Confidence in God - Part 2 - Dr. Marvin Jackson - River of Life Christian Center

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started with our foundational text uh let's do everything in the um in the niv today um the king james says something to to the effect and this is the confidence that we have in him if we ask anything according to his will and we know that he hears us and if he hears us he will grant us those petitions which we have requested of him but it's easier reading when we read it this way let's go this this is a what it's a what that we have in approaching god that if we ask anything according to his will i know he hears me number one and if he hears me what and if we know that he hears us whatsoever we have we know that we have what we ask you may be seated the bible you can be seated the word of god says if we know that we he hears us and how can we know that he hears us when we ask according to his will you may be wondering well then pastor how can i know his will his will is his word and so you have to learn how to pray his word back to him why because he said my word will not return to me empty or void but it will prosper in the thing where unto i send it so if i know he hears me as soon as i pray and he's granted the petitions that i've requested then i stay in faith until i see manifestation and so what we're talking about today is confidence in god confidence in god because many believers don't have any confidence in god as a matter of fact when you pray and you talk to god your prayer life is like it's it's like a spiritual crap shoot you're wondering if you're gonna hit 7-11 if god's going to do it if he's not going to do it but how can you have confidence so that when you get up from praying it's just a matter of time the bible says that um james not james but elijah the prophet was a person just like us a common person and he prayed to god and god shut the heavens down for three and a half years then he prayed again and god opened the heavens and it began to reign so how can we have that kind of i don't know about you i want to know that god heard me and i want to know he's going to take care of me and so we're going to talk to you today about how to have god i'm going to teach you how to have god in three air how to have confidence in god in three areas how to be confident that he hears my prayers and i have my answer number two how to be confident in his provision and number three how to have confidence in his protection you don't need any bull you don't need a a corona mask wait a minute the bible says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide in the shadow of the almighty a thousand shall followed my side ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come nigh me and no plague shall come nigh my dwelling now either you believe that or you don't well pastor i still need a mask i've got the blood of jesus i got a mask see that's what confidence sounds like let me give you another example of confidence because you need to know what it looks like this is in review god told abraham to sacrifice a son that he had waited 100 years for abraham takes a company of men with him and when he gets to the place of sacrifice he says this he said you guys stay here while me and the boy go yonder and return that end return part that's confidence david david goes out he's only taking lunch to the battlefield there's a nine foot giant on the battlefield nobody in the entire uh army of israel would fight him and david said who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should dare defy the armies of the living god and then he said god delivered me from a lion and god delivered me from a bear i know god is going to deliver me from him and he went out with five smooth stones i don't want to tell you what those five stones mean you have to go back and look at the last sunday's message but i told you you got to have five stone confidence in god then we talked about the hebrew boy shadrach meshach and abednego being threatened not threatened but thrown into a fiery furnace but a conversation took place before they were thrown into the furnace by the king and the king said i'll give you another chance to bow but if you don't bow we'll throw you in this fire they said listen the god that we serve is going to deliver us how many of you would have said that you would well you know maybe maybe the lord won't he won't mind if i go down just a little bit threw him in the fire and the bible says they fell down in the fire but when king nebuchadnezzar looked into the fiery furnace he saw four men instead of three another example of what confidence in god looks like the apostle paul was on a boat because jesus told him you have to testify before me in rome on his way to obeying god how many of you know that storms will come up on your way to obey as a matter of fact as long as you're not obeying no storms but on your way to obey storms will come up the boat begins to fall apart professional sailors say let's throw the tackling over the ship paul says listen the god that i serve the angel of the lord he stood beside me this night and he told me that there should be no loss of life as long as you stay in the boat guess what they stayed in the boat the storm came the boat fell apart but guess what not a life was lost the bible said they all came in on broken pieces that's what confidence in god looks like and so three areas how can i be confident when i pray to god how can i be confident in knowing that god's gonna provide for me and how can i be confident in knowing that god's going to protect me and i don't need a corona mass i'm in a of our mask okay so we talked about this in prayer and we said that a lot of times the reason that we aren't confident in prayer is because our behavior is out of line with god's word and we don't have boldness to come into the presence of god because the word of god has come boldly to it's hard to come boldly when you lied it's hard to come boldly when you did something malicious and mean on purpose to hurt somebody else you see and so but then think about this the bible says that the sexual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much but god right now i don't feel righteous all right so what do we do when we have those feelings to overcome that feeling of guilt what do we do so that our confidence toward god is not compromised in prayer first of all repent if you messed up nobody has to tell you you messed up a part of your covenant promises is this he is faithful and just to forgive us if we confess our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness you confess that and then you go on in there and then you pray and then here's another thing because your mind will try to trick you and make you think that god doesn't hear you because that jacked up stuff you did you were with your booth thing last night now you're in church on sunday god i gonna hear you all right and so this is what you have to understand as soon as i as soon as i said god forgive me boom god forgets that but