that you understand like oh they're upset like i feel i feel bad for this person and you sympathize with them to empathize it's you have experienced this thing so if you're able to empathize with somebody that you understand because you have gone through the same thing you have gone through the same experience and you can empathize with somebody's situation so in this case i said she couldn't empathize with my situation she had never been in my shoes that she had never experienced the same thing so that is the slight difference between uh these two words but uh lali it's okay don't worry i know you got it wrong it's okay it happens from time to time uh but that's a slight difference so it's good to know the subtle differences between some of these two words that you sympathize you understand that this person may be struggling going through a difficult time empathize it's when you um you have experienced this same thing let's look at this next one okay also maybe this one might be a little more challenging imply versus infer in this case again both of them are verbs to imply or to infer which one would best complete this sentence right here so it says based on the latest statistics we can um that the new policy is working all right based on the latest statistics we can that the new policy is working which uh which of those words again they're commonly confused mostly because uh well i they have well they're not really spelled the same but uh wow you guys you guys are on top of your your game today i will tell you that maybe maybe i told you because i've talked about all of these confusing words before in previous lessons maybe you guys are just such avid fans that you remember all of this information but yes excellent um ricardo ricardo mr tomorrow um let's see uh gustav lolly perfect angela uh just try to give some more shout outs uh fly boar the answer is the uh iku eco from japan excellent the answer is infer so let's let me show you the what they mean uh and try to explain it a little bit so i'll just read the sentences based on this the latest statistics we can infer that the new policy is working so to imply is to express something in an indirect way to infer is you're forming an opinion based on evidence or fact they're very two different meanings let me give you an example for imply so i don't know if you saw the lesson i did a couple of weeks ago about innuendos and i talked about some sexual innuendos that people will say things and they are implying or suggesting something else in an indirect way i gave you an example like at work and i say well um kim and steve are spending a lot of time together they're spending a lot of time together outside of the office all right when you say that i'm implying that maybe they're having some type of relationship that maybe they're romantically involved i'm implying that indirectly to infer is with like you're making an inference you see something and it's like oh you can decide something else like if somebody walks in your room and they're just wet then you could and you could infer what the weather is like you could infer that well it's probably raining outside which is why this person is wet uh so again two different meanings in this case um you're looking at these statistics and like oh okay because of the statistics we can infer we can form the opinion that the policy is working uh all right so let's look at the next one again if you guys happen to be joining us we're talking about the the difference between some commonly confused words or some confusing words in english we have the difference between fun and funny i think maybe this one might be a little easier in the past i also did another lesson maybe i'll include some of those down in the description if you guys would like to review um and check out some of these other video lessons where i talk about them with more examples in greater detail so fun and funny we had a really um time at the comedy show we laughed for hours all right which one and i tried to i tried to trick you with this sentence all right we had a really um time at the comedy show we laughed for hours all right so i like i'm trying to trick you with that second part of the sentence let me just give some shout outs to uh those of you with the correct answer yes uh sid uh diana lolly excellent uh suhana angela anna what lavini uh are wait no that was funny the correct answer is fun all right and i'll tell you why in just a moment louise limey um okay teresa excellent good job the correct answer i told you is fun we're talking about a fun time so if you overwhelmingly if you're talking about some time period and you want to describe it you say oh we had a fun time at the concert we had a fun time at the party i i hope you guys are having a fun time uh in this class right now learning this vocabulary so fun refers to enjoyment you're having a good time the reason why i tried to maybe trick you is because we're talking about a comedy show where you're watching some comedian and you're laughing so funny is an adjective that really refers to either a situation like i said um and it was a funny situation and you're describing it or you could describe a person and say well this person is funny so if you're talking about a time in general that's not really you're not going to describe that using the word funny and say oh it was a funny time you would just say that something is funny and that's it so most of the time you're going to use it as a predicate adjective if i want to be very specific and it's going to follow the verb to be and you'd say a situation is funny or maybe a person is funny i like to think i am funny but well i have my moments not always so in that case we're talking about time you would describe you would describe the time that you had as fun we had a fun time um and that would be the adjective that would be the correct answer um all right so let's look at the next one thank you maria teresa thank you i really appreciate that uh an excellent teaser yashar wait i said i said your name at the very beginning i think uh in one of the like during the hellos i'll try to try to get as many as i can um dorcas yes excellent fun is the correct answer uh let's see this one is more difficult um i i will explain it and i think probably you'll be able to guess the answer but this is uh these are phrasal