Complete History and Lore of Overwatch

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hello everyone mocks is here today we're revisiting the complete history and lore of overwatch we thought it was time to make some new additions to our complete history and lore of the overwatch universe series in order to reflect this including the newest reveals of dr. Tulio Ecco and how the stage is finally set for the sequel overwatch to now join us as we re-enter the complete history and lore of overwatch [Music] [Music] at some point many years from now earth was enjoying an age of peace and prosperity it was a golden age of technology there was even a science facility called The Horizon lunar base that was constructed on the moon by the company Luke Chang interstellar however the most stunning breakthrough was the advent of advanced robotics with highly complex artificial intelligence these advanced robots were of course the ominous the creation of Amon expose did the world's prosperity and economy through manufacturing as the use of aamna came widespread all over the world the ominous words called omniums created by the Omni corporation and they were found in all the major metropolitan areas on the planet in order to better understand the creation of the ominous we have to explore one dr. Meena Liao before she became one of the legendary founding members of overwatch dr. Liao was one of the top experts in the world of robotics and developing artificial intelligence dr. Lee I moved forth with development of the ominous with good intentions she wanted to help make the world a better place she had no idea the terror her creation would wreak upon the world the exact point in the imagined future of overwatch that the aamna crisis happens is unknown but it's approximately 20 50 or 30 years from now at some point the Omnicorp eration was exposed for fraud the corporation and its omniums were shut down however after the shutdown of the omniums the factories were reactivated with a new purpose mankind's destruction and because omniums were built all over the world in major cities the entire planet was at risk what is known about the omniums is that they were built with automated construction machinery and self-improving software algorithms the omniums started creating legions of Bastion robots as their standard military units unex could also hijack existing technology such as large military tight and walkers reporter olympia shaw labelled the omni crisis as one of the greatest threats to the survival of our species since the cold war of the 20th century but she was wrong unlike the Cold War battles were waged during the aamna crisis and many innocent people died different countries responded to the ominous in different ways Russia produced large human-piloted mechs called the spy a Tagore's to fight the ominous the United States initiated a soldier enhancement program a classified program that sought to shape soldiers into perfect specimens with enhanced superhuman speed strength and agility in Germany the jo8 produced what was known as the crusader armor a modern-day order of knights formed the crusaders to protect germany on the front lines however no individual group was able to successfully defeat the omnec red world governments were failing to effectively combat the aamna cred and as a result the united nations sought to form an international task force made up of elite soldiers soldiers who showed remarkable ingenuity and acclamation to the new type of warfare wrought by the ominous soldiers like Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes two Americans from the classified soldier enhancement program others included Ana Mari an elite sniper and marksman from Egypt Torbjorn lindholm a brilliant engineer and weapons designer from Sweden and also the Singaporean scientist who helped develop the Omnicom in le au Jack Morrison was the one who personally invited dr. Meena Liao to join the team she was taken aback by the offer not understanding why she should be someone to join overwatch considering how she helped create the ominous in the first place but Morrison responded who better to help us fight them as a part of overwatch dr. Liao would now put her scientific expertise to good use to stop her mechanical creations there was also a sixth member invited to join the team one Baldrick Vaughn Adler of Germany Vaughn Adler was a member of the elite Crusader Knights who were stationed at Ike involved to push back invading aamna courses during the amna Kotak however Vaughn Adler was critically injured though the Crusaders and German military were able to eventually push back the aamna calf in Civ Baldrick von Adler succumbed to his injuries but prior to his death Vaughn Adler offered his medal of invitation for overwatch to fellow Crusader Reinhardt Phil helm Reinhardt would join overwatch in van Adler stead becoming overwatch his sixth and final founding member with Los Angeles born Gabriel Reyes picked as the original team leader overwatch was born overwatch