Healing Of A Nation | Pastor Deborah Jackson | ROLCC

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[Music] hello and welcome to the river of life christian center evening worship service called the flow i pray that you will be encouraged equipped and empowered by the word this evening if this is your first time worshiping with us i ask that you in the comment section let us know where you're worshiping from if you're worship worshiping from outside of the city or outside of the state also and you've been with us before also let us know where you're when where you're worshiping from um first i want to give honor to god and my pastor for allowing me to stand tonight i want to give honor to my family my church family my friends and especially those that pray for us every day again i thank you all right turn with me to second chronicles the seventh chapter and the fourteenth verse and i'm gonna be reading from the king james version if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land did you hear what i said will heal their land all right let us pray heavenly father i just come to you today humbly before your throne of grace because it is grace that while i'm standing lord i ask that you allow this word to be spoken in clarity and understanding everything that you spoke to me about god i ask that you bring it back to my remembrance that your people may be blessed again that they may be equipped they may be encouraged and power to go on and for a little while longer and see what the end's going to be lord i thank you and i give you praise and i give you honor yesterday i went to the doctor because i was having some pain in my upper abdominal area and he prescribed some medication for me to take i thought in my mind listen i thought in my mind i really don't want to take this medication so i can either do three things i can take the medication i cannot take the medication and still have the symptoms or i can pray and hope and believe that god will heal this situation how many of you have medical professionals in your family they even um when you you are a medical profession people come to you even after they have gone to see their doctor and their doctor has prescribed and given them instructions for to help with whatever situation whatever medical problem that they have i have family members that still call me to see if it's okay for them to follow the instructions of their doctor i've been out of the medical field for at least 13 years but people still call me so many things have changed since 13 years ago or more but still they called me to find out should they follow their instructions should they do what the doctor is telling them to do my question is to them if you're going to go to the doctor and pay the doctor and then come to me for a free consultation something's wrong with that something is wrong with that situation so i try to do my best i go back to them and i try i listen to them and then i try to put tell them to go back if they have any questions or concern is to go back and and speak with their doctor but when you have been given instructions and you understand those instructions then you need to follow those instructions i've been hearing this scripture and if you put that scripture back up there thank you so much that scripture back up there i have been hearing this scripture for several weeks almost a month i go to sleep with it on my mind i wake up during the night and it's still on my mind and then i wake up and i meditate on it during the day i can't seem to get away from this scripture pastor jackson has quoted this scripture twice in the last two sermons that he spoke and this scripture again i'm going to read it to you is if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land my topic tonight is healing of a nation how many of you know that people are looking for healing and they're looking for answers they're searching for something to stop the pain because people are hurting their tears are falling the sick their sickness their loved ones are dying losing their jobs their home people have come to the point where they're almost losing their mind if they have not they're using drugs alcohol they're running to into the arms of other people the wrong people which only causes them to feel numb in their situation they don't realize that our nation needs to be healed they just want whatever is happening in their life to stop we as christians are going to have to follow the instructions that have been written out in the prescription pad which is known as the bible one thing about the medical profession it changes all the time but the word of god will never change it is designed to change us change will only occur if we apply the word to our lives and do exactly what happens prescribed so let's break down this word second chronicles it's the seventh uh seventh chapter of the fourteenth verse i'm gonna be dealing with if my people which are called by my name if my people that are called by my name some of us believe that the old testament doesn't mean as much as a new testament i bear could differ differ with you the author is trying to inform israel that if they don't follow their instructions that were giving them that there were they were going to be exiled that they were going to see some things happen that they did not want to happen because god is warning them because israel was god's chosen people uh turn with me to romans the left 11 uh chapter and the 16th through the 17th verse because you got to understand who god is talking to because if you don't understand who god is talking to you talking to you won't be you won't be able to do what this word is saying and in um romans 11 chapter the 16th verse it says and since abraham the other patriarch was holy their descendants will also be holy just as the entire batch of dough is holy because the portion given as an offering is holy for if the root of the tree are holy verse 17 the branches will be two verse 17 but some of these branches from abraham's tree some of the people of israel have been broken off and you gentiles or branches from the olive tree have been grafted so now you've also received the blessing of god did you and he and his promise has uh has promised abraham and his children sharing in the rich nourishment from