1 ADVANCED Tip for EVERY Hero Ability in Overwatch!

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if you need a total compendium of every single ability and the best techniques from every inch of the internet I've made this guide that covers nearly every single ability in the game with six new techniques for you to add to your gameplay my name is nate and welcome to Blizzard guides before we get into the video we're dropping merch we've got an awesome collection of hoodies shirts phone cases stickers mugs and more so check that out via the link of the description to pick up some awesome overwatch team merch that's your kind of thing but anyway we're going to be going down this list in order of category most of the tips are really good and I've got a nice in-between of super advanced once-in-a-lifetime tips and beginner tips this should be pretty accurate for most of everyone but anyway let's hop into this video I'm actually gonna start off with a general technique for all heroes in the game and it's melee booping melee technically counts as a knock back so if you see an enemy walking off a cliff or something like that mailing them will actually allow you to get kill credit in certain scenarios which can be a huge advantage in tons of cases but without further ado let's get into the actual list starting to soften the tank category diva for her boosters most diva players will use melee to cancel their boosters but you can actually get another melee right after you boost and a second melee to cancel it to do 70 damage it requires pretty decent flight control and you'll usually bait them into thinking that you'll commit micro missiles which is another bonus so use this a lot if you're trying to do a lot of burst damage with your defense matrix another awesome mind game is flying towards an enemy flying up and then matrixing straight down this works exceptionally well vs and is trying to nade your team in a grab or maybe a McCree that's high mooning I use this a lot in my game play with your micro missiles there's no super useful cool tech so I'm going to remind you that you need to use it as a one-shot combo more than you use it to spam out the enemy team this is a pretty big mistake that mostly the players in ranked make so just keep that in your head and you'll do great and finally with self destruct you can actually push it off ledges let's let this clip speak for itself next up let's talk Arisa this tip isn't going to exist for much longer or at least as crazy it is on live but on the current patch you can be slingshotted by an enemy Arisa if you fortify right as you get pulled but that's actually getting patched on PTR so it won't be quite as big so you can't use it to get to high ground anymore for the patch version my tip is that you almost always want to get intentionally pulled by the enemy Arisa if they're running Arisa hog and then use fortified to block the hook for your team it's not something that Arisa players even know they're supposed to do but it's really important for keeping back one shot combo away from your helpful teammates so maybe there with a recess halt vertical pulling is known to be the best pull just because of the predictability of the movement however in this double shield meta some student fish shows up a lot I'd like to remind you all that pulling downwards on doom fist is much better than pulling upwards and the same thing actually goes for Hammond don't pull upwards on them it actually gives them an advantage it allows them to get their slam on their pile drive off which probably isn't because you DW you've got a particularly for a rhesus protective barrier you can actually launch it vertically to gain some time on your cooldown this is great for troops where you're probably not going to be moving it's a good habit to have but don't just do this all of the time it's good for a few scenarios but you don't want to be caught out without your shield because it's flying through the air while the enemy team of rushes to your front and finally a rhesus supercharger or bongo if you want to call it that you can actually animation cancel and deploy barrier and Vong go at the same time so that's a really sick habit to have it's not all that much faster and it's not a huge advantage but it's probably the best team ability in the game so you want to protect it with your shield as fast as possible which is why I love this technique moving along to the third tank in this list Reinhardt with this rocket hammer if you look slightly to the left when you swing left or slightly to the right when you swing right you can extend the range of your hammer ever so slightly this should be second nature so practice it in the practice range and practice it in FFA or whatever you want to dissident and get the hang of it because it's actually really a huge advantage with Ryan Hertz barrier field you need to learn how to shield hop all you got to do is drop shield hop in a direction and then resealed while you're mostly midair even some GM rinds that I've seen just don't know that this is a thing so make sure that you pick it up and do it a lot it allows you to keep your shield up much longer and move a lot faster another slightly unknown thing about Reinhardt's charge is that you can actually extend the range by holding shield and jump as you're at the end of your charge to extend the range a little bit it actually makes a huge difference and it's pretty