Conditionals | Conditional Sentences In English Grammar With Examples | 0,1,2,3 and Mixed | ChetChat

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hello hello my amazing chat Chatters if I tell you that today this one single session on conditionals will help you understand everything in one shot would you be delighted well I am certainly delighted to tell you that conditionals is a very important topic in English grammar and I have seen many students getting stuck and Confused in this topic so I have made this concept of conditionals very easy to understand and you can take screenshots too along the way so let's get going hey this is chna and you're on cat chat and this content is also available as a podcast on skillup with chatchat conditional sentences have two Clauses very simply we can call them the if clause and the main Clause now the if Clause is the condition and the main Clause is the result example if you smile you feel happy happy or if you watch this full video you will understand conditionals perfectly now there are five types of conditional sentences zero conditional first second third and the mixed conditionals and we're going to look at each one of them and the differences between them let's talk about the zero conditional if I give simbi food she eats it there's no doubt in this it's not like some sometimes she eats it or sometimes she doesn't it's a simple rule if I give her food she eats it if you freeze water it becomes solid these are facts General truths if you mix red and blue you get purple both the if clause and the main Clause are in simple present tense and this is the zero conditional if you want to learn English watch chatchat videos the first conditional if I give s be food she will eat it it's likely she might eat it if I give it to her possibly it's a real chance probably if I have time I will finish the letter there's no rule there's no certainty I'm just saying that I will do it if I have the time if you don't leave I will call the police the if Clause is in simple present tense and the main Clause is in simple future tense with the use of will some other models like might or shall can also be used but we will talk about that in detail later but most of the time you're going to see the first conditional with a will in the main Clause the second conditional if I gave simbi food she would eat now I'm imagining that if something had happened in the past some condition in simple past tense then it would leave to a different result in the present if I gave simbi food 5 minutes ago she would be eating it right now the main Clause uses the wood we're going to discuss all this in detail soon but at this stage just make a note of the fact that the if Clause is in simple past tense and the main Clause uses a would plus infinitive or would plus present tense what is an infinitive the infinitive is the base form of the verb the first form of the verb to run to speak to eat if I had a big house I would grow flowers in the garden if I had a car I would drive it to work someone is dreaming out here imagining something that is unreal and hypothetical now the third conditional if I had given Simi food she would have eaten it's like I'm repenting that I did not give it to her if I had known you were in hospital I would have visited you I'm feeling bad that I did not do something in the past again this is unreal nothing of this is happening someone is just thinking and imagining and repenting that if they had done something different in the past then some other result would have happened in the past if I had studied harder I would have passed my exams both the Clauses are in the past the if Clause is in the past perfect tense if you had given me your phone number I would have called you the main Clause has would have with the past participle now what is past participle it is the third form of the verb eaten run spoken now here this is just an overview for you to get a basic understanding now we're going to get into more details but before that let me give a quick shout out to prusha for leaving this message under my last video and if you want a shout out leave me a message with a hash chat Chatters notice in the zero and the first conditional the if Clause is in the simple present tense the second conditional has the if clause in simple past tense and the third conditional has the if clause in past perfect tense so this is your clue once you see the if clause in the sentence and you identify the tense you can get a fairly good idea of which conditional it is already and if you want a detail class on tenses then take a look at this video and I'm going to drop a link below now at the end of the if Clause we put a comma now we can reverse this also in the sentence we can put the main Clause first and the if Clause later also and nothing is going to change it's perfectly fine the only difference is that in such cases we don't require a comma now look at the main Clause of each conditional basically you see an if clause in simple present tense the moment you see that you know it's either a zero conditional or a first conditional if you spot a will or a modal verb in the main Clause it is the first conditional and if you see simple present tense in the main Clause then it is zero conditional simple isn't it the main Clause let's talk about it in the second conditional has a would whereas in the third conditional there is a would have now other models can also be used but the same logic will apply second conditional should and third conditional should have now take a screenshot of this and save it for later so the zero and first conditionals are real truths or real possibilities