How Goldie Hawn Met Kurt Russell | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

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hi I'm Goldie Han and I feel really excited about being Conan O'Brien's friend well that's really nice that makes me happy I'm going to tell you something I've been such a huge fan of yours for so long and all these years I did the Late Night show you were one of the few people I don't think you were on the show it never lined up exactly so I never got to meet you that way and then when I came out to Los Angeles and I saw you I was a little freaked out in a nice way and your security team told me to stay away cuz they they had read the letters and uh but I think I saw you and Kurt at something and I know it's not just me because I would I want to say about two years ago because we live in the same neighborhood I'm running you know I'm I'm I'm jogging because you don't just get a body like mine um I was going to say that means you can still see your belly button no I haven't seen that thing uh in years I'm not sure I even have one but I'm running and I'm running with a friend of mine who's out here and he he runs with tons of people he's met everybody I've never seen him get F this my friend Jim lubinsky and we're running and I hear someone say hey and I look over and it's you and you're walking with a friend you're not too far from where we all live and you stop and you chat with me a little bit and I introduce my friend Jim and then we keep running and he's like that was Goldie on and I'm running and I'm out of breath and I'm like yeah yeah no no she's it's amazing yeah it's great we're running for a bit and he's not saying anything he goes I mean Jesus that was Cy Han and I went yeah yeah yeah I mean he meets everybody but it was so nice and I swear to God we ran for like 45 minutes and he kept revisiting it and I eventually I was like I don't know what else to tell you but yes she's a real person who exists but uh I'm just AB absolutely thrilled and everyone here in the building is on crazy behavior today that's so great no it's really nice it's nice to see they don't get that way about a lot of people uh Erica Brown downstairs was like Jan's coming in today and I'm like okay well I'm here too no doesn't care nobody cares I'm not an icon but uh thrilled to have you here thank you sweetheart appreciate and also I have a thing uh that I when I don't know people well but I know their kids I can tell a lot about them by the way their kids behave and I know Kate and Wyatt I know Kate pretty well and I've gotten got to know Wyatt a little bit and they're both lovely people and to me I always go to that and then say Oh that's there's some good parenting in here they're very nice people they're really nice people and and and I've talked to them both and I get the sense that you and Kurt it was not hey we're in we're in Beverly Hills or you know we're on the west side and we're stars and you're the kids of St there was none of that going on no none of it we just curtain are very similar in terms of that because you know whatever happens to your career you just do the best you can I mean it's it wasn't about wanting to be anything except good at what we did and we felt that it was our job right and but when we came home from wherever we were actually we're just a normal family I got to say working on the go seamlessly requires a strong Network okay it's fine to talk about oh I'll do my work in the supermarket or wherever I am or on the beach but you need a good Network yeah if you're constantly like spotting out or whatever that that sucks yeah that well said and um succinctly said anyway that's why you should check out T-Mobile they're America's largest and fastest 5G network with T-Mobile you'll be covered in more places with the 5G speed you need for your life on the go plus they also cover more highway miles with 5G than anybody else whatever takes you on the go T-Mobile's got you covered I like to travel a lot yeah you do yeah and I like to sometimes just drive around the country just look at people see what's going on in America you know people thinks when someone gets into my position oh Conan he doesn't know what's really going on he's up there he's one of the biggest stars ever I don't know people say that no one says that trust me I've asked never heard anybody say that find out more at Network today coverage not available in some areas fastest based on median overall combin 5G speeds according to analysis by ukla of speed test intelligence data Q3 202 23 see 5G device coverage and access details at and I used to say to my dad you know that was when I was more single but I had the two kids you know and we'd have coffee together in in in my my house in the morning he'd come over and we'd sit there and I said Daddy um I just want to I just want to have a normal life and this was right right after Private Benjamin yeah and I just want to be normal I I it's all I want you know and he said well go you know you're not normal I said wait a minute this is a good father this is not the answer I wanted okay my father told me that when I was four he was right yeah hey we all know it's like get you know get with it but it's it's really about the focus and you know when I I met Kurt for the first time well we were you guys met for the first time a long time earlier you weren't you didn't go or anything you you met on a project well I mean you know we're talking about what happens what what is life how how what are the things we don't understand right which is what I'm more interested in like what we can't see the questions of kind of things of why did that happen are there coincidences um are we on this wild grid somewhere that you know this is our Karma this is our plan you know we don't know and I've got a million of those things that happened to me and one of them was hurt because I was 21 I was a dancer and I went to an audition an open audition at Disney Studios um to dance in a in a movie right and I thought oh this will be so fun so I went there and there was this woman sitting on a bench and she was lovely what nice woman blonde and I went up to her because I was on Dopey drive but I didn't know where I was I mean I I knew it was Dopey Drive I was the Dopey because I didn't know where I was going so now I asked her I said do you know where the audition is you know for this and it was like stage something yeah and she said I'll take you there so she took me there and then of course we did the audition and we're I'm auditioning to be in the chorus basically and uh so so with that um it it turned out to be that she went back home and she told everybody that basically I saw the girl who's going to get the part the reason I know that is because that was Kurt's mother oh so I met Kurt's mother before I met Kurt right and so I got the part and I'm trying to think what part