far distance so keep that under your tool belt if you're ever trying to get back to point as fast as you can and for his fire strike there's a sick tip that you can use when you get a big shadow to land your fire strike on more enemies if you crouch and aim above the closest person you'll actually fire strike more people than you would if you don't crouch because the angle of attack is better so it's really important that you do this for your Slams and the last but not least for shatter a cool tech is the jump shatter against the enemy Ryne to literally jump behind their shield and shatter their team I do not recommend that you do this a lot it's not that good of a habit to have but if you're trying to outplay the rhein in ways that he just can't think of this is a really good option you only have to slam and land on their head and then the shadow will travel down the Rhinehart and behind him and get everybody on their team up next is road hog for his take a breather you can actually cancel it with whole hog which I like to combo in small rooms as I'm pretending to disengage while I'm being chased by a pesky tracer or something like that just lure them into a room while you're walking away vaping and then whip around a note before you're even done feeling and you'll get a ton of kills with chain hook I don't know how long you've been able to do this but you can actually animation cancel in melee it doesn't look like I'm a late but it shows up on the kill feed it's really useful and I had no idea that you could do this up until today which means that you can get a lot more kills so maybe this is about maybe it's new who knows and finally with whole hog I just wanted to remind you that it actually doesn't have damage fall-off it does the same amount of damage no matter how far away you are it just spreads out more and it's in five circles of damage like this even though it seems like this infos not all that helpful this is actually really useful to know once you start applying this concept you'll understand how your knock back affects the enemy and how to maximize your damage in whole for the newest addition in the game Sigma with Sigma's hyper spheres it's a good practice to spam above the shields of the enemy you can at least build a lotta mold but more often than not you'll actually snag a lot of kills here and there which is pretty sick in my book four Sigma's experimental barrier I have two tips for you first you can use it's clear Hammond's mines and you can use it to kill fairs that are barrage or even if you're fancy you could probably kill a tracer with their own pulse bomb among other things and the second tip is that you can actually retract your shield in accretion or in kinetic grasp which tends to be fairly useful especially with that kinetic grasp if you're trying to eat damage what your shields in the world not a lot of Sigma snow that can do that next up with kinetic grasp it tends to be pretty useful to know that you can actually use this right behind the enemy and it will still eat their bullets it's got a deceivingly long and wide hitbox so in the event that you can't be in the enemy's face this can really really come in clutch especially in double shooting for accretion there's a pretty sake one-shot combo you have to use creation and immediately fire your hyper spheres it's pretty sick and finally make sure that you're using gravity flux to counter things like nano blader people diving your team by waiting until they use their movement ability and then using your old and on top of that you also need to be cognizant of where you're going to end up after your old so try and land on some nifty high ground or something of the sort of don't just land in the middle of the enemy team because chances are you're probably not gonna kill most of the people that you've captured with gravity flex next up for my personal favorite hero the ape the myth the scientist Winston with Winston's Tesla cannon you can actually extend the size of your clip by adding melees into your tasing this is really good against single targets and it's bad against groups but it slightly decreases your DPS but it's really good if you're against a tank or somebody that self feels like bigger lucio you can actually kill them with one clip instead of two for Winston's jump act you can do a V damage combo by mailing right as you land on the head of your enemy to do some insane burst damage it won't look like you melee but you actually do because when you land it cancels that melee animation so there's that to keep in mind if you're trying to Goomba stomp the enemy backline fur-bearing your projector I like using it right as I dive onto the enemy so that they actually land outside of the bubble while they're contained in the bubble imagine if you're diving in Anna and she tries to mate or sleep you and she can't because she's jailed in your bundle of shame it's pretty great and it lets you she'll dance immediately afterwards so it's even better in that case and finally for primal rage you need to learn how to juggle there's tons of guides on YouTube to teach you how because it's really complex and it's really difficult to do but it's a skill that everyone some players should have you can also use this custom game to learn out how hi this is what I've been using to teach myself how to do it second-to-last wrecking ball there's something that I call pinball spots where you can hook underneath