became the light humanity needed in its darkest hour conducting highly classified missions and raids that managed to surgically take out omnec central command and protocols Amna karmas became inoperable most of the bastion combat units were destroyed for the surviving ominous humanity was able to forge a peace treaty the amna crisis had finally come to an end however while the victory was won for Humanity the toll and sacrifice on the world was great the world was forever changed and heavily scarred by the Omni crisis a financial crisis in the wars aftermath was only the tip of the iceberg the Australian government attempted to forge a peace with the aamna calling the war granting them land in Central Australia and even the country's omnium but this infuriated a number of residents of the Australian outback who formed an insurrection group called the Australian Liberation Front this group spearheaded an effort to destroy Australia's omnium a sabotage operation of the omniums fusion core caused a massive explosion as a result the region became an irradiated wasteland of rubble and wreckage countries in cities such as Rio de Janeiro Brazil suffered heavy bombardment during the Omni crisis Rio went through massive economic upheaval though India's population was greatly displaced as a result of the aamna crisis it also gave rise to the vish car Corporation a company specializing in hard light architecture a technology that allows the creation of solid matter from light sources the vish car corporation used this technology to build a new cultural and metropolitan center in India called utopia to house the country's displaced populace in Mexico most of the country's infrastructure and power grid were shattered the aamna crisis created a period of literal darkness that the local population referred to as la medianoche which translates to the midnight many children were orphaned as a result of the war including future hacker and Talon operative Olivia Coulomb AR aka Sombra another corporation given prominence due to the aamna crisis was Lou Morocco which built a new network of power plants to replace Mexico's infrastructure and provide clean affordable energy during the aamna crisis Russia actually managed to defeat many omnec on its own the Siberian omnium was shut down the surrounding region and much of Russia was left severely devastated as a result one young child forced to endure growing up through the devastation of post-war Siberia was Alexandra's Aria Nova who would later become the elite Russian soldier known as Soria while the country was devastated by the war Russia managed to exploit a revamped mechanized labor industry the corporation that benefited the most from the rebuilding process was vault's kaya industries while the war was won thanks to overwatch the group became far from obsolete in fact overwatch assured in a new age a better age the age of Heroes and thus humanity finally entered its new dawn that was spearheaded by overwatch after winning the war overwatch became the group at the forefront of maintaining the world's peace and stability it was a new age of heroes terrorists rhogam necks and dictators were no match for overwatch overwatch even oversaw rescue operations and rebuilding initiatives for natural disasters for decades overwatch prospered thanks to new members such as the brilliant medical operative dr. Angela Ziegler who became overwatch his head of medical research this new dawn of humanity was an age of heroism peace prosperity and exploration the positive wave in society for overwatch was so strong that those born in this age were dubbed the overwatch generation one such child who was born was phoria Amari the daughter of one of over watch's founders Hana Amari while Gabriel Reyes was the overwatch task force de facto leader during the ominous the UN declared Jack Morrison as the first official commander of the new overwatch despite Reyes being a more experienced senior officer Morrison was named leader due to his supposed penchant for bringing out the best in those around him it was during the aamna crisis that Morrison ultimately helped mold the eclectic group into an elite diverse unit and a cohesive fighting force however the passing over of Reyes as commander was the catalyst of a permanent rift between Morrison and Reyes that would create ripples into the future after joining overwatch Reinhardt and weapons engineer Torbjorn lindholm formed a close friendship however the friendship would soon be given a baptism by fire close to 24 years before the present time over watch the overwatch strike team took part in a mission called Operation white dome the mission was headed up by captain Anna Amari Anna and her team consisting of Torbjorn Reinhardt and a private first class M rosario blue were deployed to the outskirts of Istanbul for a routine insertion the team was ambushed by hostile amna courses all the ominous were subdued in the firefight but both Reinhardt and Tori yard were injured Reinhardt did save two or bjørn's life