Competition Rib Throwdown w/ BBQ Pitmaster Harry Soo and Friends

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[Music] zero chillin in the backyard grill you [Music] do you run Jill in the backyard really showing you that you do [Music] Oh's with the beer whiskey but he cooks responsibly hey everybody welcome to board cooks I appreciate your joining us folks it's gonna be a great weekend I thought I would bring you guys along I got my brother James from Maemo and claim them smokers coming along women we're gonna take a little road trip up to see Justin baby back maniac gonna be great we're gonna be hanging out having a good time cooking of course so it's gonna be great I pick back up when we get to Justin's y'all stay tuned hey guys made it to Justin's house Mian brother James had a good trip and we're fixing do some ribs just for a summer snack on Justin got him a new premium grill Chuck check this out yeah I've got the Primo oval baby folks this is how you start a fire hey Justin that's how you start a find it getting them man we're good wait it's my girl okay yes yeah you're good man good to meet ya regards catch the rear so let me get you some moves after my Aqua Net since your styling gel the best thing in the eighties first cook on [Music] I like hanging out with James he's always cooking something good in there yeah no particular reason these are just for us to snack on later another fantastic weekend hanging out with my brothers the folks that sausages from Texas sausage company this has already smoked his pork and beef mix and these are what they call hot sausages it's all beef and they were not cooked yet but we're gonna check out these ribs brother James a guy going on over here I think he's fixing us awesome up in there right oh yeah we've got that full back yeah haha I'm gonna sauce we fill it on there this is head country apple habanero uh-huh I never had that without two really really good sauce great on pork check out that color y'all get these soft stuff as well you know man but the James knows how to cook some barbecue folks and usually this top side you saw me with a brush on the backside II I usually don't like to do that on the top side just because I want to leave those mark yeah leave those streaks I ride the streaks old on the top the facts are you don't really see it so you know when they sit on there this is the second rack here pick that up I think it's gonna fall apart on me James oh he made it y'all he made it I've done this optometry I don't know the timer to lose a nice first rodeo check that out oh my gosh and as this when we close the lid these the sauce is gonna warm up something as it warms up what's gonna happen is it's gonna spread evenly over the rack so and without the brush marks right hi folks we got these ribs James did on what Kyle they're so good everybody's raving over how good they are you don't see that sausage there - man good stuff good stuff Justin's wife whipped up a little coleslaw mmm-hmm excellent folks yeah hey everybody had one of my fans and fan of James and Justin's over here check him out there you go Jeremy man up barbecue at RMIT ba so we're just hanging out here just having a good time folks which I'll see the guys perhaps tomorrow oh yeah Jeremy again yeah yeah good times folks hey guys I promised you a special guest check this out got two of them actually Kenneth over here how's it going what's new barbecue I'll go check him out and of course BBQ pitmasters champ Harris ooh all right barbecue base on Los Angeles so happy to be here in Elam Texas near Dallas we're cooking in baby back maniac Justin's backyard is for youtubers and one pitmaster from La having fun we're gonna show you the results of us cooking for briskets in four different grades hot and fast on a weber smokey mountain 22 right do i okay I do not cook I did not sever the hits of my animals and I do not sacrifice live animals because people ask me what kind of guru I used to get so many contests are some people I win not because I'm a great cook I win because I understand the fundamental nature of this universe you only get back what you put up so every single piece of food I put out is a little boomerang of love from me to you then the boomerang of love travels around the world comes back much much bigger than I could possibly imagine once you get to the top 50 top 50 teams in America everybody puts up the barbecue but why do I win so many times is because I understand that law of nature when you cook you have to cook with the love from your heart it's not a technical execution it's not the perfection of the meat it's not the perfection of the smoker but it's really the energy that you transmit to the food because when the judges eat your food they can experience your energy they can't just understand why your food is good it's for you perfect sports but it is their energy that you put into your food that is experienced by the judges and that's how this for you a nine nine nine okay all right we're doing an informal retro Throwdown because James and Kenneth decided that since I'm here I might as well cook a little informal rich Throwdown with them here so I am so happy to have to try TOI help me out here and tell me all about YouTube and how to get exposure because