Confessions and Victory Over Stress

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good morning everybody happy friday this is the day that the lord hath made and we will rejoice excuse me and be exceedingly glad in it because god is good and he's worthy to be praised uh we're getting ready to celebrate mothers this weekend and i pray that every mother will have an amazing time uh we're gonna talk about victory over stress but we're gonna also talk about honor you know since it's mother's day what does it mean to honor your mother and um so this will be a good time today and uh thank god for you guys today and i hope that your your day will be just filled with so many so many wonderful blessings uh we cannot deny that there is a spiritual battle going on and um the thing that i want you to know is that jesus has already won the battle in fact he won the war and i want you to be encouraged today that regardless of what battle you fight jesus is already wanted and uh you win and so your attitude today you just probably ought to say all right devil bring it on pray no you want to dance bring it on and uh go ahead and do what needs to be done and uh so we we've sent blessings your way we thank god for all of you who will join us today and um we bless your family you know i send blessings to the world changers nation and we send blessings to world changers church international new york all of our satellite locations we send blessings to our e-church and all of you who have been online and have committed yourself as an e-church member um this this has been a an amazing experience for me continues to go and grow and um you know although i can't see your faces um i've become attached to your your presence and you being here and don't know if i can let you go and i'm just i'm just you have to understand i'm so blessed by being able to do this it uh it helps hopefully a lot of you when we do these confessions and get into the word a little bit but i certainly absolutely know that it helps and ministers to me so we send blessings to the world changes nation and um thankful and grateful for for you all it is truly a blessing and and notice our journey our journey is to get better our journey is not to proclaim that we've we've reached it our journey is not to proclaim that we're already flawless that we're already perfect i just got to be honest with you this stream is for imperfect people it's not for people who are who have no flaws or anything we're on a journey of maturing in the things of god we're on a journey of saying oh my god look at how look how far god has bought me and then when you dare peep back and see how you were before you like oh my god that was terrible and um you know it's you see how god's changed your your your your whole demeanor he's changed your your manners he's changed uh you know how you speak to people he's changed a lot of things and uh and i'm so glad about that and you know all of us together we absolutely hate some of the things we did to mess up some pretty good relationships but you can't beat yourself up over there you gotta somewhere in your life you're just gonna have to start right where you are i think that's a good word that they start right where you are sometimes we we continue to try to prepare to be better instead of just starting right where you are just just making a decision you know you know bam today i'm gonna go this way uh like taffy preach wednesday i'm gonna make room for god and i make room for the stress to you know we're gonna talk about victory over stress hopefully today i'm gonna make room for god i'm gonna make room for what he's instructing me to do and i think it's just really good to remind everybody that we are we are on a a continuous growing maturing journey and i think everybody needs to everybody needs to recognize that don't get to the point where you start looking at your christianity start comparing with somebody else and then tempted to judge them because you're comparing yourself amongst yourself the bible says it's not a wise thing to do but we just want to have it in our heads i'm on a journey man i'm on a journey somebody says well what is that journey is it to get to heaven no i i settled that when i got born again that's not what i'm trying to do it's i'm on a journey of trying to be the best um christian and the person and and pastor for me and husband and father that i can possibly be and and needing god's help along the way uh so that's the journey it's like learning how to walk with god on a day-to-day basis learning how to you know put aside you know the things we do so we can do church and learn how to take up those things that we do so we can do life remember yesterday you know the difference between doing church and doing life a lot of people know how to do church but they don't know how to do life i'm i'm not satisfied with doing church but please understand my perspective you know if i just do church in other words i know how to go to church and i know how to you know hoop them good and i know how to get them emotional and i know how to i know how to do church you know um and and then the the benedictions given and church is over with and then i go home and i don't know how to do life man i'm learning every day how to do life and every time i think that i have learned everything about doing life i'm constantly facing other things that are teaching me that it's a continuous thing and so i i just finally submitted to god and say lord help me and show me how to live each day show me how to live today show me how to live tomorrow show me how to do life think about that it's just not enough you know how to do church but but do we know how to do life and do we know how to do life when the attacks and the uh uncomfortable things of life show up the bible said that they that live godly shall suffer persecution i'm like whoa i mean i don't know if that's a shout in scripture but i do know this one thing that um you know if it's if persecution is going to come i want to continue to walk and and be with god so i can know how to overcome the persecution that shows up in our lives so that's what we're doing here it's not one of these you know religious things where we you know talk about you know well i have this morning time with pastor dollar you know and all that kind of stuff that's that's not what this is this is all about all of us growing in grace growing in love uh growing in character trying to figure this life out together so that we can happen to life instead of life happening to us and you know