Let's Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable | Minister Anthony Jenkins | ROLCC

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life [Music] good evening river family my name is anthony jenkins i'm one of the ministers here at the river of life christian center and i bring you greetings on tonight and uh on behalf of our pastors we thank you for tuning in to the river of life flow tonight we pray that you you you get uh something out of the word tonight that god just speaks to you in your home speaks to you in your car wherever you are that the lord uh you just allow the lord to minister to your heart tonight let the words that are spoken tonight just be written on your heart so that you just remember them uh it may be a word that is familiar but i just pray that you receive new revelation tonight i i'm grateful to be here tonight i give honor to my wife and to my children who are home watching as well and let's get right into let's get into this word let us pray father god we thank you we thank you lord for this time god we thank you for this hour god that we just get to to sit in your presence to sit at your feet to learn from you to hear from you to to to gather strength from you to get what we need from you father god we we lay all of our cares we lay every burden will every weight at your feet while we are here heavenly father god we pray that your presence and your spirit has already entered into our home through praise and worship but you just manifest and make yourself uh uh felt and and let let your let your presence just show it so strong um as you're speaking tonight god we thank you we thank you for your presence we thank you for your power we thank you for your glory and your son jesus name we pray amen amen amen so i want to ask you a question tonight before i ask you the question before i ask the question let's let's let's turn in our bibles really quickly let's turn in our bibles to jeremiah the first chapter verse 4 through 10. this is what the word this is what god is saying tonight all right and i'm going to play i'm going to speak as god and i'ma speak as us and me the word of the lord came to me came to us saying before i formed you in the womb i knew you everything about you before you were born i set you apart there's something special about you i appointed you as a prophet to the nations there are people that need to hear from you this is us alas hold up hold up god hold up i heard what you said but i'm telling you i do not know how to speak i don't know how to do this i don't know how to do that i am too young i'm not ready to do that lord but the lord said to me to us do not say that you are too young do not say that you don't know how to do it do not say don't give me excuses you must go to everyone i send you to and say whatever i command you do not be afraid of them for i am with you and i will rescue you declares the lord let me put a pause right there it says do not be afraid of them for i am with you who is them that that's everybody around you that's telling you no no that's not good you shouldn't do that now why are you doing that i i don't think that's what you're supposed to do god is telling us to not be afraid of them who else is them it is it is doubt it is insecurities don't be afraid of insecurity don't be afraid of all of that stuff for i am with you and i will rescue you he's saying i will rescue you because we will need to be rescued there's going to be some trial there's going to be some tribulation there's going to be disease there's going to be turmoil there's going to be stress but i am with you and i will rescue you says the lord all right let's get back to the message now go to verse number nine then the lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth he touched your mouth and said to me said to us i have put my words in your mouth i have given you everything that you need next verse see today i appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down to destroy and overthrow to build and to plant today i want to talk to you all about well i want to say let's get comfortable being uncomfortable let's get comfortable being uncomfortable because god has given us a charge he's called us to things more than where we are we're we're called we're set apart and there are things that he's called us to do but a lot of us are in the in the stage and it's fine it's perfectly fine we're in the stage of i don't know how to do that i don't think i can do that i'm afraid to do that i probably shouldn't do that god i don't want i don't know but let me ask you this question when was the last time you were uncomfortable when was the last time you were uncomfortable maybe it was a decision that you were you had to make making a decision uh that could change your life that's that's that's an uncomfortable place to be um physically you could be uncomfortable physically uh whether you're pregnant you can be uncomfortable pregnant maybe you ate something you weren't supposed to eat last night somebody say breakthrough is coming breakthrough is coming because that what is making you uncomfortable is going to it don't pass you're going to be better uh let's keep moving uh a conversation that needs to happen a conversation maybe i need to have a conversation with somebody that that makes me uncomfortable um speaking up in front of people you could be speaking up for someone that is is less fortunate someone that may not know how to speak up for themselves or or in that boardroom or in a meeting speaking up that can be uh a situation where we're uncomfortable up here on the stage singing for me that could be uncomfortable it could be uncomfortable singing for the first time in front of people it could be uncomfortable being asked to do something that is beneficial to others or to the kingdom you know whether it's hey i want you to operate pro presenter i want you to learn how to do this here at the church i want you to serve in the youth ministry i want you to serve and be a a greeter and it could make you uncomfortable especially if you like you know an introvert or you're someone that don't really i don't really stand up in front of people i don't i don't necessarily