Conan Gets To The Bottom Of A Suspicious Voicemail | Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend

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last episode we had a voicemail from a listener and there seemed to be a bit of a debate because Sona and I many other people in the room thought that he was authentic in his Persona and his voice and his style you think that this guy Conan is maybe doing a bit I felt when I first heard his voice his name was Arnold right and he called in I thought okay I'm listening but then he um he kind of doubled down and started talking about his tractor and I thought it felt to me like an improviser doubling down on his stick and it reminded me of you know Brian stack or some of the people that did great voices that I've worked with over the years and go into characters and I thought for a minute is this like something out of Tom sharpling where someone's someone's calling in and and and it just felt like this person was putting a little bit of mustard on the fastball and that's when I thought this might be an authentic this person may not be real maybe someone's pulling our chain okay well there's a little bit of a development in this but first let's recap the voicemail hear it again so we can just all get reoriented the listener as well hi Conan my name is Arnold I was wondering if it's possible to be intermittently funny sometimes I nail it and I think about comedy and like to do it but other times it just Falls flat you know but I was awful wondering last spring dug myself this little polish here got the tractor halfway stuck in it's a good old 78 International home still not figuring out how to pull that out but you get ideas there's my number here all right Buckle okay and that was the other thing it was when he goes like Oh the old 78 International and then he goes like Buckle I thought I'm not sure so I'm I was highly suspicious it's uh we're gonna be able to get to the bottom of this I think because we have Arnold on the line oh are you guys ready no okay I just so hope he comes on he's like and he does say like hello yeah I think he's right Arnold here I hope you fell for my little scheme did you I'm calling from the Lawrence Livermore Institute who I've been working on various physiological experiments or he's like hi I'm Arnold okay let's do it let's bring Arnold on I'm gonna patch him in now hello Arnold hi hello is this Arnold it's Arnold right here oh Hey Arnold this is Conan O'Brien talking to you what a what a what a nice surprise hi well this is well it's a very nice surprise to talk to you Arnold we got your very nice voicemail and I thought I'd like to talk to this gentleman and so here we are having a nice conversation how are you sir um about medium you know you can't have a good day medium medium yeah Vindicated medium medium International Superstar Conan O'Brien's on the phone with you and you you're at the medium he's authentic no no sir let me let me make it really clear I'm very happy to talk to you just you know sometimes it's just a straight line and ain't nothing you can do about it but well Arnold I got to admit we listen I'm going to admit right now we listen to your uh voicemail and I thought is this guy putting me on I thought maybe you were because some people sometimes people in this world will call a show like mine and they'll put on an accent and kind of a character and I thought is this guy putting me on and uh and so we wanted to talk to you to make sure that you are really Arnold and gosh darn it you are you are Arnold what's your last name Arnold man what's that Smith Arnold my last name is Ed oh yes sir now I'm doubted now I'm doubting it again Arnold I think you're Arnold I think you're an actor and this is a put on that's what I think you're doing right now where are you from Arnold originally from Benton Kentucky there's a lot of Smiths down there it's like uh I don't know how high can you count wow you are from you're from okay so you're from Kentucky all right well I'm eating crow right now a nice big nice Big Slice of crow pie yeah what I'm having I'm gonna have the whole Crow pie yeah Kentucky Crow pie um so you're from Kentucky and and Arnold grew up yeah yeah oh hey I gotcha what do you mean you got him oh come on I borrowed it you're my writer and uh I'm going for the original recipe or you're going for the extra Christmas extra crispy Arnold [Music] I have to ask you something your question was can you be intermittently funny and you seem like you're you're very funny and very authentically funny so uh and no one no one's got a 100 perfect I don't you I cannot think of one person in the history of the world show me all the funniest people in the world who were always funny every second so I think everybody's intermittently funny even the funniest people in the world so um I I like your style I really do I think you're a very amusing fellow I try I just I like it's nice to see people smile interact with them oh that's very nice well what about his tractor yeah what about the old 78 International is it in the pond yeah did you get it out no it's not in the pond no more that damn thing or Rosie gives me trouble sometimes I don't know okay Rosie would still be the tractor I hope I hope that's not someone else who's giving you trouble Arnold what year were you born if you don't mind me asking I was born in 66. okay oh so you're dating a younger woman Miss Rosie the 78 International yeah well it's a 1486 model uh I guess I'll tell you a little about it yeah sure yeah it's got a it's got 16 forward speeds and eight backwards speeds it's got a wait a minute 10.1 Arnold why does it need 16 forward speeds what that just feels excessive doesn't it doesn't it do you use all 16 forward speeds or be honest have you mostly used two I would have to tell you that in all honesty I've never worked the whole range of course not maybe one time one time I think I I just but once but what would be a circumstance where you need to use the 16th speed tractor chicken oh right yeah yeah I don't know about that one but have you seen the movie Footloose Arnold where they play tractor chicken and they drive their tractors right at each other and the last one to turn away wins maybe a long time ago I kind of forgot it's been a while all right if you watch footloose and you watch the scene with tractor chicken you would not forget it Arnold so yeah it does you're right that's something that would stand out but in Top Gear top speed like maybe 20 21 miles an hour if you're lucky yeah yeah I've been stuck behind some tractors on the highway a couple times and in L.A yeah they're not moving no I like to drive to rural areas and find tractors and get behind them and then just really ride the bumper and and act real impatient and when old Gus tries to get me tries to wave me ahead you go