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The widow one is actually crazy. I never knew this was a thing.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/luau_ow 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

That Moira one actually blows my mind.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Zalzirim 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey what's going on guys my name is car q and one of my best performing videos of all time is an obscure tips video with jane and this is gonna be part two with some more if you're somewhat new to overwatch make sure you watch the old one and this one and i guarantee you'll learn something new let's get started this video was sponsored by the overwatch league that's right this is the final season we're gonna be seeing six v6 before we switch to 5v5 next year the playoffs are happening right now through september 24th tune into the owl youtube channel during playoffs to earn three overwatch league skins for every three hours of playoffs watched up to nine different skins available to be earned following that we have the grand finals happening saturday september 25th during that broadcast the devs are going to be walking through the overwatch to sombra and bastion reworks following the watchpoint pre-show which begins at 4 45 p.m pacific enjoy the match and stick around for the overwatch 2 pro player exhibition match where you can see firsthand what high level 5e5 is going to look like at halftime and finally just for tuning in you can earn an exclusive grand final spray look at how cute that is six overwatch league skins and 100 league tokens again that's this saturday september 25th beginning at 4 45 pacific click the link in the description and back to the video for diva you can jump off a ledge just before remecking which will teleport you back above and confuse enemies the remake damage will be up top so you can use this tech if you're being chased in order to bait enemies to their death arisa supercharger behaves similarly to mercy's beam in which there is a one second lingering effect before it detaches if you break line of sight that means if your supercharger is tucked safely in the back you can still pop in and out aggressively while maintaining that 50 damage buff for ryan you can do a jumping fast shatter by pressing jump and shatter at the same time and you'll know you mess it up if you hang in the air for too long you can advance this tech by cranking a 90 around a corner which is way faster compared to the traditional method for roadhog everyone should know the turn pull by now by simply turning while pulling duh however if you try this from high ground you'll notice that enemies tend to get stuck on the wall below you so the tech here is the turn pull plus a jump to make it much more consistent and give you enough lift to bring the enemies up to high ground for sigma you can rock jump to position yourself in spots that you normally wouldn't be able to reach by well throwing your rock at your feet and jumping as soon as it breaks for winston you can actually wall bounce after a leap to quickly change directions to either reposition or to escape one variation of this is to reduce the leap height so that you can increase your landing speed to lower the chance of the enemy reacting to you here's numblock executing it to perfection for ball you can do a super jump by using the fireball momentum towards a slanted wall or object and jumping upon contact this opens up a ton of new and quick pile driver spots i recommend this one from edel for zarya you can remove the kill credit from any sort of boop by shooting a secondary fire off a wall and damaging yourself on the way down you should do this every time you're screwed and booped off the map to deny the kill credit and ultimate charge the enemy would normally get i have a full video of this concept linked down below for ash or for bob rather he can actually sit on health packs after he stops running which he'll constantly pick up automatically if his health isn't full this works out nicely for sombra on your team for example who has it hacked which is certainly good if bob is being focused so that he's extra beefy okay this bastion one is the definition of an obscure tech so when bastion goes into turret mode there's a really loud wind-up noise that sounds like this however you can use the voice lines blee or zwie to mask and hide the wind-up noise making your flank bastion game even deadlier thanks to bastion main for showing me this this is what it sounds like you obviously still hear something and it's really noticeable right now but in a real game with 11 other heroes in with the team fighting abilities projectiles being thrown out this really is a lot quieter all things considered there's a lot of tech that exists around doomfist due to the nature of his movement-based abilities but the most practical one that every doom should know is diagonal punching you do this by jumping and then punching into slanted walls to gain insane vertical distance both upwards or downwards a full video with diax spots linked below with brandito but i also recommend getquakedon who is a doomfist wizard for echo a lot of players misunderstand her flight ability if you activate it and then quickly deactivate it to cancel it mid air you will conserve that initial movement speed boost momentum and go a lot higher faster this tech can be useful to quickly escape something or to catch enemies like a widow without giving them any time to react for genji the game won't allow you to dash while you use your melee until the animation is completely over however you can bypass this by quickly while climbing during that melee animation to cancel it giving you the ability to dash again without that delay here's that combo in real time side by side for hanzo sonic arrow is considered an active arrow at all times if you shoot it at a shield or deployable and it gets removed or destroyed the arrow will still fall down and land on anyone underneath it in the past you were able to get accidental kills like this but this was actually patched now it does no damage but the sonar is still active the only exception to this rule is mei's ice block you can still kill her with it weird i know since junkrat has concussion minds players often forget that he can still rocket jump with his primary fire grenades it's definitely a little bit obscure and niche but there might be situations where you don't want to waste your concussion mind to reach a certain high ground so that you have two minds