think i want to do that or doing something you feel you don't know how to do all of these things are situations and things that can make us feel uncomfortable but being uncomfortable puts us in the place where god can use us i've said this before uh when i first began when i first came to this ministry i i started out on the keyboard i started out just playing the piano just playing i would was we would teach the songs but i was not up here on this stage singing nor preaching or teaching the word of god i just was comfortable behind the keyboard in this place that i've been in my entire life since i was six years old that's where i was comfortable but god wanted me to move to a place where it would lead me to uncomfortable i'm not comfortable here god but but there's so many things attached to my uncomfort it it was a breakthrough and and being able to minister to people through word to minister to people through song god i didn't realize that me doing this would touch so many people and even still being uncomfortable in in some ways i didn't realize that this would benefit your kingdom that this would benefit your ministry god i didn't realize that me getting out of a place of comfort would make room for somebody else to get in a place where they need to be so that they can reach their full potential and that they can reach their destiny in life see i had to get up from where i was comfortable so that somebody else could can get in that place so that they could begin to spread their wings and so that they can start reaching people and touching lives that they didn't realize they could touch and reach you see being uncomfortable unlocks so many doors around us being uncomfortable unlocks so many doors around us see the fear of the unknown keeps us from doing what we're destined to be if we're honest we're uncomfortable because i don't know what if they don't like me what if i fail what if i don't do this good what if what if they talk bad about me what if they say you know i told you so you did that and you you weren't even supposed to do that see but somebody said that people are judging i don't want to get too far ahead but don't don't be careful about judging someone in their comf uncomfortable stage because there's something that is happening there is a process that has to happen there is something i'm not going to say the first time i got up here and sang i sung like luther i still don't sing like luke the guys doggy i still don't you know but i've gotten past the way how i feel how people are are feeling about me i've gotten past that stage but there was a time where that used to hinder me let's look at genesis chapter 12 and verse number one this is abraham the lord had said to abram go from your country your people and your father's household to the land i will show you there are so many times that god is saying hey get up and leave for my young people god is saying get up and go get your driver's license somewhere i don't know what it is when i was 16 i ran out of the house to get my job done we need to put it through you we don't have go get your driver's license go and do this you know you get up and leave you it could be it could be um a job opportunity it could be it could be um just just switching from from one thing to the next i would share a uh something that that happened with us with me and my family my son my son he's a um he's a child who who does acting and they they have agents and different things like that god said you all need to leave this agency you all need to go to this agency here now there's one agency that we've been with for years for since we started that's where we were comfortable and it was just it was a scary feeling i'm not going to lie i was afraid my wife hannah had to push me she was like why you you you're too uh what's the word she use she said you're too uh not objective but subjective you need to remain objective anthony you get too involved you you attach you you you let your feelings you know you you you just you you you you get out of a place of of business and you you get like oh yeah we're we're friends for life we're gonna do this forever you know but that's just not the way things are all of the time you know so i needed that push and i was afraid um but it was it was the best decision and there's now proof of that and we're seeing those that that that that those seeds come come to pass now today let me say comfort is overrated comfort is overrated staying the same as in comfort you know i'm not going to sit here and act like you know i have it all together i'm not going to sit here and act like i am i just dive into discomfort all of the time i have to tell myself this every single day i have to be okay with being uncomfortable i have to be okay with being uncomfortable i just got to call someone asked me to do something some of you may or may not know my grandmother just passed away um friday last friday and it's you know i'm still wrapping my mind around and i'm in a place of discomfort but i know that god has a plan and no matter her situation no matter the circumstance of what happened i know that god is in control and in this place of discomfort there will be life that that is birthed out of this there will be seeds that will that will sprout from this situation and and i don't i don't have the answer i don't have the answer i don't have the answers for my family i don't have the answers for for you all watching um this this time that we're living in right now all i know to do is to trust god and to remain remain comfortable in this season remain comfortable in this season of discomfort because it hurts it sucks and i know but i know to remain anchored in the lord because he said what we just read i will rescue you i want you to go because i will rescue you i will be there with you ah back to what i was saying people won't always understand or agree with you when you step out into discomfort and this might be a decision that you're thinking about or a conversation that you're having with with a close friend um people won't always they won't always agree with you they they won't always won't always be like supportive of that but like i said earlier i said be