verbs and trying to think what's the difference between burn up and burn down okay so this sentence that i gave you is talking about well i had a collection of old books sadly many of them um in the fire okay how which of those phrasal verbs would you use to complete um this sentence and there really there's only one correct answer so are you going to use burn up or burn down if you wanted to really get technical because i know you guys are just typing this quickly in the chat this would be remember i had a collection we're talking about the past so something happened in the past so if we want to get really technical you would be using burn it's a regular verb burn in the past burned up or burned down which one do you think uh you're going to use i did again i talked about this in a previous lesson i had a collection of old books sadly many of them um in the fire uh excellent gustav perfect uh let's give some shout outs venery uh veni nice louis uh who else do we have benny good job mr tomorrow excellent um lolly sorry uh um the correct answer the correct answer is burn up and i will i'll explain why so both burn up and burn down something is being destroyed by fire and it's destroying something the difference i would say is that if something burns down it's it's talking about a larger structure so i think of like a house or a bridge or some building some larger structure that is destroyed by the fire and it would like burn to the ground and it would burn down and possibly collapse if something burns up it's also destroyed by the fire but i would say that it's like something is really consumed by it something might be like a smaller object so in this case if there was a house fire and a home was on fire the things in the home the home itself would burn down but the things inside the home might burn up like if you have a book books are made of paper they would burn up in the fire another situation in which you may hear um burn up think about asteroids entering the earth's atmosph atmosphere they never make it into the earth they burn up in the atmosphere is another uh example of when you might say something burns up so i hope that makes um sense between burn up burn down burn down think of like a larger structure like a building a home a bridge and like oh it burned down fell to the ground um burn up just something like items that you might have so in this case we're talking about the home was on fire the books were inside there they burned up i know i'm talking about this a lot right now uh so let's just move on to the next one all right it's okay we got more there's more left um more questions for you here is uh the next set of confusing words the difference between persuade and convince again they're very similar in some instances you could even say they're interchangeable but there there there is a slight difference between these two especially when you think about well when in what situation are are you going to use them so think about this situation right here try to put a picture in your mind about what is happening the lawyer was able to um the jury that the defendant was not guilty so we're talking about a situation that is in a courtroom you have a lawyer you have a defendant there's a jury who's going to make a decision and the lawyer was able to um the jury that the defendant was not guilty i told you i'm trying to think in this case i guess you could use them interchangeably again i will tell you why i'm going to give you the answer that i am because yes there is there can be a slight difference so yes um excellent uh let me just show you guys it's it's moving really fast right now through the chat the correct answer is convince okay so the reason for that because i saw some people put persuade and if you said persuade i wouldn't say like oh no like it's not like if you had mentioned this to me in a conversation i would not stop and think that was the wrong word persuade is like you're you're caught to cause someone to do something by reason or an argument so you're giving them your opinion you're giving them an argument and you want them to do something perhaps take some action convince is more about you you want someone to believe something you want them to believe something is true so in this case the lawyer was able to convince the jury to convince these people to believe the defendant was not guilty so you're talking about that these the jury now believes that this is true they believe the defendant is not guilty think about it another way if i wanted to use persuade and you're trying to get someone to do something then i might think um you could say the lawyer was able to persuade the jury to um for uh do to pres to persuade the jury to vote not guilty so in that case it's like you're trying to get them to take some action like their vote in which case maybe um you would then in that case use persuade so again it's a very slight difference persuade it makes me think you know you're trying to get somebody to do something take some sort of action convince is more so just believing something is true so let's look at the next one again that's a little more difficult because the meaning persuade and convince often people might use them uh interchangeably as synonyms these two words are certainly different um well slight they're they're slightly different i'll say that um this is more it's not just vocabulary but also more of a grammar question trying to think about the difference making sure you know the difference between less and fewer so my sentence that i want you guys to complete there were people on the metro today than there were yesterday which one are you going to use to complete this sentence are you going to use less or fewer and i think you guys are mostly overwhelmingly getting this correct excellent uh just some shout outs yes good job um diary gehab yasher uh angela takayo lolli excellent you got that one correct the correct answer is fewer okay and this is where i think in spoken english you people will make this mistake i i think quite often and they will confuse these especially when we're talking about an irregular plural noun which is what i used trying to confuse you a little bit but we use less i told you it was more of a grammar question we use less it means not as much for non-count nouns so we use less for non-count nouns like less