Determiners In English Grammar With Examples | Quantifiers | Determiners - Complete Chapter|ChetChat

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hello Chet Chatters and welcome to this Marathon session on determiners determiners are those tiny tiny words that cause big big confusion so this is a complete Master Class where you're going to get a full one revision on determiners especially quantifiers so what are we going to talk about today we're going to talk about what are determiners different types of determiners specifically we'll talk about quantifiers and the differences between them rules exceptions examples and common mistakes at the end of this video we also have a quiz that's going to check our understanding so let's get going hey this is chna and you're watching chatchat and this content is also available as a podcast on skill up with chatchat now let's begin with what are those tiny tiny words that we are calling determiners well here they are and examiners have a feel day confusing us with these it could either be a School exam an i exam or any banking or competitive exam we need to understand these clearly and sometimes just to become an advanced speaker so a determiner is a small word that we use before a noun and it gives some sort of information about the noun they clarify what a noun refers to for example you your car they could also indicate its quantity or number for example four wheels so isn't this what adjectives did then what is the difference actually between determiners and adjectives determiners are a type of adjectives except that they are not they're not qualitative example a red book an old book a good book is an adjective what is it doing it's describing the qualities of the book but this book that book my book many books few books some books they're all determiners they simply signal and point towards a noun they don't describe the qualities of that noun pronunciation before we move on we must establish that this is not determine but determine determine determiners not determiners okay with that said let's take a look at the eight type of determiners that you are perhaps studying at school now we're not going to go into each one of them in detail today and in fact we already have a detail video on articles and I'm going to drop a link to that below we're only going to talk about quantifiers out of these eight but what are quantifiers let's go over the basics before deep diving here they are as the name suggests they suggest the quantity or the number of the noun how many or how much of something but these can often be so confusing few or a few some or any okay so primarily there are three main differences when you look at these quantifiers especially when you look at them in pairs let's go over them one by one the first is the actual quantity or the amount of something are they saying that it's a lot of quantity or less more number or less that is the first difference the second difference is in the type of sentence in which the determiner is used is it used in a positive sentence in a negative sentence or in questions so positive sentences you know are like you have an exam tomorrow negative sentences have a not or a never type of word in it like you don't have an exam tomorrow you do not have an exam tomorrow and questions you all know questions do you have an exam exam tomorrow do you like this video then make sure that you subscribed to the channel the Third Kind of difference between quantifiers is on the type of noun they are used with is it used with a countable noun or an uncountable noun with singular or plural well most quantifiers would talk about plural so that could be plural countable or uncountable nouns but articles like a and an single singular nouns so what are uncountable nouns you already know that stuff that you can't count like water information sugar homework that's a lot rain pollution advice knowledge weather Furniture humility honesty singular and plural countable nouns are easy and you already know them okay so here is the summary of differences you can pause the video and take a screenshot shot and we're going to use some of these symbols when we do a detailed explanation that's coming up so let's take pairs of quantifiers one by one and see the differences and before we begin our first pair I want to give a shout out to hias sing who scored 11 out of 12 in our pronunciation quiz and if you want a shout out then leave me a message with the hash chat Chatters and answer the quiz that's coming up right at the end okay okay few versus little let's look at the three differences and the usage of these words both are used for small quantities or numbers around two or five items or less than 25% quantity is a good approximation both are used in positive sentences there were few clouds in the sky I had little sugar left in the jar as you can see few is used for countable nouns and and it talks about numbers stuff you can count few chocolates few mangoes few cups and little is used for uncountable nouns and talks about quantity like little love little happiness little honey there's one hack to determine which determiner to use if there is an S at the end of the noun use few and if you cannot put an S at the end of the noun then use little try it out make a few sentences and leave them for me as comments below so basically few means less in number and little means less in quantity I have few eggs I cannot bake a cake they are not enough there's little time left before the train departs we need to hurry the time is short we might miss the train few and little have a negative tone like it's a small quantity or a number which is a problem I have few eggs means they are not enough it's a problem similarly when we have little time it means we need to rush now let's look at a few and a little once again they both mean small numbers and small quantities but what is the difference between a few and few a little and little let's find out I have a few carrots we can make a carrot cake there is a little time left before the train departs we will make it this time the tone is a little different now this is this big difference actually between few and a few a few and a little have a positive tone meaning at least we've got something whereas few and little meant it's less probably not enough ah that is why these small words cause big confusion what about the few and the little the few eggs that were there got used up in the cake they were not too many eggs in the first place but whatever we had we used it up while baking the cake she appreciated the little support she received from her colleagues this means that she probably was hoping for more support and she got little however she appreciated that at least there was some support the few and the little mean that even though there are not many or not much but it's all that there is whatever we have so the few and the little are both positive and negative in their tone on the one hand they are highlighting the fact that there are not many or not much on the other hand it is saying that at least we had that much H let's take some more examples in times of Crisis the few you who