Cooking on both levels of Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM)

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hey everybody welcome to seaward cooks I appreciate you joining folks today we're gonna load up the weber smokey mountain i got some pork some beef some chicken with multi-level cooking gonna be great hope y'all stick around [Music] [Music] really showing you that you do get Oh's with the beer whiskey but he cooks responsibly alright guys that's fixing a load up my wherever Smoky Mountain here but man look I've had a bunch of questions about this charcoal basket right here I'm gonna show it to you one more time 304 stainless steel I like it it really gives me a lot of extra fuel efficiency in wherever Smoky Mountain because of the small holes that are all in this on the bottom as well those small holes keep the charcoal up out of the ash so you get a lot longer burn time out of your charcoal and feel like doing the million method you got this you got this also that you can buy as an accessory for this charcoal basket and it's neat fits right in here like that right in the middle and you put your hot charcoal in the middle and you put your unlit charcoal all around the edge here which I'm fixing to do for you oh and before I forget check the links for this down below it's made by arbor fabricating and I believe I've got a discount code I forget what the amount is off but check the link down below just hit show more and you'll see arbor fabricating down there alright let's get this baby loaded up going with some regular charcoal Kingsford blue folks this is what you call Kingsford blue the blue bag original about 3/4 of a bag I'm good lit charcoal and you pour it right down here in the middle that's like that no it's about 3/4 of a chimney worth it'll fill that thing up let me get some wood chunks I hate no while I'm looking from a wood chunks I I ran into this out in my garage I forgot I had them smoker bricks with the X on the end folks I've used these once or twice before it's bourbon infused wood this is why it oak that's what we're gonna use pretty cool man whoo that's a strong bourbon smell on there all right let's uh let me see these these are kind of small so I'm gonna use a good mini few of them there you go all right so you got your wood on there you got your charcoal on there now we got to throw this baby together I got all my bottom vents wide open there we go and since we're using multi-level cooking I do have the middle grade in here let those some water in the water pan is sitting in there there we go got my top great I like to put my grates in here and get them all warmed up and then I'll scrub them down get them cleaned up you know but get them warm first we're gonna put the lid on this baby and we're gonna let it come up to temp I'm gonna be shooting about 250 Fahrenheit somewhere in there 275 and we'll be hooking up some probes to the meat later on too oh you know what the I just hit my tripod anyway the the upper and lower levels on this weber smokey mountain in my experience when I've cooked on both levels and I've got water in the water pan the the middle great the one that's right above the water pan it's usually about 20 to 25 degrees cooler than the top grade okay so your mileage may vary but that's how am i aware of a smoky mountain axe again we're gonna go rub down this meat and we'll catch you right back all right guys wherever smokey mountains still coming up to temp she's uh she hovering right around 225 Fahrenheit right now I got about uh about a three pound brisket point kind of looks like a flat to me but they labeled it as a point she may be wrong I've got a local h-e-b grocery store here and I mean h-e-bs are our main grocery store but they make a salt and pepper rub that's what we're gonna use you seeing how the salt and pepper rub is here it's just h-e-b local brand and we're gonna put that on the brisket and I've got a local rub company five one two seasoning calm link will be down below but he's got some really nice rubs y'all and this is a new one called salty stain it's got a little bit of heat I've actually had it on some pork before we're gonna throw it on this pork butt but salty sting has got all of us got Cayenne in it or something but the heat kind of tones down as it as it cooks but still if you got young kids you might wanna might want to not use this it's got a bite to it it's what I'm trying to say you know on back of your tongue after you eat the meat it's good though real good all the seasonings are really really good he's got a bolder one that I love - whoo man buy one - seasonings calm and I appreciate you sending that to me pork but it's about five and a half pound bone-in pork butt so it's not the full thing it's about a half when they cut in half and the the brisket I think I mentioned but if I didn't it's about a three pounder and that's good get these