Prepositions In English Grammar With Examples | Use of Prepositions| English Grammar Lesson|ChetChat

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hello my lovely chat Chatters today we have 25 of the most commonly confused prepositions we're going to talk about the differences between them and the multiple uses of them in a very very interesting way so that you'll never forget prepositions and this one class is going to take you through all 25 of them in entirety so what are prepositions if you ask me prepositions are those tiny words but they are literally you know the most some of the most important words in a sentence you have a noun and pronoun and then you have the rest of the sentence and it connects the two it tells you about the place the location the time the direction the movement that tiny little word tells you and gives you so much clarity about the sentence okay so without further Ado let's begin with our 25 prepositions okay so the first set of confused prepositions is in on and at let's look at in in is like being inside something like in an enclosed space so for example if I take this little thing and I put it here it is inside or in this pouch now it need not necessarily be in an enclosed space so let's say I take this in my hands now it's not fully enclosed but it's in my hands in is also used for longer time durations like she was born in 1980 in September in the afternoon by the way when were you born leave me a comment below in is also used for General locations like being in a larger location I live in Pune so the the concept is the same you're inside something which is bigger than you I'm in Pune I walk in the park you get the idea on is different on is like on top of something just imagine that visual in your mind so if I take this and this time I place a flat hand and I put this here then this microphone is on my hand this was in my hand and this is on my hand so the book is on the table and we ride on a bicycle on is also used for specific days like on Tuesday on Tuesday morning on the 20th of May so specific days you would say on we would also use on for certain body parts like uh I wear a wrist watch on my wrist I'm wearing a ring on on my finger somebody has a tattoo on their arm and finally on is also used for the state like the machine is on the switch is on now if you notice what was happening when we said in we were in a very large space we were in a very large time period when we said on the space got smaller like it became a surface or it became a day of the week as opposed to in 1980 in in September on Tuesday on the 5th so on gets smaller now similarly at becomes even smaller at is very specific so if I say meet me at the station I don't mean anywhere in the station I mean at a particular Point typically it would mean at the entrance of the station so if I say meet me at the park and I was walking in the park now what is the difference between the two I say meet me at the park means at the entrance of the park or at a specific point you know where designated point of the park I was walking in the park would mean anywhere inside that large park now at when we use for time duration also becomes smaller the think of the smallest time duration the most specific time duration and you would use at remember we said in 1980 in September on Tuesday at 300 p.m. okay so it's getting smaller and smaller at noon at sunrise at the weekend well some people say at the weekend I like to say on the weekend both are correct I'm just more comfortable saying on the weekend but I think on the weekend is American and at the weekend is British at is also used for specific events for example I would tell my mother I'm at the shoot don't ring the bell or don't knock at the door you'll find a very detailed explanation of at on and in in a video which I'm going to link below so if you want to know more you can go ahead and watch that video and I'm going to give you one more very interesting difference right now look at these two sentences I read the news in the paper I read the article on the internet now notice I've used in for the paper and you know I don't know why but in is used for paper paper News newspaper and on is used for anything electronic so it's in the news it's in the paper it's on the television it's on the computer it's on the phone it's on a website it's on the internet okay we have the next most commonly confused pair of prepositions for versus since let's talk about since since is the starting point of the time period I have been living in Pune since 2019 now it also means that the activity is still going on I am still living in Pune so when I say I have been living in Pune since 2019 it means starting 199 till now I'm living in Pune so since gives the starting point since yesterday since 2 a.m. we have been friends since high school since also has a second meaning which means the reason for something since it was raining we decided to stay indoors now for is different for is the duration of time remember since this was the starting point four is the duration like I have been shooting or recording for about 3 hours now and I need to drink a sip of water so the 3 hours the duration for 3 hours we say when we are saying that is the duration for which the activity has been going on we have been friends for 10 years so with since we said we have been friends friends since high school we have been friends for 10 years which means that the high school point was 10 years ago and since high school for 10 years we have been friends and both of these words mean that we are still friends the activity is continuing okay let's talk of the other uses of the word for one use was duration we saw the second use of the word for is purpose this glass glass is for drinking water the purpose of this glass is to be used for drinking water but when you compare it to since I would say since you were thirsty here's a glass of