the second and third conditional are unreal imagination or repentances impossible situations that never actually happened or never had a chance of actually happening okay let's look at each of the four conditional statements in Greater detail the zero conditional has both the if clause and the main clause in simple present tense and we can always reverse these Clauses if I wake up early I go to the gym if it rains the grass gets wet these are facts habits and general truths if you heat ice it melts quite obvious isn't it if it's a Friday there's a new video on chatchat you all know that already it's a fact if I find time I practice French this is a habit nothing changes whenever I find time I just pick up my language app and I start practicing French zor Le France you do well if you study once again you can interchange the order of the two Clauses the grass gets wet when it rains now both the condition and the result are in simple present tense notice also we've used when in place of if and we're going to talk about this difference soon but before that also notice the punctuation when the main Clause comes before the if Clause the comma disappears if you know any such examples leave me a comment below so the way I remember the zero conditional is that it's like someone is stating the obvious yes we know that when the Sun rises it's daytime and this is obvious isn't it o for obvious is easy to remember for zero if versus when mostly we can use them interchangeably when you heat ice it melts is the same as same if you heat ice it melts but look at these two sentences on the screen if you go to the house give them flowers and when you go to their house give them flowers what is the difference there is a doubt when you use if like if you go means it's possible that you don't go at all but with when is more certainty it's like we are expecting that you will go it's just a question of when and what time you go in conditional sentences if or when can be used and the rules remain exactly the same all right we're talking about the first conditional the if Clause is in the simple present tense and the main Clause has a will plus an infinitive the infinitive we saw earlier is the base form of the verb if it rains tomorrow we will cancel the picnic if you sit down you will feel better once again we can also switch the Clauses you will feel better if you sit down notice these are not rules there's no certainty it's not like every time it rains the picnic gets cancelled this is about a likely future outcome something that is real and possible if you are free tomorrow we could meet up will is the most common thing that you find in the first conditional but you can use other models like could shall might can or should the if Clause is always in simple present tense and the main Clause is going to be talking about a likely future outcome with will or a modal and the verb in the base form if you rest you might feel better once again we can interchange the Clauses you will miss the train if you don't hurry now you've seen this unless it is also used instead of if Plus not example if you don't practice you will not get a good score in math can also be written as unless you practice you won't get a good score in math won't is a short form for will not sometimes the examiner might trick you with this now all you have to do is pick up that unless remove it put if plus not and then apply the basic rules so the way I remember the first conditional is that it's like someone doing future planning if it rains we will cancel the picnic if it doesn't rain at night we will go for a Treck in the morning you get the picture first conditional is equal to Future planning f for first f for future planning easy to remember okay now let's look at the difference between zero and first conditional both have the if clause in simple present tense the difference lies in the main clause for zero conditional this is also in simple present tense and for the first conditional this is Will plus the infinitive form of the verb basically when the if Clause is in simple present tense there are only two options for the main Clause either it'll be in simple present tense or it'll have will or a model plus an infinitive and you can decide whether it's obvious like a rule or a habit or or it is a future understanding of a possible situation example if I wake up early I go to the gym is a habit it always happens like this it's obvious I will do that because I always go to the gym if I wake up early I will go to the gym is future planning for tomorrow more like a New Year resolution all right now the second conditional the if Clause is in simple past tense and the main Clause is mostly would plus infinitive but sometimes you can find it as would plus present continuous let's take some examples if I won a lottery I would buy a house this is the most common example of the second conditional it's like someone is dreaming if I had more time if I had more money if I had a rich boyfriend and so on if I had more time I would write a book these are imaginary unreal situations and someone is dreaming about this if you had a choice which country would you live in hypothetical question now leave me a comment below by the way telling me if you had the choice which country would you live in if I spoke German I would be living in Germany right now the main Clause is would plus present continuous the wood is always there in the main clause and the situation becomes imaginary in the second conditional the condition is in the past the if Clause is in the past but the result is in the present or the future if I were you I wouldn't give them flowers remember