Complete Danjin Guide! Best Danjin Builds - Combos, Teams, Weapons, Echoes! Wuthering Waves

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Hello everyone and welcome to my complete  Danjin guide. Danjin is one of the best   dps in the game. She can dish out tons  of damage from her combos. She can also   be used as a secondary dps with another  havoc character as she can provide buffs   as well. Her combos are not as complicated as  it seems, this video will make it much easier   for you to understand it. In this video, I will  cover everything you need to know about her,   her combos, rotations, best echoes, ideal  echo stats, weapons, teams and more. Without any further ado, let's jump right into it.  Danjin's basic attacks is a very important part of   her and you need to mix and use the basic attacks  with her Resonance skill to achieve various   effects and deal more damage. After doing a dodge  counter, using an intro skill or doing two basic   attacks, casting the resonance skill twice will  mark the enemies with incinerating will. Danjin's   damage against these enemies is increased by 20%.  This mark also increases her echo skill damage Doing three basic attacks followed  by three Resonance skill cast will   unleash a combo called Sanguine  pulse which deals more damage. I will talk about these combos in detail later. Her skill consumes her HP. And she can heal  herself back with her forte circuit's heavy   attack. This heavy attack also deals a very  high damage. Danjin gains her forte circuit   stacks after hitting an enemy with her Resonance  skill. The heavy attack can be casted when the   forte circuit is half filled. But if it is  casted when the circuit is fully filled,   it will deal much higher damage. Ideally  you would want to cast heavy attack when   her forte circuit is completely filled,  however if you need some emergency healing,   it can be casted with half  filled circuit as well. In her Resonance liberation she gets very  very very angry and nukes the enemy. Danjin's outro skill is what makes her a really  good character to pair with havoc dps characters,   which currently is the Rover. It gives 23% Havoc  damage bonus, to the next character you switch   into after using Danjin's outro skill, that  is when the concerto energy bar is filled. I wanted to explain her first  inherent skill right now,   but I figured it would be much better  to explain it along with her combos. Her second inherent skill is quite good.  It increases her heavy attack damage after   doing her sanguine pulse combo, that is  3 basic attack and 3 Resonance skill. For her talent priority, level her resonance skill   first followed by her forte circuit. Then  go for ultimate skill and basic attacks. Moving onto Danjin's sequences. All  of Danjin's sequences are quite good,   buffing her own personal damage. The most  noteworthy ones are the fourth sequence   which gives her 15% crit rate when her  forte circuit is half filled. The s5   which increases her havoc damage by 15% that  can go up to 30% if her HP is below 60%. And the last sequence is the best.  It gives a teamwide 20% attack buff   to all party members after using  her heavy attack. This is really   good when you pair her with other Havoc dps  characters which currently is the Rover. Moving onto Danjin's weapons. The best  weapon is the 5 star standard banner weapon,   emerald of genesis. It provides crit rate,   alongside attack increase which can  be easily stacked by Danjin. But don't worry if you don't have  it or if someone else is using it,   as we have really good alternatives. Commando  of conviction is an insane sword to have in your   account. And hopefully, you chose it from  the free 4 star weapon selector. It gives   15% attack increase which only  requires the intro skill to trigger. There are some other decent alternatives,  but not as good as these two Weapons. Lunar   cutter and Lumingloss perform similarly and  are a decent weapon option for Danjin. The sword #18 is a good alternative  as it's passive synergises well with   Danjin. This sword can be crafted so it  is easily accessible for everyone. For echo set, the sun sinking ellipse is hands  down the best set for her. The echo skill   would want to use will be either the Crownless or  Dreamless. Crownless is good for Dunjin's personal   damage as it buffs havoc damage and resonance  skill damage. You can dash cancel the crownless   echo skill early after getting the two initial big  hits from it. The rotation will go like Intro then   2 Resonance skill to mark the enemy followed by  echo skill. But if you are using Dunjin with the   Rover, the Dreamless will be the better option  and you will know why in a bit. Alternatively,   you mix and use 2 piece set effects of sun  sinking ellipse and lingering tunes. You can run two types of echo set  up with Danjin. One is a 4-3-3-1-1   and the other one is 4-4-1-1-1 set up. On 4  cost echoes, look for crit rate or damage,   havoc damage bonus on the 3 cost ones and attack%  on the 1 cost. Between the two echo patterns,   the 4-3-3-1 is better but much harder to  get as we all know how difficult it is to   get Havoc damage bonus on the havoc set.  So 4-4-1-1-1 is a decent alternative. Also while running the 4-3-3-1-1 pattern.  