i want to show you something else that i didn't touch on last week before we uh proceed i need you all to grab for me first john chapter 3 21-24 what do i do when my heart condemns me have you all ever been there you want to pray but it's like i got this little thing and i don't know if god's going okay first john dear friends if our hearts do not condemn us what do we have right if i have clean hands i hadn't lied on your head i have confidence all right now look at this and receive from him anything we ask because we keep his commandments and do uh what pleases him and this is the commandment to believe in the name of the son of jesus and to love one another as he commanded us what does the next verse say there's another scripture that says that he's greater than our hearts is that the same one it and if our hearts condemn us we know that god is greater than our hearts and he knows everything now here's the thing what what does that mean have you heard people say he knows my heart that ought to scare you sometimes sometimes people say it to try to justify themselves that ought to make you frighten sometimes that god really does know your heart and so what he's saying in this scripture is if i really am sorry and god knows that my heart is a heart of repentance even though i feel a heaviness in my heart he's greater than my heart and because of his grace because of his love because of his mercy i don't care what anybody else says i can still come boldly and pray to my father and when i come boldly and pray to my father he will hear me amen all right so let's go ahead and get into the new stuff how can i know how can i be confident in the fact that god is going to provide for me let's look at a couple of scriptures psalms 23. i want to look at psalms 23 and uh because that's what we're talking about today how can i be confident in god's provision now let me ask you a question please be brutally honest how many of you have ever wondered how your ends are going to meet or better yet where your ends coming from and sometimes we're not worrying about a meeting if they'll just get close enough to wave at one another from a distance okay all right how can we be confident in the fact that god will supply for us do you know one of the names of god is jehovah jireh the lord whose provision shall be seen among his people and so look at what david says in psalms chapter 23. now that i like the king james but they have it up there he says uh the lord is my shepherd i shall not want you learned that when you were a child but you didn't think about what he was trying to tell you i am so confident in my relationship with god that i never have to worry about anything i don't have to want for anything let me show you something else look at psalms 37 and 25 psalms 37 and 25. david you know this i was young and now i'm old but he said in all of my life experience now think about this this is not a man who had a perfect life david did some jacked up stuff but do you know that even while he did some jacked up stuff god remained faithful in providing for him did you hear what i just said because sometimes we feel when we've messed up that it compromises the relationship that our heavenly father has with his children but he said i'm young and i'm old in other words i've experienced some things i've lived through some things but i have never seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread how do we get to the place because let me tell y'all something all of us at some point in time have worried about if we're going to have enough i can guarantee you that that's one of the major things that we think about in life am i going to have especially if you're a parent and you have children you want to know am i going to have enough to at least buy my own home in a decent neighborhood i don't want to rent i don't want to lease all of my life i want to have my own home and you wonder will i have enough okay will i have enough to pay off my student loans will i have enough will i have enough to give my children a better lifestyle than i had will i have enough for my retirement will i listen and and listen we don't just want enough we want a little bit extra because we want to enjoy life too every now and then i'd love to go shopping every now and then i'd love to take my dream vacation and see this is what you're saying not only do you want enough you're concerned with and this is what you really want you want god's abundance not just enough you want god's abundance and so how can i have confidence in the fact that god will not only supply my needs but he will exceed my needs and sometimes he'll also give me some stuff that i just i just really want amen listen jesus answered the question how you can have confidence in god he says the problem that most believers have is the problem with priorities in life i'm going to say it again he said the problem is is misplaced priorities he said if you will seek to understand how the kingdom of heaven works how it operates and the principles that are employed in the kingdom of heaven you won't have to look for stuff stuff will look for you now i know y'all don't believe me but i'm going to prove it to you in just a minute jesus sent out the disciples and when he sent them out one time this is what he said don't take a coat don't take an extra change of clothes don't take any money don't even take any purse in the money he said all i want you to do is go out and do one thing preach the message of the kingdom okay a couple of chapters later they came back and jesus said when i sent you out to preach the message of the kingdom he said did you lack anything guess what they said no well where did the provision come from all y'all sitting in church and don't understand how this operates when you understand how to employ kingdom principles you don't have to run after the bag the bag will run after you i see these little memes and people on facebook we're running after the back no run after jesus and the bag will run after you all right let me show you this because we worry about some crazy things look at matthew chapter six okay jesus said it's the problem with your priorities you got your problem your partner's and that happens all the time you know you spending money on a playstation and the baby need pampers misplaced priorities right but let's look at what jesus said he said therefore i tell you do not worry about your life how many of y'all guilty i'm not holding my hand up here to demonstrate i'm holding my hand because i do worry about my life even though we know he said don't worry about your life he said what will you eat or what you'll drink i guarantee you when we go home today somebody's gonna feed you i bet you won't go to bed hungry and some of us going to eat for a couple of folk before we go to bed he says what you will eat or what you will drink he said all about your body what you will wear look at yourself do you see anybody naked in here i hope not but he said what what you going to wear and some of you all you have so much that you walked