Ready Set Go | Pastor David Blow | ROLCC

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amen amen in my best pastor marvin jackson language are y'all ready for the word this morning amen amen amen won't you grab your bibles your devices whatever you have your bible whatever you receive the word on and let's just stand to our feet and hold it up and high in the sky and won't you repeat these words after me as they come on the screen are you all ready say this is my bible i am what it says i am and i have what it says i have and i can do exactly what it says i can do i'm a believer i'm not a doubter i'm a doer and not just a hearer this is the word of faith for my life faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and i shall be all the better after having heard god's word come on put a praise on it [Music] amen amen again we just give honor to god and to our pastors pastor marvin and deborah jackson thank you all so much for the opportunity to minister the word this morning and to facilitate the gold campaign it is just such an honor to serve at the best church on the planet somebody give the lord a hand of praise amen amen and always i give a shout out to my wife dr danita blow and my three sons right there amen amen and to all those that drove up from palm bay this morning pastor josh and the crew amen praise god for those of you that have your bibles with you this morning won't you join me in a couple of passages of scripture we're going to read them together but john chapter 14 verse 15 john chapter 14 verse 15 uh matthew chapter 28 verses 16 through 20. matthew chapter 28 verses 16 through 20. uh acts chapter 10 verse 4 42 and then acts chapter 5 verses 38 30 through 39 and verse 42. and if you if you would be so kind won't you stand on your feet in reference to the reading of god's holy word amen and we're just going to read these together as if it's one big old passage of scripture y'all ready let's read john chapter 14 verse 15 it says if you love me keep my commands john chapter matthew 28 be beginning at verse 16. it says this come on y'all then the 11 disciples went to galilee to the mountain where jesus had told them to go when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted then jesus came to them and said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit and teaching them to obey everything i've commanded you and surely i'm with you always to the very end of the age and over in acts chapter 10 verse 42 it says this he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one who god appointed as judge of the living and the dead and over in acts chapter 5 it says come on let's read it together therefore in the present case i advise you leave these men alone let them go for if their purpose or activity is of human origin it will fail but if it is from god you will not be able to stop these men you will only find yourself fighting against god day after day in the temple courts and from house to house they never stop teaching and proclaiming the good news that jesus is the messiah come on put a praise on it amen i want to minister this morning as you go to your seats i want to talk from the theme fired up and ready to go okay somebody said that with me fired up and ready to go eternal god our father we just ask for your anointing your blessing your peace and your power upon this word said david blow down dear lord let your spirit stand up in me god please don't preach and teach a good word but preach and teach a word that will do us some good let it touch let it heal let it deliver let it lift the burden loose the shackle let it set somebody free let it save let it sanctify and also let it edify in the name of the lord jesus somebody holler amen uh again i want to talk this morning from the theme fired up and ready to go just look at your neighbor say fired up and ready to go like many of you in here i can remember back in 2008 there was a certain man using my best king james language there was a certain man who was running for a national office and as this young man would crisscross the country making speeches during his campaign he would always close his stump speeches with the same line he would always say i'm fired up and ready to go now if that certain young man could be fired up and ready to go to obtain an elected office in a perishable place how is it beloved that we who are the elect of god can't be fired up and ready to go to help people become a part of the eternal everlasting kingdom of the almighty god is there anybody here who wants to get fired up and ready to go now now i admit sister larue today's message may be more motivational than instructional it may be more like a pep rally than than than something different for on this first ever gold commencement morning i believe that the holy spirit wants to motivate our go graduates inspire our current gold class and motivate the body of christ to be serious about sharing the gospel of the kingdom beloved you and i have to be fired up and ready to go because just like esther we've been called into the kingdom for such a time as this is there anybody here who can holler out this is our time and this is our season when you read in the book of revelation it was the witnesses for god who still still still still stood strong and i wonder if there are any holy ghost sanctified fire baptized witnesses for the lord jesus christ up in the river this morning now i understand i understand that that while i'm saying that i'm fired up and ready to go i understand that somebody's watching over in crescent city and if somebody's watching out in okay or coe or somebody sitting right here in this sanctuary may be asking blo why do i need to go well i'm glad you asked me that because beloved we need to go simply because we love him look at his neighbor say because we love him can i drop this the bible says in romans 8 and 28 and we know that in all things anybody know that and we know that in all things god