and become a weird fiery donut of in dive ability Hana Mira and horizon are the best spots but there are more than just that you just need to know how to look for them and you will see on the screen have to do it it's pretty simple once you've figured out it's really cool for his adaptive shield a lot of players seem to forget that you can use this while you're bowling popping it right before you swing upwards and piledrive is better than using it when you land in my opinion I see some Hammond players do that and it's just wrong with your piledriver you can actually hop against certain walls to be able to chain it into a pile drive which can be pretty insane and most enemies don't see it coming it takes a lot of practice and it's very difficult to pull off consistently so if don't try this out and expect it to be an easy thing to pull off you need to hop into a custom game and see what walls work really well how to get the timing down perfectly and finally with mine feel to use it behind enemies if you're about to engage as a team this is arguably one of the best uses for mines but it never happens in ranked most people go for mines above and do the piledrive combo like I'm showing on the screen just something to consider there's not too many super cool texts that you haven't heard about this or at least that I was able to find or that I knew already in advance and last but not least Zaria with particle cannon rocket jumping and walking is faster than just walking this used to be a thing that people debated about for some reason so I just wanted to settle this for those of you who think it doesn't make you faster if you right-click on the ground or whatever it is on console and then you hit jump right as it hits the ground you'll go faster than if you don't for her barriers I couldn't find anything super cool that you couldn't already do but one thing that I did discover was that you get full charge for your barrier if it gets a impede so if you feel that an EMP is about to come it's a good idea to pop that barrier on you and an Allen get that free 40 or 80 turn or however much you need and finally 4 grab grabbing against the wall is never a bad idea you can do this super awesome wall grab on Li Zhong and it's also really good against stiva since there's less time for her to try and eat your grabbing it's not flying as a projectile through the air that's probably the best tech that I could think of Zaria is a pretty straightforward character with not too many tanks with that we're done with the tanks let's talk about DPS starting with ash for Ash's Viper gun use the body shot headshot combo it's too strong to not be used all the time so please use that combo otherwise stay scoped in all the time because the damage from that is just too good to be ignored basically the only time that you really want to not be scoped is if you're absolutely trying to finish off a target or you're doing the head shot body shot combo for her dynamite you absolutely have to play around her cooldown if you're about to get dynamite set yourself up so that you can use it right as it comes off cooldown it's her strongest ability by far but it takes forever to charge so don't waste it by holding on to it for a million years well-placed Dynamite's over and over really get to the enemy really fast for Ash's coach gun and building up the habit of shooting coach gunning and then shooting again in a 1v1 duel is a good habit to have in my opinion because it allows you to dictate the fight and give yourself an advantage without committing your own dynamite to that 1v1 and since coach gun isn't quite that necessary because you have your team to bail you out if you don't lose that 1v1 so that's my reasoning behind that in finally for Bob he makes a really good skater boy slide him on ramps and things of that nature like you would a diva bum and have a great time you can also coach gun Bob and get him over ledges so that's also an option too next up Bastion one thing that Bastion players are love to do is to never stop shooting so to help you fund your habit I'm going to show you this pretty nifty trick if you return to recon from sentry mode and shoot four shots or more and then you get back into your recon mode you'll actually reload your entire clip in turret form it takes slightly longer than reloading but you do more DPS this way so there's the trade-off thing with his self-repair you can actually shoot an immediately sell feel in your olds to get little to no downtime between shots but you do get a heck of a lot more survivability it's a really awkward thing to do at first but you'll notice that most if not all good bastions use this technique so keep your eye open for that [Music] and finally lastly first ultimate tank mode you can rocket jump just shoot your feet and jump as the projectile hits the ground to get extra height for extra destruction and you could actually set yourself up later to get into spots you normally wouldn't be able to so that's also pretty nice now let's go after doom fist with seismic slam the targeted slam the one with that blue indicator it can actually be manipulated into allowing you to slam upwards if you use it right at the last second like this so you can use it pretty late and most people don't know that you can do that or you can actually intentionally break the path with the wall in the way to get caught to do extra damage by hanging on the wall that