in the closet and you looked around at all the stuff that you had you tried on more than one outfit before you came out and you forgot about when you grew up you only had one outfit when i was growing up i had one suit you all don't know nothing about that we didn't wear blue jeans when we went to school we wore dungarees y'all to know what dungarees are and when you got a hole in your dungarees they had iron-on patches that you can get from the store and put the pasture on you heat it up the glue stuck and that was it and when we came home you had one rule don't play in your school clothes because you didn't have a whole lot of clothes i got my behind whipped almost every day because when i came home they were shooting marbles and instead of me going in the house i was shooting marbles and my mom came home and would wear me out but we didn't have those luxuries all right and so he's saying don't think about all that stuff and the he says it's not the body more than the clothes keep going look at the birds you hear me use this illustration all the time have you ever been in a city you know how pigeons go around for bread and seen one of those pigeons with a little broke wing and a little cream will fly for bread never say that deborah and i go to this restaurant and we're eating there and these little bitty parakeets come out sparrows and what and we in squirrels too and we're sitting there eating and they're like comfortable with people and one little squirrel will come up to your table just look at you like what don't you see me you know and i'm serious god takes care of all of those creatures [Applause] how many of you hate roaches especially the ones that fly you ever kill yourself trying to get away from a flying rope okay you walked up there with a broom you thought sure you had him that bad boy stretched out it was all over can i tell y'all something the roach that you're trying to kill god cares about him and feeds him too believe it or not everything that god has created he takes care of so he's saying why are you going around every day look at this go back to my scripture look at the birds they don't sow they don't reap or stole away in barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them notice he says father not your god this is important he says are you not much more valuable than they i think so all right he says can can one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life how many of you have ever worried to the point that you don't remember when the sun came up maybe y'all have never been there before not only did i worry i cried and when the sun came up it shocked me that i had been up all night and can i tell you what happened when i got up the next morning the same thing that i was worrying about the night before was right all i did was lose sleep can i tell y'all something if the god that watches over israel neither slumbers and sleeps doesn't make sense for both of us to stay up so if god's going to stay up i might as well go to sleep okay and so i had to learn this i might as well get some rest because he's watching the situation i can't watch it all right so he says now why are you worried about your clothes see how the flowers of the field grow they do not labor or spin and yet i tell you that even solomon in all his splendor was not dressed like one of these if that is how god clothes the grass of the field which is here today and gone tomorrow thrown in the fire will he not much more clothe you oh you of little faith let's keep going so do not work now this is what i want you to get there's a scripture in the king james we're going to get to it in a minute where it says and take known thought saying okay thoughts are going to come you're going to get concerned about provision and things like that but he said take no thought saying the thought does not come alive until you speak it girl i'm so broke as soon as you said that you you have no idea what god see you don't understand the class of creature that you belong to your spiritual dna god speaks and causes things to come to pass and so you're praying for prosperity but now you're talking about how broke i am you left the wrong thing you empowered the wrong thing in your life okay so he says don't worry saying what you shall eat or what you shall drink or what you shall wear he says for the pagans run out now this is important in the king james it says the gentiles have to worry about all of these things he said your heavenly father knows what you have need of so seek ye first the kingdom god's way of operating and all these things shall be added but why did he say the gentiles have to worry about that because he's saying i ain't their daddy god is not a deadbeat father he's saying what i want you to understand is the relationship that i have with you and the power and the depth and the love of that relationship when jesus taught the disciples how to pray he didn't say oh god oh mighty magnificent one he said when you pray say our father the first thing that he tried to get you to understand is stress the relationship no good father will let his child go without not a single one my girls get me all the time all the time i mean they got it hooked up so cash app paypal zell i mean if there's some kind of payment method out there that's automatic they got it hooked up how are you going to get your car fixed and then tell me how much it's going to cost it's not my car it's your car why are you telling me about it but they know now they won't call their mama but they're called their daddy see some stuff god will bless you with if you just hang out with him did you hear what i just said i dare you to walk with him if you hang out with him some stuff he'll just give you he'll just ask you do you want that and he'll give it to you just because you're hanging out with him amen so jesus said seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all these things will come after you didn't he say in the old testament that if you obey and serve me the blessing will over take you in the way see your priorities are all wrong you're pursuing the bag and if you do it the way god says the bag will pursue you oh boy all right now how can i be confident of the fact that god is going to provide for me you have to understand the kingdom principle and you have to understand that when it comes to your provision god works in a system of ebbs and flows go to genesis 8 22. it's not my notes but i think that's it where he says um as long as there remain seed time and harvest day and night summer and winter there will be seed time and harvest that that i don't care whether you believe that or not oh here it is i see it in the back screen list let's see we have it up there as long as the earth endures seed time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night will not cease at the top seed time in harvest it's a cycle they're cycles they're spiritual cycles that god has put in place spiritual laws that god has put in place doesn't matter if you understand them doesn't matter if you obey them