works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose is there anybody up in r-o-l-c-c this morning eight to eighty blind crippled or crazy who can admit that you may not dot every eye and you may not cross every t but one thing you do is that you sure enough love the lord is there anybody here who can say like whitney houston i love the lord he heard my cry and pitied my every groan and the good news is beloved is that the almighty god he loves us right back the bible says in first corinthians two and nine but as it has written i have not seen nor ear heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things which god has prepared for those who love him my son joshua introduced me to a translation of the bible i would have never heard of called the passion translation and in first corinthians two and nine in the passion translation it says this is why the scripture says things never discovered or heard before things beyond our ability to imagine these are the things that god has in store for all of his lovers is there anybody here who's a lover of god i've come to tell you that god's got some stuff in store uh uh oh wait i didn't mean to cut you off miss mid shout i didn't mean to cut you off mid dance but understand beloved we always get excited about the things god has in store for us when can we can receive we get excited that god has a house we get excited that god has a car we get excited that god has a person but it's time for us to get excited over the fact that god has prepared a work for you and i to do is there anybody here who understands that god has prepared a work slap your neighbor elbow your neighbor and say god has prepared a work for us to do do you still love them do you still love them do you still love them because romans 8 38 reminds us that there's no amount of space that can separate you and me from the love of god that is in christ jesus our lord john 3 16 says that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son jesus said in matthew 22 and 37 that you should love the lord your god with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul and all your strength in other words you got to have an anita baker theology you got to be able to tell god i'm giving you the best that i got is there anybody here who's gotta need a baker anointing on your house this morning look at your neighbor elbow somebody and say i'm giving him the best that i got and if you're not giving him the best that you got it's still time to give him more somebody shout hallelujah john 13 and 34 says a new command i give you to love one another as i have loved you now i hate to wear you out river but is there anybody here who can clap your hands anybody here who can stomp your feet anybody here who can shout you hallelujah if you truly love the lord and pastor d i can assure everybody that the lord appreciates all the love because after all first john 4 8 the be portion says that god is love jesus said in john 15 and 13 greater love has no man than to lay down his life for a friend paul broke it down like this in paul in first corinthians chapter 13 beginning at verse 13 verse three he said these three remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is love then he pushed it a little bit further paul went on to say that love is patient and love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not proud it does not just honor others it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered it keeps no records of long love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth it always protects it always trusts it always hopes love never fails is there anybody here who has experienced this type of agape love from the king of kings and the lord of lords is there anybody here who can say that's love so i ask again how many of you love the lord we we we go not only because we love the lord but we go because we show our love by keeping his commands uh oh pastor elliot is about to get quiet up in here the jesus said in john 14 and 15 uh-oh uh-oh if you love me keep my commandments he didn't say if you love me wear a jesus shirt he didn't say if you love me get a vampire killing cross around your neck he didn't say if you love me get on the bus with a pulpit bible but he said if you love me keep my commandments not just the thou shouts and the thou shalt not of deuteronomy in leviticus but also his command to go and make disciples pastor pastor pastor marvin was stirring my kool-aid a little bit earlier because in the go campaign we share this statistic with the class the the the pew foundation did an interview with 1 000 people that had never been churched and of 1 000 people that had never been church 70 of that 1 000 people said that they knew church people they knew people that had professed jesus christ as their lord and savior but none of them had even simply been invited to church beloved you and i go out and witness and make disciples because we love god and here's the thing beloved the truth is if you be really honest nobody wants to be in a relationship that they can't talk about rooker rook or rook nobody wants to be in a relationship that they cannot talk about no wonder jesus said in matthew 10 and 33 that if you will not own me in front of men i will not own you in front of my father can i break this thing down a little bit further a relationship that you cannot talk about is called an affair or a fling and some of us are just having an affair or a fling with god but we're not serious about serving god oh y'all don't like me no more but let me push on through this this the only word that god gave me so the only way back to my seat is through this word so i'm out here in deep water but my son is a lifeguard so he can come get me if i can't swim here we go look at your neighbor say maybe you need to hear this just just look at your neighbor they can't see your mouth because you got your mask on but tell your neighbor say neighbor you are not the lord's side piece [Music] look his