careful not to judge someone in their discomfort stage you know because first of all it takes extreme courage it takes extreme faith to step out to step off of that plane you know steve harvey said just jump you know i i don't see myself jumping out of a plane a perfectly working plane i don't see myself doing that you know but um it takes extreme courage to get to that place it takes extreme courage to to to walk away from a situation or or to walk away from a perfectly great situation it takes extreme courage to to um to to have a tough conversation with a relative you know it takes extreme courage to offer forgiveness or to ask for forgiveness from someone that may have been offended or you have offended it takes extreme courage to do that and some people you don't need to apologize to them don't say nothing to them you ain't got probably they did you run away and worry about that i don't even know why you're still friends with i don't know why you do that that that but it takes extreme courage and it takes it takes a great amount of faith to do that now let me say this most most times the people that are judging that situation or has a lot to say about the situation or the people that are sitting on the sidelines not exercising that courage not exercising that faith they're comfortable where they are and they're like no why would you leave this place of comfort to to add to add that into your life you know a seed appears to be buried and not living for a time and this is what i'm saying when you you want to be careful not to judge someone in their discomfort say you're a seed that's been buried covered in darkness people look at it see i told you that's the one gonna grow and people just they look at it too soon see our time is not god's time so we don't know how the father will operate so we'll look at it like a day let's just say we look at it a month from now i told you look look see no they're still in the ground in the process of being of of a seed what is it uh germinating in it and it's it's beginning to to grow and it's beginning to swell but it's underground we are feeling that pressure of of man this is hard this is hard this is hard just like a lady the closer you get to cracking the harder it gets a egg a egg it cracks when it's when it's hard you know what i mean you you crack the egg you know while while it's and it's it's hard in stage you can crack an egg and it will break open or or a woman that's pregnant she she she go through her eighth month nine months now she's in that last trimester trimester and it's probably the hardest she's in the most discomfort she's ever been in but just at that time is when the seed will crack is when the breakthrough will happen and then that's when you will begin to see the sprouts emerge from the darkness emerge from that broken place emerge from the dirt emerge into something new into something different you know so it's it you want to be very careful we have a plant at home i'm i'm trying to learn how to be a plant guys some of my friends they're plant people they're ruining adrian they're all plant people miss charmaine and i'm like well i want to get a plant i got a plant i got a plant i brought it to my house i put some water on it and i judged that plant in a day i ain't gonna lie i judged all the discomfort i judged it in two days i was like uh-uh i called larue i said larue this plant they got flies they flying everywhere these gnats all in my house i don't want to do this plant it's dying look i took a picture like look it's all withered it's linked it's bent over she was like just give it time i ain't had time i didn't want to deal with that plant no more i was the people i was judging that little plant and i said get this plant away from me the behind me i don't want you i put it in the garage and drove it to larue's house and let me tell you two weeks later she sent me a picture of this plant this plant is thriving this plant is like you see you counted me out you judged me in my in my state i was trying to get used to where i was i just got to a new place i just took a step out from from home depot from lowe's i was comfortable at lowe's and you brought me into this place of discomfort in your house you ain't had a blinds open right and you judged that plant and i judged that plan i didn't want anything to do that plant and then it went to it and then when it got to where it could flourish and where where it was beginning it was surrounded around the wrong people i was the wrong person for that plan sometimes when we get into discomfort plays when we get in a place of discomfort you know we got to be careful who we surround ourselves around because discomfort is yeah it it's uncomfortable it's uncomfortable but a lot of times we we can be uncomfortable but we surround ourselves around people that's like why are you so uncomfortable why why why you shouldn't do this you shouldn't do that that's why when when when abraham left and lot lot he was like leave your family and go but lot was like we're going to come and he had his wife i don't know if if last wife was whatever but she was told not to look back but she looked back because you know why i think she ain't want to go she was she was like you know what boom he was like good so now we don't have to worry about that because she don't need to go with you everybody don't need to go where you're going oh my so that's pretty much the story of the seed and that's the story of my plant it gotten it got around somebody that it needed to be around and it began to flourish the things that needed to happen began to happen for that plant i encourage us to not shy away from those uncomfortable moments matter of fact i hope you get awkward and uncomfortable you know there's growth that happens in our awkward and uncomfortable stages as you i've already said you know there's growth that happens when you're bare there's growth that happens in that in those moments my son he got the opportunity he had to sing in front of some people before and he's not a singer and i literally was just watching and i saw the nerves and he was very very uncomfortable because he's never sung in front of people before so he's he has his mask