I've got lots and lots of videos I want to share you guys but sometimes getting it out getting the word on it's hard so what's what's the name in your channel first stop on YouTube alright so look for Harry sue it's a simple name also that GoDaddy and you'll find me on youtube and I'll be watch all my videos I'll put a link to it down below and up here in the corner for you guys but any any certain things that you have video wise on your channel okay is very simple if you want to learn how to cook first place USA chicken first place USA brisket now and all the different meats I kept a cheap risk I put out all my competition recipes on the internet show you guys all the black belt tricks because I'm going to show something now yeah and you can report it and we talk about what I do on a trip here so it's gonna zoom in a little bit I'll tell you what we have here so here's the same newest style rib and this is a good rib that was picked by James and even though I'm up against him and he's up against me so this is the kind of kind of meat that you want to see the striations and marbling and when you touch the fat it should be soft fat it is hard fat you trim it off like so and then what you want to try to do is look for the ribs that have straight balls that's like that so I'm looking at here my my contest rib entry will be around here I think I only need four pieces right because that's for judging yes right so today I only need to have four I'm gonna be picking them from here so the first rib here is a little bit thin I'm not gonna use it we'll use the second rib so the longest bone is usually one two three four that's the longest bone I want to do a little trim here and cut this off so that it becomes more manageable because a lot of times I said Luis rib is trimmed not exactly correctly so once you hit the forkball you're gonna make a cut parallel so and you notice I don't have a cutting board because I mean I'm at the baby back maniacs house and he invited me over to cook in this backyard and to put a video of Anneliese channel also so I'm gonna do the old-school way of what I call the parking-lot style trimming without cutting board try to do cut off the rib tip here you know hopefully cutting anybody go okay all right this way here and James James James you pick a good rib for me this is a contest rib so congratulations there's the best rack and it's really good and they're gonna use some of my prep product since I brought the rub product here I was supposed to being four bottles of deep rough for the four briskets but I made a mistake when I was running out in the middle of the night and I brought my chicken wrap so the chicken wrap is really good for ribs a lot of the teams around the nation have used my chicken drafted win rib contest so luckily for me I have the rib I have my chicken wrap we prepare I'm gonna use on rib and we're gonna see how this affairs in this informal backyard shootout among some friends and youtubers oh this looks good I don't need this part here so I'm gonna ship it off so there's a backyard barbecue of the folks that is furnace all right so much room in here don't know who you are but they probably seen your face with that so it doesn't intend there was a movie that some people credit starting the barbecue craze in America the movie was called barbecue pitmaster I was lucky enough to be on season 1 they brought me on to the show as the team fish-out-of-water from California and they put me up against three world champions and some other really really high high-end teams but I proved to the world that but even if your backyard from California you can go against some of the world champions and prevail at the end so for those of you who are my fans you saw that in the season finale we could in Dallas Texas and we ended up winning the Grand Champion price for the season finale since then I've been I'm going around all teaching people how to spread barbecue love so today you're gonna see a video of me cooking some ribs against some friends here in babyback maniacs backyard every good tell alright so we get some this step on get someone to rub on the back and I'm gonna use a combination on two rubs the chicken wrap and the meat from here honey down if you open your chicken wrap so I have one layer of beef wrap in one layer of chicken wrap he works really well on port press it down and I like to usually let it sit for about an hour to fighting a tacky so that the salt rough penetrate the beat we don't have an outer surface we'll just wing it because they are subject to same tradition I am right to throw down so go down be byom from the old meat and throw them so just apply a nice even layer I like to go light on the beef wrap and then a little heavier on the chicken rub chicken of got some nice color to it yeah you see it allowed me to win first place USA so in 2010 I won third place overall in the chicken category I've never ever won first place in the USA in anything in my life so I figured I would try to see if I can win first place chicken in 2012 I accomplished my objective so it's you know behind me now so now I put my product onto a bottle so you too can get championship yourself the actual winner of the Houston Livestock in Houston two years ago use my chicken wrap the