but Torbjorn lost one of his arms and an eye during the fight as an expression of gratitude Torbjorn insisted that Reinhardt not only become the Godfather of his firstborn daughter but also choose her name Reinhardt agreed naming the girl Brigitta over watch grew in power and influence in the ensuing years under Morrison's leadership the organization grew beyond paramilitary and global peacekeeping efforts sparking innovations in two fields of science engineering space exploration and medicine meanwhile Reyes was granted leadership of a covert ops division for overwatch this covert ops unit was called Black Watch the aftermath of the aamna crisis saw the rise of a group of Outlaws known as the deadlock gang the group was founded by four outlaws among them were Elizabeth Caledonia calamity Ashe and another local ruffian by the name of Jesse McCrae together the group of outlaws made a name for themselves in the criminal underworld their actions even put them at odds with criminal groups throughout the American Southwest eventually the activities of the deadlocked gang gained the attention of overwatch McCree was taking part in illicit weapons and military hardware deals when Gabriel Reyes and Black Watch led a sting to thwart deadlock at this point McCree was given an ultimatum joined Black Watch or go to prison McCree chose the former thus Gabriel Reyes took the young outlaw under his wing and became a mentor for him under the black watch banner and so the ranks of Black Watch grew with Jesse McCree joining the team another member of Black Watch was Genji schemata of the Shimada crime family in Japan Genji came from a long line of Japanese gangsters but he was not interested in a life of crime this led to conflict and eventual fight with gangees older brother Hans of schemata who is tasked with eliminating his brother by the dissenting Shimada council members following the fight so believed that he killed his brother Genji but the shame of the act got the better of Hanzo of his own free will Hanzo left the life of the Shimada clan behind and miraculously Genji also survives with the help of dr. Angela Ziegler aka mercy Ganges body was transformed into a cyborg and he joined Black Watch under Gabriel Reyes as leadership in the years following the aamna crisis there was a great change throughout the world as mentioned previously the vish car corporation in India developed the radical technology called hard light one of the emerging architects and scientists of hard light was such a Vaswani who became one of the lead architects for the hard light city utopia vaswani was later dubbed Symetra and she sought to help spread the vish car corporation influence across the globe however the emergence of these mega corporations wasn't all peaches and cream for the rest of the world there wasn't much improvement for Central Australia after the destruction of the omnium in this blighted wasteland of what remained of the outback the survivors called themselves Junkers the Junkers formed a barbarous cutthroat Society it was from this cutthroat society where the infamous criminal jameson fox AKA junk rat was born and raised about 20 years before the current time of overwatch South Korea developed a new type of mechanized armored drone unit called mecha which were built to protect cities from a colossal on Nick robot that would wreak havoc across the country after emerging from the East China Sea the conflict would constantly end in stalemates with the robot every few years after a time the government sought to recruit professional gamers to pilot the mecha-suits to battle the colossal omnec one such candidate was Hana song aka diva diva became an excellent mecha pilot thanks in part to her excellent skills as a Championship gamer a number of years after the Omni crisis overwatch would continue to bring on new members including Winston the gorilla the horizon lunar colony took part in an experimental project on genetically enhanced gorillas and at least one hamster this was primarily to test the effects of prolonged stays in outer space there were at least 28 gorilla subjects for the experiment and subject number 28 was future overwatch member Winston unfortunately for the scientists at the horizon lunar base some of the gorillas began growing adverse reactions to the gene therapy a few of the guerrillas were even becoming known troublemakers injuring some of the bases staff eventually some of the test subjects started a guerrilla uprising the guerrillas tricked the scientists into checking the malfunction in the airlock on the base and as a result the scientists were all jettisoned outside the base and into the vacuum of space victorious the guerrillas decided to stay at the base and take over specimen 28 Winston however decided to escape Winston fashioned his own rocket to escape from horizon and specimen eight Hammond the hamster also engineered his own escape pod that he managed to attach to instance rocket with a tether the two managed to get the heck out of Dodge however