THE CONDITIONALS - 0,1,2 & 3 Conditionals& QUIZ - English Grammar Lesson (+ Free PDF & Quiz)

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to english with lucy today very exciting i have a grammar lesson for you we are going to discuss the four conditionals this is a very very important lesson i know that this is a topic that lots of my students struggle with there's so much to remember but hopefully i can clarify lots of your doubts today to help you even further i have created a pdf which covers everything we're going to talk about and it also has a quiz so you can practice what you've learned and you can check your understanding if you would like to download that free pdf and quiz all you've got to do is click on the link in the description box you enter your name and your email address you sign up to my mailing list and i will send that pdf and quiz directly to your inbox after that every week as soon as i've made the pdf for each lesson as soon as it becomes available you will receive it in your inbox it's automatic and very convenient and it means every week you get lovely new activities and pdfs to review don't be afraid to share your results in the comments section right let's get started with the grammar lesson so we're going to talk about the four conditionals we have the zero conditional the first conditional the second conditional and can you guess what the last conditional is congratulations it's the third conditional each conditional sentence has an if clause and a main clause with all conditional sentences the order of these clauses is not fixed so you can swap them around if i practice i will get better i will get better if i practice it doesn't matter which way but when you change the order of the clauses the meaning is the same now we've got that introduction out of the way let's start with the zero conditional a zero conditional sentence consists of two present simple verbs one is in the if clause and one is in the main clause both parts of the sentence are in the present tense nice and easy if this thing happens that thing happens or that thing happens if this thing happens we use the zero conditional to talk about general truths when in general there is a guaranteed result like scientific facts if you heat water it evaporates that's a scientific fact we're not talking about specific conditions on that day or anything in general if you heat water it evaporates interestingly you can usually replace if with when or whenever without the meaning changing when i am happy i smile i smile when i'm happy remember that when we use the word you in zero conditionals we are often talking about people in general not you in particular if you melt ice it becomes a liquid let's take a look at some examples if i'm sad i eat chocolate people die if they don't drink enough water if dogs get angry they growl if you don't eat enough you lose weight if british people get bored they talk about the weather that's a scientific fact we often use the zero conditional to give instructions with the imperative in the main clause if she rings the doorbell tell her to go away text me if you get lost okay before we move on to the first conditional i want you to check your understanding in that pdf to make sure you've grasped everything you've understood everything right let's move on to the first conditional the first conditional has the present simple after if and then the future in the main clause if this thing happens that thing will happen we use the first conditional to talk about things that might happen in the future we can't know for sure what will happen in the future but we can use the first conditional to talk about things that will probably be true with the zero conditional we spoke in general but with the first conditional we speak about the real world and about specific situations some examples if we don't leave now we will miss the train if you study hard you will pass the exam if i see my boss i'll ask her contraction of i will i'll i'll ask her if it gets colder we'll light a fire i'll finish my painting if i have time now it's important to consider modals when it comes to the first conditional you can use modals in the main clause in place of will to express a recommendation a degree of certainty permission take a look if we don't leave now we might miss the train if you study hard you could pass the exam if i see my boss i shall ask her if it gets colder we should light a fire i'll be able to finish my painting if i have time right let's move on to the second conditional the second conditional uses the past simple after if then would and the infinitive that's the most common or would and the present continuous and i'll explain this later sometimes this gets left out of lessons but i think it's important that you see it in case you come across it and think what's that if this thing happened that thing would happen or if this thing happened that thing would be happening we can use the second conditional to talk about things in the future that are probably not going to be true we often use it to talk about dreams and fantasies for example if i won the lottery i would buy a house in barbados or if he had more money he would buy a boat we can also use the second conditional to talk about things in the present that are impossible in this case it's very common to use i were instead of i was if i were you i would stop poking the cat i can't be you it's impossible but if i were you i would stop that it's a good way of giving advice or a warning if he were younger i would ask him out it's impossible he can't be younger so i'm not going to ask him out if i was taller i would wear high heels you can choose between i was and i were i were sounds a little more formal i've got a little extra bit of homework for you i want you to answer it in the comment section down below i want you to answer this question if you were an animal which one would you be and why if i were an animal i would be a fruit bat because i'm completely addicted to fruit let me know i'm so excited to see what you come up with you always surprise me now let's talk about that continuous now for the slightly complicated bit in second conditional sentences the continuous form of the present conditional can be used if this thing happened that thing would be happening if i spoke french i would be living in paris i don't speak french so i i couldn't be living in paris right now if i had an exam tomorrow i would be revising right now it's not so common but it's important that you know about it let's move on to the last one the third conditional i can't believe we're here already we use the third conditional to talk about the past it's used to talk about a situation that did not happen and to imagine the results of this imaginary situation we use if and past perfect and then would have and past participle in the main clause if this thing had happened that thing would have happened if i had studied harder i would have passed the exam but i didn't study hard enough so i didn't pass the exam if we had left earlier we wouldn't have arrived late you wouldn't be so tired if you had gone to bed earlier i hope that's enough right that is it for my lesson on conditionals there is more to conditionals maybe we'll cover that another day but i think that gives you a really strong foundation now i want you to test your learning i have created a quiz for you it goes through zero first second and third conditionals the quiz is on the pdf which has got all of the information from today's lesson just click on the link in the description box enter your name and email address you sign up to my mailing list and you will receive the pdf directly in your inbox and then each week you will receive my pdf lessons as soon as they're available if you would like to improve your vocabulary and your listening skills then i should just remind you that i have my vlogging channel where i vlog my daily life here on a farm in the english countryside and every single vlog is completely subtitled for your understanding so you can pick up lots of words because i show a lot of daily tasks things that you can use that are relevant to you don't forget to connect with me on my social media i've got my instagram lucy and i have my website where i have a really cool pronunciation tool where you can click on a phoneme and hear me say it and hear me say words that contain that phoneme i will see you soon for another lesson [Music] you
Channel: English with Lucy
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Id: vXp0ETWXbWo
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Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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