How To Talk About Your Daily Routine In English | Vocabulary | English Speaking Practice | ChetChat

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hey so this one is a one-hot master class on talking about your daily routine in English it's a long class but you're going to find everything that you need example we're going to talk about the five W's method of being able to describe your daily routine very easily we'll talk about expressions and grammar commonly used vocabulary including a full table of adverbs of frequency we'll have idioms Advanced Expressions we also have 12 phrasal verbs and it's going to come to you in a visual quiz format that you're going to enjoy there are practice questions and in the end I'm going to share my complete routine which will become listening practice for you you're also going to find all the key learnings and tables so you can take screenshots along the way now whether you're appearing for an ILS exam or you want to become a fluent English speaker or you have any other school exam this is that one video that you need to save so let's let's get going hey this is cha and you're on chatchat it's a Friday today now let's begin with the five W method to describe your daily routine very easily now on your screen is a video it shows a sample routine and let's say you have this routine and you need to describe it to someone so first let's take a look at the five W's method this is who what when where why now we just need to remember these five ws and let's see how it works like magic who this is a 28-year-old man living in a small town what what is he doing he's running when um every morning at 6:00 a.m. where at a nearby park why uh maybe because he enjoys the outdoors the fresh clean air and maybe running gives him energy and strength for the the entire day and also helps him keep fit and happy so there it is whatever is the daily routine that you wish to describe just think of the five ws and now let's see what we've got here okay I am a 28-year old man living in a small town I religiously go for a run every morning at 6:00 a.m. to a nearby park I enjoy the outdoors and the fresh clean air running every morning gives me energy and strength for the entire day and keeps me both fit and happy easy peasy wasn't it fantastic now that we have this basic technique let's move on with vocabulary and expressions now on your screen are a few common sentences okay and you have to tell me which words you're going to use for them I Dash get up and go to bed at roughly the same time I Dash wake up early or or I Dash wake up at 7:00 a.m. now either way whatever is your specific routine these words in the blanks can be pretty much the same so write down your answers below I would say usually I usually get up and go to bed at roughly the same time or I rarely wake up early you could say I never really get up and go to bed at roughly the same time my life lacks regularity which means I don't have a regular routine or you could say I regularly wake up at 700 a.m. this means your routine is quite set now these words that we have added are called adverbs of frequency they qualify how often how frequently that activity is performed but the question is how are we going to decide which of these words describes our routine perfectly so let's build a table of these adverbs of frequency we'll categorize them into three columns always sometimes and ready now before we get to that table let me give a quick shout out to Mark Sheran from Philippines who's watching and learning English with us and if you want a shout out you definitely want to leave me a message and include the hashtag chat Chatters here on your screen are the words that we can use instead of always regularly I regular have a light breakfast before heading out to college head out is a nice phrasal verb which also means to go out or to begin a journey you could use the word routinely I routinely sleep in on weekends now sleeping in is a phrasal verb that means that you just roll and you sleep a bit extra because it's the weekend and sleeping in is different mind you from overslept overslept meant you wanted to wake up at a certain time and by mistake maybe you forgot to set the alarm maybe you you know just snoozed off your alarm and you woke up an hour later now another word that we can use instead of always is religiously I religiously brush my teeth before breakfast or without fail I take the school bus at 7:30 a.m. without fail notice one thing this without fail now comes at the end of the sentence take a look at these two sentences all the time I wake up tired I better start sleeping on time I habitually waste time in the morning scrolling through my phone habitually out of habit now if the adverb is a single word like habitually religiously regularly or routinely we place it just before the verb I habitually waste time in the mornings and if you do find yourself doing this then it's time to change change your habits okay but if the adverb clause is two or more words long it either goes to the beginning of the sentence or the end I take the school bus without fail so that was one quick tip and now let's see which are the words we can use instead of always come what may this is a nice one come what may I read for 10 minutes every morning come rain or shine this is another one similar to come water me it means no matter what happens I read for 10 minutes every morning notice that the longer adverb clause come what may is put at the beginning of the sentence or you can also write it like this I read for 10 minutes every morning come what me so either at the start or the end of the sentence if it's two words or longer now we can also say make it a point this is a nice way of saying that I intentionally do it I make it a point to stay hydrated often taking short breaks to stretch and maintain mental Clarity you can also use invariably invariably I have a glass of water first thing