on ahead you go around there's no car coming I just stay right behind him and lean on that horn because I hate agriculture Arnold I hate the growing and producing of food to feed Humanity it just gets my goat are you a farmer not anymore but you grow corn for a while and all that but uh oh I forgot to tell you about the tractor it's got a uh it's got like a people aquarium on it you know big Square kind of glassed in spot did not operate wait a minute it's glass oh you have scooping people up with your truck yeah we're getting them in an aquarium yeah I'm curious about this Arnold you say that you drive the tractor and there's a people aquarium on it oh yeah it's like the cab but it looks more like an aquarium than a cab man it's just a thing I love that you said there's something I forgot to tell you about the tractor when it's clear Arnold there's probably nothing you haven't told us about this tractor I know how many speeds it has I know it's it's top mile per hour I know its name well I could give you some more oh yeah okay okay I can't I Dare You Arnold let's have it all right get ready for this so it's got it can do tandem wheels in the back singular okay all right yep you can get like a four-wheel drive two-wheel drive uh Arrangement just depends on you know how much you are you're in the thick of it working so again you know I just got the four by two not because that's what all you need is the four by two right now you know what I mean you said you're not farming you're not really in the thick of it right now so you just stick with the 4x2 you know that's all you need at this point everything anything else is overkill in my opinion Arnold um well you are a you Arnold you are a uh you're a fine gentleman I'm sorry that I doubted your authenticity when you left the message that that is me uh showing uh my own Frailty and weakness I've been in the comedy world too much too long and I've worked with too many people who love to do various accents you're cynical uh maybe I'm a little cynical and people people call you know and I thought well here's a guy who's putting on I right away nailed it as Kentucky I knew that and I was like but I thought it was a comedic artist uh giving me the Old Kentucky spieleru Arnold I want you to know that Sona and I never doubted you that's true did you get Kentucky rolled or something there I did I got Kentucky rolled back in the day you know I want to talk about it there was a period in my life where I roamed the country Barefoot um and all right all right yeah it was and I I spent some time in Kentucky and yes sir I got Kentucky rolled so let's see if there were something else I was thinking about I won't touch on these and I I definitely identified with you talking about being a skeptic I'm kind of a orange skip myself oh you know just not so quick to be uh agreeable all the time and really just watch and learn yeah I like that approach to life I think that that's why when I first heard your voicemail I thought really is this some guy you know pretended to be Arnold who isn't really Arnold and uh but I learned a lesson and I hope you did too that when you reach out and you talk to the real you talk to the real person um you realize that uh that you know there's a lot of authenticity out there in the world we just have to look for it and be prepared and I should not I should not be as suspicious as I was and I think Matt and Sona have shown me the right way to be oh God that's weird I don't like that it's no no problem yeah I mean I'm just it's tough for me just you know I've uh I just had I could learn from these two and I think I've been around too much comedy I'm read too many books I'm too smart they're so talented what would you say the thing about comedy is does it make it too smart to I don't know I mean there's like education there's live education learn about people and the way they act I don't think it has anything I think it's in you I think uh comedy is in you and I think it doesn't have much of of anything to do with education doesn't have much of anything to do with preparation there's there's uh real the funniest things in the world just happen conversationally with people and you're a funny guy Arnold and so you I think you are 95 of the way there so you don't need to be thinking about I appreciate that I just I was thinking it just it's just the thing that comes out you know maybe sometimes I feel like in a weird way I'd lose control of it it just gets going and uh that's the good stuff Arnold that's the good stuff sometimes you're up there on Rosie and you're you're clicking along and 35th gear and uh we're doing 140 miles an hour and you've driven through no no you've driven through seven Billboards and uh you you get doing some of your you know telling one of your style one of your uh stem winders and then the next thing you know it's yeah you want to go too far that's the idea it's your whole career yeah Mike my whole career has been well I've been known to a fan because I go a little too far it's hard to tell who's offended who is a fan of bull is that yeah well that's more that's more and more an issue all the time Arnold but uh you know but as long as you have a good yeah but as long as you have a good heart and you're not trying to hurt people um if someone gets offended you can usually straighten it out with them and and apologize so I think uh keep I'll do my best yeah keep doing you Arnold you do you it's uh you know that's the way to go you got the right idea yeah well it was very nice talking to you sir really nice talking to you and uh um thanks so much for calling into our show we really do appreciate it all right can I give you a little Kentucky roll here sure yeah hello that was it that's it [Music] that's it hello yeah there it is and you signed off with bucko right I'll say that sometimes that's kind of you know that's how you signed off on the on the voicemail you went okay bucko I like bucko yeah yeah yeah it's kind of a kind of a thing where it is Buckle I like how you you really get that oh working for you Buckle I love it it's a solid shape it rolled all right well Arnold you're the master and you've taught me well thank you very much sir all right good talking to you Conan it's been a really nice talk it's been a great talk thank you Arnold take care
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 381,082
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Keywords: team coco podcasts, team coco podcast, podcast, conan obrien needs a friend, conan needs a friend, conan o’brien needs a friend, needs a friend, conan o’brien podcast, conan o’brien needs a friend podcast, celebrity interview, comedy podcast, conan podcast, matt gourley, sona movsesian
Id: HDs3GsGiphk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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