Hammonds pod was lost over the Australian outback he traveled to junker town modified his escape pod into a walking mecha suit and became a famous gladiator of junker Town scrapyard to keep his identity a secret he gave himself the moniker wrecking ball as for Winston his body ventually led him to being found by overwatch and joining the team to this day it's believed that horizons monitoring systems are still up and running but there is no direct communication with the facility the existence of overwatch also gave rise to a clandestine terrorist organization known as Talon Talon is an organization that seeks to make humanity and the world stronger through conflict for years overwatch waged many operations against Talon most of which were spearheaded by the valiant Gerard Lacroix however after multiple failed attempts to eliminate Lacroix Talon sought a more subtle method and so they kidnapped Gerard's wife I'm Aly Lacroix after kidnapping her they proceeded to brainwash her and it was through this manipulation that they managed to get her to murder Gerard her husband in his sleep thus Widowmaker was born another noteworthy Talon member was a conceded AME add AME the scourge of new body was a war profiteer operating within the talon organization carrying out raids on ambani ad am ii recruited a disillusioned nigerian boy called akanda opened emu brought him into talent and trained him to become a mercenary in ogun de mu the inner circle of talon saw the potential of a great future leader in return Logan D mu found great admiration in talents philosophies of creating a stronger world through conflict as a result the student had no other choice but to kill his mentor Logan D mu murdered doom fist the scourge and he took a diam ease and with that a Conde ogen D mu became the third doom fist for years overwatch kept the peace but peace is always challenged organizations such as talents ought to test overwatch is strength unfortunately for overwatch it seemed the greatest weakness would come from within about eight years before the current events of overwatch talents started growing more aggressive by attacking overwatch bases after an attack on an overwatch facility in Oslo black watch agents Reyes and McCree went to convene with agent Gerard liqui to gather Intel at a black watch base in Rome Italy after Lacroix revealed Talon age and Antonio bortolotti as the mastermind behind the attacks the base was bombed Gerard Lacroix was injured and many other agents killed grieving at the loss of fellow overwatch agents Reyes convinced overwatch strike commander Morrison to unofficially sanction a Black Watch mission to go to Venice to infiltrate a talent hideout and capture Barca Lodi this mission had to be off the books because Bartle OD had deep political ties and a front as a legitimate businessman Black Watch team consisting of Reyes Gangi McCree and Maire infiltrated Bartolo t's base but things went wrong very wrong instead of capturing Bartolo T Reyes opted to kill him in cold blood much to the chagrin of McCree the Black Watch team had to fight off hordes of talent agents in order to escape from Venice alive the death of varta Lodi spurred replacements in the ranks of talent in the form of the omniknight's a million and the third doom fist a Conde open D mu the Venice incident was a disaster for overwatch because of the activity the existence of Black Watch was revealed to the world called over watches legitimacy into question it would eventually snowball into over watches implosion and dissolution and what happened in Venice never sat well with McCree one of the newer recruits to overwatch after retribution was a former test pilot Lena Oxton aka tracer Oxton was a part of over watch's experimental aircraft flight test division during a test flight for a new aircraft that could teleport called the slipstream the aircraft malfunctioned and disappeared tracer was presumed dead however months later she reappeared suffering from a type of phenomenon called chronal disassociation with this chronal disassociation tracers form could not stay anchored to the present time luckily the guerrilla scientist Winston tracer by designing a chronal accelerator device allowing her to stay anchored to the present and granting her control over her chronal disassociation this experience allowed Winston and tracer to form a close bond of friendship with each other some 23 years after the Omnitrix Eris group null sector incited the conflict called the Kings ro uprising in London London became a battleground hundreds were taken prisoner including mayor Nanda the Omnicom Bali monk Madonna and many others overwatch was forbidden from taking action however with assistance from Black Watch agent Jessie McCree the area was scouted Jack Morrison sent out four agents Reinhardt mercy Torbjorn and the newest cadet tracer together this group managed to end the Kings ro uprising during the time of over watch's height talent inner councilmember Maximilian was out in the open in Havana Cuba with the