they just work anyway gravity doesn't care if you believe it gravity doesn't care if you go around saying if i don't see it i don't believe it do you know that an airplane by natural laws should not fly how can something with that amount of weight fly two things are working on it gravity is working on it and drag is working on it those two laws but there's another natural law that's called the law of lift if you look at the physics and the way that a wing is designed air goes under air goes uh beneath and over if you go at a certain rate of speed it creates something called lift and even though there's a natural law in place that's called gravity lift overcomes gravity and makes the plane do i'm trying to tell y'all something what it international should not be able to do if you understand how this works you see even though one law may be working against you even though the natural economy may be working against you when you employ these principles you still rise can i give you a good example people on facebook are contacting me right now pastor what can i buy see people are panicking because the market is crashing but all i see is opportunity keep on falling keep on dropping because if you manage your money right it's bargain basement time and so even though you should not be prospering if you understand these principles god will give you wisdom and show you how to prosper in a depressed economy i know y'all don't believe it when we were getting the first dealing with the first banks to get financing for this building they looked at the they looked at how we did i think it was between the years of 07 and 10 when everything was down when churches were closing their doors and their finances were in the tank guess what guess what we were sitting on a million something dollar surplus and the banks were scratching their head going how y'all one of the bankers how y'all doing this in y'all's church and we not doing it in ours had nothing to do with us it's simple principles that if you employ them they work every single time why gravity works every single time this law these principles that i'm telling you about the kingdom work every single time but this is how the devil cheats you adam you're afraid because you let some fool get in your ear oh you're giving them all your money y'all just don't understand okay i'm trying to help i'm trying to help okay now so i'm gonna give you three ways if you do these three things and you understand these three principles you'll never be broke did you hear what i said you will never unless you're foolish with your money now god can't help you if you're foolish with your money you know if he blesses you with a million and you don't know you don't have godly wisdom with it you'll be broke again okay but if you ask him with ask him to show you show me god how to use this he will but let me give you these three things and these three areas will help you and they will show you how to be confident in knowing that god's going to provide for you if he doesn't provide for anybody else okay here's principle number one blessing the needy i didn't say the greedy i said blessing the needy why did i throw that in there um we used to do turkey giveaways up here we have all hundreds of turkeys we'd be giving away one dude came up one time and got 10 turkeys took those away and came back again okay so you know he got the hook up in the hood somewhere he's selling the turkeys two for one or something like that and so and so we had to cut that off that's why i said blessing the needy and not the greedy because some people are greedy some preachers are greedy because i'm going to show you why blessing your man a woman of god is important but there's a difference between need and greed if you have three jets why do you need your church to pay for another you apparently you have three you're not using so that's a little bit greedy i think y'all scared i ain't scared of nobody and i'm like i got good common sense you're driving a rolls-royce you're driving a bentley let me just leave stay with your word marvin stay with your word blessing the needy all right deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 7 and 11. now watch this is if anyone is poor among you your fellow israelites in any of the towns of the land the lord your god has given you do not be hard-hearted or tight-fisted toward them okay rather be open-handed and freely lend them whatever they need that's a hard one because somebody's gonna come up to you today after church y'all heard what pastor said i need i need not a couple y'all remember the lady when we were over the other church would take her wheelchair and she wouldn't she never came in church she would take her wheelchair and park the wheelchair at the gate where people parked after church and just you know shake a little cup i told you i saw downtown the other day walking and went apart and i started to stop and say wait a minute i thought were you healed but anyway let's go back okay be be careful not to harbor this wicked thought the seventh year the year of canceling debts is near so that you do not show ill will toward the needy among your fellow israelites and give them nothing they um they may then appeal to the lord against you and you will be found guilty of sin give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart then because of this the lord will go what's he going to do he's going to bless who see it's better to give than to receive what you gave was one blessing but your blessing will come in a greater dimension because god's going to give to you the bible says he that lended to the lord he that lent it to the poor lend it to the lord and the lord shall surely repay you hadn't been paid back till god pays you back all right um then because of this the lord your god will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your jesus he said if you'll just be generous if you'll help people that cannot help themselves let me tell you something whenever as a country me and a guy we were going back and forth about uh about socialism and and whatnot there's all kinds of socialism you just don't know it but whenever we get as a country where we don't help people that are less fortunate and you close up your do you know why god has blessed this country because we're a blessing to so many and when you shut that down you have no idea what you're doing spiritually okay so he says now therefore i command you to be open-handed towards your fellow israelites who are poor and needy in your land all right now how does this work in the church in the context of the church when we send our kids out of the country on mission trips we pay for their airfare we pay for their food we pay for their logic we do that there are other events that we do um what's the big thing we do like sixty thousand dollars harvest fest we don't ask y'all to pay for harper's fest did you hear what i said sixty thousand dollars just to benefit the community when people come here and they have a genuine need and we help them we help them we sow out