things rub down here and get them put on the wherever Smoky Mountain as y'all know I like to go in with some Worcestershire sauce as my go-to you can use mustard oil use whatever you want folks this your cook don't use a binder if you don't want it doesn't matter and don't you don't have to go in heavy with it all right I haven't tried this salt and pepper before ah come on there it's gonna make me uh get all crazy with it over here we'll go all right that's a nice blender after Mia looks like it may have a little bit more pepper than salt so that's cool I like that salty stain there you go salty sting folks I'll check that out really really nice color it's got some chunks of some kind of spice in there all right Maddie let's get these put on the web of Smokey Mountain guys all right guys we up to about 200 on the weber smokey mountain and that's uh that's close close enough stick this meat on here and I want to try to sit both of these on one side that way and let my rack of ribs right here and chicken is going down be lope and we'll come back later put some probes in there yeah yeah as this weber smokey mountain gets up to temp excuse me let me get my rag here all right back you out get you up here real quick so as the weber smokey mountain starts coming up to 225 and approaching my 250 mark where I want to cook today when he hits about 220 225 I'm gonna start closing those bottom vents down to about the width of a number 2 pencil y'all seen me do that before and if I need to to maintain 250 I'll probably totally closed off one of the three vents I do that quite often in the summer time in the winter time you can leave them oh you know you can leave them open but in the summer time gets pretty hot and a lot of times I have to close down one or sometimes two of the three vents on the bottom just to try to maintain 250 to 275 225 whatever I'm cooking all right ribs aren't gonna take as long as the pork butt and the brisket and also the chickens just gonna take a couple hours max so I'm gonna put the chicken on later along with the pork rib so bring out back here in a little bit when we're getting ready to throw the pork ribs on that would be next I were about an hour into the cook and I figured I'd go ahead and throw on these these pork ribs here at the st. Louis cut I'm gonna go on like I did before little Worcestershire I already removed the membrane off the back here for today's rub on these ribs I'm a trying new and uncle Steve uncle Steve's shake y'all go check him out his link will be below as well just hit show more uncle Steve's shake dot-com I believe is the website yeah uncle Steve shake calm this is his new and uh Steve I appreciate you sending this to me this is a sweetened spicier spicy R so we're gonna give this a check and see how it is mmm oh those smell good Steve yes siree man Steve got some really nice rubs yah just like that flip that bad boy over [Applause] get back over here little Worcestershire something like that and some more uncle Steve shake folks if your head intronic will Steve's Gator shake you definitely got to check that one now that is uh it's one of the best ribs I've ever had man that's good stuff got a little twang to it yeah all right let's get these thrown on the weber smokey mountain as you can see we're holding about about 255 actually and just to show you how accurate this this temperature probe is y'all see me use river country this is like a five inch doll and I got the little short stem so I can put a turkey in there anyway 258 was we're reading on him on the the pit probe in there so we're pretty close man here's the pork butt ninety degrees and there's the brisket 138 see what they look like still got smoke coming man I wish I could smell that smoke from that that oak got a real real nice bourbon smell to it that's looking really nice y'all I mean I don't want to touch it right now but it's looking really nice go ahead throw our pork ribs on here kind of stack them together just like that guys put the lid back on there huh bring up here right and talk to you again I just wanted to mention it it looked like maybe I was throwing that the wood chunks half hazard lis into the carton to the charcoal earlier but what I was doing I forgot to mention it when I was doing it but what I like to do so that I have some smoke at the beginning and at the end I'll throw those wood chunks some of them up close to the center where the hot coals are and though some towards the outer edges so that as the charcoal burns using the minyan method it'll thin out as it burns towards the edges that will heat chunks that are out towards the edge later on in the cook now when I add the chicken I'll probably go ahead and throw some more wood on there just to get some fresh smoke into the chicken there's usually about that time the smoke starting to die down a little bit but we'll check on the see oh and also to level