the root of god's special olive tree praise be unto the lord thank you jesus that word is amazing in verse 17 paul is using the olive tree analogy speaking of how the branch grafted into in the gentiles will gain its life from the root of the tree this branch depended upon the root rather than the root upon the branch this speak of the how the original community of god's people have adopted the gentile that's us i'm talking about us i'm talking about if my people who are called by my name and how we got into to be his people that are called by his name it says that the gentiles community in through christ rather than becoming something completely new he didn't go back and re do make something new when when israel when some of the branches broke off broke away from being who god's people god and he grafted us in so we are god's people those of you that have accepted jesus christ as your savior see that's all you had to do was repent of your sins and accept jesus christ as your servant servant as your savior and you became grafted in to god's people amen somebody better say amen because see you can't take that for granted turn with me to revelation the third chapter and i'm going to be reading from the 11th uh verse to the 12th verse in the nlt this reads i'm coming soon hold on to what you have so that no one will take away your crown you have a crown that's waiting for you all who are victorious will become pillars in the temple of my god and they will never have to leave it'll be uh will write on them the name of my god and they will be citizens in the city of god the new jerusalem that can't that come down from heaven and from god and i will also write on them my new name now some people think that that we're going to have a new name whether we have a new name or whatever i want to be on that list i want god to call my name when he calls your name he's he has a crown for you he has a robe for you so god is talking about his people when we go back to chronicles in revelation the 20th chapter and 12th verse talk about a book of life now we have established who he is talking about now i want you to understand completely we were grafted in because of some of the israelites that did not see they you can't um say how did they not understand who jesus christ is you got to understand the history of what had happened up to them they were expecting jesus to come in and take over the kingdom to overthrow the roman government but when he didn't come in the way that they thought he should come they they they they can't be their king that can't be our king look him he's on the oh he's been battered and humiliated in front of all these people so when they didn't see him come the way they thought he should have come they gave up on him but see that's the way we are sometimes we pray unto the lord and he doesn't come the way we think he should come we give up on him we think and that's what the devil wants us to do he wants us to think that because god didn't answer your prayer the way you thought he should have answered it and how did god allow us to get into this situation into this pandemic how did he allow my sisters my brothers my cousin my auntie now my grandmother to die in this situation because i prayed for them and they they still went on to be with the lord you got to understand god is in full control god knows exactly even from the beginning to the end he's the alpha and the omega he knew exactly what was going to happen he knows exactly what is going to happen so we got to trust him because let me tell you something we were engrafted we were grafted into this uh people that called in my name uh that shall be called by my name um in second chronos the 17th chapter if my people i gotta keep reading this because see y'all don't understand this thing has been going over and over in my head so i want you to get it tonight because if you can understand and you get revelation from the word of god you can do exactly what god said and if you allow him to increase your faith because this is what this thing is designed to increase our faith in the midst of this pandemic god is increasing our faith second quran chronicles the seven chapter 14 verse it says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land all right let us start with um let's see here let us start with number one if my people which are called by my name we've given you instructions you know that's the first thing he said if my people we are god's people we've been grafted in so we are god's people so turn with me um to proverbs the 6th chapter in the 16th verse it said shall humble themselves this tells me that god has some people that are full of pride that have not humbled themselves don't you get so full of pride that you and you were grafted in and forget that god allowed you to come and he opened the door for us to come in as his chosen people so don't you let pride get you up in the air and think about why did israel forsake jesus because let me tell you something that could be you it happened to be that god sent someone to tell you about who he was and you accepted him and he opened the door for us to come in so god still has some humble people that's number two god has some people that are not humble i'm sorry that are not humble that are full of pride and it says in proverbs the 6th chapter 16th verse the king james version these sixth thing do god hate seven or an abomination unto him verse one i mean um the next verse a proud look a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood a heart that divide this wickedness imagination but feat that will that uh be swift and running to mischief and false witness that lie that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren praise be unto the lord let's deal with the first part of that i'm going to be dealing with 17 a that proud look let's define what a proud look is because see the opposite of humility is that proud look pride okay define humility it says the emphasis that christ humility before humankind whom we came to serve and his submission before god humility and meekness are often interrelated as both as righteous traits to serving the will of god turn with me to matthew um and let's define go a little bit further on this prideful thing matthew 11 chapter the 29th verse the bible