first place world champion so his name is Doug hiding from rock cookers and he was so kind enough to tell me on the phone that hey you know you don't know who I am but I actually use your up to first place and I use the lifestyle he invited me over I women cook that using live stuff with him on his team go BBQ BBQ opens up great opportunities all you need to do is open your heart and let you know everybody in show people your secrets and that's pretty much it spread the love for the love to the world love is like a boomerang comes back and hits you on the side of the head bigger than you possibly imagined so we're gonna eat you a little bit of barbecue ribs of today maybe back maniacs backyard so here if some of my things want to get some of your rubs where can they find your rubs you can find it on Amazon you can find it on my site also selected a DVD cuter comm so it's pretty much a 12 the 12 ounce is easy to use and it's got really a lot of special products in here like Michael Pachter tell me Harry nobody puts maple honey in their maple sugar in their rap but I said I don't care I'm just interested in winning that's why the name is called moola on the be proper spacer Lauren first place the brisket the chicken are was good for first place so if you guys want there's also all-purpose I didn't bring it but these drops will actually elevate your game take you to championship status in your own backyard I've got an Amazon stew I'll put a link to it in my Amazon store for you guys and a direct link as well there you go thank you we'll see y'all a little bit when we're putting these ribs on the kettle right doom Carcano yeah why not let's do it gonna kill be right back so we hang we put the rib back there okay we people always keep a track so if you going here skip one jump here and then jump on the top so there's three of us competing today so I'll let James and cannot decide which way do you want to go so I I can occupy the outside rack for the time being so the idea is is so you notice very carefully when I was seasoning the rib I carefully pull the rib apart to stretch the the fibers yeah now that I'm cooking I'm gonna compress it back so this is another black belt shape passing on to you alright the other thing I also if you want to show you is that you notice how I have the big and up the big game is up okay we don't do it this way because what we want to try to do is you want gravity to help us so that the retraction of the meat from the bone is helped by gravity to stay down okay so we'll show you guys some black belt tricks about how to get competition looking ribs but that's ready to go I gotta wait for James and Kenneth to put their rib in but we want to kind of get this to go out about 275 so folks as you can see there we're cooking on the frame low not the kettle we've spur-of-the-moment changes like this happen when you got hairy sue in the house you gotta stay on your toes it's real important it's gonna be great it's fun Peter Pan's here so we got Harry finishing up his this is again a Throwdown with some so we got James he's in the middle there Harry's is on the front and Kenneth with this on the back back here look at that bright red again I meant to put - yeah you'd need to put yours in the middle there work click we're gonna find out whose ribs are the best along with these briskets we're cooking all right so we got the ribs on hey wants to win so he's gonna wrap his ribs oh what's that you doing between the learning something new but if something burnt or is it just that little token rocks of the Justice Kennedy a second like I'll trip show you guys here push you down to the membrane some lemon if candy angle with a mango today that's my favorite to learn you'll have an error I'm talking you got that yeah effect you did it's totally independent yeah that's your egg I'm not sure who's brown sugar but thank you that's James a lot of people use honey do you ever use honey [Music] [Music] nice helping your brown sugar well no we we're doing our rib rack but do you normally do when you wrap it that you do the meat side down on you side up you know that's because the meat will fit on the wolves you'll be sitting in the juice yeah gotcha we can pull the whole track out this editor on the table [Music] oh that's you yet you do the rope it's you right yeah this is it yeah yeah but your house in the middle you're right we're in the back all right I've been eyeballing the wrong ones all day yeah we didn't rotate no that's it for the gyms you live really look good man dueling cameras yeah yeah yeah exactly there you go love you bro yeah here there we go do you think you know yeah yeah there you go all right folks Kenneth's gonna do his video here and I what do you need I did not didn't bring anything as far as when I rapped so I'm lucky enough to be able to use a little bit of what we found here at Justin's with effort at T Roy as well so I appreciate y'all we season these ribs right off the bat with holy gospel from meat Church that's what we were working with as far as seasoning is concerned and I'm just gonna put a nice little layer on here cuz when you wrap your ribs and you put juice in there and everything you lose a lot of the flavor that you started with and you don't want to lose that