water um or less i don't milk we're taught we use fewer for count nouns so people it is a count noun it is an irregular uh plural noun but in that case you would use fewer there were fewer people on the metro today than there were yesterday but i would say that just in spoken english people whether they're learners or even native speakers uh they will confuse them and they may say yeah there were less people on the metro today than there were yesterday to be quite honest i do this too i will confuse these from time to time um and sometimes i'll catch myself too and i'll i'll use less and and most of the time when people make a mistake they're using less instead of fewer and that's when people often make the mistake i've done it too and i'll catch myself and i'll realize i said less when i should have used fewer but just good it's good to be aware of the next question are the next set of words that i have for you the difference between reserve and book these are both verbs to reserve to reserve something or to book something and i want you guys to think about well what what is the difference between these two it's it's very subtle it's very slight but in the example that i gave you um we should go ahead and um a hotel room for this weekend okay what do you think uh would best complete that sentence we should go ahead and um a hotel room for this weekend uh excellent all right give some quick shout outs here uh yes mete um tom tom zhang nice sarah daniel address banggoon trying to give some new shout outs say some new names i apologize if i haven't been able to to say your name today gustav excellent book is what i would use and the slight difference i'd say to reserve something is you're you're keeping something you're saving it for a particular purpose booking you're doing the same thing but when you book something you're going ahead and paying for it reserving you may not you may not be paying for it so in this case we're talking about a hotel room you you need to pay for a hotel room in order to keep it for yourself so you would book a hotel room some people again they may be used interchangeably you may hear like oh we need to reserve a hotel room i think of reserve more often would be used with talking about like a table at a restaurant and you're going to a restaurant you want to make sure that you have a table because you're with a group of people and you would reserve a table you're not going to use book because it's not something you're going to pay for uh if you're talking about a restaurant so you would reserve a table at a restaurant but you would book a hotel room you would book a flight because you have to pay for your flight so there is a difference between uh these two reserve and book and i hope that explanation made sense then we have these two words which also very uh similar uh say versus tell again this is another set of words that i did a lesson on a while back and i will go back through and try to throw those down in the description in case you'd like to uh watch more video lessons which i hope i hope you like to do so i'm going to um you a secret please do not anything to anyone and if you're not sure exactly why like why you should use which one just do what what which one feels right just your your feeling as to what do you think okay i i feel this is the way uh that this is the correct answer and in this case i i want you uh i'm having you use both of them um i'm going to um you a secret please do not um anything to anyone all right excellent a lot of a lot of answers to this one perfect so you're using both of them but you're going to use uh the first one tell and then you're going to use say so all of you who wrote tell say that is the correct answer i'm going to tell you a secret please do not say anything to anyone that is uh the correct answer so think about it this way you say something to someone all right you say something to someone and you would tell someone something uh so in this case it fits right in there or the way that i had this sentence i'm going to tell you a secret i'm going to tell someone something tell you a secret please do not say anything to anyone to say something to someone say anything to anyone all right so that is the difference between those two i think you guys overwhelmingly got that one correct great job uh i hope that again this is just good practice for you not only to build your vocabulary but to understand some of the slight differences between these words which is just going to help you improve your overall english fluency i just wanna i want to thank you guys so many great members uh saab members today uh dorcas valerie gustav uh takayel lali uh always great to see so many members uh participating in these lessons if you guys want to show us a little bit of love support our channel uh there are links down in the description below for uh youtube membership joining me on patreon i really appreciate it really kind of helps uh helps keep all of this going and and the engine running uh i hope again that you guys learned uh some maybe some new words or if they weren't new words that you were able to understand the difference between some of those words because again they are they are commonly confused thank you guys so much for joining me give a few more quick shout outs olivia roxanna um to the the members and patrons here uh takaya maria lali dorkas valerie thank you guys gustav um suhana hugs for drugs thank you for being here uh limey all right i am going to have to end it there hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and of course i will be back for another live lesson in the near
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 14,092
Rating: 4.9617057 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, live english lesson, english lesson, american english, english practice lesson, learn american english, english vocabulary lesson, learn vocabulary, english vocabulary, advanced vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, learn advanced vocabulary, confusing words, confusing words in english, confusing words for english learners, learn confusing vocabulary, confusing english vocabulary, say vs tell, fewer vs less, borrow vs lend, every day vs everyday
Id: 2HhESbmc4VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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