Conan Fixes An Issue In The "Late Night" Men's Bathroom - "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"

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you know as i said we're trying a lot of different things lately and one of the things that we tried uh not too long ago is we started trying to put a bit of a spotlight on people that work here behind the scenes at the show make it a little bit about them because it kills time and it's a nice thing to do uh but i really did want to actually get more involved in their lives and help out a little bit so recently i said to the staff if anybody has a problem something that's bothering them something about their life here at late night with conor o'brien that's less than perfect i'm very accessible please come to me and uh tell me your problem and i will do my best to fix it and i meant it i really wanted to help out not too long ago someone who works here at the show very nice guy named aaron blair came to me and he said that he had something that was troubling him something behind the scenes here at the show that wasn't quite working for him and he wanted my help i decided to help him and i brought a camera crew along and here's what happened i'm here with aaron blair aaron your role is you don't have to wave like that sorry just just be there be there that's friendly listen you are a researcher at the show uh correct okay what uh what's the problem that you would like me to fix well it's kind of it's an issue in the men's bathroom uh here on nine and it's kind of makes me uncomfortable it's an awkward situation this is the men's bathroom why don't we go inside and you show me the problem and i'll try to fix it sound good to you i agree this is one of the nicer bathrooms i've seen what's your freaking problem blair and my problem is that it's the urinal here you pretend like you're going to the bathroom okay all right so i'm here i'm at the area okay everything's fine right zip cut thunk you know what i'm saying that zip cuff punk kind of what happens when conan unleashes the beast all i'm saying is i stand here zip ka thunk and then waka chuckle juggle what you're going to do a lot of urine coming out anyway so i'm standing here i'm doing my business what's the problem well my problem is let's say i was doing my business in a stall okay right and i come out i want to wash my hands right now the issue is that i have to look down to wash my hands and there's you know i'm saying there's no there's no partitioning it's very awkward what are you talking about well it's like i'm not looking why are you looking over this way i don't want to look over that way but something deep inside you draws you towards it you see a guy standing at the urinal and you're like i can't help it well it's woven you know why are you this is a problem in other bathrooms no one problem is that when washing your hands you feel that you're you're what you just do no i flushed it by accident i didn't you're just bad with toilets let's sum up yeah one is that when you're washing your hands you feel that your eye is drawn too easily to someone else's business the other problem you have is that when you're doing your business you're afraid someone might see what's happening south of the border with you yes i want to help you aaron thank you i want to make this okay for you so i'm going to pitch some possible solutions okay okay let's try the first solution okay aaron here's my solution uh two interns creating a wall right here you're free to uh use the bathroom and nobody who's washing their hands you know if they peek through here they're a little cool this isn't how i mean there's more people in here now right but they're blocking yeah it's like an audience now he's staring right at my face yeah but he's staring at your face oh well i don't know that's not staring at little aaron well it's just saying trying to urinate staring to the eyes of another man is difficult i don't like i can't there's way too many people here now and they're very close all right thanks guys we'll try something else could you uh please go to my bathroom and resume your position there that's how i do it let's bring this in right now this is gonna help a lot of people now i had this made you just jam it in there you walk in with this under your arm you say time to urinate first take out the old divider and then get busy this is fine but i look like some kind of freak carrying this thing around like he's obviously gonna go urinate he's got his urination board no no one knows this is a no one's gonna see this and go oh that's one of those urination boards i mean i like this idea i just think it's gonna pigeonhole me as a freak in this office you were pigeonholed as a freak when this process began okay aaron i spent a lot of time and i've spent a lot of money i think i have the solution you ready yes okay how's that uh pretty good all right why don't you uh go ahead aaron and uh take care of business okay i can't go if you're in here with me right it's kind of an idiot let's almost get him out here aaron [Music] playart okay owen i'm taking over control all right folks we're gonna take a break we'll be right back with jim gaff again everybody
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 1,059,786
Rating: 4.9459162 out of 5
Id: HFPQ_x7z0i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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