flavor Texas pepper jelly as well mango habanero my favorite right there and not a whole lot just a little bit hey Justin hey Troy I know Harry Sue's here but we we got cannon here I know man he's a pit master himself I appreciate y'all y'all y'all know that I started out barbecuing on my own and just enjoy doing it but y'all are definitely something that has motivated me and long-run to do more than just barbecue so I appreciate y'all's support sure Thank You Man I've got some great videos backside I'm assuming all of y'all who lived in membranes right yes the membrane was removed Matador crimes sake ribs come oh so that's Matador so we need it it's inside brother James you didn't you didn't shoot you didn't show was doing your as it as opposed to this competition no I see how you are you know myself there you go with there you go Kenneth don't care okay especially since it's not his usual stuff he's just using whatever Justin had hey you know I'm make it work don't like I said we can flip off these ribs around yeah well hey I should never hurt nobody though great a little Valley so you lose the juice oh hey Mingo and this is thanks to brother James like I said I didn't have anything here they know exactly what we were gonna do so so here Williams I get half the money tell you what we're just having a blast out here I mean normally we would be having a blast but you also have hairy Sudhir just running around like a wild and crazy blast wish I could join us I'm Glenn would be able to bring it to you though it's fun kinnison in the back that doesn't seem right [Music] alright I'll find in 20 so the first thing you want to do is always the scrape on a back burner I finally placed first night ball trick is this ah hello water spritzer Sunday all your lips light on and then they're not gonna get initiative accordingly okay all right so look and you flip it over this looks pretty good so we flip it over and then since our you have a blowout in the tasted blow up Sally super glue on each side here should I look at her we'll see ya sorry what no I'm looking for the best cuts here mm-hmm see do the dark should be soft this side looks better so here's a trick here so what do we do is we line the bone up to here this one here right you're gonna line it up here like that so when I cut it diagonally the bone is diagonal but when I cut the slice it'll look straight I like this see right okay so if this was not a blowout you'll be fine fine okay what a blow up I'm sorry okay a blowout is when the bones blow out so for example here I have a blowout the bone fell completely out so that's not the desirable ribs but this is it you know so this is a blowout here so when you have a rib Expo completely exposed that's not so cool what is known as a blow-off but it's not bad okay so I try to get it straight not bad back here our barbecued O'Hare it's all good man you're right I'm surely good straight-cut Jesus is here we do with temperature mop up here a little bit and then my sauce is here tonight there so you'll find out this thing I saw so try the real hurry arranged in the box this is beyond salvation this is burnt this part is no good this these three are not bad so it is also not blow up this these three will be acceptable for competition and I'm going to taste the piece here so okay next next level [ __ ] is straight bottle is here so I have three pieces maybe a pop one little bit harder that's okay good morning he was trained in the water all right now for the glossiness and then who's got that salt thing where you shaking you Oh popcorn salt console no oh sovereign okay not the greatest but what we're trying to do gonna do five things at a time hey folks look I got behavior back maniac of course look yeah I am filming this a second ago he puts the camera I'm not filming you're so gullible no I see we're all doing rib I'm not either but you know we're taste testers here today James Kenneth and Harry Sood they're doing ribs baby back baby I don't rip and that's naming his chin oh yeah we be good all right either brother James's ribs over here brother James is just kind of like blocking my views almost swinging around here folks here we go oh yeah baby now we're talking oh yeah we low-riding now oh yeah deep deep background James we've never done this before that first time first time so so like in a cop these here I wouldn't these aren't even be considered for turn and so I don't even bother and that's that's the end part so they're a lot thinner they're gonna tend to be more dried out so usually and then I talked about this in my one of my last videos there's a certain part of the rib that I will choose from okay here I think I think you really just wanted to cook some ribs - I did can't blame you for that you know that's a bit more dried out by yet so that goes aside but we leave it on because it protects these other ribs here and in Iraq we turn in nine ribs at a competition for the most part or most of the time so I'll take three racks and I've picked from right in here right in the middle well usually there's usually about three or four ribs that I would choose from which would usually about these and then the other rack same thing you know these three or four ribs right here at the top where the rack a sticker