you're going to be faced with a lot of a lot of different challenges and things that'll come your way but greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world so there may be some days where you just got to just just hold your shoulders back and and just sorry you know let's do it let's let's do what we got to do and i believe that god will be with you every step of the way amen so uh love you guys happy mother's day or that's coming up to all of the mothers um figure out how to go past all of the the things that may confront you uh you know and and just just let god be god in your life let god be god in your life so we're gonna make some confessions here i'm gonna talk about honor because the more more i talk to people about honor the more i discover that they really don't understand what it is at all and then we're going to talk about how to overcome the the stress over uh of life that may show up your way and uh so it'd be a good time so let's go ahead and get started i'm gonna uh we're gonna go ahead and confess a couple of confessions of course psalm 91 and then um we're gonna do some things that will defeat worry and fear and then uh i'm gonna talk to you about honor and if we have time after that show you how stress shows up and how to get rid of it so we got a power pack day today are you ready i know you are hit that uh share button and say dude you need to you need to come on and get on this thing we finish we finna have a word explosion in jesus name amen repeat after me i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty i dare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence and whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terror night nor of the arrows that fly into the day i declare that i will not dread any disease stalks in the darkness or any disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no player can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles i believe god's setting you above all your troubles right now amen he will deliver me from all my fears i believe you're delivered from all of your fears right now and he will honor me with with his presence and power i declare that he will reward me with long life and he will show me his salvation in jesus name i am psalms 91 equipped amen i am the body of christ and satan has no power over me for i overcome evil with good i am of god and i have overcome satan for greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i will fear no evil for thou art me lord your word and your spirit they comfort me i am far from oppression and fear does not come near me no weapon formed against me shall prosper for my righteousness is of the lord but whatever i do will prosper for i'm like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water i am delivered from the evils of this present world for it is the will of god me no evil will befall me neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling for the lord has given his angels charge over me and they keep me in all my ways and in my pathway is life and there is no death i am a doer of the word of god and i am blessed in my deeds i am happy in those things which i do because i'm a doer of the word of god i take the shield of faith and i quench every fiery dart that the wicked one brings against me christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law therefore i forbid any sickness or disease to come upon this body every disease germ every virus that touches my body dies instantly in the name of jesus every organ and every tissue of my body functions in the perfection to which god created it to function and i forbid any malfunction in my body in the name of jesus i am an overcomer and i overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony i am submitted to god and the devil flees from me because i resist him in the name of jesus the word of god is forever settled in heaven therefore i establish his word upon this earth great is the peace of my children for they are taught of the lord in jesus name so i declare right now you are delivered from worry you're delivered from fear gonna have a good weekend this weekend amen you've released your faith and you've released the power of god over your life uh let's go to the book of ephesians chapter six and two ephesians chapter six and two i want to give you some ammo for mother's day and then talk about how to overcome some stress so ephesians chapter six and verse one he says children obey your parents in the lord for this is right and uh he says honor thy father and thy mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth so honor still has attached to it blessings that it may be well with you and thou mayest live long on the earth that's pretty serious right there this honor issue now so i mean if if honor has attached to it uh a blessing of things being well and having a long life boy we better know what it is we better know what it is a lot of people think honor is just respect that's part of it but we miss the whole thing so how would i define honor in its most basic form if i look the word honor up it would uh define it will be defined like to make heavy or to weigh down or to carry weight to make heavy to weigh down or to carry weight uh so what how would you honor god all right to honor god means that his word carries so much weight in your life uh that um nothing else or anyone else nothing else or anything else that somebody says um will influence you more so the issue is to honor god is to say that his word carries weight in your life to honor god is uh i i put god in first place his word is heavy his word carries weight in my life um in other words nothing else carries more weight in the decisions that you make nothing else carries more weight in the words you speak nothing else carries more weight in the actions that you take that just simply means that god's word has more priority than anything else or anybody else's words so to honor to honor your mother means and this is how you can you can uh evaluate your honor for your mother this weekend how much weight does her words carry in your life um will the opinions and the instructions coming from your mother would they weigh in heavier than the opinions and the words that come from other people that's what honor is honor says that i so honor my mother that her words will carry more weight than anybody else's words that's a powerful thing and uh it's something that really a mother just you know it means a lot to a mother to know that her words carry weight that um you will take into consideration