in the morning on a regular basis I hit the gym on a regular basis a couple of times during the week at the very least hit the gym or go to the gym or go down to the gym you know these are all Expressions that can be used you can use these expressions for other places too I regularly hit the library on my way back from college for example okay at the very least is also a phrase that native speakers use to say not less and probably much more than a couple of times during the week maybe four or five times even at the very least okay now let's check out words and expressions that we have have instead of sometimes the first one on the list is usually I usually have early morning meetings at work means quite often though not necessarily every day generally I generally work best in the mornings that's when I'm most productive mostly I grab breakfast at Starbucks and head straight to work now these are some interesting Expressions that you can use for breakfast coffee or tea I grab a coffee I get myself a coffee I make myself breakfast I have breakfast I drink tea or I have a cup of tea any of these I eat breakfast is also correct though I somehow much prefer saying I have breakfast since it includes both the eating and the drinking broadly speaking but you can use either of them head straight too is a nice way of saying I go directly to work after having breakfast breakast I frequently immerse myself in a podcast on my commute to work by the way if you do enjoy listening to podcast and check out skill up with chatchat on Spotify and if you're looking for other ways to connect with me then we have an Instagram page we also have an Instagram Channel and also a WhatsApp Channel and of course I do read the majority of the comments that you post under my videos so go right ahead I frequently immerse myself in a podcast on my commute to work okay commute is different from travel commuting trips are those from home to the usual place of work or from work to home and this word is used when there is a fairly long distance that you travel between work and home the daily commute tires me so it's a good idea to listen to podcasts on the way from time to time I do the cooking when we speak of routine work we say do the cooking do the chores I do the washing this means the same thing as I cook I wash up but it's just how native speakers say it next one is occasionally I occasionally get late at work and I munch something in the cafeteria now and then this is a nice one and remember it's a longer expression so it's going to go either at the beginning of the sentence or at the end of the sentence so we could say now and then I like to take a break from work and go for a short walk to clear my mind or I like to take a break from work and go for a short walk to clear my mind every now and then next we have once in a while this hints at being infrequent closer to rarely once in a while we gather for a family movie night to spend quality time together the next one on the list is in fits and starts I tend to work in fits and starts with periods of intense work followed by lulls in activity this is a nice one it means uh you know when you do something in bursts and you're not consistently doing that also the expression I tend to is quite a good one which means I have a tendency to I usually do this many a time this is a good one many a time I incorporate short breaks into my schedule to maintain focus and prevent burnout you can also say many times but many a time has a more native speaker is feel to it now let's look at some of our daily routine tasks that we do rarely or infrequently how can we say them in English never really in my daily routine I never really forget to include a moment of self-reflection hardly ever I hardly ever miss my daily workout routine even on busy days almost never I almost never have a heavy breakfast opting for a lighter healthier option you could say I always have a light breakfast or saying I almost never have a heavy breakfast implies that you consciously avoid that out of choice once in a blue moon is a nice one I indulge in a sweet treat once in a blue moon maintaining a balanced diet overall on rare occasions I enjoy cooking but it happens on rare occasions due to a busy schedule few and far between taking breaks during work is few and far between but I realize its importance for productivity sporadically I engage in creative activities sporadically to keep my mind fresh and inspired on occasion this is a very crisp British English word I may indulge in a cup of coffee on occasion but I usually opt for herbal tea the next one is a few times I go for a jog in the park a few times a week to stay Physically Active scarcely ever this one is similar to never really or never ever I would say um staying late in the office is something I scarcely ever do preferring an early start one grammar trip here when we talk about our daily routine remember to use the simple present tense only we do not say used to would or will because these are either past tense or future tense words now you have a few sentences on your screen fill in the blanks with the words that work best to describe your routine and I want you to write them down in the comments below I do the cooking before taking a shower what what can you say here I regularly do the cooking or I never do the cooking before taking a shower you can say invariably or consistently maybe routinely or seldom what did you write next I get home before 700 p.m. well I would say I never really get home before 700 p.m. you could say I almost always get home before 7:00 p.m. you could always say I religiously get home before 7:00 p.m. i p pack a lunch and grab a banana in the morning what did you write for this one I would say I routinely pack a lunch or I generally pack a lunch or even occasionally can be used here I scan the morning headlines blank notice the position of the blank space what has happened it's at the