stand up to help make a significant impact despite the little time we had we managed to complete the project successfully it was not much but all that we had or all that was there here's another determiner that means a small quantity bit or a bit let's see how this Compares with few and little bit is a bit like few it is used with uncountable nouns to determine quantity it needs a bit more work we can also say it needs a little more work I have a bit of information or I have a little information are the same thing here's an interesting one may I borrow your phone for a little bit this is acceptable little bit it means a teeny tiny amount of in this case time now look at these two sentences she adds a bit of sugar to her coffee I add a little bit of sugar to mine little bit is less than bit that sounded like a tongue twist a little bit is less than bit Lily bit okay time for the next big pair of quantifiers some versus any both some and any are used when we are not sure of exactly how much quantity we are talking about the only difference is that that with sum the quantity is unspecified but limited which means we don't know how much it is but it's not a huge quantity it is somewhat limited some any on the other hand is totally unspecified I have some money versus do you have any money in the first case we don't know how much but we don't have too much we have some in the second case it could be any amount of money any unspecified this is another big difference sentence type some and any can both be used for questions but some is used for positive sentences and any is used for negative sentences I have some information I don't have any information okay both sum and any are used for both numbers and quantity and therefore we can use them with both plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns but the the difference is in the tone some has a positive tone and any has a negative tone let's take a look at that with the examples I have some friends means that I have a limited number of friends it's not like few or very few which could be like two or three friends it is some which means maybe five or six I don't have any friends means I have zero friends none at all don't have any do you have sometime time I'm not asking for a specific amount of time like 1 hour or 15 minutes it's open-ended and hence unspecified but it's also limited not like do you have a huge amount of time or a lot of time but some time is limited time do you have any time again it's unspecified and limited look at the difference in these two questions can you get me some tea and did you get any tea can you see the difference in tone and even in the expected response just think about this would you like some tea would you like any tea once again the difference is in the response we are expecting when we say would you like some tea we are expecting them to say yes and when we say would you like any tea we're actually expecting them to say no English is quite a beautiful language it's very layered and nuanced so just remember that any is a negative word and some is a positive word now there are two exceptions to this rule when we are talking about any one is here we had said that we don't use any with positive sentences but what about this one he rarely eats any sweets what happened here we can use any with positive sentences if the sentence itself has a negative tone so what do you mean sentence has negative tone so negative tone means a sentence perhaps has words like hardly never rarely without for example he hardly has any time left so broadly it still keeps the tone negative for any here is a second exception we had said that any is used with plural countable and uncountable nouns and not with singular announc but what about this conversation which pizza do you want any any pizza here any is used with a singular noun pizza so what is happening here any can be used with a singular noun if your in meaning is it doesn't matter or I don't care for example you can pick any dress it doesn't matter which dress you pick any dress you can try any flavor I don't care which flavor you choose you can try any flavor or you can take any root so any can be used for both positive and negative sentences and let's see the difference when we say I want any pizza we mean it doesn't matter which one anyone will do and when we say I don't want any pizza we mean to say we want none no zero Pizza similarly when you say you can eat anything anything it means I don't care it doesn't matter you can eat whatever you wish to but in the negative sense you can't eat anything means you eat zero nothing great that sorts out some confusion that you may have or any confusion that you may had with some and any and now we're going to look at many versus much both many and much I used to describe large numbers large quantities like almost like 90% or more depending on the context the first difference between them which you probably already know is that many is used for numbers and therefore many is used with plural countable nouns much is used for quantity and so we use it with uncountable nouns I have many followers I can count them but I have received much love from all of you and that is precious and uncountable now the second and the most subtle difference between them is that many can be used with all three kinds of sentences positive negative and questions but much is used mostly with negative sentences and questions if I say I have much sugar it sounds much too formal same hack that we use for few and little if there's an S at the end of the noun use many and not much now let's look at the use of many and much with different sentence types questions first how many apples does he have and how much money does he have it's similar in usage the only difference again is just the numbers and the quantities now let's look at negative sentences they're also pretty similar I don't have many classes and I don't have much milk pretty much the same the difference lies in the positive sentences but remember we said that we don't use much for positive sentences so what am I talking about they have many cars is fine plural countable noun and positive sentences we would not say I have much happiness though we can but it sounds like the queen's English L we use much for comparative adjectives it was much hotter than yesterday now ideally we should say it was hotter than yesterday more hotter is clearly wrong but much is used to add emphasis it was much hotter it means it was quite a bit warmer not just slightly one or 2° but like 10° warmer next up is so much and so many we use so rather than very when you're talking about much and many in positive sentences and when you want to talk about a very large quantity you say I have so many pens not very many pens there there are so many cars on the road and there are so many people at the concert this is all for plural countable nouns and we are using many and we cannot say very many so we say so many I have so much homework there is so much traffic on the road we had so much fun last night is all for uncountable nouns now we also use too much and too many but these we use in the negative sense