neighbor said no no side piece up in here baby because i am fearfully and wonderfully made i am the crown jewel of his creation he loves me so much that he calls me his body he calls me his pride is there anybody here who can snap your feet and clap your hands because you're not just a side piece look at your neighbors they never stop acting like a side peace christian or is it that you and i see god as our side piece the devil is our main squeeze but we do like tlc back in the 90s we creep yeah just keep it on the download because nobody is supposed to know or as luther said if you want to go back to the 80s we don't just walk we creep sing it to me four times creep creep had this talk with my wife last night we often use the lord as an insurance policy recently we had to renew the insurance policy on our home that is the only time of the year that we look at the policy is when renewal time comes and some of us we only look to the lord when we're in trouble if that's you if you can't say amen just say ouch you and i have to make sure that we don't get caught up in this new day trend that says my relationship with the lord is personal and it's private but we got to have a salt and pepper theology we got to say what a god what a god what a mighty good god is there anybody here who has that kind of god who's open doors that no man can shut who shut doors that no man can open who's made ways out of no way who's paid 800 worth of bills worth 100 worth of money is there anybody here who's had that kind of god who's made your enemies into your footstool who keeps on doing great things is there anybody here in the river of life on this go graduation sunday morning who can open up your mouth and declare what a god what a god what a mighty good god when my enemies came upon me to eat up my flesh those jokers stumbled and they fell because my god is a big god is there anybody here who's got a big heart and the stuff that my god has done for me lets me know that i'm more than just a side piece if you know that you're more than just a side piece i d double dare you to open up your mouth and clap your hands and give god a sound that can touch heaven up in here up in here look his neighbor said that's why we go so we go because we love him we go to show our love by keeping his commands don't you know that his first command in mark 1 and 17 was follow me and i'll make you fishers of men and his last command in matthew 28 was go we go because we're keeping his commands but not only do we go because we're keeping his commands but we go because when we go he goes with us check this out matthew chapter 28. make your mind if i take this jacket off i'm so sweaty good lord all righty dry cleaners just got some business i was trying to look cute for the graduation y'all so cuteness is past number five we go because he goes with us look at this matthew 28 then the 11 disciples went to galilee to the mountain where jesus had told them the what they went to the mountain where jesus had told them to go now how hard was it to go to the mountain where jesus told them to go when two days later they saw that they saw jesus die on the cross sometimes beloved you got to go even when you can't see it you got to go even when you don't think it's going to be there you've got to go because going shows how much you believe god but look at this look at this the 11 disciples went to galilee to the mountain where they told him to go when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted is there anybody here who knows that your worship can cancel out a doubt then jesus came to them and said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me look at this therefore there's that word everybody saying go and make disciples notice it didn't say go and make church members they didn't say go and make cohorts go and make club members it said go and make disciples because jesus wants more than a just a conversion experience yes he wants us saved but he wants us to make more disciples after his own kind don't you understand beloved that the great commission is the be fruitful and multiply of the new testament god is calling us to go he says baptize them in the name of the father son and the holy spirit and here's the thing and teaching them to obey everything i've commanded you in other words beloved we can't smorgasbord this thing we can't just choose the parts we like but look at this he says and surely i am with you always even until the end of the age in other words beloved when we go god goes with us um let's push it a little bit further mark chapter 16 verse 15. i call this the remix of the great commission it's my favorite he said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creations then he said whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but whoever does not believe will be condemned but look at this he says and these signs will accompany me somebody say god goes with me in my name they will drive out demons in my name they will speak in new tongues in my name they will pick up snakes not like in west virginia but people that have demons in my name they will pick up snakes with their hands and when they drink deadly poison it will not harm them at all they will place hands on sick people and they will get well somebody say demonstration beloved when you believe in god enough to tell other people about them god will back you up is there anybody here who knows that if you go out on a limb for god he will not allow the bow to break he will not allow the cradle to fall but god's got your back somebody shout hallelujah [Music] but look at mark 16 and 20 it says then the disciples went out and they preached everywhere and the lord worked with them and confirmed his words by the signs that accompanied don't you know that there are people who say where are the miracles where are the signs when people say to me where are the miracles where are the signs you know what i say to them where is your witness because if you