Canadian hero sojourn watching over the mission tracer led a strike team including Mercy Winston and Genji to track and capture Maximilian eventually the strike team is able to block Maximilian's escape and capture him Maximilian agrees to negotiate but mercy wants a specific introduction meanwhile at the same time doom fist of talent is addressing a mysterious still unknown omnec who could be a part of null sector his identity and allegiances are still unclear to us to this day Maximilian reveals that doom fist will be in Singapore in three weeks time Winston Genji and tracer then confront doom fist however they're no match for him eventually doom fist gets a hold of tracers chronal accelerator and smashes it to pieces Winston seeing his friend in danger gets filled with rage and manages to punch doom fists capture him and sends him to a helix security prison where he would be locked away for a long time while overwatch was highly revered the group had plenty of critics as time rolled on rumours have over watches activities seeped out to the public eye this included rumours about the black ops division Black Watch there were accusations against Black Watch regarding claims of corruption not to mention alleged acts of kidnapping torture assassination coercion and gun-running it got to a point where these claims could not be dismissed as mere paranoid delusions any longer many of over watches most famous and revered agents were forced to retire in disgrace as a result of these accusations ultimately over watches Blackwatch division was revealed to the public has stories of black watch's corruption were becoming more commonplace public outrage against over watch was a powder keg that was waiting to go off world governments started demanding that overwatch be shut down however independent events ultimately conspired to destroy overwatch from within meanwhile in Brazil the vish car corporation apparently sought to help Rio de Janeiro rebuild after the aamna to our shrah striction 's and abuse of brazilian citizens as cheap labor local brazilian DJ Lucio Correa dos Santos was not happy with the treatment of his hometown and neighbors he incited a rebellion against the vish car corporation chasing the entity out of his hometown after stealing the corporation's own technology regarding the fate of overwatch much is known about what happened but a cataclysmic event took place at the overwatch headquarters in Switzerland but was labeled as an accident in the public was actually a massive battle it was a battle between two sides on one side was over watched strike commander Jack Morrison on the other black watch commander Gabriel Reyes the rift between Morrison and Reyes had been growing for decades whether it was Morrison being picked as the commander for overwatch or the temptation of power Reyes had grown corrupt he sought to lead a rebellion against Morrison at the Swiss headquarters the battle between both sides led to a massive explosion in the ultimate destruction of the Swiss HQ this incident signaled the end of overwatch what became of Morrison and Reyes they were believed to have perished in the explosion however neither of their bodies were ever found it was the end of an era in a flash all that overwatch had built was lost the transgressions of black watch were unveiled and the United Nations did what they felt had to be done they dissolved overwatch and just like that Age of Heroes had come to an end it was a sad end to a once shining beacon of light for Humanity arguably overwatch became the very thing the organization had fought against numerous times an agent of chaos with the disbanding of overwatch the petrous Act was signed into law the petrol sac declared any overwatch activity illegal and punishable by law meanwhile Morrison was memorialized in his home state of Indiana and his teammates mourned a parent passing while the world enjoyed a period of untold peace and prosperity with overwatch gone the floodgates were open there was no longer a check against the criminal scum who sought to destabilize the world despite a wave of support for omnigul rights that had previously gained a great deal of traction tensions between humans and ominous grew yet again the corporations that benefited from the aftermath of the aamna crisis had grown bloated with power many corporations such as fish car had been engaging in rather unsavory activities to grow their political influences previously Symetra actually took part in espionage activities against the corporation Collado of which fish car was competing to take control of the redevelopment in Rio de Janeiro this led to fish cart destroying a Collado building and causing extreme damage to a local slum catch of Ischia the CEO of Russia's false Gaia Industries had also been double-dealing under the table with unknown Amon --ax something very taboo to the Russian government with over watch's dissolution Talon was given free reign to operate unchecked another event that increased human and Amna tensions was the