away from our church we take care of an orphanage down in haiti when god can get money through you he'll get money to you you see and so that's the thing god is saying i've put you in the earth to be a blessing to other people and so you can't hoard your blessing on yourself when you bless other people i'll make sure that you have enough to bless them enough to take care of your needs and you're going to have plenty more left over trust me when i tell you this all right and then really in this scripture in the king james you know what it says he says for the poor will always be with you but he didn't say you had to be one i'ma say it again he said the poor you will have with you always but he did not say you're supposed to be one you're supposed to be the instrument of blessing that god uses to deliver the poor to deliver the hungry to deliver the oppressed are you understanding me okay y'all for quiet this one proverbs 19 17 whosoever is kind to the poor lends to the lord and he will reward them for what they have done right that's another one y'all gonna be like conflicted cause you're gonna drive home and when you get to the light you know you're gonna see that person you know the guy with the sign you try to look at your phone because you don't want to look at him and they're always up at the intersection of like obt and colonial you know they're going to be there you know and here you are you pull up in a luxury car and they walk beside you real slow and then when you don't act right look at you with this stain is that an uncomfortable feeling i have to put pastor deborah in check because she'll give away all our money this is where wisdom comes in i hate to burst your bubble do you know that some of those people drove to that spot and when they finish they're going to drive away i saw this video where this one woman got busted by this guy he said i just saw you over there so she had a nice car that woman cussed him out you see and so we have to have some wisdom see you have some family members that you only hear from got to use some wisdom i'm going to give you one little nugget about helping the poor and lending first of all be careful about lending the family and don't lend what you can't afford to lose why did i say don't lend what you can't afford to lose just ask me for it don't tell me you're gonna pay it back and don't because then i'm going straight then and we could avoid it all of that if you just said give it to me i'll give it to you but don't tell me you go because you made a promise there's a bond there and when you break that bond over money it's a little bit intense see he knows that yeah you know so okay now so giving to the poor let's look at something else honoring the lord do you know what tithes and offerings are about honoring god he said i will honor them that honor me i told you all about this one time when i hadn't worked for a while house was in foreclosure everything was jacked up i finally got a job and so i said i've been broke this long might as well give god first paycheck i can't tell you how many times that thing has come back just over and over and over and over and over again giving god a place of honor in your life when we get paid now a little money endeavors counting now money she she does two things she's going to sit aside set aside the tithe in the offering and then she's going to set aside another offering that's just for our pastor and we save that one up and we fedex that to him but that's because and it's not because of them or it's our desire to honor god you see because god is blessing my life and and there are some people in life all they want to do is receive y'all don't know nobody in your life that will take and take and take and take and take some more can i tell you something cut them off because if you have those if you surround yourself with those type of people who take and take and take and you never replenish yes what one day your storehouse will be depleted so you have to use some wisdom with this all right now proverbs 3 9 and 10. we're going to go through these scriptures and we're going to be gone soon this morning honor the lord with thy wealth and with the first fruits of thy crops how many of you got that nice iris check back don't hold don't raise your hand i'm just i'm just playing with you okay now how many of you before you got that nice check back you said even before you got it i'm gonna honor god with the first piece of this when i get it back don't lie don't just don't say nothing just sit there and just look straight ahead nobody will ever know okay but when you honor god with your substance and with the first fruits of your increase everything you get you take a portion of it and you set it aside for god when i used to do my photography and i and i did it a lot i haven't done it now in quite a while and people would pay me for it my wife would ask me how much they give you this is one of the things that happens when you get married you can't have your own money and oh well how how much they give you give it to me i'm like well y'all don't understand what happens when you get married like you know so give it to me and guess what i said okay and and i gave it to her now what she's going to do is she's going to take 10 of that and put it with 10 of any other income that comes into any way shape from a fashion in the house and that's how we're going to honor god for that week the other offerings we wait until they're until they're quite sizable and then we send them off now i don't see my pastor all the time as a matter of fact i hadn't seen him since i preached for him in august and i miss talking to him and i'm going to go up there and see him but what i'm trying to say is i don't have to see him all the time to understand the connection and the importance of the relationship and i'm going to show you why that relationship is so important in just a couple of minutes okay so then your barns will be filled with overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine what god is saying is when you honor me first i'll make all your accounts fat did you hear what isaac said some stuff i just don't want to tell you all about because i don't want you looking at me some kind of way but i came from a broke family like broke broke i'm talking about broke broke welfare cheese block remember the big green thing with the block y'all don't know about that remember the spam cam that that big green government was doing spam long long long before y'all oh and then that good old powdered milk you put that powdered milk on some corn flakes man please and even when i became an adult still broke wick i used to love wig women infinite children maybe y'all don't know nothing about that but we got eggs we got milk we got all kind of that was what i'm trying to tell you is i have not always been now where i've been in life i came from just just broke broke broke okay it took me years to get this principle and to push past what my head was saying and just start obeying it because okay now i'm saved why do i