when we are trying to say that it is more than necessary example I bought too much food we had to throw some of it away there are too many cars on the road or there are way too many cars on the road many people versus so many people versus to many people okay make your own sentences and leave them for me in the comment section I'm going to wait for them let's throw in another determiner called lots of and a lot of and compare it to much and many first up lots of and a lot of are very similar and interchangeable in usage they're used in positive sentences with both plural countable and uncountable nouns for example he speaks many languages we had lots of fun I have a lot of respect for her beware that lots of and a lot of could sound casual if you want to sound formal use many and much and here are some common mistakes a lot many a lot or many very many many or so many very less work less is used with countable nouns we should say very little work many Works work is an uncountable noun so we will say a lot of work not works another common mistake is using a lot instead of very like I was a lot tired no a lot is used instead of much or many in this case we would say I was very tired okay we've done most of the determiners and now it's time to move to most versus most of and both of them can be used with all three sentence types so on paper actually they both seem identical but what is the difference we write most followed by the noun and most of followed by a determiner like the his her their's my Etc and then the noun most is the superlative determiner it's used to indicate the greatest amount the greatest quantity the greatest degree most of actually indicates majority or the large portion of the whole if you're getting confused I'll simplify this for you and we're going to see some example most people are educated most computers are big and he scored the most runs in World Cup Cricket they ate most of the pizza most of the day is over and most of the data is incorrect can you see how this is a majority of or a large portion of still not convinced I'm going to make this easier so when we say most Pizzas around we mean it in a general enal sense that most pizzas are round so you know when you see a pizza chances are it's going to be round but when we say most of the pizzas were thin crust we mean it in a specific sense most of the pizzas that we ordered at the party were thin crust most desserts are sweet is a general statement but he made most of the desserts at home is specific to the desserts that were served at home and here are some common mistakes with most and most of most the information most information most of people most of the people cool well done and next up is a great deal of a large amount of a large number of and a great number of they're all used for large numbers and quantities approximately around 85 to 90% amount and deal are words we use with uncountable nouns and number is used with countable nouns but let's see how they are actually used she has a great deal of experience in the field he has a large amount of money invested in the stock market a large number of students attended the seminar we received a great number of applications for the job there's a very sort of subtle difference between these terms though a great deal of and a large amount of are a little more formal it's subtle and there's also one tiny difference is that a large amount or a large number is larger than a great deal or a great number again the difference is subtle and you can kind of you can use them interchangeably so cool that covers a large amount of a portion in determiners and a great number of quantifiers in fact I would say that most of the quantifiers have been discussed today so it's time for our quiz there are 10 questions coming up on your screen and their answers are going to follow so make sure you put down the answers in the comment section below and I'm going to be waiting for them question number one unfortunately I have talent for music although I have always wanted to be a famous singer since Talent is uncountable whatever are you going to say few and a few are both ruled out and the answer is little because we are complaining about having less talent and not being able to fulfill our Dream okay question number two on your screen Dash people attended the early morning meeting but joined in later as it progressed notice the butt in the question initially there were a few but later some joined in okay question number three dash courot will do it doesn't need to be a rain quat since coat is singular we cannot use few or little and we learned how any can be used with singular if we mean it doesn't matter question number four I didn't have trouble getting my passport I only had problem with my photo because it was an old one one notice that trouble is an uncountable noun so much fits in the best on your screen question number five Dash teachers prefer a class that is fairly consistent with pupils around the same level this one is easy most is the only option that fits in okay time for question number six I don't think there will be a shortage of drinking water since there was rainfall yesterday rainfall is uncountable so few won't work and in the question the quantity is large so either a lot of or most and yes a lot of is the right answer question number seven blank of what he said was very sensible much of is correct even most of could have been used but it was not one of the options question number eight in my country universities offer a wide range of courses that is why they are preferred by Foreign students as well now universities is plural so we cannot use every and since it is countable we cannot use a great deal or little so we use most other words that could have worked here could have been a great number of or many or even few or a few question number nine blank people attended the event but there was interest in the presentation huh what is your choice since people is uncountable the last two options are ruled out and the second option seems wrong since any interest would be odd so option one is the best answer now question number 10 participants showed interest but the audience see seemed disengaged during the lecture the correct answer which I'm waiting for in the comment section is option C and Yoo we've reached the end of our long class so I hope this was useful to you and if it was press the Subscribe button and that big fat thumbs up and see you next Friday
Channel: ChetChat
Views: 31,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: determiner, determiners, determiners in english grammar, english grammar determiners, english determiners, quantifiers determiners, quantifiers, determiner grammar, determiner rules, determiner trick, english grammar, use of determiners, much, many, few, some, little, any, A Few, Too Much, what is determiner, #english, #Learn English, chetchat, chetchat english, basic english grammar, determiners with examples, use of few a few the few, #Grammar, #practice, competitive exams, #rules, #tricks
Id: WwYEeRzPnsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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