and weigh it very heavily because it came from mama it's not arguing with your mother it's not debating with your mother it is man her words carry weight and so um so if we only do what god says when it is convenient or when there is no cost then there is no honor in it and it's the same thing with your mother if you only do what your mother says when it is convenient and when there is no cost then there's no honor in it at all and so the bible says if you honor god god will honor you um so what happens is god is saying if you allow my words to carry more weight than anybody else's words then i'll allow your words to carry more weight in heaven than anything else that's a pretty powerful promise i'll honor those who honor me but then when you bring it back down to the mother it's like if you honor your mother your days will be long and life will be good and some people are trapped because of their dishonor and that may be dishonor you know to to a lot of people and but especially where your parents are concerned dishonor only stops you from making progress and dishonor may be responsible for a short-lived life i hate i hate saying that but that's what it says here he says everything will be well with you when you walk in honor and uh he says that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live a long long life on the earth that that's pretty good when i first saw that i decided i am going to to walk in honor with my mother her words carry weight in my life and so first samuel 2 and 30 say you know talks about the god and god honor you he says if basically if if god is saying if my word carries weight in your life and you carry it out then your prayers and your words will carry weight in god's life and god says i'll carry them out that's a powerful powerful promise and so i want you to really evaluate uh the honor that you have for your mother this week i mean this weekend i i i know that you know we think it's all about celebration but flowers don't honor your mother you it's when she has priority it's when her words have priority if you were to bring somebody you want to marry uh to your mother and she says ah i don't know i think you ought to wait a little bit your response shouldn't be oh she don't know what she talking about it should be wow mama said i need to wait a little bit i need to go and pray about this i need to her word carries weight so i may need to sit down and talk to her about what she sees and and just pray about it and stuff like that and you may end up marrying a person but you honor them you under the words of your mother so much that you pause and it's like this is serious my mother said some her her words carry weight in my life see there's some people in your life their words don't they don't their words don't weigh in like your mother words weigh in and then they're you're surrounded by other people and their words may not weigh in but when your mother says something then that's a that's a that's a cause to match the pause button because my mother has spoken and her words carry weight and if there's something she sees that i might not see i am gonna allow her words to weigh in and where my life is concerned now you can come up with a whole lot of reasons for not doing this my mother isn't negative my mother don't treat me right my mama you can do all of that but part of that may be because you're not walking in honor where they're concerned i don't know what the situation is but none of the situation you don't allow the circumstances situation to change the word of god you make room for the word of god and then the word of god will come and change all the circumstances and situations you walk in honor even in the midst of dishonor and honor is going gonna be what comes back your way i know a lot of people who've had you know rough situation with their mother but they honored them in spite of themselves and honor came back in into their life and so you know there's the honoring of you know spiritual parents as well which is almost unheard of it's today spiritual parents may say something and then all of a sudden those people who say they're spiritual sons and daughters they may disappear after a while but honor honor that's what it is now so the next time you use the word honor and the next time you hear the word honor here's what you need to be thinking about how much weight does that individual carry in my life do they weigh in in situations where my life is concerned that's what real honor is all about if you got that you got that praise god amen um so you know paul's not speaking from the perspective of this is a commandment you better do this paul is speaking from it is still right to honor your mother and father and under this new covenant i will help you and equip you to be able to do that in other words you know it's not like god is saying i'm i'm gonna punish you if you don't walk in honor towards your parents but what he says is it's still a good thing for you to honor your mother and father and i am gonna help you to do that i'm gonna help you do that and um i'm gonna help you to operate and that do what needs to be done so you know some of you still don't understand the difference between you know law-based covenant and a grace-based covenant and that's fine just just keep living and keep listening and i'll try my best to try to get it to you but uh we're no longer the bible says we're not under the law but we're under grace and uh paul is not stating the old testament he is he is stating morality from the old testament as the holy spirit is now the administrator of it i taught that whole lesson paul is called a decolon paul repeats the ten commandments but he's repeating the ten commandments under the administration of the holy spirit versus repeating versus the commandments that are under rule keeping and so what paul is saying is yeah he still wants you to operate in those 10 moral laws but not by rule keeping but by the guidance and the help of the holy spirit so i don't have time to teach that right now but you know i did a whole teaching on the uh law of moses versus the moral law as the holy spirit was under that so yeah you're partially right but you don't want to get this mindset of you know i'm gonna i'm gonna keep the ten commandments to rule keep me now i'm gonna keep the ten commandments and the holy spirit's going to help me to be able to bring it out and do what needs to be done so anyway i hope that helped i didn't get your name but i hope that helped you out study it out and make sure that you don't set yourself up