assassination of the Amna Cable rights leader and monk - qarth Amon Dada when Dada was a member of the righteous Omnicorp the Shambhala the Shambhala order was formed after the omniquad Eamon's and omnis and intended to heal the wounds caused by the war while many started accepting the Shambhala teachings and beliefs the Shambhala Lederman Dada was eventually assassinated by the one and only Widowmaker despite a valiant attempt by tracer to stop her a few years after the dissolution of overwatch a second Domenic crisis began in Russia at the start of the present time of overwatch the second dominant crisis is still ongoing and has already claimed the lives of 15,000 citizens but is isolated to the Siberian omnium and the international community is reluctant to step in needless to say the world is once again on the verge of annihilation but much like before when the world was in its darkest hour who is not a world without hope the Age of Heroes may have been over but heroes never die a masked vigilante emerged foiling bank heists but also stealing technology from Hilux security and old overwatch facilities this vigilante was none other than soldier 76 the long believed dead Morrison Gabriel Reyes had also survived albeit likely badly burned or deformed something had happened to his physiology causing his cells to experience constant degeneration and regeneration granting him inhuman powers and turning him from Gabriel Reyes into Reaper Talon has recently been escalating its activities the CG short recall depicted an attempt by the terrorist organization to steal a list of deactivated overwatch agents from the watch point Gibraltar base Reaper led this operation but was thwarted by former overwatch member winston after his computer system AI Athena quarantined Reapers computer virus Athena's systems rebooted lighting up the option to initiate the overwatch recall and with the punch of a key the overwatch recall was officially initiated recalling many deactivated agents back to the field and Winston re-established contact with tracer this action initiated the events of the main game of overwatch meanwhile in Antarctica dr. mei-ling Show woke from a 10-year long cryostasis Mae was assigned to a climate monitoring station to study Earth's escalating climate phenomena after the aamna crisis unfortunately a polar storm struck the facility and the scientists were left stranded Mae and her research team entered cryostasis in the hopes of survival before a rescue crew would eventually arrive tragically the scientists did not survive their cryostasis with may being the sole survivor after she awoke from her cryo sleep and morning her fellow scientists may reestablish the communications in ego point Antarctica allowing her to receive the recall message left by Winston and she prepared for a long journey out of ego points base Winston and tracers exploits continued as they boarded Reaper and widow-makers attempt to steal the doom fist gauntlet which was housed in a museum in ambani Reaper also came masked to face with soldier 76 during a confrontation in Egypt the Talon associate Hakim was trying to set a trap for soldier 76 but instead 76 made a counter-attack on Hakeem's compound during the battle Reaper appeared and attacked soldier both men revealed their identities and just when Jack was about to be killed by Reaper he was saved from certain death by Jack Morrison's former second-in-command on Mari Anna much like Jack Morrison faked her own death after she was wounded in battle by Widowmaker and lost her I honest still managed to briefly incapacitate Reaper and remove his mask whatever on a saw caused her to freeze in shock at what remained of her former friend and comrade Gabriel Reyes Reaper managed to get free and escape warning Anna about what had been done to him spurring her and Jack to reunite with a common purpose stop Reaper and Talon coincidentally Angela Ziegler aka mercy was doing medical aid work in Egypt in his conversations with Mercy 76 reveals he's seeking the truth of what happened to overwatch soldier 76 is well aware of Winston's recall message but he seems to have no interest in joining Winston he said what Winston play hero I'll do what needs to be done mercy warned soldier 76 that his personal revenge won't change anything but soldier 76 stubbornly believes in his brand of justice in the meantime Talon freed and recruited dr. C Brenda Kuiper dr. Piper's life changed forever a few years prior when a gravity experiment aboard the ISS went sideways the accident left dr. Kuiper permanently insane and gave him the ability to control gravity he was deemed unsafe and called subject Sigma now with Talon Sigma seems to continue his research which Talon wants to use to further their agenda Sigma wants to uncover the secrets of the universe however it's believed that he's not aware that Talon is manipulating him to their own ends in the meantime akanda ogen demo managed to escape from his confinement in prison even without his gauntlet he was somehow able to