water so that's the reason since you are thirsty have some water but this glass is for drinking water the purpose is for drinking something so that's the difference between for and since there are some other uses of the word for as well for indicates the intended recipient this glass is for you or I'm happy for you for is also used for support or agreement I am for the new policy another use of the word for is for exchange I bought this for $200 and now another pair of prepositions that causes enough confusion is over and above above now over generally means directly on top of like the plane flew over the city now if I take this and I have this on top I will say this cloth was over the microphone which also means that we are talking about covering something and that could mean over like I took a blanket over my head he held an umbrella over his head now over also means movement of something at a height like the birds flew over the trees the plain Flew Over the clouds and it need not be that high it can also be me jumping over a puddle so to summarize over means being directly above not like there or there it's not like that is not over me it is directly above it is could be covering and there could be movement across if these one of these two three things are there then we're talking about something being over now over has a few other meanings as well one of them being control or superiority she Prides over the committee over also means more than a certain number or an age there were over 100 people at the party last night you need to be over the age of 18 to get a driver's license and over is also used during an event we had a long discussion over coffee last evening okay so if over means something is directly on top and it means it's covering and it means there could be movement then what is above okay above is a comparison like this remote is above the mic which means that it is at a higher level than this when we use the word above that is what we are trying to do we're also saying so there's a light above my table there is a shelf above my you know table so all of these things mean that there is something at a higher level compared to something else now one important thing is that there is no contact between the two now if I say that the remote is above the mic this is how it would be but if I do this then I would say that the remote was sitting over the mic moment there's contact it's over no contact means above so which is correct the Aeroplane Flew Over the clouds or the Aeroplane flew above the clouds both are correct when you say that the plane flew over the clouds your intention is a that it is directly on top of the clouds two you you could be feeling that it is covering the clouds see we're talking about movement now when we say that the plane flew above the trees above the city above the CL what are we trying to say we're trying to talk about the level we're trying to say this is the level of the trees this is the level of the crowds and not crowds but clouds but and this is the level of the plane it is at a higher level not necessarily directly above not necessarily in contact so the idea with above is to show this higher level so you say above C Level you also say above average the performance was above average above is also used for superiority like the officer above me is very strict and there is one more use of this word above which once again connects to being at a higher level but it means Beyond reach like this is above all suspicion it is not affected by and it is beyond all reach now think of these two situations she held her umbrella over her head or she held her umbrella above her head what is the difference between the two in your mind now in which case do you think you're going to get wet she is going to get wet in which of the two cases or which of the two cases are you sure that she's not going to get wet well I would put my buck on over held her umbrella over her head gives me a feeling a that it is directly above the head and B that it is covering the head holding an umbrella above the head simply means that it is at a higher level than the head it could be really really high and it's of no use because the wind is blowing the rain my way so that's the difference between think about over and above in that way Al look at these two sentences the population is over 1 million his scores are above average so over is over a particular number over a particular age and above is always above a certain level okay now that we've understood the difference between over and above what does over and above mean does it mean something extremely high no English is strange so over and above means something in addition to something extra beyond what is expected like your dedication and perseverance towards prepositions is over and above that of an average student it's extra it's beyond what an average student would put in so that's over above and over and above so that brings us to the next next commonly confused pair of prepositions which is under and below and we'll do this quickly because the logic is very similar to over and above under means directly below like this mic is under this remote or the dog is sitting under the table it means directly below it also means there could be contact and there also means that there could be a covering she was under the umbrella he was hidden under a blanket under also means below a certain age and below a certain number you need under 100 people to for the boat to you know float or all the children were under the age of 10 so under has two more meanings one is that it means there's a lower status for example so he was under the management or under the law similarly under also means to be in a state for example under the influence of pain killers or under a lot of pressure to be in a certain state or condition well below is the opposite of above so it means below a certain standard or a