explanation is a bit convoluted but if you see on screen it's pretty cool when you do like a hundred damage so it's pretty sick for uppercut you can get some horizontal distance in doorways by using it and hitting your head right on the edge of the ledge of the door it's good for getting out of spawn faster or chaining it into a targeted slam against an enemy or something of that sort so I like to use this one wad with his rocket punch we have two techniques first off you have the diagonal punch where you look in a certain direction and then mid punch you look to the right or look to the left and jump to cancel it and swap your momentum in that direction it's easy once you get the hang of it and it's super strong and second you can punch a knee height object in the map to get vertical momentum by jumping right as you're about to hit the object but not as you hit the object super stick for retaining that uppercut to change into combos on enemies on the high ground I have to use this one on and every doom force knows how to do this and finally you can use your meter strike to get to high ground terrain justice on the enemy Farah or just to get up high ground and wait for your cooldowns to come back up next is Genji one awesome tech for Ganges deflect is cancelling it with a wall climb to be able to chain damage after deflecting an enemy ability and protecting yourself if you get good enough it can be nearly instant which is really really strong for her swift strike there's the instant damage combo where if you - perfectly onto the enemy either by hitting the ground and looking up or just perfectly distancing yourself you can fan your shuriken and melee to get an instant sure can use out by animation cancelling it with them mainly it's weird to explain but once you use it you'll understand what I mean and last but not least for the dragonblade a good tip for people who can't nano blade all that well is with your nano blade you can slash - and then slash another enemy to get an instant double kill it's pretty easy to do because there's less time in between trying to get that / - combo out and once you do this consistently it becomes a lot easier to pump up with your nano blade and it just lets you understand the compost bit better next we've got the other schemata bro Hanzo for his sonic era you can decrease the time between Sonic's by shooting a sonic arrow straight into the air I use this sometimes that chokes on defense and it will prove to be pretty useful in those scenarios but it's not something that you should do a lot but knowing that you can do it alone is good enough because those scenarios where you finally see that you need it it really does come in handy for storm arrows pre charging a full arrow and then popping storm arrow right after to get an easy kill combo is a really good strat since it only takes two storm arrows instead of one to kill them which allows for two whole kills with the storm arrows with only body shots from Storm arrows instead of just only one kill and nearly a second with his lunge one technique that I like to use is to charge your arrow hop around a corner shoot and then instantly lunge the other way this will basically let you instantly shoot an arrow without the enemy even having time to react so it can be pretty devastating given the right circumstances and lastly with result you can kill people with the actual arrow through walls it's super obscure but every once in a while you see this be used it's pretty cool and it makes awesome clips anything top I can dragon go my got a headshot a pool I'm insane now we've got junk rat joke rat actually receives self knock back with his frag launcher which can be used in super nation terriers to get back into certain spots not something that you will see every day but hey it's really really dope once you know with his concussion mine I just want to point out that no matter what it will always give vertical knock back even if it's above you this also applies to enemies so don't throw concussion mines at them when they're falling down into the abyss of a Maps cliff it'll only send them flying up back for a revenge for his steel trap the techs aren't all that's useful I mean you can maybe put it on a basketball that that's kind of funny but it's not useful at all so I just wanted to give you my two cents on a good trap placement the best traps are usually put where supports will hide since that's where people would check the least your goal isn't to put the trap where the entire enemy would be it's only to put it where one person will get hit by it and finally with rip tire learn to properly wall climb it can be really really devastating fresh nuts next up is Jesse McCree for his combat role please please don't use it for movement too much it's so much stronger if you use it for spamming shots in Denville and get even more shots out don't waste what could be one of your best abilities that's all I have to say from that Makris flashbang is an awesome tool for getting quick duels once so a good way to use flash is by throwing it against a wall or onto the ground to avoid getting it deflected or just to get it out faster alternatively you can also toss it to the sides of somebody or even above or behind you're not limited by shoving it right into their eyes it works in all directions so please use it as such and finally with that eye you can reload your gun instantly it's super cool if your pun but