punch his way out of his holding cell and killed more than a dozen guards Cowen assisted in his escape by bypassing the security systems where doom fist was held after his escape doom fist took a trip to Monaco to meet with another high-ranking Talon member maximilian maximilian affirmed his loyalty within talent war Doom pissed but advised doom fist that others were moving against him in Venice Italy doofus took out viale one of the high ranking Talon members who opposed him he and Reaper then sat in for another inner council meeting and doom fist announced his desire to start a war sometime after that doom fist went to Nnamani to retrieve his gauntlet where it was being transported to the Heritage Museum for a doom fist exhibit for a Unity Day celebration in ambani doom fist easily crushed or 15 defense robots that were guarding the gauntlet with his gauntlet back in his possession doom fist returned to talent and his seat on the organization's inner Council this incident sparked the imagination of a young inventor from NIMH bonnie after the assault on Ambani from doom fist Ethio lardelli purchased or ar-15 spare parts with funds from the ha genius grant awarded by the Odawa foundation of NIMH bonnie the parts were used to build ERISA an upgraded and advanced over 15 with the added touch of personality Effie sought to create a robot that would act as the hero named Bonnie needed and fulfilled the initial well meant intentions of the Oh ar-15 and thus IRISA became the true guardian of NIMH bonnie in the current time of overwatch the second dominant crisis is in full swing Talon is increasing its global efforts of destabilization and plunging the world into conflict with doom fists free he seeks to take revenge on overwatch for sending him to prison Callens plans to achieve strength in the world through conflict sound incredibly ominous thanks to Winston's recall effort heroes are coming into the fray to stand against Talon reaper doom fist and Widowmaker one of talyn's newest operatives is the master hacker Sombra Sombra is well aware of the underhanded shady activities of VAS kya industry CEO koch evil skya during an assassination mission Sombra acted against Talon and opted to blackmail Ville skya with the information that kaca was trading secrets with the ominous and retaliation catch of Ischia activated the Russian soldiers area to presumably strike back against Sombra meanwhile in the forests of Germany a Bastion unit reawakened in fact the bastion unit reawakened the very last surviving Bastion unit after seeing the aftermath of the aamna crisis destruction the reactivated Bastion befriended a little bird called Ganymede and moved towards Sweden though the Swedish authorities seek to put a stop to Bastion which has not yet made a move to attack any humans former overwatch member Torbjorn Lindholm volunteered to destroy it however Torbjorn noticed this bastions behavior was different seeing this new Bastion unit as peaceful Torbjorn protected Bastion and ganymede from the police and the two traveled out of the forest together elsewhere after leaving overwatch Genji managed to receive help from the aamna canned member of the Shambhala order Zenyatta Genji was not adjusting well to his cyborg transformation and zenyatta assisted Genji in finding balance and peace in his heart with his newfound outlook on life Genji confronted his tormented brother Hanzo when Hanzo infiltrated the schemata facility it was part of Han Zoe's yearly ritual to pay respect to the brother Hanzo had believed he killed the cyborg ninja forgave Hanzo and occurred him to leave his life of crime behind and step into the light will Hanzo decide to join overwatch his decision is unknown but there is always hope after the fall of overwatch Reinhardt vilhelm declared that he would come out of retirement and become a knight-errant to bring justice to a world that no longer had overwatch to protect it rigged Ito with her father's blessing joined Reinhardt on this mission and became his squire for a time Brigitta travelled alongside Reinhardt and would tend to his physical wounds and maintain his armor after the events of Reinhardt staking out the dragon gang and answering Winston's recall order Brigitta could no longer sit on the sidelines she finished work on her own set of armor with some help from her father Brigitta Lindholm became a hero in her own right to fight at the side of Reinhardt and her friends to protect them and others in need to make the world a better place the X talent operative jean baptiste August 8th became aware of Winston's recall message after trying to take out vernon sinclair a pharmaceuticals magnate in port to pay with the help of two other talent agents the recall message gave him a renewed sense of hope seeing that dr. Angela Ziegler was on st. Clare's stolen overwatch data he decided to pay a visit to Mercy to warn her but first he contacted his old friend at Tallinn the master hacker Sombra some years after overwatch was abandoned there was an attempt to