available right away or in situations where you're hacked by sombra for the cowboy you want to press jump a little bit before using your combat roll which will give you a little extra air time with a bounce at the end you know you're doing it right if the sound of the roll is muted like so here's a nice side by side from mcmagic marv which is where i first saw this from use this tech to get to some interesting spots for some cheeky positioning they probably wouldn't expect for mccree for may her cry freeze can work as a little step stool for your teammates to stand on to get to certain high grounds without wasting ice wall here's a video i learned it from by again mcmagic marv demonstrating some of its other practical uses for pharah rocket jumping is a well-known technique that everyone should know about by now but what people don't think about is that she naturally gains way more height compared to other rocket jumping heroes from the explosion knockback allowing her to escape when hacked for example as we saw in the overwatch league for reaper you may find yourself in situations where you're low on hp and you don't have wraith available that's when you can pull off the same spot teleport tech to fake enemies out which works by stacking that teleporter indicator on top of each other making the hanzo in this clip from oni god look for the other end of the tp but instead gets absolutely outplayed [Music] when you put your biotic field down a soldier you put it down in front which means you can drop it down low from high ground perfect for when you're in a great position but your teammates need a bit of healing below you for sombra one of the coolest things you can do is pull off the stalling technique and overtime to buy almost 18 seconds of time for your team to regroup and come back i'll just let fitzy explain it here so how do you stall the first thing you need to do is be in position being ready to stall throw your translocator down early enough so that the cooldown of translocator is ready for when you use your translocator get in position and be ready to touch the point wait until the last possible second to be able to touch the point once you've touched the point you will immediately translocate and throw your translocator down touch the point again and get ready to translocate wait for your translocator come off cooldown throw it on the high ground touch the point and translocate again immediately use stealth jump back down and move to the center of the point and translocate out and drop back down and touch once more at this point your team should arrive or be very close to touching the point for symmetra this isn't really a tech but rather a technical explanation of how a teleporter works see the moment you press teleport your hero is at the other tp exit instantaneously however the game itself will lock you in this teleportation animation from end to end making you momentarily lose control of your character until that animation is over that's why everybody here has probably felt that little stand still delay after going through the tip here is to take the sim tp while crouching or jumping to give you a bit of movement on your way through thanks not muda for showing me this one for torbjorn i'm not aware of any interesting texts or interactions that i haven't covered before on this channel so here are a couple turret spots for tracer your blinks can gain insane vertical height allowing you to go up high grounds it's even crazier if you double blink i have a full video on this tech separately with dante link below for widowmaker there's a cool tech i learned from kefri to fling backwards over ledges if you're underneath simply grapple and then press s or down on the controller to get up and over for anna her melee specifically is a longer animation compared to nade or sleep dart which allows you to instantly scope and skip the scope in animation upon doing it for baptiste you can pre-fire healing grenades into the sky which takes about 6 seconds to fall down this is actually pretty decent if there's down time and absolutely nothing else to shoot at so your teammates can get some healing when the fight breaks out [Music] there's an interesting interaction and tech with briggs shield bash when getting hit by a knock back ability at the perfect time if it's timed correctly you can perform a super bash to go really far i learned this from korean creator yongsan 98 who demonstrated this with a bunch of examples bunny hopping is a lucio mechanic that allows you to keep most of your wall ride speed if you hit the ground this tech is all about timing the jump just before you hit the ground you'll conserve like 90 of your speed and momentum if you b-hop correctly you'll know instantly if you mess up because you'll be back at your slow base movement speed for mercy a lot of tech exists in which you can watch video work with niandra on but one of my favorite and easiest techs is to shrink your hitbox by spamming jump during your angelic descent we know that mercy's hitbox includes her wings and a normal angelic descent widens your hip box significantly if you spam the jump key you'll keep your wings closer together make yourself harder to hit and still maintain like 80 percent of your angelic descent speed for mora you heal 70 hp per second that's the baseline rate however since morris healing is technically really fast projectiles you can increase your baseline 70 hp per second by simply moving towards your target as you heal it works in the same principle as the doppler effect your teammates will see a higher frequency of those healing projectiles if you move towards them but conversely receive less healing if you're moving away from them so avoid doing that as much as possible good find by nolan for zen you can do a couple of cool things with transcendence number one is to use it to leverage enemy ultimates that have knockback to gain high ground number two is to make sure you use the movement speed you gain to cross certain gaps and number three is to jump near the end of the duration to create some distance at the last second that's all for the video thanks for supporting my content for almost five years now follow my socials at car cue games and i'll see you next time
Channel: KarQ
Views: 480,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, Overwatch tips, overwatch techs, obscure tips techs, hidden tips overwatch, karq overwatch techs, obscure techs part 2
Id: 7F5nvFkU1LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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