and he's he's he's kind of twisting it around and he's he's rolling it up and they're like singing he sings and they're like okay try one more time and i literally watched this i watched him push beyond uncomfortableness he let go of his mass took a deep breath and i saw his hands just like stretch out like okay and sung and did an amazing job you know i was very proud of him as a father but i was more proud of the fact that he did not allow that he just pressed past the nerves and he wasn't afraid to tell me daddy i was scared you know but i just i just went you know why because you're already out there you know me and my wife and we've we've made this declaration over our family that we we're just going we're going we're going to go out there this year we're just going to be out in the we not going to play around in this and and the two feet water you know the one feet water we know we're just gonna be we're not gonna be too comfortable we want we're gonna go out there we we want our faith to be challenged and it it god knows it has it is we're right in the middle of it you know what i mean it's it's happening right now but you know what it's like we out here now i tell my wife on our reminder i'm like hey look we out here now what else what else we gonna do can't go back you know it's like the children of israel i would have been like hey look y'all we want we out here now we in here what 15 out here wandering ain't no need we might as well just keep rolling with it we out here somebody tell your neighbor look at your neighbor and say we out here now we out here now let's just let's just go let's just do it too late to turn back growth and discomfort go hand in hand anytime a major change or alteration in your life happens you feel discomfort you know it doesn't stop when we're kids it doesn't stop you know because when we're kids we we have that awkward that discomfort that uncomfortable stage you know they call it probably like middle school when you're going through puberty you know my my daughter you know her poor little she's such a baby but you know she going through the state you know she getting the bumps on that she's like that i got the boss in my head i'm like but baby look you're growing you're growing look how tall man look how tall she is i ain't ready for this i'm not ready for her i don't lord don't take her from me because i i ain't gonna stunt her from growing but i ain't ready for all these uncomfortable stages that she's going through but when we are in those awkward stages one thing that is common for all of us we are growing we're growing that's when we're growing as kids we're we're making decisions we're we're we're starting to form our our our our destined personalities you know what i mean we're making decisions i want to be this in life and we start to you know walk towards that way or we should be and then and then there's their their your your body is changing and your body shape is is beginning to be what it's going to be and your your voice changes and it and now oh this is how i'm going to sound going forward because it's not the way it used to be but there's growth in those awkward uncomfortable stages of our life god applies the pressure to us because he's trying to get out of us what he put in us he's trying to get out of that great that great that produces one it has to be pressed it has to be crushed but he won't destroy us he won't destroy us but it's a it the the the the juice and the wine that was placed in the grape the grape ain't do nothing to nobody the great was like hey i'm fine we're just being a little great i'm chilling over here i'm chilling over there you know you over there you know all the grapes you know they all in the vine field they just chilling but somebody like nah y'all ain't reaching our full potential yet what you mean nah i'm gonna snatch you up throw you down and i'm gonna stomp on you and step on you're like i don't wanna do that but no you were created to be crushed you were created to be pressed you were created to produce more than what you are you not created to just stay on this vine and stay on the street let me tell you why you have to get off of that tree let me tell you why you have to get off of that because something else has to grow behind you you have to make room for the next one to be to be to be in that position to be crushed to be pressed and that is our cycle jesus christ himself the our lord he came to this earth to be persecuted that was what he was here to do and then he told us you follow after me because the same will happen to you that discomfort we can't avoid it but that's why god said i will be with you and i will rescue you we don't know what's going to happen on the other side and that's great because we're not supposed to god is a god of our we live by faith we're supposed to live by faith we're supposed to live by faith y'all some of us live by so much certainty that we forget to apply faith we forget that faith is required i need faith in this season of just you know we're dealing with our children they go to school wear masks don't wear a mask you vaccinate don't be vaccinated i don't know i don't have the answers i am uncomfortable i'm not i don't know whether i should send my kid to school or should i keep them home we're like should we you know uh uh my i want to talk about listen if my wife's watching you know listen she you know she don't know if she should stay where she at or get a remote position you know they ain't watching y'all i i'm i'm just kidding but they not watching i don't know look they might be they don't know who she is i call a name anyway but it's it's a season of discomfort of uncertainty but i'll tell her i look at it again i say look we are here now you submit it you put your resume in you put it out we out here now go with it god is god god is guiding us god is leading us you know and and that's just the position we got we got to remain anchored on that we have to remain steadfast on that word we got to remain solid it's like god man i'm solid like we we in this you in this with me it ain't like i'm in this with you you in this with me you called me to be in this press position you were like listen