cooking I told you we're doing both grill grates on the weber smokey mountain today now when you do that make sure you cut your poultry below in the middle grade put your poultry down in the middle you don't want to have your poultry on the top and then have beef or pork in the middle because the chicken drippings as the chicken cooks you'll get that those drippings on your meat below and you know could could not be good for you could make you sick okay so just be careful with that always put your poultry in the middle great and put your beef and pork on top now beef and pork if you want to split levels with them you can put either one on top of the other it doesn't matter but with poultry turkey chicken duck anything like that you always want to put that low and put your other meats on top of it unless you're cooking two layers of poultry then it doesn't really matter anyway just another two cents from Ooty Roy there how about that we're gonna keep cooking we will we'll bring you back here and little bit when it's about time to wrap the I think I'm a wrap the brisket in the pork but we'll see but I'll bring out back here in a little bit we'll check on it how about that all right guys we're four hours in right now I'm fixing to show you the the meat of here's the temps anyway the pork butt and the brisket have been sitting at those temps probably about 20 30 minutes had moved not even one degree so they're in the stall I'm gonna go ahead and wrap them I think the bark is set on it the color is looking really nice on them so I'm gonna go ahead and wrap them and let them finish cooking in foil let's take a look at them real quick show you what we got here we are those are looking real nice folks real nice ribs are looking real nice I'm gonna go ahead and spritz them first time I'm spritzing these the ribs have been on about three hours I guess there we go all right let that baby come up to temp again and folks we're gonna let this keep going again the brisket and the pork butter and the stall right now no telling how much longer they've got but anyway we're gonna keep on cooking we're gonna keep maintaining you know to 225 to 250 somewhere in there if it varies 1520 degrees I'm not worried about it we're just gonna let it keep cooking however five hours in time to put that chicken on let's go ahead and show you what we're working with over here now the only downside of using that middle grade is you have to take this upper grade off to get to the middle great got my water bottle in the way there all right let's throw the chicken on there [Music] I just got LED quarters and already seasoned this up I'm actually using trying out a new rub that one of my friends sent me he want me to check it out so he's not selling it and that's why I'm not showing you what it is now so that I don't have to keep taking that upper grade off I'll go ahead and so this thermal works probe in they're gonna hook it into my my smoke x4 that's uh poke it right about it here there we go that put this upper great back on same way it was come on here we go wires are good put lead back on there that's good sure wish I could smell it smelling really nice okay that net hookup my probe I just put in the chicken here fortunately this the smoke x4 it's got four probes you know one one for your cooker and then three for your meat so that works out pretty doggone nice the other thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna throw in some more of these smoke bricks smoker bricks cuz I want to get some smoke on that chicken and smokes pretty much stopped oh and I'm also going to open up the vents on the bottom so that we can get some more heat go on I don't want that chicken to be nice and cooked all right guys throw that door back on here in just second and when we let that chicken cook again hour and a half two hours I'm just gonna open the vents up and see what kind of tips we can get I want a 275 or so maybe a little higher so we'll get that going and we'll check back here in a little bit higher there but it'd be seven hours in right now on this kook bottom vents are wide open right now I have not added any more charcoal and the top vents stayed wide open the whole time but seven hours in since I put on the brisket and the pork butt and as you can see right here from the top we've got the weber smokey mountain she's maintaining about 225 230 has been for wool since I put chicken on actually and then we got the the pork but still needs a little bit more to go the brisket I'll let it go up to 210 and I'm sure it's done I hadn't probed it or anything I haven't even opened up the lid on this representing now since I added the chicken but pork butt needs some more risk is probably done and then the ribs ribs have been on for six hours so I'm fixing to check them and of course the chicken down at the bottom it needs to go some more so let's check and see what we've got inside