okay I got the part the other weird thing is that I got this part of course I got the script I looked through it I had no lines I was just the the head dancer right right but you know what my my my name was mhm the giggly girl and I swear if anybody would have said that was what where I was going to end up being known for yeah I mean for me it was just like weird and then at that particular movie which is a Side Story what's my motivation here as giggly girl what's my story and my art so C curtain I actually danced together separately of the same uh show which was like it was a number we had to do and it was the horn PPE and a thing and ski to my thing blah blah and we both still remember part of the choreography right but I didn't really notice him except he was a handsome young guy he was 16 okay and I'm 21 so that's not never would I just forget it but then I went to the producer who asked me to come to his after we finished he said look we have to do the billing and he said um you know we can't really use your name because Goldie sounds like a stripper and I said well Goldie is my name and not only that it belonged to an amazing woman and I'm honored to have it and I will never change it I was 21 years old talking to the head of like the Disney and good for you though impressive but you know I still can't remember how bold I was right but anyway I said if you want Bill me my middle name is Jean so why don't you build me as Goldie Jean H and that might you know make you feel happier but I I will never and my mother's name and anything ever change my name then I met him again years ago year I mean years later you guys meet again but everything's changed many diff very different circumstances yeah and I was with some other guy that was the one thing we weren't doing well but anyway the other guy weren't doing well so anyway I was producing oh I was producing um swing shift mhm and swing shift you know is is the film that I was producing for Warner Brothers and I'm meeting all these guys I met Kevin Cosner and few other guys that that for the role of Lucky and uh and then Kurt came in and I looked at him and he looked like he'd been up all night long I mean he was also he may have been knowing Kurt a little bit he may have been and I looked at him I thought what have you been well he was going through a divorce and he was with his dad and they were drinking and whatever so I learned about that and then um uh after that meeting was over he didn't really want to read he just came off silkwood and he didn't want to read just wanted to meet me so we ended up talking and everybody that I knew ended up being one of our shared people that we loved one one was his brother-in-law and another one was was another guy Jimmy van white and they were all in the movie okay but turns out that he then I met him at lunch and I was very attracted to him I had another like well he's French boyfriend um and I like how everyone has very simple you're giggly girl then there's french boyfriend no one's got a real name in any of your stories there's that guy and it wasn't going well with that guy anyway I just got into the chase um but anyway so we went out to lunch at this Wonder little restaurant in Fr in in um actually uh on ventur Boulevard and we sat together it was really great and he and then when he left because I was there with the producer and everything he left but he turned around it was so romantic he turned around and and said a cross the room it's O it's okay if I don't get this part but I sure would like to see you again oh wow and in front of everybody yeah wow yeah well he's not shy no no but that was very that was really interesting but what really caught me was that he came over to to my place at the beach I had my two little children there I had Oliver and Katie mhm Katie was about four mhm just going on and Oliver was six he went over to the bedroom where they were sleeping and he looked for a long time at Katie sleeping and then he went over and he looked at at Oliver long time and I watched him and I thought you're amazing he is a family man mhm he in depth looked at them stared at them felt them and then we went in the other room and we talked and then we went to work and when my children visited me on the set I can't explain it but he was the one for me yeah it wasn't just because he was sexy and handsome and all those things you get turned on by it was because he matched my devotion to children to be number one yeah and that's where I watched him at the bar cuz we were you know was our location and he was I had them in his lab and talking to them and so forth so the seduction was really his his personality and his focus on the children and you you know I I wrote in my diary when I actually was getting a divorce and alone with the children I wrote in my diary and I was crying and I wrote I wonder if I'll ever find someone that will love my children the way I do and it happened it happened so the sticking glue of our of our relationship cuz we don't agree on everything his politics are different than mine you know there's all these things that could divide you but the one thing that we have the greatest thing in God's world is our family and that is where we Thrive it's where we have incredible amounts of joy and really focus on that and every child that we had is healthy they're happy and you know what I'm doing now with children I want them to feel happiness togetherness I just went over to see my my daughter-in-law we just had a new grandchild oh congratulations that's fantastic that's the eth one and it was great but I got they all moved around us together so Wyatt moved right on the street he was born on yeah Katie lives on the same street now I live up above not six blocks away Oliver's down the road and and Boston who is our my stepson who is very much I call my son he's he's the greatest ever he lives up the road we so yet today I just was able to stop over to all to Wyatt's house and see the my new grandchild and hold and do and be and be together what can be better than that making a movie yeah you know I'm saying yes I think a movie is better no did I did I miss the point of what saying cuz you get money when you make the movie oh boy I'm sorry but am I am I the only one here who's saying make the movie no get someone get an agent can look after the kids exactly
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 304,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team coco podcasts, team coco podcast, podcast, conan obrien needs a friend, conan needs a friend, conan o’brien needs a friend, needs a friend, conan o’brien podcast, conan o’brien needs a friend podcast, celebrity interview, comedy podcast, conan podcast, matt gourley, sona movsesian, goldie hawn, kurt russell
Id: FwmXu2C805c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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