have to give you ten percent and it's hard when you see some pastors living the way that they're living and and then you telling me i'm cursed if i don't give you ten percent let's go ahead and eradicate that light right now you're not cursed if you don't die in the new testament you give by grace god has blessed you you give accordingly okay and so we're going through all of these games and whatnot i mean god had to really really break me down and i was broken down to a point where i said i tried everything else i might as well try god nothing has been the same in my life since that time until now and i preached you all about it over and over and over and the reason i'm trying to convince you is because the bible says that god is not a respecter of persons what he does for one he is obligated to do for another and so when you see someone who is blessed don't hate on them what you need to do is get close enough to find out how do you do what you do and what principles are you employing are you understanding me so whenever you get something whenever something comes in your hand honor god with it he gave it to you you mean he's gonna bless you and you're not gonna even honor him put it back up there he says your accounts are going to be full all right i know y'all didn't lose that your barns are going to be filled with overflowing your vats are going to bring over with new wine guess what he ain't talking about mogan david he's not talking about wild irish rose when we talked about the family we talked about wine what did we say wine represents he says you're going to be happy see it doesn't make sense to have a whole lot of money and you're just nagging and cussing folk out and children don't even want to be he said i'm going to give you a joy too i don't know about you but i want to have some joy with my stuff [Applause] all right another thing malachi let's look let's look at the old standard malachi 3 10 will a man rob god y'all how many of y'all got that every sunday when you were coming up every sunday without fail you knew what the offering scripture was going to be okay and if that didn't work they took all the names of the non-tithers put them on a list and taped them to the church door make sure you feel bad and embarrassed when you come in and we thought we knew god that's not that's not who god is okay so he says bring you all the tithes to the storehouse and i'm gonna explain to you why this is important bring you all the tithes into the storehouse that they may be meeting mine house and prove me now here we saith the lord if i will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing there shall not be room enough to receive leave it right there go back understand what the storehouse was in the old testament the first structure that was built was a tabernacle it was mobile you could take it down and take it wherever you wanted to but then they built a temple and god said around the temple i want you to have storehouses people this again agrarian society their wealth was determined by crops and grains they brought in a tithe of all of their income and they put it in the storehouses and god says that's for the fatherless the stranger and the alien that's among you you see god created socialism god was taking care of folk that were less fortunate way before the government ever came up with the bright idea did y'all hear what i just said if you if you were a woman and your husband died you came to the storehouse and the storehouse took care of you for the rest of your life if you were a stranger if you were an orphan if you were a refugee and you made it inside the gates of israel you were sustained from the storehouse for the rest of your days gus i'm blessing you to be a blessing all of this stuff you're hearing this is not some foreign concept god was doing it before anybody was doing it okay now did i think oh let's finish malachi okay put in a storehouse and then god says he says see what i'll do if you do your part i told you what that means i'll pour you out a blessing there will not be room enough to receive the blessing will outlive you you can do something while you're alive that will touch heaven and touch god's heart so much that even after you're dead the benefits of that blessing will keep moving okay say prove it okay you remember the children of israel were in egypt right and they had ten plagues for the first night did god ever ask them to help for number 10 now for the first night did they ever let him go number 10 was different he said this time i want you to participate he said i want you to give me a lamb of the first year mail lamb understand this is the this is the the animal that's going to breed the rest of my flock and because they're one year old strong and healthy without spot or blemish this is my stallion god says that's the one i want he said i want you to kill it put the blood over the doorpost when the death angel comes through everybody in your house when they see the blood you'll come out but think about this what did that sacrifice do okay they get to the red sea right who's behind him the army's the beater right who's in front of them moses lifts up a staff and what happens sees fire the bible also says when they left they didn't leave broke read the bible the bible says they went and asked the egyptian slave masters give me what you owe me and those people gave them reparations for 400 years of servitude and they left with wagons and loads of stuff one seed is causing all of this to work all right then they get out there and they're hungry right give us something to eat what does god do he sends manna because they don't use faith with their provision god says get enough for one day but do you know what they were concerned about provision and because they were overly concerned with provision and not trusting god they got enough for a couple of days and guess what happened overnight it rotted why did it rot god says listen daily bread i want you to trust me for daily bread god i'm gonna show up every single day don't you worry about it one scripture says listen one scripture says he daily loadeth us with benefits okay all right so let's keep going and uh and i will rebuke the devourer right god says if you become a tithe do y'all have y'all ever met the devourer okay let me tell you what the devour is okay you got that income check back it's nice okay but your ac just went out and you called the guy thinking you just had a leak he says no we have to replace the compressor on the outside and the inside unit well sir can you please tell me how much it cost that check right there my friend that is the devourer you saving up over here he said you'll put your money in a bag with holes in it and he said when you do bring it home he said i'll i'll blow on it you'll go to the store with 100 go to the mall with hundreds of dollars and then come home and put your stuff on the bed that's all i got y'all never had that happen the devourer you'll fill up on monday that's supposed to get you all the way through to the end of the week