had a witness you would see some signs are y'all with me i don't like me no more keep on moving blow so we go because we love him we go because we show our love by keeping his command we go because he goes with us but next beloved we go because he gives us the power to go acts chapter 1 verse 8 it says and you will receive power we've been hanging on that word power at the palm bay campus for a few weeks now that word power in the greek is the word dunamis from which we get dynamite which means explosive power i need somebody just holler kaboom he says but you will receive power when the holy ghost comes on you and you will be my witness in other words you don't have to do it by yourself god says i'm gonna give you the power to be a witness is there anybody here who can lift your hands and say father i receive that power that explosive power to be a win in jerusalem somebody say the place of peace it's easy to be a witness when everything is hunky-dory it's easy to be a witness when your ends are meeting shaking hands it's easy to be a witness where you don't have to drive around to find the huawei atm because you only got ten dollars in your atm and that's the only place you can get it out it's easy to be a witness i got a witness in the house it's easy to be a witness when everything is going good and in judea the place of the place of praise it's easy to be a witness in church it's easy to be witness when the ruin the praise team up here sing everybody is giving god glory on it's easy to be a witness then he says but then the process somebody said the process he says samaria don't you know how the sumerians came to be beloved they were the jews that got left when the king nebuchadnezzar took the best and the brightest back with him to babylon then he brought another group from from the assyrians and placed them there with the jews that had been left and they mixed together and because they were left by the babylonians and left by the jews people broke them off and left them out anybody ever been wrote off or left out anybody ever been in a hopeless place or a hopeless situation isn't it has anybody ever had this somebody asked you to pray for them about the very thing that you're going through and you pray for them and they get delivered and you still in it can i get a witness you prayed you prayed you prayed they called you back and you had to control the hater spirit they called you back oh pastor blows thank you for praying oh man don't you know my son finished that class he got an a don't you know i got that job don't you know my wife came back home don't you know i went to the char shop and instead of it being a thousand dollars it was just five dollars for a chip thank you for praying and you find something god what about me god says if you can be a witness in a tough place then i will release you to go to the somebody here who can holla i'm going to uttermost i'm going to uttermost that's a place where i can be a witness whether it's raining or whether it's sunny are there anybody up in the river this morning who is an uttermost witness but let me move this thing along we can't we go because we love him we go because we show our love by keeping his commands we go because when we go he goes with us we go because he gives us the power to go but beloved oh my goodness we go because your god your goal is not about you somebody elbow your neighbor say never say no to a girl in in in the gospel in the book of acts chapter 8 there's a story about deacon philip and deacon philip is separated when when the persecution comes to the church and an angel of the lord told philip he said go south to the road the desert road that goes down from jerusalem to gaza and so philip started out and on his way he met an ethiopian eunuch an important official in charge of the treasury of the kendaki which means the queen of the ethiopians remember in the old testament we met the queen of the ethiopians when she came to deal with solomon and she went back home with all her retinue but she also probably went back home with a knowledge of the one true and living god because here is a descendant of the kandaki an official who has now gone to jerusalem to worship the king of kings and the lord of lords and on his way home this african prince is reading is reading the book of isaiah y'all missed that somebody's going to get that on the way home he is reading the book of arabic isaiah and the spirit told him philip go to the chariot and stay near it sometimes god will tell you to go places and you don't know why he's telling you but you got to go anyway look at his neighbors they got to go anyway so philip goes to the chariot and he stays near it now understand love let me tell you the rest of this story philip tells the see the the ethiopian eunuch only had the part leading up to john's baptism he didn't have the whole rest of the gospel philip told him the rest of the gospel he stopped and baptized this brother and this brother took the rest of the gospel back to ethiopia you never know what god has you witness to certain people because it's a divine intersection god has not set you up to fail but god has set you up to take the gospel someplace you might never go acts chapter 9 verse 1. you all know the story about paul on the damascus road paul was struck down on the damascus road while he was on his way to to kill christians and get letters from the priests to kill him and lock him up the bible says meanwhile while this was happening with with philip saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the lord's disciples he went to the high priest but it says in damascus acts chapter 9 verse 10 there was a disciple named ananias someone said ananias the lord called to him in the vision said ananias yes lord he answered the lord said to him go to the house of judas on straight street and ask for a man from tarsus named saul for he is praying in a vision he has seen a man named ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight in other words you have to go because god has already shown somebody that you're gonna show up can i tell a testimony uh uh back before the pandemic my wife and i part of our our charge was to bring the goods and services from publix to the church on saturday so that they could be given out on sunday but one particular saturday there was more than we could bring to the church so public say can you please still get rid of them so after we brought the church's portion to the church we had to figure out how to get rid of them so we went to that ungentrified area behind the amway center and my wife said stop here because i see a tent over there i said stop here i said you know it doesn't look like a place where we stopped but she was like stop here because i want to go over to that tent and i'm like girl you're not hearing from the lord and she's like stop here because i want to go over for that and then you know your manhood you know you know pastor cohen now your man so you're like yeah let's stop let's go over to the tent we go over to the tent the middle man comes out of the tent my wife says we have food for you the man in the tent says i know because i already saw you coming to bring me food oh y'all don't hear oh i'm preaching better than you saying amen look at your neighbor say that's why you got to say go because it's a divine setup and if you don't go the person who needs to receive you ain't going to believe god but when you show up you say i am the answer to your prayer i am the solution to your problem i am a miracle walking is there anybody here who can throw your head back and holler [Music] because many of us have heard of billy graham but you haven't heard of mordecai ham many of us have heard of td jakes but you never heard of mother christine mccaskill many of us have heard of martin luther king but we haven't heard of reverend dr benjamin mays and what he is saying i'm saying that billy graham will do great things for the lord but he was witness to by him i'm saying td jake's that is doing great things for the lord but he was witness to by a little storefront pastor named mother mccaskill i'm saying martin luther king told us that we should overcome but he was discipled by benjamin mays your name may not go up in light but god wants to use you and god wants to use me to be a hero maker are there any hero makers in the house i wonder if there are two or three people four or five people who can say yes lord yes lord yes lord i'll be a hero maker i may not be going to africa but i'm sending somebody to africa off my witness somebody anybody everybody screams [Music] i got to get out of here i got two minutes to go i got to get out of here come on david blow push this thing along we're going to skip over acts chapter 10 in the back we'll come back to that another day let's review my points i've been going i've been counting down y'all want to review let's review all right here we go y'all ready we go and that gives me a chance to catch my breath we go because we show our love by keeping his commandments we go because we love him we go because when we go he goes with us we go because he gives us the power to go we go because our goal is not about you never say no to a goal we go because nothing is my favorite point can stop god's goal look at your neighbors say it with me y'all can y'all act like we all baptist preachers grab your invisible cordless mic and say nothing can stop god's goal do you like the country preacher put your hand behind your ear and say nothing can stop god's goal [Laughter] acts chapter 5 verse 38 acts chapter 5 verse 38 the disciples were locked up in jail because they witnessed to a man and they healed him and everybody was disturbed and and god brought them out of the jail and said don't escape he said but go back and preach some more so they went back and preached and when they came to the jail they said they're not here they back out preaching because no weapon formed hello will be able to prosper when you're willing to do the miraculous you will see the miraculous so they were back out preaching and so they went and brought them in but this time they didn't use force because everybody had their cameras everybody's putting them on youtube so they asked them to come back to the sanhedrin and there's this dude named gamaliel he said brothers i don't know what we're doing he said but in this present case i advise you leave these men alone look at they say because there's all on my life tell your neighbor don't mess with me cause this is god's property tell your neighbor you don't know how much god loves you until people start messing with you oh look at they say don't mess with me because i'm god's property he said therefore in this present case i advise you leave these men alone and here's the word graduating class he said let them go somebody say let me go because look at this it says if their purpose or activity is of human origin it's going to fail but if it's from god you will not be able to stop these men you are only fighting yourself fighting against god i hear the praise team sing god is fighting for me is there anybody here who believes that god is fighting for you somebody shout yeah so here's the thing dr danita his speech persuaded them they called the apostles in and had them flogged they ordered them not to speak anymore in the name of jesus but they had to do like teddy pendergrass and they had to let them go they had to let them go [Music] the apostles left the sanhedrin rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the name is there anybody here who knows no embarrassment when you're representing the king of kings it's no harm no foul when you're doing it for jesus next verse but i love this it says day after day there's something something like every day day after day in the temple courts and from house to house they never stop teaching and proclaiming the good news that jesus is the messiah look at this outside they