there's more i got to get out of you there's more i got to get out of you you know i i mentioned the business school work everyday interaction are all changes that causes us to be uncomfortable choosing to avoid comf discomfort choosing to avoid discomfort or choosing to to to negate being uncomfortable feelings choosing not to face discomfort can yeah it can present short-term relief but it also can present long-term um long-term consequences let's use a conversation that i need to have with my spouse i'm going to talk about us me and me and my wife we had a conversation two nights ago we was it was a opportunity we was talking about and she was expressing herself and i was expressing myself and it's like you know you have different personalities and i'm not saying one is right one is wrong but my wife is more of a pro more of a a process i have to think i have to take in what all you're saying i can't have this conversation with you right now quran i need to get up um can i just can i walk away for a moment and i'm more of like no no no let's get this let's handle this let's do this no no no what you mean no i just said what don't you understand about what i just said this you know this that and she's like listen i can't take all that right now give me a moment i gotta walk away presenting short-term relief not me you know for me i uh you know i think i'm i might be biased i understand me but i under i totally understand the side of the person that is like you know i need a moment i need a moment give me just a moment you know and it it to avoid that to walk away and to never come back it would provide all right that's over short-term relief but to not come back and resolve that or resolve an issue that you had with a relative or resolve the issue that you have with your parents or resolve the issue that you have with at your job to not come back and resolve that it could things can begin to to to to work up in your heart and either either party you know that resentment begins to build up you know uh you begin to suppress your feelings you think that you're you're you're few i don't have to deal with it but what you're doing is you packing it away into a back closet in your mind and it begins to boil over and then spill out in other areas and now we have to go to counseling and i don't know why what this is and now no we're i thought i thought you was mad because i i forgot to put gas in your tank no i'm mad because of what you said and what you did i'm like well hold up i didn't know but avoiding discomfort can cause long-term consequences god takes away he takes away our comfortableness if that's the word comfortableness comfortability make it all up god takes away comfort to open our eyes to his sovereignty let's look at mark chapter 10. i'm almost done uh verse 17 through 22. watch this as jesus started on his way a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him good teacher he asked what must i do to inherit internal life i feel like this man kind of already came let me let me just look at this i feel like this man already came to uh he came to jesus knowing the answer oh he think he knew the answer like i got this in the bag watch this why should he probably what hey watch this watch this watch this hey good teacher good teacher hey teacher you know they had that one smart smart person class real real smart they know it all teacher and it's like what's he saying why she said what i already know why she said what i don't know jesus says jesus says to him why do you call me good oh i bet he threw them all hold on i didn't what he posed to say jesus answered no one is good except god alone okay his boy's in the back like oh he's like oh he say but hold on what i'm trying to get my redemption jesus didn't say he said but you know the commandments you shall not murder you shall not commit adultery you shall not steal you shall not give false testimony you shall not defraud honor your mother and your father teacher yeah i've done all these things since i was a boy look look i told y'all i told y'all yeah yeah yeah you just looked at him he smiled he loved him that's like the mother saying oh ain't that precious that's so cute guys said one thing you lack say go sell everything you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come and follow me the man's face fell and he went away sad because he had great wealth god said yeah you you do all of that stuff but you you just you're you're living in certainty you you're extremely comfortable you've forgotten to to to come after me you've forgotten to to ask me before you make this big purchase because you got all this money in the bank you've forgotten to to to to communicate with your wife because you're so successful and you're doing everything you're supposed to do you forgot and to to to to make way or to to communicate with this person or you forgot to just pray to me to ask me before you can move you're too comfortable and where you are you got it all together so you think you you come to me in this prideful state of of of god forgive us in this state of like i got it i got it i tied i i tried every every two weeks and i i'm good nah you comfortable you're comfortable the man left because he wasn't ready to do all of that how my last point is how can i be okay in my comfortable state how can i be okay with being uncomfortable let's look at um hold on right before we do that let's go to matthew chapter 39 in the new living translation if you cling to your life this goes back to the other statement i do want to say this if you cling to your life you will lose it if you cling on to the things that you find dear you'll lose it but if you give your life up for me you will find it you will find it if you cling on to things you will lose it if god is saying if you make something so much of a god before me that thing i will take away from you if you depend on this more than you depend on me that thing i will take away from you we are put in our state of being uncomfortable because god needs us to depend on him we're putting those positions so that god can so that we can depend on him and in turn god is god is a merciful just a righteous god he's going to bless