and you know what I left my sauce inside oh we're getting a quick yeah that Apple and and a baster and this is what you call doing videos of being able to edit folks when we come back you've got throw some sauce on here folks we got ribs going on over here some real competition cooking but I just want to let y'all know we got brisket nice brisket here's a brisket there's a brisket I've got briskets over here to start going folks we got four briskets and yeah you're right y'all gonna have to go check out brother James mmm claim the smokers brother Justin over a baby back maniac and Kenan dude I apologize I keep forgetting the name of your channel bar what's new barbecue Thank You Justin understandable links will be down below in the description box here we'll check them out to see how these briskets turned out folks promise just gonna be fantastic with Harry sue here and everybody else helping along we having a great time let's finish up this rib video all right so these four will be the four that I choose from sprints them down I like to press them down because when you when I reapply the salt what its gonna do is it gives it a nice smooth coating for that salsa kind of spread out a little bit as we're based on him I put the sauce all over huh that's right so that we you get flavor all the way around that rib come back a dusting rub when you got that black label on there James you don't know what I'm using that's er yeah it's good a light coating on top look kicker yes just a tad no flavor normally I would grind this up in a coffee grinder so it's a little more fine and you don't have you don't see the blotches on here but for today this'll work yeah this isn't concrete just having fun and that's it good deal and those would be the ribs of mitosis cool now we're gonna get Kenneth to come out and cut his so we can actually see what the differences are and taste them okay so we got Kenneth here he's doing ribs I think it's better since you're right-handed I'm going this side dude it's easier to see from this angle this is looking good and we got four judges for Jess yeah yeah yeah here's Harry y'all checking out Jim is here Kim with no penis I'm sorry can I put my name that's alright we're getting four in this Jason over there just say hey Jason thanks Henry those look good what do you need sorry Monty come on I mean he helps a lot food kena has a secret sauce over here folks he needs a fresh brush because you don't want to use anybody else's sauce on his brush a little bit behind you know I give him a shout-out at the end of the day but he didn't somebody of chigan huh what happens when you have all the youtubers here firepower hanging you be firepower have you undergone I'm the only guy with a galaxy eight here yeah well I'll have a good time maybe firepower here whatever happens we always have a good time hanging out can I see em we always eat good to ribs brisket ribs brisket playin got some oh yeah and a bit the Vista go bit yeah its lucky bit but above it yeah we've got some sausage too from the Texas Texas sausage company nope but I need to throw it off so we can eat it ok all right there you go good man will extra pop at the end we'll call it contestant one contestant two and contestant three and we have four pieces for four judges yes Eddie's going to be the tiebreaker he's gonna be a tie I will decide which we team wins by a fistfight arm-wrestle okay here we go okay first bite here contestant number one Troy cooks and Troy tastes remember you gotta give a poker face okay you can't spit out you cannot make yeah make ugly faces and okay that's different baby back man yeah okay good so for this then do a game addict yeah that's a boy Lloyd taste test that one texture alone this one it is so far the winner oh my gosh this was a whole lot better flavor on those the clean bite - wonderful yes it CBS detector I think the flavors are about the same on open like this second one her texture come on I'm actually going confirmed that well so that's my favorite as well yeah okay I got a clean by here but this one that tough yeah and I gotta listen to do know that whoever had this play comes brewed at their records yeah this this was tough tough this one has a lot of apple cider vinegar flavor which is too much for me personally in a load of this this one okay for me this one that's this one okay this one was really tough had a good flavor but uh this one had a little bit too much apple cider vinegar flavor to me go to tart but the yeah the actual tenderness was there I mean I got a nice bite through this one by far in my vision here what's the best I'm gonna I'm gonna say probably just one minutes for me to but I like the flavor of this one has really good flavor unless they didn't if it didn't have didn't get a bad record ribs because it's just I think I would I like that one all three fantastic and if I would have eaten this and only had that oh yeah I would have loved it but it's just good yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna go say great place this one third place all right so Tory is voted Justin you want to vote I agree I find this one then move on 2003 when the flavors of this yes flavor was good okay and the third there judge what do you want I'm definitely to to this first place