transport EKKO to a secure government facility but that all went sideways when the train was hijacked by the notorious deadlock gang and led to a showdown on route 66 of all places despite the previous Black Watch sting operation to take down McCree in the deadlock gang some years back the group was able to resume or maintain its activities under Ash's leadership at the time of the heist one Jesse McCree was waiting in the route 66 diner and serving himself a nice slice of delicious apple pie when the deadlock gang struck he was aware of the heist and some of the payload was of great interest to him McCree confronted Ashe in the deadlock gang Bob included McCree offered that the deadlock gang take the rest of the cargo save for one mysterious glowing white spherical object after Ashe opened the mysterious container and saw what was inside she wanted to keep the cargo for herself a furious gun battle broke out but McCree got the better of his former compadres he tied up Ashe and her deadlock minions and the remains of Bob on a mobile platform and sent them on their way after that he unlocked the container holding EKKO who had apparently been in storage for some time her exchange with McCree indicated he still had his left arm when they had last met McCree informed EKKO that Winston was reforming overwatch but he noted that while the team wants McCree they in fact need EKKO after freeing EKKO McCree then left noting that he had some business of his own to attend to and the former outlaw rode off into the sunset on a hover bike it appears that Echo has some knowledge and association with Winston because of her surprise when McCready referred to Winston as a monkey and not a scientist the circumstances are unknown how and why but around the time that Winston sent out his recall message the Amna carest organization known as null sector began a coordinated attack on multiple points across the globe one of those points was the capital city of France Paris with Paris in danger it was time for Winston's strike team to act tracer flew their dropship into battle to protect civilians from null sectors attack tracer May and Winston fought valiantly but then a titan class aamna code up that seemed to tip the scales of the battle Winston was ready to sacrifice himself to protect the civilians and his friends but he was rescued by the arrival of several former overwatch agents who heard his message and came to help Eng echo merci Reinhardt and Brigitta all apparently showing up in the nick of time these heroes had all heard Winston's call and were there to help they were more than a match for the Titan unit and the remaining forces of null sector news teamwork the team helped tracer deliver a freeze bomb payload into the chassis of the Titan omnec which put it on ice for good quite literally the battle was over in the heroes answered Winston's call the question was simple does this mean overwatch is back you're damn right they are with the worldwide null sector invasions spreading null sector launched another attack on Lucio's hometown of Rio de Janeiro Lucio was there when the invasion began and set off on his own to protect his home luckily overwatch was also on the case and the new strike team made its way to Rio to assist Lucio quickly joined alongside overwatch to help defend his city Lucio took the team back to his home base and surmised that if they take out the null sector mothership which is pumping out all the aamna q Mnet's they can likely save the city the strike team makes it aboard the null sector mothership and manages to overload the reactor our heroes make their daring escape just in the nick of time as the mothership gets blown into smithereens so what's next overwatch is back together with a new ragtag group of heroes while they won the fight in Paris their war is far from over we know from a newly released information regarding overwatch 2 that the conflict with nel sector has spread all across the globe to Tallinn and doom fists have something to do with this conflict considering doom fist said he was ready to start a war before all this began I think it's rather likely there are many burning questions in overwatch is history that are still unanswered but the stage is set for overwatch - and our new group of heroes until then don't forget to subscribe to AGN and enable those notifications thanks everyone for watching I'm mocks Ness and I'll see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: TGN
Views: 1,793,019
Rating: 4.9499564 out of 5
Keywords: complete history and lore of overwatch, complete history and lore, overwatch comics, overwatch lore, overwatch lore video, overwatch lore and history, overwatch story, Overwatch Lore 2020, Overwatch Short Story, Overwatch Animated Shorts, Overwatch 2, Overwatch 2 lore, Overwatch Echo, Overwatch Complete HIstory and Lore, TGN, TGN Overwatch, Tgn Overwatch Lore, TGN Overwatch History and Lore
Id: RD8lxxqZXWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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