our lives for depending on him for for acknowledging him now let's turn to philippians 4 verse 8 and 9. now this is what we will do when on how we can can can be okay in those comfortable uncomfortable stages word of god says finally brothers and sisters whatsoever whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think on these such things or think about such things whatever you have learned or received or heard from me from god tonight or seen in him put it into practice today and the god of peace will be with you i'm gonna leave you all with this according to this passage we must only dwell on holy thoughts and we must then put into practice the lessons god is teaching us if we allow ourselves to think about our fears our insecurities we never put into practice what god is teaching us we will we will regret never getting out of our comfort zones a part of being uncomfortable is that it does it it wrecks us and i'm gonna leave you with this god desires to wreck you w-r-e-c-k-w wreck god what do you mean god desires to wreck you go to psalms 51 verse 17. my sacrifice o god is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart you god will not despise pull that up in the new living translation let me read you in another one because god desires a broken spirit god desires a broken spirit the sacrifice this is the new living translation psalm 51 17 the sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit you will not reject a broken and a repentant heart o god so let me say this a lot of times we don't mean to to shy away from uncomfortableness we stay in comfort because sometimes deep down we're seeking perfection stop seeking perfection be okay with not being okay be okay with not having all of the answers it's we're not supposed to have all of the answers someone told me i'm very weary of somebody that knows everything that knows it all i'm pretty sure if you know it all you're not in the will of god [Music] god desires the broken you he desires the uncomfortable you he desires the awkward you take it in walk in that and trust god i hope you got something out of the word tonight god bless you all god bless you all dear lord i thank you for this word god i pray that even myself lord that i just hold tight to this word and i continue to walk after you that i'm reminded daily that you know i know me sometimes being a leo you know how leos can be like they know everything but god i i don't know everything i need i need you i need you we need you we need your direction we need your instruction i need your strength sometimes it may look like we have it all together sometimes it may look like we don't even you know nothing phases us but god that's just not true it's just not true because here in my heart i need you here in our hearts and our lives we need you we can look around and see that we will be nothing without you so god thank you for never leaving us thank you for never forsaking us and thank you for always rescuing us because we will always need to be rescued i will always need you to pull me out of a place i will always need you i don't want to ever not need you because when i don't need you you don't need me and i need you i want you to need i want you to need me in here in this earth god so i just submit my ways to you i submit my life to you god if there's anyone listening and watching in the broadcast tonight and they they need to hear you they need to see you they need to get to know you god i pray that you you you you answer them as they ask for wisdom you granted to them as they seek you out they shall find you god as they as as they acknowledge you you shall direct them because you are the god of of of of of of all you are the god that that that that that delivers you or the god that answers prayers you are the god that is present you are the god that is our help you are the god who who is our hope god and i thank you for showing yourself in their lives god i bless you god as their as as they if they're praying this and as they're considering this in their heart and as they look up to the screen right now god they will see ways that they can connect with this with the ministry that where they can be guided into uh salvation god but but if they can't wait father i pray right now that they open their hearts to be received by you and if that is someone here uh tonight i just pray that you repeat after me lord i am a sinner and i need you please enter into my heart and save me i am nothing without you and if this is someone that has have been have been doing their own thing they know you but we walked away from you god i i want to repent from my ways and i want to return and come back to you for i know that my life is nothing without you i need you to breathe i need you to live i acknowledge you direct us direct our lives direct my path in jesus name i pray amen amen amen guys i thank you i thank you so much for just tuning in tonight and just sitting and talking with me i feel like this is just like a cool conversation to have um let's just let's just keep walking this thing out let's walk this life out um before we go you'll see at the bottom of the screen ways that you can sow and give into this ministry ways that you can sow and give this is a good ground this is a place where we can sow you know so god says give and get and it shall be given back to you press down shaking together and running over so man given to your bosom so i i pray that as the lord leads you that you you sow into the ministry tonight um god bless you guys uh i love you all we love you um you got supportive people around you um and i know i'm rooting for you i'll be praying for you and everyone you know i pray that you you've received all and all of the support that you need in this life because we can't do it alone you know we need each other so god bless you guys i pray that you all have a wonderful fantastic rest of your night and weekend god bless you see you later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] you
Channel: ROLCC OnYoutube
Views: 331
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: SBGItvqaW1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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