it's pretty well known since McCree is already pretty cut-and-dry as a character as far as techs go keeping us going through the DPS list is am a maze endothermic blaster works on multiple enemies not sure most people know about this but you can do that mace not played all that much so it's good to know if you're planning on picking up that cursed demon character since double [ __ ] is a thing for cryo fees I like to use it as a way to protect my allies that are slept or stunned or to block line-of-sight of things like shatter or High Noon or doom fist it works really well for that purpose and nobody knows about this well most of them with maze wall it's also really great for blocking el OS or straight-up disabling turrets immortality field or Arisa supercharger it has different behaviors for each ability but once you get to know what each does you can do some really crazy things and instantly get a huge advantage for your team and definitely surprise the enemy team if they don't know about this and finally for your ultimate blizzard please make sure that you wall off the enemies you're about to freeze so that you can get all of the kills not enough maze do this but it would work so well if they did so learn where to place your wall to maximize the amount of destruction that you can cause on the enemy lines now let's talk about the rocket Queen Farah with their jump jet you can actually get a rocket jump right before it to do a ton of extra height at the cost of 32 HP all you do is you press your left click jump and shift pretty much all at the same time it's like regular rocket jumping but then you press shift at the end and if you have this too under your belt it's really easy to get down so use it when you can for her concussive blasts you can also call it like you would with a left-click and get a bit more horizontal speed and distance fair is all about her movement so this is really important info to notes that you can be the best fair in the sky and finally for your garage I've got another movement technique which is that you can instantly stop your momentum or new garage which means that you can move super fast and then instantly stop by holding to surprise the enemy also you can fire a single shot right as you hold to add just a bit more extra damage which will help secure kill before you inevitably die sucks now let's talk about reaper for his ray form there is no awesome text so i'm just going to remind you that you can reload with me that's all Reaper doesn't really have many good text that I know about and for his shadow step it's pretty much the same story as far as Texico you could teleport while you're in the air which is great for escaping or getting back but otherwise there's not that much cool things that you can do with this shadow set that nobody really knows about as far as I'm aware please and finally for his death blossom you can shoot right before you old for slightly more damage since he reloads after he bolts not that much more damage but it can be the difference between one person getting out with the sliver HP or them being dead so use this one you can next for your favorite dad soldier 76 I've got two things for helix rocket one you can insa kill a tracer or a baby diva by rocketing and then mailing them which is really strong because traces will always love to get up on your face and two you can rocket jump to get to higher spots on the map just jump as the rockets hit the ground and you'll go flying up and I'm pretty sure that he has one of the tallest rocket jumps in the game second into bastion for his sprint learn how to sprint to strafe jump I don't know there's not a name for this it's a good movement pattern that throws enemies off all you have to do is sprint and jump at the same time and then once you reach the apex of your jump cancel your sprint by pressing this sprint key again you'll be more unpredictable and you'll jump higher and jump slightly more horizontal a bit faster so it makes you just more difficult to shoot and it'll just become second nature and you'll be more elusive and harder to hit for his biotic field you can animation cancel it with your old to instantly drop healing for yourself to laser the enemy lines it's a niche but it's really awesome nonetheless and lastly for his tactical visor keep in mind that you can instantly reload are nearly instantly reloads so at the end of your alt always reloads that you're never cut out without any boots and your magazine now Sombra for hack i just want to remind you that you can break l OS a little bit on wall so if you want a wee behind a corner as you're finishing the hack it's not an awful idea in case they decide you know they want to murder you or something like that since you're trying to hack them with her stealth you can animation cancel your translocator as you're turning inves which gets it out slightly faster if you spam your translocator as you're cloaking it's not really that useful I'll be honest but it does make you look a lot cooler that's for sure for her translocator a simple reminder is that it literally cleanses everything in the game from anti-aids dynamite discards to way more just not stuns and sleeps and stuff of that even just a short teleport versus an Anna when she ant eyes you can be a huge advantage in a fight so keep that in mind Samba players and for her last ability EMP one of the best things that you can do is try and EAP as N but as