never stopped okay beloved we pray in matthew 6 and 10 thy kingdom come i've been watching the broadcast pastor has been talking about the power of prayer we pray thy kingdom come thy will be done in matthew 6 and 2 we pray in luke 11 and 2 thy kingdom come thy will be done jesus tells us in matthew 24 around verse 14 he says this he says in matthew 24 14 he says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations then the end will come if you're tired of the world as it is the more you witness the closer we get to the gospel getting to everybody else jesus says i'm staying in my dressing room gabriel's not blowing the trumpet until this gospel reaches the whole nations then the end will come look at his neighbor say we got work to do anybody ready for jesus to come then you better open up your mouth and go anybody waiting for jesus to crack the sky then you've got a work to do look into they say we got a work to do so acts 4 and 2 acts 5 and 42 says day after day somebody say day after day in the temple courts and from house to house they never stop teaching and proclaiming the good news that jesus is the messiah i've come to tell you go day after day tell the same story don't just witness once don't just witness twice don't just witness three times but keep on telling the story i was watching a video with william mcdowell the other day and he said it kind of like this if you go in 2nd kings chapter 13 verses 14 through 19 there's a story of king jehoiash king jehoiash went to the prophet elisha and alicia had been suffering from the illness for which he died jehovah's king of israel went down to see him and wept over him said my father my father he cried the chariots and the horsemen of israel alicia said get a bowl and some arrows and he did so take the boat in your hands he said to the king of israel when he had taken it alicia put in his hand on the king's hand and then he said open the east window he said he opened it shoot alicia said and he shot the lord's arrow of victory the arrow victory over arm and listen to cried you will completely destroy the aramaics at a fact but look at this then he said somebody say day after day house to house somebody say day after day how's the house then he said take the arrows and the king took them alyssa told him strike the ground he struck it three times boom boom boom and stopped he witnessed to his arm he witnessed to his cousin he witnessed to his co-worker and he stopped the man of god was angry with him and said you should have struck the ground five or six times then you would have defeated aaron and completely destroyed it but now you will only destroy it three times day after day they went from house to house they never stopped what are you trying to say blow i'm saying beloved that you and i have to get makeup in our minds that we're ready to go and after we're ready to go we have to make up in our mind that we won't stop until we see it is there anybody here who can stand on your feet is there anybody here who can open up your mouth and declare that we won't stop until we see it we won't stop until the dead in christ rise we won't stop until sickness is healed we won't stop until our weapons or our weapons of our warfare are not carnal we won't stop until god does great and awesome things is there anybody here who says i'm not going to stop being a witness when they tell me to shut up i'm gonna get louder when they tell me to be quiet i'm gonna get louder is there anybody here who can say i won't stop until i see it and what am i looking to see i'm looking to see the lord himself descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of god of god and the dead in christ shall be the first to rise and we who remain shall be caught up together to meet the lord in the air but until i see that i won't stop until i see it i need about three or four people to say i won't stop until i see it i need about five or six people to say i won't stop until i see it i need everybody to stand on your feet and open up your mouth and declare we won't stop until we see it we won't stop until we see it we won't stop until we see it stay with [Music] say what say it a little louder we're saying a little now say it a little louder say it a little louder say it a little louder said a little louder standing out [Music] is there anybody here who believes that you will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living if you believe it then i need somebody if you believe it i need everybody to open up your mouth and give god your best praise your best glory your best honor my hallelujah belongs to you my hallelujah belongs to you somebody everybody anybody speedy [Music] hallelujah [Music] elbow somebody and say come on let's go come on let's go come on let's go come on let's go go grant are you ready to go new class are you ready to go river of life are you ready to go virtual congregation are you ready to go then on the count of three hey everybody holla let's go one two three [Music] well hallelujah give the lord praise this morning if you are inspired by the word of god amen let's go hallelujah you all may be seated this morning i don't want to throw a damper on anything that was said but i want you to reflect upon what i'm about to say [Music] sir francis of assisi made this quote he said preach the gospel at all times and whenever necessary use words let that simmer because you missed it he said preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words jesus said that we are to be the light and the salt of the earth and i just want to speak to the graduates people will remember what you do much longer than they will what you say don't allow your living witness to be a contradiction to your spoken witness we don't talk about holiness anymore we don't talk about doing the right thing anymore but people in this world more now than ever before are looking for jesus there was a festival there was a feast in in in town back in the day when jesus