level so you would say the temperature is below freezing point or their scores are below average or the sub submarine went below sea level it also means once again that there is no not necessarily directly you know it's not like underwear you have to be directly you know at a lower level you could be just at a lower level but you know at a different plane so you are below there is also a lack of contact so you could say below the Horizon and figuratively when we say below average we also say it is below a certain standard which means it's not up to that certain level or standard it is below that standard and there's one more use of the word below which is you know see the points that are listed below don't you see that in your questions read the passage below and answer the questions below it just means listing something under something else well I just said below means under but it means at a lower position okay look at these two sentences she hid the gift under the bed they could see the village below the mountain now when you see the first sentence you get a feeling that it was directly under the bed it was perhaps touching the bed it was perhaps fully covered by the bed also but they could see the village below the mountain doesn't mean that the village was submerged under the mountain or covered by the mountain it just means it was at a lower level okay we now come to the next commonly confused pair of prepositions two and two words I'll give you the multiple uses of two because it's it's a preposition that's used a lot uh but first let's talk about the difference she went to the store she went towards the store what is the difference okay when you say she went to the store it means she was going the destination was the store and you're almost certain that she would have reached the store but when you say she went towards the store what you're trying to say is that she went in the direction of the store but you know I don't know where she was going but you know she was going towards the store towards that straight road there and then she took a left towards the market I don't know but where she was intending to go maybe somewhere completely different so when you say to the store you means that is the Destin ation and when you say towards something it means that is the direction now of course to being a word you know big preposition that lots of other uses for example it could be a recipient she gave the book to him it could be a relationship she was advisor to the president it could be time a point in time the shop is open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. it could be time in relation to the next hour it is 10 minutes to five time um two is also used as a purpose or a reason she went to watch a movie and two is also used sometimes in a comparison ratio the score was 3 to one you know three is to one which means one person was three the other one was one you're comparing them and you use the word two and also talking about comparisons you would say I prefer tea to coffee which means tea over coffee or I prefer tea rather than coffee but you know you would say I prefer tea to coffee so okay good two has a lot of different uses but remember two is talking about a destination now the only exception here when it comes to the usage of two is that two is also used as an infinitive when we say to swim to run now in this case as an infinitive it is not a preposition in all other cases it is a preposition okay to words we saw that to words was Direction she is going towards the school which means she's going in the direction of the school we don't know whether she's going to reach the school not reach the school or she's actually going somewhere else but the direction is the same direction in which the school is toward wordss is also used for an attitude toward wordss he has a positive attitude towards work for example okay let's take this sentence we are moving towards a solution what this means is that you've taken one step closer to the solution you're not exactly reach the solution but you're headed in the direction of the solution you're moving towards the solution towards is also used for purpose or goal like this donation is going towards the cricket round of the school okay tell me is it toward or towards you must have heard both these words so toward word is American and toward wordss is British and that's what I'm more comfortable saying towards so we were moving towards a solution we are together moving towards excellence in English grammar aren't we okay we've done two and to words and there's one other word which is related to two which is from and it's kind of the in a way an opposite of two so what was two two was talking about the destination from is talking about the origin she has come from Brazil she is going to America right so from is the origin to is the Final Destination now from is also used when you say this t-shirt is made from cotton now what does it mean I'm I'm going to ask you the difference what is the difference between made of and made from okay there's a very big difference though they sound like I don't know we use them interchangeably sometimes made from means that whatever it was in the beginning it has changed so if there was cotton it doesn't look like cotton anymore it looks like a nice you know t-shirt so you say made from which means the origin was something else and it originated there but it has ended up here and when you say made of it just means it is the same thing the table is made of wood it still looks a bit like wood it looks like wood right so it's just wood cuted polish but made from means it is completely changed from what it was earlier okay example this plastic case if I told you that this plastic case is made from oil you would say what but it is oil indeed that converts to plastic and that is what makes this so we can't say it's made of oil because then you'll say