that's good just because the flavor I'm going for that one even though that was a lot tougher okay and this was good too but just unfortunately the texture on this one beat yeah okay and now let's review somebody look underneath the plate you see what initials are ready to plate here we have Jay Jay I wonder who's Jay and James mm and cleaner so you wanna do a victory pump here on behalf of the viewers here okay yeah camera okay okay victory pop-up video viewers here boom right Shh all right cool all right good job James yeah all right so on our honorable mention the other the other two run apps okay so just just the two of us here [Laughter] Kenneth good job Ken is it Kenneth go forward man appreciate a good job yeah it is my really bad rib okay like gonna be mushy they were like overdone oh yeah because I was a [ __ ] the flavors are more like competition style flavors me take a buyout this one is the one right go on my own yeah right mm-hmm maybe it just cooled off I just adding could be properly but uh pretty wise pretty decent trying to resolve I feel ready yeah I think you've got a proportion is a so you guys okay cool well thanks guys that was awesome I enjoyed that folks we still got a lot more video it goes yeah it is what it is the vinner [Music] people assume they have well then a mrs. Potter exactly yeah James cook some ribs last night arrey and they were just out of this world I actually think they were better than these names tell us what you made was that the way you cooked last night I think they were better than these yeah we're all good I think Harry messed up because we had her run with the storm try to find like rack of ribs so many things going on I should be watching I wasn't watching the brisket so we are corporate we also have me trying to post a youtube video it has a Facebook can answer you to comment I'm telling you all three of these were awesome hi folks you see we made it back to my beautiful backyard here in Austin had a fantastic trip visiting with Justin mean Harry sue didn't hook up with we hooked up with Jeremy and also Kenneth from Western you what's new barbecue Kenneth I can't never remember you name your channel dude I was on the Hickory heat in North Texas BBQ addicts on Facebook right correct here you go big time shout-out Kenneth there you go anyway we all took footage I'm glad James was able to make the trip with me cuz it made it a whole lot more fun than traveling by myself up to Dallas so thank you hey thanks for having me what you think about Harry soon man listen Harry shoot someone that I looked up to you the idled mind when it comes to the barbecue world so for me I was like a kid in a candy store and just you know just super excited just told me it is loving everything every word out of his mouth man yeah this guy is a down-to-earth guy he didn't hold back any secrets he was willing to share I liked that all his chips and tricks you know his his ideal is that barbecue is you know too good to like just keep himself and if he could share it with other people his his way of thinking is if he puts something out like a boomerang it a come back to him ten what goes around comes around and it definitely had for him so he doesn't mind sharing the stuff which is you know really refreshing I enjoyed that too yeah he's just down earth guy Energizer Bunny like go go go go go not man yeah but super super dice and man I you know first of all to think brother Troy for yeah bringing me along with the road trip think brother Jason for for the invite you you made my my year appreciate you coming and joining us but that folks we're fixing it the pool is it's hot out here folks so we had a blast jumper check out brother James over named them claim smokers Justin baby back maniac Harry Sue's channel on YouTube as actually Harry sue and Kenan and what younger barbers what's new barbecue Thank You min and Jeremy you don't have a channel yet but shout out to Jeremy as well as he's a fan but yeah man y'all nice ed young gimme some subs y'all check out these other guys channels cuz they've got a lot more footage than I did I'm just kind of doing behind the scenes trying to you know get you to go see their channel but uh anyway I appreciate y'all joining us do you like this kind of stuff y'all see some more behind the scenes now give me some thumbs up thanks again brother James appreciate you going without me wouldn't been the same without brother James and Justin and everybody else that was there hope y'all share the video folks and when you do please tell all your friends that TiVo it cooks responsibly cheers everybody
Channel: T-ROY COOKS
Views: 60,166
Rating: 4.9269881 out of 5
Keywords: Competition BBQ, Competition BBQ Ribs, BBQ, Harry Soo, slap yo daddy bbq, barbecue, YouTube, bbq pitmaster, Troy Cooks, T-ROY COOKS, how to make, how to, St Louis Ribs, Baby Back ribs, baby back maniac, aim em and claim em, Pork, How-to, ribs, smoked ribs, smoking ribs, texas, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, Primo, Kamado Joe, BGE, Big Green Egg, weber smokey mountain, tasty, charcoal, brisket, smoke, bbq ribs, barbeque, Texas Pepper Jelly, Rib Candy
Id: 7o9r7e5NXX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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