for condemnation when you're not doing it but just trust the holy spirit to help you to walk in honor because paul said repeating the deca law the ten commandments it is still good even though you're not under the law it is still good for us to walk in honor where our parents are concerned so really really quick let me get to the next subject because um i want to go and make sure you get this there are some causes for stress and you can be victorious over stress let me give you five causes for stress real quick write them down and hopefully you can get some use out of them but number one cause of stress is uncertainty having having uncertainty about life and when you're uncertain it'll stress you out so here's what i recommend take control of the seeds that you sow and you can be certain of the harvest that you'll get in other words the words the word gives uh gives absolute certainty about how things are gonna turn out in our life so let's go ahead and do the word and uh let's do the word and trust god for what he promised what that word is concerned so the word gives absolute certainty about how things are going to turn out in our lives so having certainty delivers us from stress and that certainty can come by the word of god so rather being uncertain well i don't know what i'm gonna do here i don't know i'm gonna do that go to the word and get the certainty from the word and eliminate that uncertainty and then you'll you'll get rid of that stress amen now here's the second cause of stress unresolved conflict are there unresolved conflicts that are in your life because if you got conflict in your life and it hadn't been resolved that can be a source of stress so you got to resolve it fast you got to be at peace the bible says with all man as all men as much as it has to do with you he says don't let the sun go down on your anger in ephesians 4 26 so if you have unresolved conflict go ahead and resolve those conflicts in your life that's number two number three here's another source of stress unrealistic comparisons unrealistic comparisons don't compare yourself to other people okay saul began to have um problems when he compared himself to david and that resulted in stress and in anger where he almost you know tried to kill him so uh the bible says when you compare yourself second corinthians 10 and 12 he says you're going to be without understanding when you compare yourself with others so you have a touch of distinction about yourself so don't don't compare yourself among yourself it just causes stress it's just just you know you look at this girl she got this real you know skinny waist and yours is not like that and it's just it's just unrealistic and you you know you have a touch of distinction focus on that distinction that god has given you number four number four unconfessed sins sin sins let me say like the sins that you have just haven't you haven't even dealt with in your own life you know uh when you bury sin it buries you let's say that when you bury sin it buries you now i'm not saying you got to go an announcer to the whole world but you have a heavenly father who's there all the time ready to listen to you if you bury sin eventually that sin will bury you because it just stresses you so out so much so at least get before god and have a real uh real amazing session with god where you're like oh god i'm gonna lay it all on the line and god will receive it and you can talk to him and he'll talk back to you and he will bless you okay and then number five unusual pressure in the area of finances can cause stress unusual pressure in the area of finances can cause stress you know you got to stop spending more than than you earn you know what i say you gotta stop spending more than what you earn meditate on things that are more valuable than money you know the word of god the wisdom of god understanding the anointing um get your financial plan together uh a lack of order causes distress or causes stress in your life and when you when you're stressed out over uh pressure in your financial area you know look at your life and see you know what what what you need some order in that in the area do you have a budget you know do you this this is so important man so so get get get those things out so those things cause stress real quickly here are some things that will help you to eliminate stress stop trying to remember everything and write stuff down number one i'm going pretty fast on this one because i'm out of time number two stop trying to please everybody please god and live by faith that'll get rid of some stress number three take care of your body get some rest exercise learn how to eat healthy and be fit to fight get to know how your body works so you can take care of it right you are responsible for your health don't put that in the hands of a doctor you are responsible for your own health uh here's another one stop jump starting your body with false energy like you know caffeine and sugar you know sometimes that can add to it you know just just look at that and then finally talk to your problems rather than talking about them uh talk to your problems rather than talking about them i'm learning how to you know instead of rehearsing it over and over and over again i i'm learning i got to disperse it and sometimes i find myself just thinking about god like that you go you you you you are meditating on it you are nursing it you are rehearsing it in your head and that's not what you need to do you need to disperse it as quickly as possible so hey i hope some of that stuff helps you out uh i need you to just have a great weekend i need you to just let the devil know you have no authority over my life you will never be more powerful than the one that i carry on the inside of me and uh i hope you have an amazing time this weekend um examine yourself where honor is concerned where your mother is concerned and and uh do something special uh just something man you know what i'm saying and uh i think it'll be a big big big blessing hey guys i love you so much have an amazing amazing weekend join us for church this coming sunday it's gonna be good good stuff man um uh all is well i'll see you guys uh sunday in the pulpit pastor west is preaching tomorrow and uh from new york church and and it's all gonna be good god bless you have an amazing day today we'll see you soon bye
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 27,243
Rating: 4.9577308 out of 5
Id: o73K42Ser88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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