was alive and a group of travelers came and they found philip and they said this because the question is still being answered over the eons of time they said this they said sirs we would see jesus they traveled all that way and they said all we want to see is jesus do you know what this dying world is saying right now they may not articulate it exactly that way but what they're doing is they're looking at the church those who say that we belong to god and god belongs to us and this is what they're still saying sirs we would see jesus we're not interested in your conventions we're not interested in your airplanes we're not interested in your mega churches we're not interested in any of that but sirs please can we please see jesus that's what we are called to do is to be a reflection of the sun and so please remember this what an awesome word get past the blood that was just an awesome word [Music] but this is the problem with the church we get juiced up from 11 to 12 or from 10 to 12 we get juiced up and then when we go outside we we don't live what we've heard we don't reflect what we've heard i don't know if you all realize this but god is setting up the church to receive the greatest harvest listen to me the church and the stage is being set now to win the greatest harvest that the church has ever seen i remember years ago when 9 11 happened we had to open the church almost every day of the week people rushed into the church during noon day to have noon day prayer because of the crisis of the hour because of the hour that we are in i'm telling you the stage is being set for the greatest outreach that this church has ever seen and so we have to position ourselves jesus said the harvest is truly plenteous he said the problem isn't with the harvest he said the problem is with the laborers but the laborers are few and so i just want to challenge you if you haven't attended the go campaigns if you've never given that any thought the word of god says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present yourselves as living sacrifices holy and acceptable which is your reasonable service heads about eyes are closed of all the things that i might be able to share with you there's nothing more valuable than what i'm about to share with you now and that is jesus king of kings and lord of lords god loved us so much that before we were born he made a way for us to live victoriously in this earth before we were ever born before we had ever committed our first sin he extended his love towards us the bible says that god commended his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for the ungodly the wages of sin is death and without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins jesus christ hung on that cross not because of anything that he had done wrong but he knew we were going to mess up he knew we were going to drop the ball and so he took our place he became our substitute and he extended to us the grace that brings salvation for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast in other words you don't have to work to be saved you don't have to serve to be saved all you have to do is believe if you are in this place and you believe that jesus christ loved you so much that he was willing to be your substitute and pay the penalty that justice demanded for your sins if you believe that and you're willing to say lord i accept your free sacrifice for me i'm asking you to be my lord and my savior i'm here to tell you you will make millions of decisions in your life no decision you will ever make will be more important than the one i'm asking you to make right now if you have not asked jesus christ to be your lord forget about the person that's sitting next to you forget about the people that are in this room this is a god moment i challenge you to raise your hand right now if you want to know him as your savior just put your hand up high give me some more light so i can see it helped in the if there's anyone here put your hand up high if you want to receive the lord as your savior i see a hand right over there is there anyone else anyone else anywhere else today another hand back there anyone else okay guys listen i'm i'm going to kind of encroach upon your comfort zone because i can't see you some i can and some i can't if you raised your hand i'd like to challenge you please come up this morning i just want to say a couple of things uh just want to say a couple of things to you please please just stand up and come on up right now hallelujah the people that are back there in the back continue to give god praise hallelujah hallelujah if i can get everybody to come over over this way a little bit so can you come over this way thank you lord i just want to share some things with you all before i let you go today for years i was in church for years i grew up in the church talking about a god that i did not know teaching about a god that i did not know i did that for years it wasn't until i was 21 years old rapid city south dakota outside of rapid city box elder sitting in an old trailer park one night i heard james robertson preach the gospel and i understood it for the first time i understood that jesus carried all of my sins to the cross everything i had ever done was it felt when i said yes to jesus it felt like someone had literally taken a weight and just i felt so light i felt like anybody ever had that experience when you accepted jesus christ into your heart i am here to tell you it doesn't matter what you've done in the past there's so many things i'm ashamed of that i never want to revisit or talk about again but i thank god for his blood because his blood has covered up all of my mess and those things will never ever come to the forefront again thank you so much for making a decision for jesus christ this young lady over here thelma campbell she has some free material that she's going to put in your hands to help you get started on this new journey the next thing that i could