Confessions of a Robbery

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just gonna flex on my exes real quick i learned this a long time ago i don't know if you guys have figured this out but crazy follows me let me tell you guys how i stay out of trouble i got a lot of crazy friends who always come to me with crazy ideas so when they're like yo let's do blah blah blah first thing i do is i check to see what the penalty is if i get caught the first thing i think about is consequences and i highly recommend y'all do that too whenever me and my friends are sitting around and somebody says something crazy i'm like ah don't do that you'll get eight years in jail i got this friend but for this video we're gonna change his name to keanu reeves keanu hits me up me curtis lawrence we're like sitting around playing grand theft auto and then lawrence goes bruh it'd be totally cool if the three of us robbed the bank wouldn't it no keanu reeves that would not be cool if the three of y'all robbed the bank he was just joking around bro relax fast forward a few more weeks bro so we've been thinking like maybe we could wrap a bank and get away with it a few months go by so crazy question bro you ready are you ready are you ready okay um if me and some friends wrapped a bank would you be down i got very concernable i know some people who like to joke about stuff until it happens ideas can be very good or they can be very dangerous depending on the idea i don't like that this is the third time i'm hearing about this so i tell them huh that's crazy all right well let's you know hypothetically let's just work this through are you going to go into a bank and then slit the teller a note are you going in unarmed or are you going to be armed whoa that's a good question the 924c using a gun in the commission of a felon you know if you get caught and you go to court you won't get that minimum of five years i don't want to see my boy getting hurt or end up in jail so i suggest maybe start small because a lot of different things can happen on a bank robbery quick money never a good idea so me and keanu didn't talk for like four or five months and i call him up one day so you remember how you said to start small i took your advice and i robbed my job took my advice whoa air brakes i didn't tell you to rob nobody matter of fact there has been this white van parked outside my house the last i don't know a day walk me through what happened one day my manager gave me an extra key on accident so now i have two keys two months ago i got fired from my job but then when i got fired they made me turn in my key but i had another key at home i know what times all the machines get emptied out and i know what days all the machines have the most money and i was like this is a good plan so i went to party city and got a disguise and i was like this is a good plan so i got my book bag and i went to the arcade and then i was like whoa i don't have a plan time to plan my heist so i'm gonna go and hit air hockey first and then mortal kombat and then the simpsons um and then i'm gonna be rich and by mansion excellent plan don't you guys have cameras at this arcade yeah but only in the back so i go over to air hockey and then i got my key and i open it up and it was so full i've never seen it this full in my life and the tray was so heavy it slammed to the floor and quarters went flying everywhere i was like whoa and these kids looked at me and they were like cool how did you do that crap they saw my face what would john wick do he'd get rid of these kids no witnesses bogus but then i was like wait i have on a disguise so i said listen i have a plan you guys can keep all the quarters that are on the floor just keep your mouth shut okay so i dumped all the quarters in my bag and as soon as i picked it up to head over to mortal kombat my bag ripped so i was like whoa this bag is too heavy i'm not gonna make it i just went to air hockey and i booked you're joking me no but now it sucks a bunch of bad things have been happening to me and karma has been like messing with me and i'm like is this bad thing happening to me now because i robbed the arcade so how much might you get away with like 350 dollars in quarters but then i got a speeding ticket for like 280 dollars and i was like bogus and then my girlfriend broke up with me because bad things are still happening and i'm like whoa this is karma i got away but i'm never doing anything like this again bro so yeah guys in the future if anybody ever comes to you with a crazy idea or if you're sitting around and you get a crazy idea do what i do think about the consequences because 12 times out of 10 it's not worth it [Music]
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 1,991,920
Rating: 4.9690938 out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, adande, animation, funny, 2d
Id: P_c8if7psJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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