you get into the higher elos Zenoss tend to catch on to this and will try and pop transcendence before you VMP so that they don't die to counter this you can fake a translocator by either throwing it and destroying it or just by D cloaking near the Zen with your translocator in a safe location and sometimes more often than not you'll be designed into thinking you're going to MP and force the transcendence out of play so this isn't necessarily a technique but more of a strategy but hey it's my list I can do what I want for one of the last few DPS in this list Symmetra Symetra spot-on projector reloads on shields I don't know if you know that but that's why she's being played against double shield since she never has to reload since there's so many shields in the map that's just something to consider with her sentry turret you can actually use it to block high Noons and things of that nature but it's really hard to do and time it properly but it is really cool once you do get it off enough totally freaking on since they don't know what will happen you know considering that you're alive another for her teleporter I recommend that you don't turret bomb often that's when you put three turrets down and then send your teleporter to send a million turrets behind the enemy but rather I'd recommend that you use it to get your team back into the way faster or even just as a passive way to get the high ground for your team so that they can use it when they need it it's a lot stronger that way and turn bombing isn't that good since it puts your cooldown on such number and finally for photon barrier you can place your turrets on the side of your barrier that you are on to really throw the enemy off since it'll have to traverse the massive shield prevent them from getting any damage done to your team and hence your turrets it's pretty sick if I do say so myself and it's very useful for all those Symetra players out there and next the third to last DPS torbjørn Torbjorn turret is really good for dancing around to avoid incoming damage your hitbox is about as big as a raisin so maybe consider using your turret to keep yourself out of the crossfire it does throw off a lot of people especially tracers I don't know why but tracers really hate this for his overload ability use it right before you old it can make you a lot more tanky and since you can't use any abilities when you're in that bolt and course state it's best to do it less the enemy team jumps on you while you're busy spraying your goop around the map and lastly for your molten core that timer for its decay doesn't actually start until it hits the ground so if you think that you're going to need more molten nut throw it up into the air to save it for later and have more molten uptime next is tracer animation cancelling is a big deal with tracer and your melee is a big deal so the first tip for blinks is to melee and blink to get a faster melee to confirm kills on your enemy that you've nearly lasered your melee is a lasting hitbox it stays up until you're done with that melee animation so you can start the male animation and blink and finish the melee animation at the end of your blink it's a good habit to have and you'll find that you get a lot more kills with this technique for her recall you can blink melee and recall to get a mere instant unseen melee for 30 damage to also confirmed kills Tracy's melee is an important part of her damage dealing combos so that's why this is so important to know and finally for her pulse bomb you can use pulse bomb and then blink to instantly stick an enemy instead of risking the chance that they sleep Tartu and kill you before you kill them so that's pretty cool it's kind of difficult to do though so you need to practice this on some training range bots or something of that sort and last but definitely not least in the dps category Widowmaker for her gun you can actually jump and scope in to minimize the predictability of you in a slow linear motion when you scone in it's definitely a lot better and sometimes widows won't tell that you scoped in so I like this take a lot and it's very easy to do once you get the timing for it down with her grappling hook you can bunnyhop by hooking the ground and jumping as you reach the other end of the ground for some extra horizontal mobility to hide the create a gap between you and someone diving you or just to surprise the enemy winning with an angle and she's not expecting for her venom mine there's spots like these where you can use it to block your head to prevent death and a widow duel it doesn't work everywhere but when it does work it's pretty crazy and finally for her infra site please get into the habit of counter infra siding to make things easier for your team kind of like how you counter support alt you want to counter infra site we are on the homestretch now only a few supports left to go starting us off Anna and as biotic rifle becomes super useful if you get into the habit of quick scoping it increases your field of view to keep you safe when there are enemies lurking around you it also makes your bullets instant so there's that as a bonus for her sleep dart always always aim for the feet it makes it a million times easier to land sleep there so that's a habit that you should for sure master so that you can be a ton more accurate with your sleep darts you can tell that the hitbox of the enemy tends to stay pretty stationary on the bottom