end of the sentence and this is your clue this means we're going to use a longer expression like without fail maybe I scan the morning headlines without fail you can also say Come What May or many a time or every now and then now if you don't really do this every morning religiously then you can say every now and then okay I make my bed first and foremost avoid saying always all the time try using some of the other words on the list like I intentionally make my bed first and foremost or you could use a bit ually or routinely I go for a jog in the park blank to stay Physically Active once again notice the blank space is not before the verb but it's at the end of the main Clause so now we need to use a longer expression here like I go for a jog in the park on a regular basis or from time to time or you can be more specific and say a few times a week great well done now we're going to move on to phrasal verbs that we can use to talk about our daily routine now the thing with phrasal verbs is that it makes you sound like a native speaker very easily so I have 12 phrasal verbs coming up and you have to give me your answers quickly the first one on your screen I every morning at 700 a.m. to start my day wake up or get up wake up means being awake eyes are open but you could still be like in bed get up means actually getting out of bed next I my alarm and roll out of bed turn off my alarm notice the phrasal verb roll out of bed this means you don't feel like waking up and you just roll out of bed okay here's the next one before doing exercises I warm up before doing exercises I my warm up I need my morning coffee too you could say different things here I would say per cup I need my morning coffee to per cup you could also say I need my morning coffee to jump start my day I my email every morning you could say check scan or peruse but right now we're talking about phrasal verbs so we're going to talk about say look through I look through my email every morning you can also say go through I go through my email every morning next one I my kids at school before heading to the office drop off I drop off my kids at school what do we have next on my way home I groceries for the week pick up on my way home I pick up groceries for the week next as soon as I'm back home I and go for tuition classes freshen up I freshen up as soon as I'm back home means I wash my face and hands and look fresh next one after cooking dinner I the kitchen and put everything away clean up I clean up the kitchen put away is also a nice phrasal verb I put away the ingredients after a shower I a professional attire and go to work put on we put on our clothes professional attire is a nice way to talk about your office clothes after a long day I my shoes and relax at home take off take off my shoes we can say remove my shoes but we're talking about phrasal verbs and take off sounds more like a native speaker here's a nice one just before going to bed I the day and what I achieved there there are many different ways you can fill in this blank but I quite like the phrasal verb reflect on I reflect on my day you can even say ponder over I ponder over my day and now it's time for the listening exercise I will give you my routine and you can practice your listening as well as maybe you can learn a few Expressions so here goes every morning I wake up at the crack of dawn to seize the day I never really hit the snooze button instead I jump out of bed with enthusiasm I hit the gym on a regular basis after a quick shower to freshen up I grab a bite to eat usually opting for a vegetable smoothie and a nutritious breakfast to fuel my morning during work hours I dive into content creation often juggling multiple activities simultaneously I make it a point to check in with my editing and SEO teams and do a couple of quick shoots breaks are sprinkled throughout my day allowing me to step outside for a breath of fresh air or catch up on industry news in the afternoon I tend to power through more focused work it's crucial to break up the monotony so I occasionally shift gears by tackling big Marathon lessons lunchtime is an opportunity to recharge the batteries with a balanced meal and on occasion I might even come home for lunch as the work day winds down I make a conscious effort to wrap up tasks efficiently evenings are dedicated to personal growths I walk with my friends for an hour I might brush up on my French lessons or play a board game with my family family time is non-negotiable we often sit down to a homecooked dinner or watch a show on Netflix together and share anecdotes from our day before bedtime I make sure to unwind by reading a book or tuning into a podcast I never really burn the Midnight Oil a good night sleep is Paramount for my well-being on weekends the routine is more relaxed I might knock out household chores or head out for a relaxing massage sometimes I meet up with friends and catch up on life's adventures over a cup of coffee in summary my daily routine is a blend of productivity personal development and moments of relaxation adhering to this routine helps me navigate life's challenges with purpose and resilience and I hope this helped you so share this with your friends and see you next Friday
Channel: ChetChat
Views: 307,062
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Keywords: #LearnEnglish, #daily routine, talk about daily routine, daily routine in english, daily routines in english, how to talk about daily routine, daily routine vocabulary, spoken english, english speaking practice, #vocabulary, #phrasal verbs, talking about daily routines, english conversation, improve your english, chetchat, chetchat latest, chetchat english, #Grammar, #EnglishGrammar, daily routine conversation, english for beginners, listening, #practice, routine, english speaking
Id: _MPfl5D_MEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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