Ideally havoc damage bonus on both the 3   cost echoes would be better but attack  on one echo and Havoc damage bonus on   the other is not far behind and a decent  alternative. For substats, look for crit rate,   crit damage. attack%, heavy and resonance  skill damage increases are also good. For ideal crit rate, try to  aim for 50 to 60% or higher. However, if you are using Danjin alongside  rover, which is currently the best Danjin team,   you wouldn't have enough resources to gear both  of them unless you are a whale. So in such case,   prioritise gearing the rover first  and Danjin can use the moonlit set   along with the impermanence heron echo  skill till you get enough to gear her. Before starting with her combos if you are  enjoying this video so far, don't forget give to   this video a thumbs up and share it further with  your friends. Make sure to subscribe for more. Danjin's combos are extremely simple. You first  start with the intro skill and two Resonance skill   to mark the enemies. Then use the echo skill if  you are using the crownless and spam the 3 Basic   attack and 3 Resonance skill combo, also known as  the sanguine pulse. Use the heavy attack when the   forte circuit is filled. The heavy attack can  be used with half filled circuit for emergency   healing. The mark lasts for 12 seconds so you  need to make sure that you refresh it. One thing   to keep in mind while doing the heavy attack is  that, after holding the normal attack button,   make sure to tap it again to deal the last hit  of her heavy attack. After the heavy attack,   use her ultimate if it is ready. Make sure the  enemies are marked before using the ultimate. So her combo will go like this, intro + 2 skill,   then Crownless echo skill then do the  sanguine pulse combo twice. Mark the   enemies again with2 basic attack and 2 Resonance  skill. Use heavy attack and ultimate skill. If you are using Dreamless, use it  at the end and while the skill is   active you can swap into your other characters. As we are obviously not fighting dummies, it won't  be always possible to execute the full combo.   Sometimes in multi target situation, she won't be  able to mark all the enemies. But keep the basics   in mind. Do the mark combo, spam sanguine pulse  until forte circuit is filled. Refresh the mark,   then use the heavy attack. Use ultimate  skill at the end if it is ready. Wait, hold on, there's one more thing  left. As I mentioned in the skill section,   the mark can also be applied by using  her Resonance skill twice after doing   a dodge counter. Dodge counter is when you do a  basic attack after perfectly evading an enemies   attack. So you dodge the enemies attack, do a  basic attack, followed by two Resonance skill   cast. The benefit of applying the mark this  way is her first inherent passive. It buffs   the damage of this combo by 20%, it doubles the HP  cost of the skill but in return doubles the forte   circuit stacks recovered. Due to the aggressive  nature of the enemies in this game you will be   triggering dodge counters quite often, so when  you do that, make sure to execute this combo. Before moving onto the team synergies,   let me first talk about the Havoc rover and  Danjin combo. This duo deals absolutely high   damage thanks to the ridiculously high  burst multipliers of the Havoc rover,   which is 980% at level 4, in a very short amount  of time. It can even one shot some bosses. The rotation goes like this, you trigger Danjin's  outro skill to give the havoc boost to the Rover.   Then nuke the enemies with his burst and use  the Dreamless skill which is now buffed due to   rover's ultimate. Then quickly swap to Danjin and  use her Dreamless skill as well. And after this,   you can proceed to deal some damage with  Danjin, or switch to rover to spend some   time on field with him, as in most cases he will  be the most well built. Use his forte circuit,   then attack and skill combos and Then  go back to your support like Verina   or Baizhi to continue the rotation if  the enemies is not dead yet. Danjin can   fill her concerto energy bar quite fast, so  casting her outro skill is not a problem. While this combo could be termed  as the best team for Danjin,   it doesn't mean it is the only team  she is best in. Danjin has very high   personal damage as a result she can  also be the solo dps of the team. Let's move onto the team comps. As I mentioned  earlier, the Havoc rover pairs extremely well   with Danjin as Danjin provides the havoc  damage bonus which is great for the Havoc   rover. So Danjin, Rover and the last slot  is flex, usually used by a support. Baizhi, Verina, Jianxin, Taoqi,  all are good supports. And for main dps Danjin, the team building  is straight forward. Baizhi, Verina, Taoqi,   Jianxin, Mortefi, Yangyang, etc. are all good  supports or sub dps that can fit here. Danjin,   Taoqi, Yangyang. Danjin, Mortefi,  Verina are some team examples. Before building Danjin, you need to know her  pros and cons. Danjin can deal high personal   damage especially in single target and can also  heal herself back. She pairs extremely well   with the Havoc rover. However she is a high risk  high reward character as she drains her own HP,   which makes her less beginner friendly as you  need to dodge to keep her alive. Danjin is   the best for single target situations but falls  behind in multi target situations. Nevertheless,   she is one of the best 4 stars in the game  who can rival the 5 star characters. She   can also provide buffs from outro skill  and 6th advancement which is amazing. Which build guide should I do next? Let me   know in the comments. I hope this  video was helpful. Don't forget to   like and share the video and subscribe for more  wuthering waves content. Thanks for watching.
Channel: 12th Harbinger
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Keywords: wuthering waves, danjin wuthering waves, wuthering waves danjin guide, wuthering waves guide, danjin build guide wuthering waves, danjin guide, danjin build guide, danjin wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves danjin build, danjin wuthering waves build, wuwa, build danjin, how to build danjin, best build, best dps, dps, wuthering waves build guide, danjin best echo skill, best weapon, danjin team synergies, danjin and havoc rover, teams, danjin team comps, build guide
Id: JWnarwNDohE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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