unlike the torso or the head which is why it's so much easier for her biotic nade you should spend a lot of time to learn the nade spots ml7 has a fantastic series on YouTube that you should go check out for all the spots on all the maps so seriously throw them and you'll find that take can come in clutch every single time there's also this tool that I'll show on-screen that helped put the workshop code for that will show you the trajectory of the Nate's that you can also play those out there and lastly for nano boost don't be afraid to use it to help somebody like your Zarya gain old charge that you can get grab it doesn't have to be used just to get big combos sometimes using it to help an ally get their old for a combo is more valuable than holding it for something mediocre now let's talk about Baptiste fors biotic launcher you can actually double shot both healing and damage at the same time for a slight time penalty it's awesome for bunker comp since it's a nice tech to have under your belt because you can both heal them via damage and confirm kills or a shield for his regenerative burst one common misconception is that it's an AoE ability like Lewis heal it's not it'll heal the people immediately in the line of sight from when you use the ability and then you can leave them and it'll continue to heal them as they go about you can use this to actually pre heal dive tanks or things of that sort so just keep that in mind before you make the mistakes that I've been making for such a long time with Baptiste for his immortality field if you're about to get EMP door shattered or stunned or anything like that try and throw it in the air or bounce it off a wall to prevent it from getting canceled until at yourselff be protected in the event of an HCC incoming also it has the exact same trajectory as his healing fellas so you can figure out where your field belong by preparing a healing balm and lastly for his amplification matrix you can actually stack this with other power boosting abilities which is pretty handy considering that you see Baptiste with mercy so you can do huge damage combos with both of these combined just something that you might want to know if you play a lot about teased next up is Brigitta for her armor pecs you can actually stack all three of them at once on a squishy to make them nearly impossible to kill because it does 120 healing per 2 seconds and stacks to 360 healing over 6 seconds which is quite a lot a feeling if they don't know where the heels are coming from this works really well against a Winston Reinhardt sombre tracer or soldier or a heroes that just do damage over time instead of burst damage for her whip shot there's no super good tip so just try and use it for people that are diving you since it'll send them flying backwards to where they came from which is pretty handy in most situations I mean that's pretty much what Frick was designed for anyway for her shield bash you need to learn how to super jump this is done by shield bashing a knee-high object and pressing space to go upwards into the sky it's handy but it's very nice and there's a few spots that it makes sense for Brigitta but when it does come into play it's pretty crazy and finally for rally there's not much to offer here so just keep in mind that you should be using rally before engaging into a fight not right as you engage into the fight and that MOU that both teams collide it just really helps to make sure that everybody gets a piece of armor now we've got Lucio for his wall running you need to learn how to corner surf and how to wall skim corner surfing helps you get more control over your direction by double-tapping space when you hit a corner which gets you double speed boost and lets it go a bit further and a bit faster for some really cool tricks and second you want to learn how to wall skip by also double tapping space on walls it's pretty hard to do this consistently with space so console players this doesn't apply to you which is why I recommend that you use scroll wheel on jump or at least you ought to be able to pull these smooth moves on for his cross fader you can spam cross fade while strafing to make yourself super unpredictable on top of that you can use speed while on the wall to get height and distance and then swap the heels midair to get more healing out there for your team while maintaining the momentum from your speed which proves to be pretty useful when you're escaping or things of that nature for his amp you can amp speed to get some extra momentum and then swap the heels to get the rest of a feeling out so that you can have the best of both worlds without sacrificing crucial healing juice though I wouldn't recommend this if an ally is super critical in that case speed is just the secondary priority in healing as your primary penalty with this Boop it's a really good way to confirm kills I like to land a full volley of sound waves boop shoot another volley and then melee this tends to get kills fairly easily and also if you want to get better boobs don't be afraid to get up close and crouch and angle upwards to get a better arc for your group to be more likely to get they kill you with the environmental and lastly for his sound barrier you need to build the habit of sound barrier on to objects that are slightly higher up and above you to decrease the amount of time that you're in the air and sound barrier it's really nice for those of