says take my yoke this is jesus take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lonely in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls jesus is the best example of humility can you imagine somebody that didn't do anything but love people and they chose barabbas over jesus can you imagine being beaten and can you imagine the people that was days before him saying hosanna hosanna they're praising him there and all of a sudden on this thing the the the um they're asked who do you want to be to be crucified and they choose barabbas over jesus jesus was the one that was healing them delivering them even feeding them he even felt that 5 000 or more people he wasn't people that would sit down and talk with the sinners they met the woman at the at the well and changed her life but where were those people when jesus needed uh he needed them but the thing about it is that jesus had read in the book of isaiah how he was supposed to be beaten how he was a lamb that was taken and he and so so much he had to see what he was going to see even though he was god in the in the flesh he was still jesus he had to see in the book of isaiah and read what he was going to be looking like and what's so funny about it he didn't even take on he didn't even look like a man because of the beating that he took for us and jesus and god had to turn his back on him while he was dying even before then he was praying unto the lord is there another way he will steal him but he said not my will but thy will be done how many times have you been treated a different way treating me talk to me looked over and all of a sudden pride rose up and i you couldn't shut your mouth you had to tell them about how you felt about the situation how you were treated and but yet jesus our example stayed humble now if jesus left and he gave us power he empowered us to do the things that he's done we can shut our mouth but because of pride we we don't shut our mouth because we got to let somebody know how we felt how about how they treated us sometimes you need to just close your mouth and just pray and a lot of time we say you know what i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't have done that if that was me i wouldn't have allowed that to happen but let me tell you something you don't know what's in you until you've been pressed and tell me jesus wasn't pressed and squeezed and punctured talked about laughter can you imagine being on the cross and looking down at the people that you're dying for and they're laughing at you they making fun of you can you imagine that and we can't take a little word being said about us we can't take some of the things that have been done to us god has said you need to remain humble and he's talking to his people and i hope you know that you are god's people if you've accepted jesus christ as your savior you are his people so turn with me to um philippians the fourth chapter in the sixth through the seventh verse my third point is he is calling us to pray so that tells me if the word is saying that his people need to pray there are some people out there that are not praying you're god's chosen people but you're not praying philippians the fourth chapter the sixth through the seventh verse read don't worry about anything he said don't worry about nothing instead pray about everything do you pray about everything you wonder why things are going wrong and you're making the wrong choices because you haven't prayed about it tell god what you need he said make your competition before me and thank him for all he has done even if he doesn't do the way you do it he said that he'll still cause those things to work out for your good god wants you to pray unto him let your petition be made known unto him praise be unto the lord turn me to first thessalonians the sixth chapter the 16 through the 18th verse y'all better pray because if you don't god allow you to get in a situation where there's nothing else to do but to pray it says rejoice evermore pray without ceasing season means don't stop don't stop praying even when you don't see what you're saying don't repeat something else that is contrary to the word of god keep praying keep expecting keep leaning and expecting god to show up in everything give things no matter what happened give god thanks i let me tell you it's hard to thank god sometimes but god said this is what i need you to do because you're my people that are called by my name he said for this is the will of god in jesus christ concerning you god is concerned about you so he needs you to pray let your petition be made up made known unto him so you should pray without ceasing my number four is and seek his face praise the lord god has some people that don't seek his face praise be unto the lord let's see go to psalms 105 and the fourth verse and i'm going to be reading from the nlt when we talk about seeking god's face it means that we are seeking to know him understand his character and to hear his voice the bible instructs us to seek god's face uh look to the lord and his strength seek his faith always it reads search for the lord and for his strength continually seeking him you got to know god's character you got to know what god does you got to understand who god is and by seeking his face you will understand who he is you'll understand the things that god does not allow god won't do because you're seeking his face before him every day you can't go one day without getting in the presence of the lord praying studying his word because his word is true amen all right number five is and turn from your wicked ways god has some people that are wicked you're going to tell me god has some wicked people yeah he said you know i have some people that don't pray he has some people that are proud so god has some wicked people turn with me to proverbs the sixth chapter and the seventh i'm gonna start at 17 b through 19. god has some people that are wicked a proud look we talked about that when we were talking about humility but i lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises wicked imagination whatever you can imagine you can surely say you'll do if you keep on meditating on that thing feet that will be swift running to mister god doesn't like that stuff those things bother him a false witness about