like where's the oil there's no it's the oil has changed and so it is made from something else from Remember The from means origin so it also in the context of time means a starting point of time like I work from 9:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. origin to destination similar idea from is also used for a cause like he was tired from the journey from can also be used for distance my college is 5 kilm from here here which means I start from here origin is here and then from here the college is 5 kilm so that's how I remember remember the origin as far as from is concerned and the destination for two and a lot of the other meanings will all fit in because there is a logic to why we are saying from here or made from this okay now we're picking up four prepositions that tend to be confused and we're going to compare them along around a cross and through now let's talk about a think about it as a long and think about long as a line like a long straight line so if something is moving along it's moving in a line you could be either moving in a line or you could be parallel to something else like you could be walking along a river along a road or you could be walking along a beach you could have lamps that are placed along the path but basically when you think of along think of it movement in a straight line parallel to something else like a road or a river or a beach now think about around and the answer is in the word itself it is a so the the movement is circular it is surrounding something they sat around a fireplace or she danced around the trees okay so you may say she looked around the room which means all around in a circle literally all encompassing the room her gaze went so typically when you're saying around you mean in a circular fashion surrounding something else around also has two more meanings one is like an approximate time or value like I'll be there around 300 p.m. or this cost me around 100 rupees around also means when you talk about various different locations like they have traveled all around Europe okay across and think of the word cross and thinking of like crossing the road so when you keep that in mind a cross or think about like a cross like something going from one end to the other end so a cross literally means you go from one side to the other you go across a field you go across the road and even if you don't go you can say the shop is across the street or it's across the bus station which means it is at the other side of something and you have to go cross the lake which means you have to cross the lake like this and go okay there's one more meaning of a cross which means which is like news spread across the entire country so imagine that this is a country and news spread this way this way travel from here to there and there to there and there to there all in crosses across the entire country okay and through you go through something which means you enter something and then you come out of it at the other end the train went through the tunnel I went through the forest when you go through something that thing is covered and you enter and you exit at the other side so you would say I went across the field because the field is open but you would say I went through the tunnel because the tunnel is not open it's covered you enter and you exit Okay some other quick meanings for the word through through is also used for a period of time she worked through the night or for means or methods she succeeded through her hard work and you could also use it to mean an entire document like she went through the entire document she went through the document means she read it completely so if we summarize the four along around across and through we would along would be walking along the river along the beach along the road in a line walking around the park walking around the tree going in around Circle walking across the field across the lake across the river means just crossing something going from one end to the other and going through something means that it's covered you're going inside and you're coming out at the other end okay and then we come up with our Trio between among and Aid you know between of course you do you know it's an easy one but let me just explain this to you where is the red button on orange button on this remote it is between these two white buttons on the top right so it is in the middle of two distinct inct things that is what we say between for when you are sitting between two people you are in the middle and these two people are around you you are talking about something which is in the middle of two distinct entities two distinct entities like the book was between the two lamps now between is also used in other context you can say there is a strong born between the siblings there could be more than one sibling we're talking about here but in this case when you're talking about the relationship you could say there is a strong bond between the siblings between is also used for time like you can come any time between 1 p.m. and 2: p.m. again what's happening 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. are distinct entities and we're talking about the middle part you can come anytime between 1: p.m. and 2:00 p.m. between is also used for choice you have to choose between the red dress and the blue dress once again they're too distinct and you are somewhere in between of the two and you have to go either towards the red or towards the blue dress now usually I told you that between is used for two entities but there is an extended use of this when there are more than two entities but each one of them is distinct they're not one group so for example you may say that she had to choose between going to Delhi University and Bombay University and Pune University and Gujarat University okay maybe she got admission to all the four universities she had to choose between them and this