you who tend to die a lot and also this one's for you that's what it was me forever third to last in this entire list is mercy for her guardian angel I like using the super jump technique if you're on the ground and you crouch and then fly towards an ally and then jump right as you reach the bump that you feel when you're reaching the ally you'll go straight up and be able to go flying straight up which is really crazy and instant like survivability that nobody can really counter for resurrect it might seem like a mean but spinning while raising does actually help you stay alive so it's kind of a habit that might seem like a joke but it actually ends up increasing your survivability in a place where you might not be able to live and finally for Valkyrie stay low to the ground and strafe more than you actually fly up in the air especially against hits games it makes you a lot harder to kill and you can throw and flying up and down to make yourself nearly invincible during Pierre holt next is Moira for her biotic grasp it's totally a bug but if you spam right-click you'll charge your healing faster which definitely won't stay in the game much longer but use it for now while you can for her healing if you tap healing you'll actually heal 60 heals and you'll also be able to pre heal allies before a really cheap use of nearly no deity meter I'm honestly surprised that born Loras don't use this or even know about it so that's why that's in this list with her biotic orbs you need to use it right before you hold every single time it's super important to do this there's literally no reason for you not to do it so please just do that I don't really know why this really made a difference until I started doing it as a time for them it occurred to me wow this is really strong for fade you need to learn how to super fade jump just check out this clip from ml7 and you'll see what you can do with this just jump right as you hit a knee-high object and you'll be soaring and last but not least for coalescence use it off of cooldown but just keep in mind that you're not going to be able to fade when you're using it so you have to always be careful and safe about it so that you're not caught out in debt this is a mistake that lower-ranked amaura's do but hey I don't really have any other good take so leave a comment if you can think of something better and finally for the last hero in this entire list Zenyatta I've got two tips for his orbs of destruction first off you can launch a volley and then crouch to really throw off enemy snipers since it really makes her head hitbox through this weird thing where your head kind of disappears in your torso and second melee is pretty much free after an orb so if you're trying to confirm a kill you can do this cool animation cancel four discord if you primary fire and immediately discord after you'll have no difference between regular shots so there's no excuse for you not to use this tech since Discordian is really the most important thing for you to do as then in the mid fight it's super difficult to time properly I can't even get it down perfectly but if you practice it a lot I'm sure that it will become second nature for harmony and actually for discord as well consider binding these abilities to your scroll wheels so that you can always get the allies or enemies orbed even if you just see them for a single frame or a single second it's a nice technique to have that has definitely saved me many many times and finally for the very last ability in this monstrous 6000 plus word script transcendence you can use it to body block abilities it's really neat you can block Heinen's visors Reinhardt charges hooks and any number of things like these since you're invincible during your whole which can really come in clutch you see this in the overwatch League finals from season 1 and all sorts of things like that the pros do this all the time so make sure that you get the hang of this and make it your thing on design but anyway that's finally it I'll admit this is a huge grip I mean the raw file is like over 41 minutes long so it might be one of my biggest scripts outside of my comprehensive overwatch guides and workshop guide so it'll be interesting I was sick before I recorded this video so if I sound nasally or a bit like raspy voice that's why I don't normally sound like this and dead if you have anything to add feel free to leave a comment here or message us on discord which by the way got partnered so that's pretty awesome and I was really happy about that be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram as well from the links in the description down below but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this one have a nice day my name is Nate and this was Blizzard guides [Music]
Channel: Blizzard Guides
Views: 1,212,488
Rating: 4.9081869 out of 5
Keywords: overwatch, overwatch tips, overwatch guide, overwatch tip for every hero, overwatch hero, 1 ADVANCED Tip for EVERY Hero Ability in Overwatch, overwatch advanced, overwatch beginner, overwatch 2019, overwatch hero ability, overwatch season 18, best overwatch heroes, overwatch competitive, overwatch gameplay, overwatch dps, overwatch tank, overwatch support, overwatch how to, overwatch ps4, overwatch xbox, overwatch pc, overwatch league, overwatch rank up, blizzard, 1 tip for
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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