that speaking lie god doesn't like liars that's wicked and he that sort of discarded among the brethren you know that last story that you told wasn't true but you wanted to sow some discord between the brethren god said i don't like that because that makes you wicked praise the lord hallelujah so um turn with me to let me see my next verse uh my next point is then will i hear from heaven and god says then all these things are going to be done he said i will hear from heaven god is our father in heaven yet he hears our prayers that come up from the earth because god is omnipotent omnipresent the fact that he is in heaven does not create a uh vast distant from us on the contrary he is on very near near enough in fact that he hear the faintest whisper of a prayer uttered in faith and cried out in desperation see when we pray you have to believe that god hears you you have to believe that god knows you you have to believe that because he is your father that he hears every prayer that you speak every word that you're speaking still hears it i want to encourage you that when you pray and set yourself in a place sometimes you need to just sit down after you've prayed and you've put your petition before the lord sit yourself down and allow god to speak because spirit speaks to spirit and see we want to know exactly everything that god is doing and how he's going to do it see it wouldn't take any faith if you knew all of that let's go to um the seventh point i want to make and we'll forgive their sin we know that god is a forgiving god he will then forgive our sins see all these other things that we're doing not being humble being prideful not knowing who you are because see if you don't know who you are you'll let anybody else tell you who you are and then you'll become what they said you've got to find out who what god said about you and start acting doing what god has spoken over your life because people don't know what's on the inside of you god is the only person that knows what's on the inside of you and what he's trying to bring forth out of you but our land needs to be healed our nation needs to be healed it's not about just us our nation needs to be healed and god is telling though even though this was spoken to the people in in the old testament it still is talking about us today it is still talking about what we need to do today see that's why you need to look back over your life and think things over and find out where god has brought you from it will remind you because when he brought you from something when you look back over it it'll push you propel you into your future and it'll take you through the next situation that god has allowed to happen to you because god wants to increase your faith even in the midst of this pandemic god wants to increase your faith even in the midst of people dying god wants to increase your faith but he also wants to heal he wants to remove your sins so confessing your sins to the lord cleaning the heart it's all hidden in here sometimes we got a heart problem we can see what everybody else is doing but we don't see the sin the things that we're doing and sometimes you got to have a heart examination you need to go to god the cardiologist and let him look in the in the uh your heart in the cracks and the crevices of your heart and remove the things that are hidden they're not hidden to you because most of the time you know exactly what you're doing but to think god doesn't know god said i know everything i see everything i'm everywhere so there's nothing hidden from me but he said i want to heal your sin i want to remove those sins i want to forgive your sins so you can keep on down this road because everything is going to come a day where you want to hear well done my good and faithful servant i don't want nothing to hinder me because there's some rewards over there god told me he's been telling me to tell me deborah will give you a double for your trouble because see there's times you could have you could have told somebody you could have told them how you felt you there's time when people asked you to pray for them and you knew the things they had done to you but you still looked past it and you still prayed for them you still lay their hands on you still pray for their children even though you could have turned your back it wasn't about you it was about you showing the love of jesus christ so our lord i thank you because he i didn't even know that was even on the inside of me because i was a person years ago before i got saved really really really saying that if you did something to me i didn't confront you about it i just cut you off and see jesus never cut us off even though he saw the people at the foot of the of the cross and they were saying all mean and vile things about him but he didn't cut us off matter of fact he opened the door so that we could come in so that we could be grafted into if my people that are called by my name so that we can say that today the last point i want to make and god said he will heal the land he will heal our land our land needs to be healed this is not what god envisioned from us from genesis i was reading last night and i remember the pledge of the legion it says i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible that means not divided and liberty and justice for all are we ever going to get there these united states there's so much division we but we'll stand up and we'll pledge this we'll speak it out of our mouths but our hearts is nowhere close to this god is calling us back he said if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray oh hallelujah and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven then the prayers that we pray those real prayers that we prayed and he will forgive our sins and heal our land our nation needs to be healed y'all and he's not talking about the unsaved he's talking about the christ light the one that accepted jesus christ says that's who he's talking about if my people are you his people are you his people every day or are you his people when he does everything that you want done i don't know about you i want to do everything i'm supposed to do on this earth i want to pour out everything that god has placed on the inside of me and like pastor said when i leave this earth i want to leave