time they are four of them but I'm still saying between them and I'm not using among or amid I'll talk about among and amid later but this is an exception for between when there are multiple distinct objects of people and then you're talking about something out of those you say between now among okay among is used when something is in a group more than two or rather let me say three or more things or people and something is in that and now those three or four things usually are similar they're not very distinct for example she found her keys among the pile of clothes so you've got of all the clothes are similar and then she found the keys but they are more than two more than three clothes so you said among the clothes you would say she distributed sweets among the class children the students okay so you all of them are in a group but they're similar and you distribute among them now Aid is when something is in the middle of a situation or an environment or something abstract for example they found themselves amid the confusion or she remained calm amidst the entire storm so it could be confusion it could be storm it could be turmoil it could be noise you know when something is in a certain environment or an abstract elements and then it is in the middle of that you would use amid or amidst like they Thrive amid challenges okay now let's talk about into and onto remember in was inside of like an enclosed space but in to means to go from outside to inside you know like she walk into the room there's a certain movement associated with the word Into You Are entering a space he turned into the driveway similarly when we look at the word onto remember on what were we saying on it was on a surface and when you say on to it means it lands on the surface once again there is movement the cat jumped onto the roof or she climbed onto the bed so on to means on top of into was inside going in inside so into and onto means movement in a certain direction it could be movement in the in direction or the on Direction okay now let's talk about off with a single F and off with a double f are they the same and can they be used for the same situation absolutely no in fact I would say they are very different o with a single f is about belonging to connected to an o with a double f is actually disconnecting let me explain this to you so the cover of the book is red which means the book The Cover belongs to the book the book possesses the cover there's ownership the cover of the book is red it could be even a part of a hole a slice of the pizza again the slice belongs to the pizza right made of this ring is made of gold remember we did made from where we said that in made from the thing gets transformed into something else made of means it is part of the same it belongs to the same it's the same goal it's become a ring so off is kind of there's a belonging there's a possession there's the same material and that is what off is actually in spirit so when you look at all the different meanings it also could mean cause like they died of illness and it also could be a relationship like a friend of mine and sometimes off is also used for quantities like you could say a teaspoon of salt a cup of sugar now the O off is used when you're talking about separation or removal take your shoes off disconnection switch the light off like distance the restaurant is off the main Highway means it's away from the main highway it's also used for a physical position in implying that it is not on so the cat jumped off the table means it was on the table and then it jumped away from the table so again we're talking about displacement going away distance disconnection cancellation the event was called off or even discount or reduction 20% off which means 20% are removed taken away from the main price so you get the idea o f is an in extension taking away removing disconnecting something so o f single f is used for possession or belonging like you would say the leg of the table and oou F is used for separation or removal okay let's look at beside versus besides beside means at the side of like this is beside this they are side by side you know so it's a position it's at the side of or next to she sat beside her friend in class besides has an extra s and I want you to think about it like that think about that s being extra which means besides means being in addition to extra over and above remember over and above also meant extra okay so besides pizza he also likes pasta which means in addition to Pizza over and above Pizza he also likes pasta besides also means except for besides Jack no one else came to the party which means except for Jack no one else came for the party so beside is a position the lamp was beside the bed and besides means in addition to a part from except from there was no one else besides him on the beach okay so there we have it 25 commonly used prepositions and we've sorted all the confusion and given examples and explanations and I hope you love this episode go back and see our entire grammar series and if you really like this leave me a comment below and we're going to do more such series and episodes on prepositions see you next week bye-bye
Channel: ChetChat
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Keywords: preposition, prepositions, preposition tricks, how to use prepositions correctly, prepositions in english grammar, how to use preposition, use of prepositions, preposition exercise, english grammar lesson, #english, learn english, english grammar, english grammar preposition, preposition for ssc cgl, preposition and their correct use, how to use preposition in sentence, how to use preposition in english, preposition explanation, chetchat, chetchat english, chetchat latest video
Id: BFW6hQ2Y0dU
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Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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