wednesday here you are oh lord the devourer y'all are laughing but many of you all have met mr devourer and you know when he comes god says when you become a faithful tiber i'll back him off and he will not devour your seed all right let's keep going he will not destroy the fruits of the ground neither shall your vine cast her fruit so i don't worry about my little investments what he's telling me is hey don't worry about it marvin let it go down it's going to come back up and when it comes back up it's going to come up bigger stronger better than it was before all right thus saith the lord of hosts okay and all the nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delightsome land saith the lord in other words god says i'm going to dress you i'm going to make you heaven's billboard i'm going to take care of you and listen some of y'all are running around right now trying to hide god's blessing in your life because you don't want people to think you know that you all of this and you all of that favor is not fair and you are unapologetically blessed and god will bless you with a blessing that's so great that it cannot be hidden see so quit feeling sorry because god has blessed you you don't have to feel sorry for that god has shown you great favor you ought to wear that well y'all look at it and see the reason many of you can't stand even to be blessed in this particular area is you're overly concerned about what people are going to say about you in the first place you give more attention to what people say about you than what god says about you and the people didn't even bless you all right let's look at this last one i've given you three ways that you can guarantee provision from god what did i say bless the needy number two number three you're gonna have a problem with supporting the ministry gift perhaps i ain't giving you no money i ain't asking you for that all right now what does that mean supporting the ministry gift okay let me give you a scripture first because some of you all have a problem swallowing this ezekiel 44 and 30. put this into the king james because i wanted to see what it's funny the way it reads in the king james ezekiel 44 and 30. all right now watch this and the first of all and the first of all the first fruits of all things and every oblation of every sort of your oblations shall be the priest you shall also give unto the priest the first of your dough that he may cause the blessing to rest upon your house the bible says give me your dough that's why i want you all to see that in kings james but no but but notice what what he said he says and the blessing will rest upon your house how does honoring a ministry gift that i sit up under every sunday every thursday whenever the case may be how does blessing that man or woman cause god to bless me okay let's go back you remember there were 12 tribes right of israel they all received an inheritance that included lands with the exception of one tribe that was the tribe of levi god says i am your inheritance whatever the people brought for tithes and orphans i'll give you a good example you all don't know but there was a priest whose name was eli he had two sons hofi and phineas okay there was an order that when the people brought the gifts of god the priests received a first portion because god took care of them hopefully and phineas were sleeping around with the women of the church they had no risk they had no uh regard for god and so when the orphans were brought and put into a pot the priest was supposed to walk up with the pitchfork and put his hand the pot and whatever came up that was his portion well hopefully and phineas said this before the meat was offered and put into the pot for boiling they chose and took the choice pieces for themselves and guess what god did kill both of them you see and so you have to be very careful how you handle this but listen it's not your response listen you're not responsible for what hopey and phineas did responsible for what you brought to hofie and phineas the rest of it god will deal with you see but we want god to deal with it like we want him to deal with it okay it doesn't work that way okay let me give you another one philippians chapter 4 15 15-19 moreover as you philippians know in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel when i set out from macedonia not one church shared with me in the matter of giving receiving except you only paul said you guys were the only church that supported my ministry for even when i was in thessalonica you sent me aid more than once when i was in need not that i desire now listen this is important not that i desire the gift what i desire is that more be credited to your account whenever god asks you to give something away it's not because he needs it it's because a need is getting ready to show up in your life and because of how these principles work what god is saying is put the seed in the ground and when the need comes the harvest will show up so watch what he said he said i have received full payment and have more than enough i am amply supplied now that i have received from epaphroditus man why did this name these people regular names epaphroditus the gifts you sent they are a fragrant offering and an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to god and my god will meet all not some not 75 not 25 not sometimes he says my god will meet all your needs according to the u.s economy according to who's the president according to what health plan is out there for you god says no there's another economy that people who operate in the kingdom tap into that overrides the natural economy just like the law of lift overrides the law of gravity kingdom principles supersede natural principles and that's why even though everybody else may be going under and the country may be in succession god can make you rich in a recession now i know you don't believe that you remember i think it was isaac yeah it was isaac the bible says there was a there was a famine in the land where isaac was he said i'm going down to egypt what did god tell him to do he said don't you go down to egypt yeah everybody he said i'm going to atlanta because there's a lot of opportunities for young afromen so we're going to god says don't you he said stay right there the bible says in the land of famine that isaac sowed in the land of famine and in the same year reaped a hundred fold in a land of famine that meant that everybody else's crops were failing everybody's animals were dying this man put good seed in dry cracked dirt where there was no earth and when everything said his seed shouldn't come up it came up and it came up big time see and so what i'm trying to tell you is this when you unders you don't have to panic when the oh we got a trillion dollar recession oh they're laying out there's all the economy man don't you know who your supplier is he's the king of kings he's the lord of lords all the silver all the gold all the cattle on a thousand hills it belongs unto him and he said if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give