this earth empty because i poured everything out i poured it on people that it wasn't that they deserved it because i didn't deserve it but because of the love of jesus christ that i stand today i love you guys but there's something that we got to do in order for our nation to be healed we got to come together can you imagine if we come together even in this pledge of legion [Music] i believe that is what god wanted for all of us to come together with liberty and justice for everybody not just some people we're so busy running to the people that are in authority that we forget the little people that don't have [Music] and we're so talking about jesus is coming back yeah yeah yeah he's coming back but he's not coming back to we do what we are supposed to do and that is to make sure that the gospel is preached to everybody that everybody in this world have heard and given the opportunity to be saved that's all i have for you but the next thing i want to talk about is salvation that's what this takes me to for those of you that are watching tonight i want you to know that there is nothing you can do that'll keep god from con jesus who continue to knock on your doors of your heart he loves you he died for you but some of you saying but i've done i've done many bad things yes yes yes everybody have done many bad things and they're going to still do some bad things but tonight i offer you jesus i don't have nothing else to offer you today that will mean anything more than what i'm offering you right now and that's jesus christ he said i stand at the door and i knock and all you have to do is open the door and allow me to come in all you have to do i'm going to pray with you tonight all you have to do is repent of your sin acknowledge your sins and ask him to save you and i'm going to give you an opportunity to do that i'ma wait just a few few seconds because i know he's talking to somebody because if he told me to say it he's talking to somebody i'm going to pray with you right now heavenly father i just thank you for your goodness and your mercy your lovingkindness lord i thank you for most of all jesus christ and what he did on the cross and that he died for us sinners knowing what we were going to do now past and in the future but he still died he still laid down his life that we may have life that we may be grafted into his people his chosen people so father right now i just for the people that are acknowledging you right now god i ask that you remind them that it is not about what they've done is about what you have done so lord help them to submit to you and god we pray that it's done in the name of jesus if you're one of those people just put in the comment section or you go to info let's do this go to info rolcc.tv and let us know that you have accepted jesus christ as your praise the lord after you've done that and we have received that we will send you some information is what to do now we're not going to ask that you come to the river of life christian center because we want you to be in the place that god has called you because god is not obligated to bring your blessings to you he's obligated to have your blessings where he have told you to go so instructed you to go so tonight if you will send that information to us we'll make sure that we get out what to do now for those of you that are looking for a church home i say the river of life christensen is one of the best churches in our land or in this nation now you say that because you're married to the pastor no i say because i believe it if you would like to become a member of the river of life christian center you can go to info rolcc dot tv or there's some more information on the on the lower thirds of the screen we'll give you information on how you can become a member and on behalf of our pastor i want to welcome you all we ask that you do is complete that form and it will come to us and someone will call you regarding our new beginnings class you got to remember this is a new beginning you're coming into a new church and you need to know what this church is doing and what the vision is for this church so we thank you for being faithful for doing what god has called you to do the other thing is i'm a giver i try to find fine times or people or whatever god has placed on my heart now i don't give to everything i give to what god tells me to give to or who god tells me to give to so because i'm a giver i'm a tither but i'm a giver also the bible says that when we give you're going to see me quote this scripture because i believe it from the bottom of my heart that when you give it shall be given back unto you press down shaking together and running over shall he cause men to get back into your bosom the thing about it is you don't know what your it is you may be giving financial but there may be time where you may need healing and god said it he said whatever you need in that time i will make sure that it is taken care of so right now i'm going to i'm going to pray over your um seeds please make sure that you're sowing into good ground and i want you to know that the river of life christian center is good ground heavenly father i just thank you right now for all those that are given i ask that you give back unto them lie that they're it whatever their it is that you will make sure they receive it and it will show up in old time because sometimes father we pray we give we pray and we have to wait because see sometimes we don't need it right now god you know exactly what time we need are it and i believe that you're going to show up and show out in the mistletoe and give them testimonies regarding their giving lord god so they may tell somebody else about how you showed up when they needed it so father we thank you right now in the name of jesus there are three ways you can give and it's on the bottom low thirds of our um of the screen today so i thank you again for tuning in and may god's richest and best be yours until we meet again god bless you goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] um [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: ROLCC OnYoutube
Views: 210
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: P-colH6LrWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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