say to you and probably the most important is find a church that believes the bible that teaches the bible that presents the word of god in such a way that you can understand it and you can actually put it into practice and if you find that you do what the word of god says you're going to see your life radically change in jesus name let's thank god for them if you can please follow her over there hallelujah amen and i want to briefly share this before i do the last appeal there's some people in overflow that that okay and they'll meet them over there that accepted christ give the lord applause for that [Music] i want to share this before before we go with bears repeating i think i shared it last week i was in a store in a rural area of seminole county and there were two ladies in the store who were same gender loving ladies they were tatted up from the soles of the feet to the top of their head and what's it called things the piercings and the nose and whatnot and it was weird because when i walked into the store i saw people looking at him just stays and then when i went around one aisle i heard people say some negative things about him and they just happened to be standing behind me when i was checking out and they were talking about cooking greens they didn't know how to cook collard greens and so when i turned around and said something to them they were taken aback at first because they didn't know where i was coming from i turned around and i said y'all are pitiful and i could tell by their eyes they thought oh jesus but i said y'all are pitiful and i started laughing i said you mean to tell me that neither one of y'all can make collard greens and i began to explain to them the process okay and do you know that these two ladies literally went outside the store and waited for me to come out just to talk it and chitchat what i'm trying to tell you is you can't vilify people and then turn around and tell them about jesus and expect them to get saved the bible says that he that wins souls is wise you have to look for that door of opportunity to open listen and listen for that door of opportunity to open and then be ready just like pastor blow said be ready to go when the door is open men may never know what you did men may never see what you've done or what you did as a way as it relates to witnessing but you know who saw it god saw it and do you know that when you get to heaven he is going to reward you openly for what you did privately amen if you're in this place today and you don't have a church home you don't have a church that you have officially partnered with and say that you can say that this is where i go to church these are my pastors this is where i go to receive my spiritual instruction you need to find and get planted in the right church and i'm here to tell you i may be a little selfish but i believe that the river of life christian center of orlando is one of the best bible teaching bible believing churches in the central florida area and we would love for you to be a part of our christian family we man we've been praying over you before you got here and so if you are here right now and you know that god has spoken to your heart you feel the witness of the holy spirit that this is where i'm supposed to be i want you to stand up and come up here right now if that's not your cup of tea when you leave you can stop by the information booth and ask for a new member's form if you're in a rush when you get home go by our website click the connect tab and you'll see a membership link complete that someone from our staff will get in touch with you directly and get you involved in our virtual new beginnings class before we go today is there anyone here who wants to make a public statement and say this is where i am supposed to be and today i'm going to be a part of the river of life any public declarations any y'all saw public i didn't see [Music] oh okay way up in the corner all right that corner is hot keep on somebody else is coming out of that corner hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you so much for coming today god bless you pastor deborah and i and along with the entire river of life christian center family would like to invite you i welcome you into your new christian family your new church home at the river of life christian center i cannot promise you that everything in this fellowship is going to be perfect because there are no perfect people in this fellowship we are all on the same journey trying to walk out our purpose and fulfill god's plan for our life and so we're here to help each other sometimes we fall sometimes we stumble but we get down and we bring each other back up because we believe that god's best is yet to come and so again we say welcome if you can follow that person of our other alter team workers sister natalie makeup she's going to put some things in your hands let's give the lord praise this morning look here if you can't get excited to share your faith off that word i just don't know what to do i love that thing about you know jesus is your side peace remember pastor supposed to say you know no you got to be married to him 24 7 365 days a year all hearts and minds clear oh again thank our palm bay members for driving over you guys be safe uh when you go back thank you so very much now onto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before his presence with exceeding glory to you oh god we give all the glory all the praise all the honor it belongs to you and until we come together again deborah and i in the entire river of life christian center our constant prayer for you is that until we see you again may god's richest and god's best be yours god bless you guys have a wonderful sunday [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ROLCC OnYoutube
Views: 961
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: MVJR6_xXdmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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