The Complete History and Lore of Genji

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hey there Moxa's here and today we have a new overwatch video where we're diving back into the history and lore of the overwatch II University yeah I remember that awesome complete history and lore video of overwatch that we did of course you do and if not you can check it out here this time we want to do an even deeper dive into some of the lore for specific characters that we find very unique and compelling so the subject for today's video is the ultimate cyborg ninja supreme himself Genji what is it that makes Genji tick is he truly the ninja with the synthetic heart of gold is he making cow eyes with mercy we're going to get into all that and more this is a complete history and lore of Genji in overwatch [Music] before we start with Genji's story we have to get into some background for the Shimada clan centuries ago in feudal Japan the Shimada clan was established the schemata clan is a group of elite ninjas based in schemata castle in Hana Mora Japan over the years the schemata clan flourished and built a vast criminal empire that Delton arms illegal substances and other illegal goods and of course assassination the Shimada clan operated under a system where the eldest son would assume the head of the family's operations that become its one true leader some years before the current events of overwatch there is the leader of the Shimada clan so Jiro schemata so Jiro had two sons his eldest son Hanzo and his younger son Genji based on the Shimada hierarchy it was Hanzo who was destined to become the next doyon of the shamanic clan so as a young man Genji schemata was often spoiled by his father so Jiro likely because Genji was not destined to become the clan leader so Jiro gave his son the nickname of Sparrow Ganges interest did not lie in the schemata family business he was instead far more interested in leisure activities living a life of luxury that some might call frivolous after the passing of sorrow the obligation fell to Hanzo to assume the leadership role of the schemata however Genji had no interest in getting involved with the family business and often ignored it in pursuit of his playboy lifestyle while Hanzo was set to assume his rightful place as the new head of the schemata clan the clans high-ranking members saw ganges presence as a liability to the family the Shimada clan elders requested that Hanzo attempt to straight know Genji and put him on the path toward helping Hanzo rule the schemata Empire maybe it was the purity and Ganges heart that saw the Shimada activities is wrong or perhaps it was something else whatever was reasoning Genji refused to bend to the schemata clans will tensions between Genji and Hanzo built to a powder keg that was waiting to go off and as a result the Shimada clan elders manipulated the two brothers into a fatal confrontation or at least that's what they thought for the good of the Shimada clan Hansa would have to kill his younger brother the confrontation was inevitable call it fate call it whatever you'd like but the fuse was lit and blood was going to be spilled and raged Hanzo did confront Genji and like the biblical story of Cain and Abel Hanzo struck his brother town however with the act hon Zoe's heart was broken the act of killing his only brother was ashamed that he could not bear and as a result of his actions Hanzo banished himself from the shimano clan and would only return to the castle once a year to pay his respects to his fallen brother but this is not where young Genji shimada's story would end or else he wouldn't be an overwatch although Genji was mortally wounded and left on the verge of death from his fight with his brother he was still alive on that fateful night where two brothers fought to the death Genji was given a reprieve from death's door and saved by the intervention of one dr. Angela Ziegler of course known as mercy of the global security force overwatch Genji was seen as a potential asset to overwatch to combat the criminal activities of the shimano clan and mercy rescued the near dead Genji ng was given an option overwatch would help rebuild his body in exchange for his help in combating his former clan and so Angie agreed Kenji's body was put through a cyber ization process turning the former man into a living cyborg the process granted Genji enhanced speed agility strength and of course even better sweet-ass ninja skills Genji was no longer human but a living weapon who sought to destroy the schemata criminal empire for some time Genji was a part of overwatch or at the very least the spin-off of overwatch the covert black ops group led by Gabriel Reyes known as Black Watch at the time of the Kings ro uprising Black Watch Erik ng took part in the training and evaluation of Lena Oxton aka tracer after she became a new recruit to the team Genji was also stationed at watch point Gibraltar his views were not always positive regarding fellow black watch members Jessie McRae and Moyo genin later on Genji was also part of the team that took on doom fist in Nnamani fighting alongside tracer and Winston Kenji valiantly attempted to stop doom fist but he was no match for the Talon leader thankfully Winston is able to put a stop to doofus before he murdered both Genji and tracer though Genji was granted this new life by overwatch he was not at peace with himself the cyborg body given to Genji caused him great pain and conflict he was unable to accept his new life in existence and after apparently dismantling the schemata clan did you left overwatch it's not exactly clear when Genji left overwatch but wanting nothing to do with the conflict Genji did leave the team before Jack Morrison and Gabriel raised his destructive battle at the overwatch twist headquarters and so Genji wandered the world to find meaning and peace with his new existence eventually he came to the Shambhala monastery in Nepal and cross paths with the Omnicom Bali order Tech artha zenyatta at first Genji was reluctant to accept sannyas wisdom and to llege but eventually Zenyatta was able to mentor Genji to find his inner peace at long last Genji discovered the spiritual catharsis that he had been seeking and he came to accept his existence as part man part machine Zenyatta taught Genji that while he did have a mechanical body his human heart and soul were still intact for Genji his mechanical parts were no longer a curse but a gift and strength he could use to help others in the world with this spiritual awakening Genji finally felt free for the first time in his life [Music] and while Kenji's mind and soul were finally free and batting on all cylinders his work was far from over Talon was increasing its activities and sought to steal a list of overwatch agents from watch Point Gibraltar thankfully Winston was able to stop Reaper and Talon before this was able to happen and he launched the recall of overwatch agents Genji was among the agents on the recall list operating in western North America at the time call was issued with a recall having gone out Genji sought out an unlikely ally on the 10th anniversary of gangees own supposed death his tortured brother Hanzo visited the Shimano Castle in order to pay his respects to his brother but there Hanzo received an unlikely visit from a ghost of his past engi revealed himself to Hanzo confronting his long-lost brother and Ganges intent was not to hurt Hanzo in fact his intent was to show he had long forgiven his brother and it was time for Hanzo to forgive himself with overwatch returning to challenge talon Hansa would have to pick a side Hanzo would not fall in line with his brother but Genji left believing that there was still hope for his brother to truly redeem himself and in a flash Genji disappeared but the message was still clearly felt by the now profoundly pensive Hanzo Genji's current whereabouts are unknown he was last seen with Zenyatta over Christmas time writing a letter with a sparrow quill and it's our belief that Genji was writing this letter to one dr. Angela Ziegler mercy who received a letter with an identical quill right around the same holiday season it's long believed that there is a brewing romance between over watches resident cyborg ninja and healer extraordinaire the two were happy to exchange chocolates with each other around Valentine's Day and even though Angela was someone ungrateful that the chocolates she received from Genji were not of the Swiss variety I guess her parents never taught her it's the thought that counts so that's our look back through the complete history and lore of Genji in overwatch but what do you think of this trip through the overwatch universe are there any important parts of Kenji's story that we might have left out or is there any speculation that you have about ginji's past or future let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below and if you enjoyed this video make sure to check out more from tgn just by clicking that video right there thanks so much for watching i'm montanus and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: TGN
Views: 1,312,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tgn, overwatch, complete history, complete lore, genji, history, lore
Id: DX3Atoca6cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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