sometime back we said if you go to their house give them flowers to which your friend might reply if I were you I would not give them flowers they love plants and they might get upset at flowers being sold notice I said if I were you in the past tense when you're making a wish we say If I Were a Rich Man leave me a comment if you have heard that song If it rained last night the grass would still be wet this is hypothetical if it rained maybe it didn't rain in which case the grass could be dry as well so the way I remember the second conditional is that it's like someone dreaming like a sci-fi fantasy s for second s for sci-fi if I was born in London I would be the princess well if I was Mickey Mouse I would be in Disneyland today okay now let's summarize the differences between 0 1 and two the first two have their if Clauses in simple present tense the second conditional has a if clause in simple past tense we're looking back at something as for the main clause in zero conditional it's in the present tense in the first conditional it has a will plus infinitive in the second conditional it is a would plus infinitive example zero conditional if I drink tea I add some milk to it it's a habit I always do this it's a general rule it's obvious first conditional if I drink tea I will add some milk to it a specific future possibility if at some time I choose to drink tea then I will make sure I add some milk to it future planning second conditional if I drank tea I would add some milk to it dreamer imagining that if they had tea at some point in the past then they would add some milk to it well dream dream dream along now the third conditional basically just take the second conditional and add have to both sides sounds like a mathematical equation what do we get we get the if clause in past perfect and the main Clause has a would have plus a past participle if I had been kind to Anna she would have been my friend and by interchanging the Clauses we get something like I could have won the race if I had hadn't hurt my foot now these are impossible situations in the past and the person saying them is typically regretting or repenting now this person was not kind to Anna she is not their friend right now but they're just repenting that if they were kind to her she would have been their friend also they did not win the race since their foot was hurt this is impossible and unreal but they're thinking that perhaps in the past if they foot was not hurt then they might have won the race notice I said might have instead of could have and we also can use other models here like should have could have must have Etc if I had attended class I would have understood the topic I could have topped my class if I had studied regularly so the way I remember the third conditional is like someone is regretting repenting and looking back at all the past events thinking that if they were different t for third T is also the last letter of regret repent and past if I had been more careful I could have saved them from drowning they've drowned already now I'm just looking at the past and thinking of an impossible alternative solution so here is the overview once again of the four condition and their different Clauses and I strongly suggest that you take a screenshot of this it's a snapshot of the differences okay zero conditional if you really want you can make it happen simple present tense in both first conditional if you really want you will make it happen if plus simple present will plus infinitive in the main Clause if you really wanted you would make this happen second conditional if plus simple past and would Plus past participle in the main Clause finally if you had really wanted you would have made it happen add have to both sides of the second conditional and you get the third conditional if Plus past perfect and would have Plus past participle time for mixed conditionals I will make this very very very easy for you now mixed conditionals are made by mixing up the second and the third conditional we take the if Clause from one and mix it with the main Clause from the other one let's see them one by one the first one if I were rich I would have lived in France the if Clause is from the second conditional and the main Clause is from the third conditional but again it's unreal I'm not rich and I don't live in France if I didn't have school I would have come to your house now that was one type of mixed conditional now let's take a look at the second type of mixed conditional if I had taken my umbrella I wouldn't be sick today the if Clause is from the third conditional and the main Clause from the second conditional you're repenting over a past situation if we had used the GPS we wouldn't be lost right now in reality we are lost and we are just regretting our decision of not using the GPS so there you have it a full Marathon Mega session on conditionals I hope that helps you and if you like this come back for more next Friday happy learning
Channel: ChetChat
Views: 37,230
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Keywords: english grammar, conditionals, learn english, basic english grammar, all conditionals, conditionals in english grammar, #english, #grammar, conditional sentences, zero conditional, first conditional, second conditional, third conditional, mixed conditional, english grammar conditionals, english conditionals, what are conditionals, how to use conditionals, if conditional, chetchat, chetchat english, chetchat tenses, english conditional sentences, tenses, easy tricks, examples
Id: HiayWmW8NLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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