the weber smokey mountain let me get you a little zuma fication here there we go alright you know what I forgot to get my uh well I don't need it I was gonna say I've got to get my probe you know what I did forget though I forgot to get me some tongs y'all hang on folks I need some tongs check them ribs look at her it's like magic I could have been going thirty minutes and y'all never know it's just in a few seconds alright let's see what we got I know this briskets done while we put that over there somewhere there we go so we got this we're gonna take this off pork butt still got a little bit to go check on these ribs I think the ribs still have a little bit left to go chickens got some more to go all right folks we uh we just don't shut it back down and not shut it down we're just gonna put the lid back on we're gonna let this baby keep on cooking all right it's another hour in eight hours on the pork butt now and seven hours on the pork ribs here's where we're at oh and two hours on the chicken so here's where we're at let's see 198 on the poor but briskets off so just ignore that reading and then the chicken chickens 182 so we definitely know that's done let's check and probe that pork button just just see where it's at okay let me bring you down here so you can see what's going on get your little Zuma fication alright oh and I cranked up the heat opened up all the vents and I kind of stirred the cold up a little bit get them going what's that peachy I want to add us some sausage to [Music] - still feels a little bit tightest it's kind of loose around the the bone right here but but it's still kind of tight on this other end over here I'm thinking these reasons probably done they got plenty of good pool bats on them it look gorgeous yeah these ribs are done folks I'm gonna go ahead and take these ribs off and grab me some gloves real quick here all right are coming off check that out man don't that look good take my sausage here my sausage is looking really good I need to pull that chicken off so we're gonna do that I'm gonna go ahead and remove all this off-camera and pull that chicken off so all we're waiting on which won't be much longer is the pork butt and the sausage still has a little bit left to go all right folks I've cut everything up moment of truth y'all check this out this is my plate right here sausage pulled pork chicken brisket brisket had a nice smoke ring and so did the sort of the pulled pork right here and of course the ribs yeah baby we're gonna give this all a try and see what's going on if folks don't forget these ribs that I use today and the the charcoal basket check the links out down below and please try all that stuff out very very good just hit show more I've got to try me a little bit of brisket first hmm yah it's very peppery that rope from h-e-b is very peppery y'all I might win it might have been a little bit heavy it's not I thought it would actually be salted but it's more pepper so maybe it's a 60/40 split on my pepper or 70/30 it's very peppery I think I mentioned that pool pork had that 5 1 12 seasoning on that again back of the throat a little bit of heat but not much at all it's not like the peppery flavor it's not like the pepper heat that you get from that brisket the pulled pork is good that's the local guy that made that rub 5 or 5 1/2 seasoning it's very good rib eye check this out folks his head uncle Steve shake yeah just plain old rib very very good chicken chicken I know I can't I can't tell y'all what this rub is yet hopefully in the future y'all figure it out mmm yeah yeah no chicken I'll tell you what that's some goo rub hopefully this guy will make it publicly available and I'll be able to put it on the channel so y'all check it out order it from it but everything is good even got a little bit of sausage here from local Elgon sausage company and Iligan Texas just up the road beef sausage real good not as good as Scott's though over Texas sausage company happy Father's Day everybody folks this is fantastic meal appreciate y'all John I feel like this kind of stuff y'all give me some thumbs up if you're not subject please go ahead and subscribe to old T Roy I'd appreciate it and doggone it ain't got nothin right but anyway hope you share the video and when you do please tell all your friends at ear I cook responsibly cheers everybody we'll see y'all next time
Channel: T-ROY COOKS
Views: 94,151
Rating: 4.9383755 out of 5
Keywords: t-roy cooks, troy cooks, wsm, weber smokey mountain, bbq, brisket, pork butt, boston butt, st louis ribs, pork ribs, smoked chicken, smoked ribs, how to, Uncle Steves Shake, Smoker Bricx, 512 Seasoning, barbeque, cooking, meat, smoking, smoker, texas, bbq ribs, how to make, food, barbecue, how to cook, smoked meat, pork, texas brisket, ribs
Id: n1i5ejTH8tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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