Arguing With Friends Be Like...

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Don't you just love getting into arguments with your friends. We're having a civilized conversation-talking all normal and ALL OF A SUDDEN PEOPLE START TALKING LIKE THIS!! And why can we always think of the best comebacks for an argument the day AFTER the argument is over. And I know you've had people try to suck you into those pointless arguments like... If aliens exist. Or if the Illuminati is real Like, what are you gunna do with the rest of your day that you weren't gonna already do knowing that aliens are real. Cuz of the end of it You're gunna believe what you believe I'mma believe what I believe but now you wanna fight! And believe me, you don't want this problem! I beat Smash brothers on HARD Mode! You don't want THIS problem TRUST!! And I've seen Matrix, 99 times... TODAY!! You don't want this problem! Speaking of Matrix I got into an argument one time with my girlfriend over Matrix Her favorite thing is was RACISM!!! If we were out eating and the table next to us got their food first RACISM!!! She's playing a game online and she loses RAAACCCIISSSMMM!!!!! So, I'm at her house one day And she busts out with Hollywood is full of racism even your precious movie, Matrix It's fuuuuullll of racism And see I am well versed in anything that I like So don't come at me and try my life. Ummm, well... what you don't know is the directors of Matrix stole the idea from a black lady and she won in court However comma I'm positive... that the whole movie is not some symbolic racism poke And her aunts, uncles, and cousins were all at the house And if you pull me into an arguement Be very very careful because 9 times outta 9 I already have evidence to prove you wrong But I'mma let you dig your hole deeper and deeper Low-key I'm over here Birdman Hand Rub Cuz Imma bout to drop a bomb on all these turkeys Neo's supposed to be Jesus Guess who they got to play Neo... Keanu!! Racismmm~ You just don't see it because you're an Uncle Tom, Adande. And I love when they start making personal attacks on you Anyways So yeah, I let them go on like this for 15 to 20 minutes And then I drop Oh yeah? Matrix is racist? Guess who's one of the first people they offered the role of Neo to Will Flippin' Smith! BOOM!!! Drop the mic! Who's your daddy. Me I showed them some videos of Will Smith's wife talking about how he got the role and he turned it down This other time I was in an Uber with my friend and I don't know how we get on the topic but then he said Yeah, when you die It was your time to go So, I'm like... Yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhh but no There's no such thing as accidental death. When it's your time it's your time! And sometimes when people sense during a debate that their argument is flimsy they'll get all personal for no reason Well, when I was a little kid people broke into my house They put a gun to my head And a knife in my mouth But then they let me go Because it wasn't my time Uhhhh oooookaaaay That's.....nice.... that they let you go Um, and I'm sure you're a big fan of the Final Destination movies Buuuuut I don't think death is on some schedule they look at the calendar and Time to kill 'em!! When it's your time to die IT'S YOUR TIME TO GO!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! So you're saying death is predetermined on a time schedule and there's no exceptions. Hm, okay Um What if we're speeding along in this Uber And I open the door and jump out and the car behind us runs me over. Does that mean it was my time? If that's how you see things, cool I disagree with your theory and I'm gonna look down at my phone now And the worst part about all this is when you lose friendships just because you don't see things the way they see things. First, that's not smart. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people, that's great. BUT!! Think of the benefits by having a few people around who don't think like you. That's all I'm saying.
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 6,901,686
Rating: 4.9497547 out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, adande
Id: -Z8F_pa6BOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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