good things to them that love him so when i understand my relationship in these principles i don't have to worry that's why david said the lord is my shepherd i shall not want first corinthians chapter 9 and 11. okay again blessing the ministry gift why paul puts it very plainly he said if we have sown spiritual seed among you is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you what he's simply saying is if you go to any church or if you watch a certain ministry on television and each time you sit under that man of that woman's teaching each time it blesses you and for some of you your life has been radically changed i got a testimony the other day um long testimony all right he says whenever that happens he said you ought to give back something to the thing that blessed you okay let me see if i can give you an example to kind of make this live for you as a pastor i've seen a whole lot of things some people i don't see until we have a picnic never see them until we have they're gonna pull right up to the table and eat just like everybody else haven't tithe haven't given haven't done nothing but feel like they have the same privileges as everybody else now i'm not saying that we're not going to feed you that we're going to take you from saying you ain't here at all all right no no we're going to feed you but something on the inside if your heart is right ought to say that if the thing is blessing me then maybe i ought to say thank you some kind of way other than just saying thank you when we monetized our messages this lady sent me this long old email and i hope you're watching she sent me this long email they had a gospel that's free y'all ought to put the messages out there free like they're supposed to so i took my time and i regained my composure and i wrote her a nice long letter back and i said the gospel is free but to code a website we have to pay for the person to design that website for that website and the throughput and the bandwidth to be sustained we have to pay for that infrastructure to have a system so that you can pay electronically we have to pay for that when we broadcast over the television do you think that when we go down to station oh dr jackson you don't have to pay any air fees we're just going to give you this air time we paid thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars to get the gospel in your home and yes the gospel is free but the tv ain't where's the offering people are sitting at home right now and through the luxury of live streaming they're in their rollers in their house dress some are cooking their greens and the word of god is blessing you right there in your kitchen and you watching me right now saying that's right pastor where's your offering [Applause] i'm serious then i just read that to you from the bible god says if i bless a man or a woman with spiritual insight and they in turn sow that into your life t you sleep and i'm praying you're not even thinking about me i'm walking through my house tears in my eyes praying for you where's your offering now let me get this out of your head you don't have to give me nothing because i'm telling you the god that i serve is going to pay me but the way that he set this up he set this up so i will bless you for blessing him because i chose him to bless you does that make any kind of sense to you i know it's a hard pill to swallow but it's the truth you say well why do i send my pastor office if i don't see him all the time i listen to him on youtube all the time facebook live all the time when that thing comes on i'm listening if i call him up he's going to send me a text if i tell him deborah and i coming up next week he's going to clear his calendar and make some time for me to come up there and the seeds that he deposits in my give you a good example he told me a year ago he said you need to go to two services he said nobody he said you can't grow because you're already full and you're parking lot in the building and i don't now what kind now think about this what if when we make that change we blow up in both services and a third service how do i pay him back for telling me you need to go to two services i supposed to thank you pastor but you you know you you were right no no i'm gonna put something in that man's hand say thank you for the wisdom that you imparted in my life because i was at a crossroads at that particular time and didn't know what to do didn't have the faith to do it and you spoke to my heart even though it took me a year to obey you well you say so that is what the word of god is saying did you all get anything out of the word of god you say well pastor i don't have that many resources find a way to bless poor people i've got one two and i'm gonna fill up two more bags of clothes and two of those bags have tailor-made suits in them and i'm calling the people to come and get them because i want to be a blessing to somebody else you see it doesn't always have to be money you can make if somebody likes a cake like a favorite kind of cake take some time take some love they don't even have to ask you for it but you know they like your cake make them one of your special crack cakes and take it over to their house y'all don't know what a crack cake is it's one you can't put down it's like you just keep eating it all the time okay find a way to bless somebody when you pull up today to get your gas you have plenty of money honk your horn and tell the person up to hey hey man i got your gas today find a way to bless people that aren't as blessed as you are and see what god will do in your life anytime a dime a penny anytime anything comes in your into your possession make up in your mind i'm gonna honor god first before i honor myself and then no matter where you go to church no matter who you watch on tv when a man and woman of god bless your life enhance your life because of their ministry at least give them a penny or something amen father god we thank you so much for your work now god david said i was young and i was old but i've never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed big bread but when you look at david's track record of offerings it's amazing and that's why he could say that father help us to understand that you have placed us on this earth not just to walk around and put bumper stickers on our car and sing christian songs come to church every sunday but you've placed us on this earth to be a vessel of blessing to people that have not been blessed the same way that we are and i pray father god that you would touch our eyes and open our eyes to see opportunities to give and to bless the poor and the needy father we pray you are blessed by the word of god we're always here to empower encourage and equip you for success in every area of your life for more information regarding our ministry or product offers you can visit us on the world wide web at you
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Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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